導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 放牛班的春天電影英語介紹


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㈠ 鎬ラ』錛滄斁鐗涚彮鐨勬槬澶╋紴鐨勮嫳鏂囧墽鎯呯畝浠 鑻辨枃鍚嶅彨鈥滾ES CHORISTES鈥


榪欑數褰辯殑鑻辨枃璇戝悕涓篢he chorus


By getting nominated for Academy Awards in both the Foreign Language Film and Best Song categories, Les Choristes (The Chorus) made a rare (for a European film) double impression at the 2004 Oscars. This sentimental tale follows the arrival of a new teacher at a remote boys school in 1949 France (the war is a largely unspoken but ghostly presence). With disciplinary problems rampant, and the policies of the old-fashioned headmaster not helping, Monsieur Mathieu decides to introce choral singing as a way to bridge the gap with his students. You don't need a crystal ball to figure out where this will go, although the movie uses its atmospheric location and lush vocal arrangements well. Bald, mpy Gerard Jugnot provides a refreshingly offbeat hero (though securely in the traditions of the My Most Memorable Teacher movie); he's sort of a younger Philippe Noiret. Director Christophe Barratier works in the winsome-cute mode that makes a certain kind of French movie into an overly sweet bon bon, although at least this bon bon sings. --Robert Horton

"Les Choristes" ("The Chorus") is a familiar story about a teacher that comes into a school and makes a difference for students that nobody else cares about. Even when you narrow down the category to include teachers who use music you should be able to name enough movies in this genre to fill up at least one hand full of fingers. In fact, the only thing that might make this 2004 film different from the others you have seen from "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" to "Music of the Heart," is that it in French. That is because "Les Choristes" takes place in France.

At the start of this movie a man (Jacques Perrin) is awaken with news that someone has died. We learn that the man is a great conctor and when he goes home for the funeral there is another man (Didier Flamand) waiting for him. Many years ago they were students together at the Fond de l'Etang boarding school. Although this is not the best of circumstances, the other man has something to share with the conctor. The notebook of the man who was their teacher and who taught them how to sing. The opening page of the notebook is a sketch of the entrance to their school and the drawing transforms into a camera shot and we are back to the beginning of our story.

In 1949 Clement Mathieu (Gerard Jugnot) arrives at Fond de l'Etang to be the new prefect. His introction to the students is when Rachin (Franciois Berleand), the head of the school, is disciplining the entire school because no one will admit to being the one who injured one of the teachers with a prank. Mathieu is a tad overweight and bald, so before the students even know his name they are calling him "Chrome Dome." He knows even less about the boys, but clearly he does not like the way they are being treated and he takes a series of different approaches in dealing with them. A failed musician, Mathieu hears the boys signing a derogatory song about them and uses that as the inspiration to create a chorus. His motives are not exactly pure, because I think his primary goal at first is to hear his own music being sung. But in time they move on to something more formidable (I think it was Jean-Phlippe Rameau's "La Nuit").

Three of the students stand out. Pierre Morhange (Jean-Baptiste Maunier), is one of the leaders of the boy and the least able to admit to having an interest in singing, but he has the voice of an angel. Pepinot (Maxence Perrin) is one of the smallest boys and an orphan, who believes that his father will come for him on a Saturday. The newcomer to the school is Mondain (Gregory Gatignol), a bully who is content to be hit over and over again because that is the world in which he lives. I appreciated the fact that Mathieu does not save them all, and that his legacy is not only with hi students but with the other teachers at the school. In a story that is fairly predictable, there is a grace note at the end that comes with what should be an unexpected turn of events. Beyond that it is the earnestness of the performances that elevates "Les Choristes" above other films in this genre. Your only complaint might be that you wish there was more singing from the boys once they get their act together.

㈡ 放牛班的春天 英文影評

"Spring of the Cattle Class" is the French version of the "spicy teacher."

The theme structure is not new, but it is easy and funny, warm and lovely to the extreme, and reflects the respect for teachers and the concern for the problem students, arouses the resonance of people's hearts.

No beauties, no violence, no action, and not much in the way of commercial elements, it's a clean SLATE.

With the most classical techniques to tell the most pure story, will be long besieged by the "movie machine" of the audience's heart thoroughly cleaned.








㈢ 德國的一部電影

《放牛班的春天》(原名:Les Choristes)



Choristes, Les

Chorists .....(International: English title)

Kinder des Monsieur Mathieu, Die .....(Germany)

The Chorus .....(USA)

The Choir .....(International: English title)

The Choir Boys

Christophe Barratier

傑拉爾·朱諾Gérard Jugnot .....Clément Mathieu

狄迪爾·弗拉蒙Didier Flamand .....Pépinot alte

雅克·貝漢Jacques Perrin .....Pierre Morhange alte

尚-巴提 。莫里耶Jean-Baptiste Maunier
劇情 / 音樂

96 分鍾

法國 德國 瑞士

嘉拉蒂影業公司 Galatée Films(法國)

米拉麥克斯公司 Miramax(美國)




杜比數碼環繞聲 DTS

Rated PG-13 for some language/sexual references and violence.

Singapore:PG Argentina:Atp Australia:M Iceland:16 USA:PG-13 UK:12A Germany:6 Switzerland:7 Switzerland:10 Finland:K-7 Netherlands:MG6

5,500,000 (estimated)


Christophe Barratier

Georges Chaperot .....(1945 story La Cage aux rossingols) &
René Wheeler .....(1945 story La Cage aux rossingols)
René Wheeler .....(1945 screenplay La Cage aux rossingols) &
Noël-Noël .....(1945 screenplay La Cage aux rossingols)
Christophe Barratier .....(screen story)
Christophe Barratier .....(screenplay) &
Philippe Lopes-Curval .....(screenplay)

傑拉爾·朱諾 Gérard Jugnot .....Clément Mathieu
狄迪爾·弗拉蒙 Didier Flamand .....Pépinot alte
雅克·貝漢 Jacques Perrin .....Pierre Morhange alte
弗朗西斯·貝爾蘭德 François Berléand .....Rachin
凱德·麥拉德 Kad Merad .....Chabert
Jean-Paul Bonnaire .....La Père Maxence
瑪麗·布奈爾 Marie Bunel .....Violette Morhange
尚-巴堤·莫里耶 Jean-Baptiste Maunier .....Pierre Morhange
Maxence Perrin .....Pépinot
Grégory Gatignol .....Mondain
Thomas Blumenthal .....Corbin
Cyril Bernicot .....Le Querrec
Simon Fargeot .....Boniface
Théol Carré-Cassaigne .....Leclerc
Philippe Du Janerand .....Monsieur Langlois
Carole Weiss .....La Comtesse
Erick Desmarestz .....Le Docteur Dervaux
Paul Chariéras .....Régent
Armen Godel .....Le médecin
Monique Ditisheim .....Le mère Marie
Steve Gadler .....Assistant Pierre Morhange
Fabrice Dubusset .....Carpentier
Marielle Coullon .....Madame Rachin
Michel Caccia .....(uncredited)

Arthur Cohn .....procer
Léonard Glowinski .....associate procer
傑拉爾·朱諾 Gérard Jugnot .....associate procer
Romain Le Grand .....associate procer
Nicolas Mauvernay .....procer
雅克·貝漢 Jacques Perrin .....procer
Ruth Waldburger .....associate procer


世界著名指揮家皮埃爾·莫安琦(Pierre Morhange,雅克·佩蘭飾)重回法國故地出席母親的葬禮,他的舊友(戴迪亞·費拉蒙飾)送給他一本陳舊的日記,看著這本當年音樂啟蒙老師克萊門特(Clement Mathieu,傑勒德·尊諾飾)遺下的日記,皮埃爾慢慢細味著老師當年的心境,一幕幕童年的回憶也浮出自己記憶的深潭……

克萊門特是一個才華橫溢的音樂家,不過在1949年的法國鄉村,他沒有發展自己才華的機會,最終成為了一間男子寄宿學校的助理教師,這所學校有一個外號叫「水池底部」,因為這里的學生大部分都是難纏的問題兒童。到任後克萊門特發現學校的校長(Francois Berleand飾)以殘暴高壓的手段管治這班問題少年,體罰在這里司空見慣,性格沉靜的克萊門特嘗試用自己的方法改善這種狀況,閑時他會創作一些合唱曲,而令他驚奇的是這所寄宿學校竟然沒有音樂課,他決定用音樂的方法來打開學生們封閉的心靈。

克萊門特開始教學生們如何唱歌,但事情進展得並不順利,一個最大的麻煩製造者就是皮埃爾·莫安琦(Jean·Baptiste Maunier飾),皮埃爾擁有天使的面孔和歌喉卻有著令人頭疼的性格,諄諄善誘的克萊門特把Pierre的音樂天賦發掘出來,同時他也與皮埃爾的母親產生了一段微妙感情。










·創作靈感來源於關夜鶯的籠子Cage aux rossignols, La (1945)。








[Arriving at the school, Mathieu sees a small boy waiting by the gate]

Clément Mathieu: What are you doing?


Pépinot enfant: I'm waiting for Saturday. My father is coming to collect me.


Clément Mathieu: But it's not Saturday today.



Chabert: Action. Reaction.



Clément Mathieu: You see evil everywhere.


Chabert: Here? Yes.



[Chabert is dragging a boy off for punishment] (夏伯特正托著一個孩子即將懲罰他)

Clément Mathieu: What are you doing?


Chabert: He stole my watch. From my room.


Clément Mathieu: Where are you taking him?


Chabert: Dungeon.


Clément Mathieu: Wait!


Chabert: Why?


[Chabert and the boy disappear into the school] (夏伯特和男孩消失在學校)

Clément Mathieu: He's my only baritone.



《Concerto pour deux voix》, 即「雙童聲協奏曲」,男聲JB Maunier(Jean-Baptiste Maunier)為「放牛班的春天」里的小男主角,女聲Clémence Saint-Preux為原曲作家的女兒。全曲沒有一句歌詞,只是兩個曼妙的童聲在音樂的襯托下穿梭游離的,這種形式不失為展現最真切天籟歌喉的最佳方式,一切歌詞的修飾都是多餘的。原曲是由音樂家Saint-Preux所作的「Concerto for one voice」,如今改編成童聲合唱,Clemence & Jean-Baptiste Maunier把美妙的童聲演繹的淋漓盡致。

㈣ 電影,放牛班的春天的名字用英文怎麼讀,還有電影中幾個主人公的簡短英文介紹

放牛班的春天英文The Chorus讀作[ðə ˈkɔːrəs]。角色介紹如下:


He went to work as an assistant teacher at a boys' boarding school nicknamed tong Low. Most of the students are difficult, troubled children, corporal punishment is common, and the school principal is tyranical and oppressive, concerned with his own future.

With a calm personality, he tried to improve the situation with his own methods. He re-created music works, organized the choir, and decided to use music to open the closed hearts of students. Love music career, the most selfless love dedicated to the children.





㈤ 奼傘婃斁鐗涚彮鐨勬槬澶┿嬭繖閮ㄧ數褰辯殑鑻辮鏂囩畝浠 涓鐧懼瓧宸﹀彸涓嶈佸お闀 蹇蹇蹇 鏆戝亣浣滀笟鍟

On 15 January 1949, the former music teacher Cl茅ment Mathieu (G茅rard Jugnot) arrives in "Fond de l' Etang" ("Bottom of the Well"), a boarding school for orphans and problematic boys, to work as an inspector. The place is administrated with iron fist by the cruel director Rachin (François Berl茅and), and most of the boys have severe punishments for their faults. Cl茅ment decides to teach the boys to sing in a choir in their spare time, and identify the musical potential of the rebel Pierre Morhange (Jean-Baptiste Maunier), the son of a beautiful single mother for whom he feels a crush. He also has a special feeling for the young P茅pinot (Maxence Perrin), a boy that expects the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate, but indeed lost his parents in the war. With his methods, Cl茅ment changes the lives of the boys, of the other employees and his own.

㈥ 一篇放牛班的春天英文影評100詞左右

After watching the film, I realized that this "cattle herding class" has nothing to do with the real "cattle herding class". The so-called "cattle herding class" refers to a group of troubled teenagers, their personality, temper and their short but complicated life course. Spring is a hope, a "re" meaning, a winter. After that, everything recovered, a symbol of vitality.

The story takes place in France, a suburb of a small town, with such a strict system of juvenile schools. The students in this school did not become clever because of such strict control. Instead, they became a group of children who were not ecated and only used force to solve problems. Nevertheless, no one knows that in such seemingly hopeless children's young hearts, wonderful dreams are quietly sublimating. With such innocent dreams, they met a man who could change their destiny - Matthew.

In movies, the director not only has no patience for the children, but also often imposes severe corporal punishment on the children who have made mistakes. For example, he confines the children in the confinement room alone, ignores the children's fear and fear. Matthew is totally different. He is full of love for the children. He is not blindly partial to the children who have made mistakes. Instead, they were given the chance to change their ways. Under his guidance, every child regained their confidence and found their own spring.

On the way of learning, the influence of teachers on students can be said to be infinite. A bad teacher can destroy a child's life. On the contrary, a good teacher, often with a gentle encouragement and a positive look, can let others see the hopeless bad students and find themselves again. The direction of my life.

When a good teacher is so important, it is very difficult because it is a great learning to teach students with different personalities and qualifications in accordance with their aptitude. In my opinion, "patience" is a good teacher. The most important thing is to have it. Don't yell at students, even fight with each other, No. To give up any student, as long as we use love and confidence, one day the students will become beautiful butterflies.

Matthew, he's like a kind shepherd. He found a group of lost lambs with love. Illuminate the way with love, guide them with love. I want to say: this is not a miracle, but a miracle of love. When disciplining boarding students, students form a choir, inspire their children's potential with music, let wild boys become shining angels, and use pure music to call back their cold hearts for a long time. I clearly remember one of the lines: "Wait a minute, he is my only bass voice." This sentence is full of his dedication to the cause of ecation; equal to people, regardless of the value, equal attitude.

I remember last semester when Ms. Shanglei's "Principles of Ecation" emphasized that "everyone is a complete world, should be respected, and existence is valuable". In accepting the principal's task, Mato put forward three conditions: first, not to punish students corporally; second, let me punish students who committed crimes; third, not to reveal their names. All of them reflect his concern for young people's spirituality and humanity.

Finally, everything in this class changed. Beautiful scenes of spring emerge in every child's mind. What they felt from Matthew was no longer the fear of making mistakes every day, but graally transformed into fatherly love.



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