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發布時間:2024-06-07 11:30:43

㈠ 速求隨便一部電影的簡介 要用英文的 並寫上自己為什麼喜歡 也用英文 字數呢 要說兩分鍾的

簡介:Father and two sisters as to the country, at home under a tree next to find that only the boy can see TOTORO. During this period there have been many incredible and interesting stories. One day, my sister and sister millet quarrel after they leave to find their own sick mother in hospital. The way they lost. Sister, looking for the case of no avail, had to resort to TOTORO. Kind Totoro trams, carrying my sister found a lost sister, and gentle TOTORO summoned riding on trams Totoro, sister to pick corn by hand to give a mother, I hope she get well soon. The original translation <neighbor's TOTORO>,
the domestic translation <action sequence>. <action sequence> This film is filled with children
coloring and warm affection, the success
of the audience into a magical fairy tale world. Is a
rare masterpiece. TOTORO can be said of Mr.
Miyazaki the most successful role in the pen,
it is also the endorsement of Studio Ghibli Hayao
Miyazaki image of Studio Ghibli every work has a
TOTORO the LOGO screen
<My Neighbor Totoro Introction>龍貓 。。
為什麼喜歡。Fantastic colors, fairy-tale story, simple and honest chinchillas,
warm family, hard to forget memories,
your impression is not as difficult as I have forgotten?
Is not also want to meet such a cute animal?
Watch《 My Neighbor Totoro》, but I saw the dream. . .

㈡ 龍貓經典台詞中英文版_龍貓中英文版經典台詞


龍貓 經典台詞 中英文版【精選版】

I sometimes silence is not happy, just want to get the heart. Sometimes you need to step back, clear up, and remind yourself of who I am and where I am going.


Some troubles, lost, have a clear chance.


Have an umbrella is great, but the umbrella in tears.


The most distant travel, from their own body to their own heart, is from a person's heart to another person's heart.


No problem, don't worry, everything will be all right.


If your childhood again show again, we will first laugh, then cry, finally with tears, smiles and sleeps again.


When a fat paper is nothing bad, at least it can warm the other people.


Will be able to meet the angels in good faith.


Laugh loudly, not so scared.


It does not harm, nor what to fear, they smile, they will not harm you.

I often miss childhood, it is rable, good quality.


People always sink in the memory, those who pass by our lives crying, laughing.


Recognize the world, and love it. In this life, you may not be in this world. Some troubles, lost, have a clear chance.


Life will be better to a certain extent, because it can't be worse. After the effort, just know a lot of things, adhere to.


We laughed and had a look. It was terrible. It ran away.


Life will be better to a certain extent, because it can't be worse. After the effort, just know a lot of things, adhere to adhere to, come over.


Only good children will see totoro.


We laugh at, terrible things will be gone.


If your childhood again show again, we will first laugh, then cry, finally with tears, smiles and sleeps again. I sometimes silence is not happy, just want to get the heart.


Some worry, lost will have the opportunity to Phoenix light.


When you can't have it, the only thing you can do is not to forget.


Some obstacles in life, you can not escape. With so much trouble around the past, not brave to climb, perhaps this will cast your highs.


Maybe people who live in the world are just waiting for a chance encounter, a timely encounter, the time is right, you will meet.


What time we started to like children wantonly shout and wrangle? In the heart of the little emotion piled up as high as the mountain, until the overflow. With it, it is better to be like a child forever.




1. 《蠟筆小新》經典語錄

2. 龍貓經典台詞

3. 崎駿動畫電影中最經典的十大配樂

4. 龍貓經典溫情台詞

5. 關於羋月傳電視劇經典台詞

㈢ 宮崎駿 龍貓 翻譯成英文 淺顯易懂最好 不要在線翻譯工具的結果 謝謝

in this story, the two sisters moved into the country side with their father, they found TOTORO under a tree beside their house, only good kids can see him.
meantime, a lot of unbelieveable things happened. One day, sister millet and her sister got into a small fight and decided to find her sick and hospitalized mother. But she got lost on the way, her sister couldn't find her so she decided to seek help from TOTORO.
TOTORO called the cat's train, she got on and found her little sister. On the train, the little sister gave the corn she picked to their mother, whishing her get well soon.
The movie TOTORO is about a normal girl wanting love from her family, hayao miyazaki used TOTORO and ficition, nothing fancy, everything is very natural, a bit sad, and even though TOTORO didn't say anything through out the movie and was hardly seen, he was still loved.
Also, don't forget about the train, those toys will always be taken home by somebody. i believe for those who watched TOTORO, they will understand that the feelings between these sisters is very deep.

㈣ 以電影《龍貓》為題的英語作文初中水平

"My Neighbor Totoro" is Studio Ghibli and Tokuma launched in 1988 an animated film by Hayao Miyazaki directed. Film is a description of the height of Japan's economic development before the existence of the natural beauty, the only child to see the magical world and rich imagination. Satsuki film about the hero after his mother is ill in hospital, with her father and year-old sister Ada to live countryside. They feel for where the environment is very strange, also we found some interesting things.

㈤ 求宮崎駿《龍貓》英語簡介

My Neighbor Totoro is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and proced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1988. The film was originally released in the U.S. on VHS and Laserdisc with the title, My Friend Totoro.



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