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⑴ 雨人簡短英文簡介

Rain Man is a moving story about two brothers, one a selfish yuppie named Charlie Babbitt who cares only about the importance of money and the other named Raymond who is a autistic and doesn't know anything about the importance of money. Charlie realizes that his father left three million dollars to Raymond and little to him, as he also realizes Raymomd is his brother! Charlie kidnaps Raymond from his residential home and begins a long journey and discovery that will forever change both their lives. Rain Man is a completely moving, emotional, funny, and unforgettable movie. Dustin Hoffman is one of my favorite actors and plays his most memorable role as well as Tom Cruise, who gives a great performance that helped a lot in launching most of his career. The direction by Barry Levinson is stunning and of course, his best yet. Overall, the film is a timeless classic that moves me in every way. This is definitely one of the best films of the 80's and one of my all time favorites. Yea, definitely, definitely, recommend it!

⑵ 雨人經典台詞對白愛情電影英文獨白


1、Charlie: That's good. Come on! Susanna, why'd you let him get in this car? It's not a toy.

2、你是汽車修理工還是 航空太空總署的工程師啊?

Are you a mechanic or a NASA engineer?


fabulous and exciting bonus prizes.

4、被一個不知道 如何表達愛的人詐取了。

by a man who had difficulty showing love.


I'm closer to him than anybody in the world.

6、別太放在心上 他從來不碰我的。

Don't take it personal. He never touched me.


I told you I've never dealt with these Lamborghinis before,

8、重要的是他在哪裡 可以得到最好的照顧。

The fact is. this is where he can get the best care.


He's always beer a voluntary patient here.

10、我覺得你感覺 你與生俱來的權力被詐取了。

I think you feel cheated out of your birthright

11、廣告過後 我們會回來報導華普納法官裁決後...

We'll be back for the litigants' reactions

12、經過短暫而突發的生病 - 你記得你離開的那天?

After short and sudden illness. - You remember that day you left?


I'm scared it's over.


Look at this studio filled with glamorous merchandise.

15、我只是想聽你說我們之間沒結束 我的意思是。

I just wanna hear it's not over. I mean.

16、因為他不要搭飛機 所以我們沒搭飛機。

because he didn't want to fly, so we didn't fly.


Over $1 50,000 just waiting to be won.





三百萬的遺產對查理來說已經不重要,手足之情已經蓋過了金錢。查理一直爭回雷蒙的撫養權,但在官司上敗訴。結果,雷蒙和查理因此需要分隔兩地,雷蒙返要返回療養院,兩人在車站上依依不捨,查理得到的不是金錢而是一份兄弟的情義。 ;

⑶ 電影《雨人》 故事梗概(英文)

Rain Man (1988) is the story of a young man who regains his humanity through the unexpected love of a brother he never knew he had--until now. Charlie Babbitts father passes away, leaving him only the car that caused their estrangement, and some prized rose bushes. Using his cunning, Charlie traces the remainder of the inheritance, a trust fund, to an institution for the mentally challenged--Wallbrook. There, Charlie discovers the existence of a brother that he'd never known. Charlie abcts Raymond, an autistic savant, from the institute in the hopes of ransoming him for at least half of the $3,000,000 trust fund. Raymond's fear of flying forces a cross-country road trip, ring which the two brothers reconnect. Charlie learns that he'd actually known his brother when he was young, mispronouncing his name as "rain man," but Raymond had burned young Charlie badly in hot water and, for this reason, was forced to live at Wallbrook--all but forgotten. By the time the two reach Los Angeles, Charlie's love for his brother has rekindled the humanity within himself. He's left mystified by the enigma that is his brother and grows from the experience, even turning down Dr. Bruners offer to walk away for $250,000.

⑷ 《雨人》經典對白

我這里有,加我hi,我告訴你網站 .

人 Rain Man 中英文劇本

[Man #1] I've got four Lamborghinisthat can't meet smog emission standards.


How many timesyou wash out with E.P. A?


[Man #2] Sir, they'reclearing E.P.A. In a few days.


Three times?You're on a roll.


Four cars, three times each.That's zip for twelve.


Are you a mechanicor a NASA engineer?


I told you I've neverdealt with Lamborghinis...


and yet you assured me that you coulddeliver the cars within that time frame.


Don't tell me that,'cause I'm not even listening.


Sir, I hardly thinkthat's necessary.


I'll explain thatto my swing loan.


I'm into him for 200,000.That's thousand, three zeros.


I got my money tied up in these cars.If I don't get it, I am finished.


- Do you understand that?- You have to understand our situation.

I got a shark snappin' at my heels.

They could've taken the carand my business 11 days ago.

I am holding them offwith a whip and a chair.

I understand that.I know delivery is way overe.


This fuckin' E.P. A!The whole world is chokin' on smog...


and they're gonna correct the situationby keeping my four cars off the road?


- [Ringing]- Babbitt Collectibles.


Have you tried cash?How much do these E.P.A. Guys earn?


Charlie, Mr. Wyatt.


- Wyatt?- Yeah, about the swing loan.


If he doesn't get the money by 5:30,he's gonna come and seize all the cars.


- I have to call you back.- You should talk to Mr. Babbitt.


Tell him you watched me sign the checkon Tuesday, then you put it in the mail.


I need this.Come on.


I wouldn't do that untilyou talk to Mr. Babbitt.


His number?He's on the road now.


- He wants you to call him immediately.- Charlie...


Tell him I'm connecting to Barbados,arriving 1:30 a.m.


- Charlie!- Lenny, I'm standing right here.


Mr. Bateman wants to back out on his carand he wants to take Mr. Webb with him.


They want their down payments back.They found two cars at Valley Motors.


Tell him that that was me on the line,the cars just passed emissions...


and the E.P.A. Paperworkwill be in here momentarily.


- You payin' attention to me?- Yeah, I'm listening.


Tell them also that I'm knocking offfive grand on both their deals.


- Do you understand that, Lenny?- I got it.


Mr. Bateman, that wasMr. Babbitt on the other line.

As it happens,the cars are passing emissions...


What am I saying?The cars have passed emissions.


We're waiting for the E.P.A. Paperwork.We'll have that momentarily.


And because of yourincredible patience...


we're going to knock off $5,000on each car.


Well, yes,you've been most patient.


We really appreciate your patience.Well, thank you.


Thank you.


Ready for Palm Springs?

You still want to gowith all these problems?


We're seconds away from closingthis deal, clearing 75 grand.


- Not bad for a couple of phone calls.- No, not bad at all.


- You know where to find us, right?- Right.


I got it under control.


I don't want to be demanding...

but could you possibly say 10 or12 words before we get to the hotel?


Hmm? Consider it foreplay.


Can you include mein some of your thoughts?


I'm just thinkin'.Nothing special.

Maybe there's something thatyou're thinking about that we can talk.


If there was, Susanna,we'd be talkin' about it.


What's the big to-doabout me thinkin'?


I just feel like I'm going away fora few days with someone. Call me crazy.


You wanna talk? Let's talk.How was your day?


I feel you're excluding me from what'sgoing on. It's not that I wanna talk.


One of these again, Susanna.How did we get back to one of these?


I don't want to... I don't knowwhy I put up with all of this.


You wanted to go to Palm Springs,and we're goin'.


But I didn't wanna go alone.I've been sitting in this car for...


You wanna talk?Let's talk!


- This is not talking.- [Phone Ringing]

- Yeah?- Charlie, this is Lenny.


I've been trying to contact youfor a while.


I got a long-distance call fromMr. Mooney, your father's lawyer.


He's been trying to reach you.


Your father has died, Charlie.

- Charlie?- Uh-huh?

I'm sorry. The funeral's tomorrowin Cincinnati. He said you'd know where.

- I've got his number.- That's not necessary.


- Anything else?- No.


- If there's anything I can do...- All right.


- I'm sorry about the weekend, hon.- Charlie, the weekend?

I told you before,we had a falling-out a long time ago.


My mother died when I was two.It was just him and me.

We just didn't get along.

- You're going to the funeral, no?- Yeah.

- I'm coming with you.- That's sweet, but there's no point.

I want to.


All right. Sorry.I forgot who I was talkin' to.


...to our beloved neighbor...

for our memory, admirationand respect for him...

will live beyond the yearsof his life on Earth.

Let us consecrate ourselves to followhis example of zest for life...

dedication to family...


and charity to all.


And now, with sure and certain hopeof resurrection life...

we commend to youthe soul of our departed friend.

Just have to go over the details ofthe will with him, and then we leave.

I can wait in the car.

Somebody should be watering those roses.They're all dying.

Knew this car my whole life.Only drove it once.

A 1949 Buick Roadmaster convertible.Only 8,000 proction models made.

Straight-Eight.Fireball Eight.

It was the first full yearof the Dynaflow transmission.

Know it by rote.

[Susanna]You were his only child.

You came along when he was...

what, 45 or something?

He probably thoughthe was never going to have a son...

⑸ 電影<雨人>主要講的是什麼故事

電影《雨人》主要講了:查理(湯姆.克魯斯 Tom Cruise 飾)父親去世,留下了300萬美元的遺產。然而令他意外的是,遺產全部給了一個他不認識的哥哥雷蒙(達斯汀.霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman 飾)。





1、Raymond Babbitt(演員達斯汀·霍夫曼)


2、Charlie Babbitt(演員湯姆·克魯斯)




⑹ 八兩金講英文的電影名稱

Gandhi (1982) 甘地傳 Terms of Endearment (1983) 母女情深 Amadeus (1984) 莫扎特傳 Out of Africa (1985) 走出非洲 Platoon (1986) 野戰排 The Last Emperor (1987) 末代皇帝 Rain Man (1988) 雨人 Driving Miss Daisy (1989) 為戴茜小姐開車 Dances with Wolves (1990) 與狼共舞 The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 沉默的羔羊 Unforgiven (1992) 不可饒恕 Schindler's List (1993) 辛德勒的名單 Forrest Gump (1994) 阿甘正傳 Braveheart (1995) 勇敢的心 The English Patient (1996) 英國病人 Titanic (1997) 泰坦尼克號 Shakespeare in Love (1998) 莎翁情史 American Beauty (1999) 美國麗人 Gladiator (2000) 角鬥士 Ben-Hur (1959) 賓虛 The Apartment (1960) 公寓春光 West Side Story (1961) 西區故事 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 阿拉伯的勞倫斯 Tom Jones (1963) 湯姆瓊斯 My Fair Lady (1964) 窈窕淑女 The Sound of Music (1965) 音樂之聲 A Man for All Seasons (1966) 日月精忠 In the Heat of the Night (1967) 炎熱的夜晚 Oliver! (1968) 霧都孤兒 A Beautiful Mind (2001) 美麗心靈 Chicago (2002) 芝加哥 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of The King (2003) 指環王III:王者回歸


⑺ 《雨人》全英文故事梗概 高一水平 不要從網上用翻譯軟體 非常感謝!單詞不要難

Charlie is a narcissist who is a dealer of new cars in Los Angeles, California. He hears of his father's death and is told that the vast majority of the estate has been left to Raymond, whom he cannot remember. Raymond is an autistic savant, who has an eidetic memory but is incapable of looking after himself. He has lived in an institution in Cincinnati, Ohio for about twenty years. Charlie drives Raymond to Las Vegas, Nevada where Raymond uses his skill at counting cards to win money in card games. They then go on to Los Angeles. During the journey, Charlie changes his feelings towards Raymond from being resentful to being caring and protective. Raymond lacks understanding of the world and requires 24 hour care, which Charlie cannot provide, so Raymond returns to his institution.

⑻ 雨人英文觀後感


Many people hold the opinion that American people care only money and themselves, they dispose no attention to others, even their relatives. The film Rain Man (雨人) described about how a self-centered businessman retrieved his family affection. Charlie Babbitt is frantically trying to straighten out his failing Los Angles businewhich involves expensive import cars. One day he receives word that his father, with whom he has had no contact for years, had died. At the reading of his bill, he learns that he has received a pittance, and that his father』s 3 million-dollar fortune has gone into a trust. Whom is the trust for? Charlie discovers with a shock that it goes to support an older brother he never knew he had. His brother Raymond is a 「high-level」 autistic, who has been institutionalized for years. Angry that he has been cut out of his share of the inheritance, Charlie takes Raymond out of the mental home and vows to bring him to live in Califomia, then they head out on a cross-country odyssey of discovery. Charlie at first does not quite seem to accept the dimensions of Raymond』s world and grows frustrated at what looks like almost willful stubbornness. Eventually, Charlie has learned how to pay attention, how to listen, and how to be at least a little patient some of the time. He gets in touch with things that are more important than selling cars. In the film, family affection beats money. The story was si-mp-le, but the meaning was much deeper. It reflected vividly the conflict between money and the affection, inspired people to consider money』s value again.This is a big Oscar in the list of their names left the classic film, but also throughout the'80s most influential film. In my view, it is more like a tight, and even some of the Hollywood stereotypes of textbooks. The film seeks to achieve the so-called "academic" and "public" between the most appropriate point of intersection, and this is the appropriate time to develop, on the one hand are those judges affirmed, on the other hand won popular joy, which, the huge succeof the film is the main reason.

Films chosen the "kinship" with infinite charm of this emotional theme, and throughout the entire movie, the multiple use of moral choice to the "family" concept to烘托. The so-called "moral multiple choice," which actually refers to the movie as a younger brother Charlie (Tom Cruise ornaments) in the treatment takes the money interests and the two options, this is a film where the focus of contradictions . First of all, we look at what factors in the film its emotional theme longer play a role.

The film director Barry Levinson has always been to the social issues and social hot spot known for a calm understanding. Most of his film style restrained in the handling of the lens appears moderate, often at the focus of the lens as well as the characters start clues to the whole incident. The dominant motive in the handling of si-mp-le implication, it Chilled and rules. Films opening at the first-Motive: hanging in midair car out in straight locations throughout the main narrative films - Highway. The car is the film contradictions carrier. At the same time, this also points out the film as the he-ro-in-e Charlie figures. In the next workplace a show, the performance is the smart and capable Charlie, good at reconciling the many character side of things. In addition, the car in the air to a certain extent, hinted at the work of the sun at high noon Charlie background, it seems like he-car traffic in the sky, and in the depth of field space is one himself the proliferation of high-rise buildings.

Then, Charles received the news his father passed away, then went to attend the funeral, but found that the car, leads to childhood memories. Originally, Charlie because a stolen car and his father's father was spurned by. Cars become a film contradictory motives are. It is precisely because the reasons for the car, Charlie and his father will not and, therefore dry himself on the automobile businesses. In the following paragraphs, the same use of motor vehicles, leads to the true masters of the film - "Rain Man" (Dustin Hoffman ornaments). So the whole film has been basically established all set up, in the remaining time, the use of these settings is to create and solve them by contradiction.



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