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❶ 電影《阿凡達》講了什麼

電影資料 片名:阿凡達 又名:化身/神之化身 英文片名:Avatar 國家/地區:美國 區域:歐美 出品: 發行:二十世紀福克斯 Twentieth Century Fox 類型:動作 冒險 科幻 導演: 詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron 編劇:詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron 主演:薩姆·沃辛頓Sam Worthington 佐伊·索爾達娜Zoe Saldana 西格妮·韋弗Sigourney Weaver 希·龐德CCH Pounder 米歇爾·羅德里格茲Michelle Rodriguez 分級:美國PG-13 上映時間:2009年12月28日 詳細劇情 未來世界,科技發達,外星已不再那麼神秘。潘多拉星,一個有著900英尺高的參天古樹,有著星羅棋布漂浮於半空的群山,有著奇花異草的茂密森林的星球,是人類最新的發現。然而,讓地球人興奮不已的,並不是它表面環境與地球近似或是其上有供動植物生存的可能,而是一種礦產——一種每公斤價值2000萬美金的稀有礦產。 馬克思他老人家金口玉言:「資本家為了百分之五十的利潤就會鋌而走險。」前景無限的稀有珍品,人類又怎捨得讓它從指縫中溜走?為了取得潘多拉星的資源,阿凡達計劃——又名「化身」計劃——正式開啟。此計劃打算以人類與潘多拉星球上納美人的DNA混血,以生物技術培養出身高近三米的阿凡達,並以人類的思維控制,以便於不知不覺中潛入潘多拉星,並伺機采尋礦產送回地球。先不用提放棄地球人的身份被改裝為外星人的心理落差,像所有實驗一樣,阿凡達計劃存在著許多未知的風險。而且,隻身潛入危險重重的潘多拉星球,必然面臨隨時犧牲的可能。但對於受傷之後雙腿癱瘓、必須以輪椅代步的前海軍隊員傑克(薩姆·沃辛頓)來說,能再次站起來,哪怕是以外星異形的身軀,他也感激涕零。 「歡迎來到你的新身體!」在自願接受實驗之後,傑克睜開眼的一瞬間,看見的是藍色的腳趾頭——新生的「他」身高3米,全身深藍,尖耳朵和面部形似貓科,皮膚呈現水紋狀的美麗紋路,還生出了強健的尾巴……從外形看來,他活脫脫就是一名納美人的土著戰士。 以「阿凡達」之身,打入納美人內部,挖走礦產,帶回地球,在習慣了執行命令的傑克看來,這本該是很單純的任務。然而到達潘多拉星之後,他幾乎被眼前如同夢中奇幻花園般的美景驚呆!一次意外,傑克結識了納美人涅蒂莉(佐伊·薩爾達娜)。在逐漸的了解中,他真正體會到了納美人的淳樸善良,甚至開始認同潘多拉星球的文明,為地球人的貪婪霸道而汗顏。他沒想到,自己的出現,將會給潘多拉星球帶來意想不到的浩劫…… 影片看點 當泰坦尼克撞上冰山,當海洋之心拋入水底,當各大影院差點被踏破門檻,當紙巾業收益因為萬千少女的眼淚高歌猛進,世人都以為,創下幾乎不可撼動的影史奇跡的詹姆斯·卡梅隆定會趁熱打鐵坐享安逸。可隨隨便便就能鼓搗出《異形》和《終結者》的重量級大導,又怎會跟走尋常路?忽然間,這個被稱作「電影瘋子」「燒錢機器」的狂人,好像從大銀幕上消失了蹤跡。有人傳說:他潛入了深海,愛上了紀錄片的味道;也有人傳說:他耗盡心血,正醞釀著鴻篇巨制。但沒人想到,卡梅隆這逍遙一去,一晃就是整整十二年。只有間或傳出他自主研發3D攝影的新聞,或是小范圍上映的海洋紀錄片,隱隱透露著端倪。 世外高人,通常不飛則已一飛沖天。四年前的某一天,卡梅隆大導突然開了金口:他將再度強勢回歸大銀幕,而隨之掀開的,是他心目中史詩巨獻的神秘面紗。耗資三億美元,十年磨一劍……到底是怎樣的神奇世界,能讓閑雲野鶴的他折腰?一切都要歸結於那個如夢似幻的星球:潘多拉星。誰都不知道在浩瀚的宇宙中,有沒有一顆這樣莫須有的神秘星球,但對於卡梅隆這個擁有天馬行空的想像和無與倫比的電影技術的人來說,萬物都可以從無到有:日月星辰、河流山川、花草樹木、亭台樓閣、飛禽走獸、昆蟲水族,連其中的智慧生靈也可以幻想而生! 不僅如此,卡梅隆和他的幕後團隊從前期攝像到後期製作的過程中,還開創了一套全新的電影製作方法。不論是3D虛擬影像擷取攝影系統、拍攝中的完美預覽技術、創新的面部捕捉頭戴設備還是特別研發的「虛擬攝影棚」,若干項前所未有的革新技術,令60%的畫面都由CG生成的《阿凡達》,有了高度實拍擬真的效果。而不斷增多的3D銀幕則直接預示著:大多數影迷將會毫無障礙地享受這部號稱「顛覆影史」的跨時代巨作! 其他 燈漸暗,光與影、聲與色,放映機滋滋響著,當24分鍾的膠片告一段落,只聞掌聲雷動。那是2009年6月底,阿姆斯特丹舉行的歐洲年度電影節,《阿凡達》片段首次在世人面前亮相。從此,「目瞪口呆」「振聾發聵」「勢不可擋」「震撼超凡」……諸如此類的溢美之言不絕於耳。媒體豪言:你會有史以來第一次體會到全方位浸入式的立體影視效果,有身臨其境的現場感;你會感覺出虛擬技術空前的強大進步,被以假亂真的CG畫面騙住。「阿凡達」(Avatar),意為神降臨在凡間的化身,而一手「製造」出阿凡達世界的詹姆斯·卡梅隆,也似乎再一次即將走上神樣人物的巔峰。 科幻狂人浩大的電影工程和那個空前神秘、幻想、危險和冒險的世界,自然也吸引了許多名人大腕的注意力。索德伯格丟下了「羅漢幫」,前去現場學習,為其「里程碑式」的探險激情折服;斯皮爾伯格也不會錯過探訪革命性新紀元的機會,自謙地說自己要向卡梅隆學步;迷戀科幻電影的雷德利·斯科特,更是當場為嶄新的 3D技術拜倒……不過,對於種種溢美之言,卡梅隆卻只是一笑而過,說自己真正熱衷的,是「拍一部連我自己都想看的電影」「重燃人們對科幻電影的興奮與激情!」而國內影迷最期待的,除了《阿凡達》將作為2010年第一部進口分帳大片開篇之作隆重登陸,還有卡導近期可能的中國之行。

❷ 英語翻譯阿凡達電影 給的啟示

Recently I have seen a film called Avatar directed by Cameron.Content is wonderful ,unique, "Avatar" is the story of theconflicts between two worlds, one protecting his environment, the other attackingthe alien』s home by greed and lack of insight. It tells us that we shouldprotect the environment. Human beings , it's time to wake up!It's time for us to hand together just like brothers and sisters, to fight forour living areas. Come on! It is a film worth seeing.

❸ 用英文介紹阿凡達電影 並翻譯

Avatar is a 2009 American science fiction epic film written and directed by James Cameron and starring Sam Worthington,Zoe Saldana,Sigourney Weaver,Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang.The film is set in the year 2154,when humans are engaged in mining reserves of a precious mineral called unobtanium on the lush moon Pandora of the Alpha Centauri star system.The colonists' expansion threatens the continued existence of the Na'vi,a race of humanoids indigenous to Pandora,as well as the moon's ecosystem.The film's title refers to the genetically engineered Na'vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora.

❹ 急求《阿凡達》《2012》電影的英文簡介 50-80詞即可

The film is set in the year 2154, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on the lush moon Pandora in the Alpha Centauri star system. The colonists' expansion threatens the continued existence of the Na'vi—a race of humanoids who are indigenous to Pandora—as well as the moon's ecosystem. The film's title refers to the genetically engineered Na'vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora.
這部影片定於2154年 ,當人類的寶貴礦產unobtanium在鬱郁蔥蔥的月球潘多拉的半人馬座阿爾法星系出現後 殖民者的擴張威脅到當地外星人Na'vi的繼續存在,比賽的類人型機器人決定誰是土著的潘多拉,以及主宰月球的生態系統 .這部影片的標題指的是基因工程 Na'vi幾個人類角色用來進行交互的潘多拉當地人機構.

❺ 英文電影影評100字


Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.

Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.

However,he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.

3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple—human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.






❻ 幫我寫1篇有關《阿凡達》電影介紹的英語作文,200詞左右

1. Currently one of the most popular things to do in your free time is to watch the 3D blockbuster Avatar, nevertheless a long wait in a queue for a ticket seems a certainty. If you know a little about American history, you may find Avatar to
Currently one of the most popular things to do in your free time is to watch the 3D blockbuster Avatar, nevertheless a long wait in a queue for a ticket seems a certainty.
If you know a little about American history, you may find Avatar to be a cinematized retelling of the plight of native Indian people driven away from their ancestral lands 400 years ago.
In the movie the story occurs in the year 2154. A marine named Jake is dispatched to a faraway planet called Pandora where lives blue-skinned Na'vi people and hosts a precious matter, which a greedy company head covets. In order to win Na'vi people's trust and then convince them to decamp, Jake transfers his spirit into a remotely controlled Na'vi body, called an avatar.
But as Jake mingles with the Na'vi People, he graally develops a close bond with the locals and finally decides to stand on their side against the human threat.
Having watched the movie in an IMAX theater, I, together with literally everyone else in the huge room, were thrilled and amazed at the jaw-dropping visual feast it offered.
Despite switching frequently between CGI and a real life cast, the movie doesn't discomfort its audience at all, thanks to a series of technological breakthroughs, a well-known trademark of James Cameron, the film's director.
However, at three hours running time, the plot heavy movie can prove difficult to sit through without yawning. Having said that, I don't think the story of Avatar is any worse than other Hollywood sci-fi epics. A huge leap in techniques with Avatar fails to drag the storytelling to a higher level. This may suggest that a fundamental change in storytelling is far more arous than creating cutting-edge material, and at the same time it may also prove that a refreshing story is more important.
Even James Cameron himself has said in an interview with Newsweek that movies are about storytelling, and humans playing humans.
If Avatar impacts you more on the physical side, we have to expect Cameron's future movies will both feast our eyes and touch our hearts.
On my one-to-ten movie scale, I give Avatar an eight.

2.The revelation of life
Life, in all species are very important
Life, with everything only once, no matter what.
When the home tree to the next moment, Greenaway's screams penetrate my heart, as if the green Napian heard crying.
House did not, and soul along with fly. Surrounded by the wounded and dead comrades, but the cause of this tragedy is the human.
I think this pair of scenes depicting the director not only highlight the special effects only, humans are now being little by little to destroy the tree of our own homes. A large number of harmful gas emissions, without purification of the sewage discharged into rivers directly, many of the biological we can no longer see it.
Perhaps one day we will see their homes ignited the raging flames, can we go from here?

3. paean to the courage
Him, a disabled person, for his contribution to his own country's legs, he was courageous.
He is far marines to stand up again in order to realize their dream of death came over the Pandora's Star, he was courageous.
He suffered as a claim of discrimination against the human partner is still monitoring stations set up their own dream, he is courageous.
A wheelchair, he watched helplessly that he has muscle atrophy of the legs.
With Affan up, he stood up! He flew happy to leap. Enjoy regained his legs, but closes his eyes, as if everything is Nankeyimeng. His face, he is courageous.
Navy family for his family, he became a Knight of the Phantom of the Opera, although the film did not emphasize his conquest of Phantom of the Opera scene, but this courage is enough to conquer all difficulties, and
He was also once a member of the human race, when he was switching sides, just for the sake of glory at the hearts of humanity and human enemy, he is brave!



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