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1. 哈利波特的中文ppt

【哈利·波特(全名哈利·詹姆·波特) 簡介】

自從喬安妮·凱瑟琳·羅琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)(1966-)24歲那年在火車上看到窗外一個戴著眼鏡的小男巫朝她微笑並揮手時,羅琳便萌生了進行魔幻題材寫作的想法。她在七年後,把這個想法變成了現實。於是,《哈利·波特與魔法石》(1997)誕生了,並讓全世界的人為之喝彩。《哈利·波特系列歷險小說》憑著出奇的想像、層 層迭出的懸念和利於兒童閱讀的語言,幾乎是一夜之間征服了世界各地的少年讀者。到目前為止,前三冊已經被譯成了35種文字,銷售至少在3500萬冊以上。
羅琳又先後創作了《哈利·波特與密室》(1998)、《哈利·波特與阿茲卡班的囚徒》(1999)、《哈利·波特與火焰杯》(2000)、《哈利·波特與鳳凰社》(2003)和 《哈利·波特與「混血王子」》(2005)、 《哈利·波特與死亡聖器》 (2007)。作為2006年的聖誕禮物,羅琳在她的官方網站上公布了第七部書的書名:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(哈利·波特與死亡聖器).2007年2月1日,同樣是在她的官網上,羅琳宣布,第七部書將於英國夏令時2007年7月7日星期六00:01在英國和美國出版。也會在7號星期六00:01在全世界其他講英語的國家出版。
哈利波特與魔法石(Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)--2001拍攝
哈利波特與密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)--2002拍攝
哈利波特與阿茲卡班的囚徒(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)--2004拍攝
哈利波特與火焰杯(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)--2005拍攝
哈利波特與鳳凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix)--2007拍攝
哈利波特與混血王子(Harry Potter and the half-blood prince)--2009年7月上映
哈利波特與死聖(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows )--正在拍攝
[編輯本段]「哈利·波特 世界」大事紀年表
公元1163年 普德米爾聯隊組建。它是魁地奇聯盟里最古老的球隊。
公元1227年 伊格納切·威爾斯密發明了飛路粉。
公元1492年 「差點沒頭的尼克」被殺頭。在那之前他的名字是敏西·波平頓的尼古拉斯爵士。
公元1637年 《狼人行為准則》發布。
公元1844年 阿不思·鄧不利多出生。
公元1855年 阿不思·鄧不利多進入霍格沃茨的格蘭芬多學院學習。
公元1917年 弗蘭克·布萊斯出生。他是里德爾府的管家。
公元1925年 米勒娃·麥格出生。
公元1927年 湯姆·馬沃羅·里德爾出生。
公元1927年 《神奇生物在哪裡》首次出版
公元1928年12月6日 魯伯·海格誕生。
公元1931年 海格的母親拋棄的自己的丈夫和孩子。這一年海格3歲。
公元1936年 米勒娃·麥格進入霍格沃茨的格蘭芬多學院學習。
公元1939年 里德爾聽說了密室的傳說並決定去尋找它。
公元1940年 魯伯·海格進入霍格沃茨的格蘭芬多學院學習。
公元1941-1942年間 海格的父親去世。
公元1943年9月 里德爾創造了他的日記,並將其變成了一個魂器。
公元1951年 麗塔·斯基特出生。
公元1952年 《神奇的魁地奇球》首次出版。
公元1954年 盧修斯·馬爾福出生。
公元1956年12月 麥格開始在霍格沃茨任教,當時她31歲。
公元1960年11月9日 西弗勒斯·斯內普出生。
公元1962年 小巴蒂·克勞奇出生。
公元1965年 盧修斯·馬爾福進入霍格沃茨。
公元1969年 亞瑟·韋斯萊和莫莉·普魯維特結婚。
公元1970年-1971年間 鄧不利多成為霍格沃茨校長。
公元1970年11月29日 比爾·韋斯萊出生。
公元1974年 斯坦·桑帕克出生。
公元1975年 蒙頓格斯·弗萊奇被禁止進入豬頭酒吧。
公元1975年 小天狼星、詹姆和小矮星彼得成為了阿尼馬格斯。
公元1976年 奧利弗·伍德出生。
公元1976年8月22日 珀西·韋斯萊出生。
公元1977年10月 安吉麗娜·約翰遜出生。
公元1978年4月1日 喬治和弗雷德·韋斯萊出生。
公元1979年 秋·張出生。
公元1979年 小矮星彼得開始向伏地魔通風報信。
公元1979年9月19日 赫敏·格蘭傑出生。
公元1980年 蘇珊·博恩斯和德拉科·馬爾福出生。
公元1980年3月1日 羅恩·韋斯萊出生。
公元1980年6月23日 達力·德思禮出生。
公元1980年7月30日 納威·隆巴頓出生。
公元1980年7月31日 哈利·波特出生。
公元1981年8月11日 金妮·韋斯萊出生。
公元1981年10月31日 波特夫婦被殺,伏地魔被哈利·波特擊敗。
公元1982年 比爾·韋斯萊進入霍格沃茨的格蘭芬多學院學習。
公元1984年 查理·韋斯萊進入霍格沃茨的格蘭芬多學院學習。
公元1985年 小天狼星布萊克的母親去世。
公元1987年 珀西·韋斯萊進入霍格沃茨的格蘭芬多學院學習。
公元1988年 比爾成為校學生會主席。
公元1989年-1990年 奇洛教授遇見伏地魔。



哈利波特(丹尼爾•雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 飾)結束了假期,即將回到霍格沃茲繼續學習魔法。一個叫多比的家養小精靈警告哈利不要回到霍格沃茲,否則會陷入極大的危險。哈利沒有聽從多比的勸告,回到了霍格沃茲。很快,霍格沃茲發生了一連竄怪事:接二連三出現學生被石化,一直找不出原因。而哈利總能聽到一種奇怪的聲音,從牆壁里傳出來。




哈利(Daniel Radcliffe飾)的當選引起其他學生的嫉妒連連,就連鐵哥們羅恩(Rupert Grint飾)也首次和他鬧起了別扭,哈利感到孤立無援,還好有教父小天狼星和赫敏一直支持他。可總有些好事者如記者麗塔等著看他的好戲。天知道這場比賽是何等艱辛危險,在龍的眼皮下偷蛋,潛入湖底救人,在迷宮中探險……一不小心,甚至可能付出生命的代價。






哈利·波特與混血王子電影海報 鄧布利多用他的冥想盆向哈利展示了一些伏地魔過去的情況,並且認定伏地魔在過去曾經把自己的靈魂分成七份,並且將其中的六份藏入了魂器(一些可以永世長存的魔法物品)中。其實,伏地魔的兩個魂器已經被摧毀了,其中一個是被哈利·波特毀掉的湯姆·里德爾的日記[HP2],另一個是由鄧布利多毀掉的馬沃羅·岡特的戒指。鄧布利多相信想要殺死伏地魔,另外四個魂器也需要毀掉。所以,他和哈利前去取回薩拉查·斯萊特林的掛墜盒。鄧布利多因為喝掉了保護掛墜盒的葯劑而變得非常虛弱。
麥格教授成為了霍格沃茨魔法學校的臨時校長,但是學校很可能將會因為不安全而被關閉。哈利發現他和鄧布利多辛苦得到的斯萊特林小金匣是假的,真的掛墜盒被一個署名為R.A.B.的神秘人物取走。在鄧布利多的葬禮結束之後,哈利決定無論怎樣他都不回學校繼續學習,而是去投身於毀掉伏地魔的所有魂器,並且立志最終敏及羅恩也表示他們會跟哈利一起執行這使命 .
















2. 求關於介紹哈利波特的英文ppt

Person Information:

We will know who is R.A.B.

We will know more about Dumbledore's past

We will know which side Snape is the side of the

Rowling will reveal the number of U.S. and Japanese • Des ceremony, but she would not be a mmy gun

Dole Wick • Croom will again

Will again烏姆里奇

Rowling said, "there is a character will succeed in extreme cases the use of magic, this time he / she has more year, but this situation is rare ... ..."

Plot information:

Harry will be the last time the face of Voldemort

Harry will have to try to find and destroy Voldemort's remaining soul browser

Harry will be back in time for holiday family Des ceremony, but Dumbledore set Harry the protection of magic in the 17-year-old birthday, that is, when the failure of alt Harry.

Harry would go to the high-cone Valley grams

Eris Mirror will again

We will see Furong and Bill Weasley's wedding •

Harry "long and exactly the same as your mother's eyes" will become a key plot

At least one character will die

In addition, Rowling or some other official sources to confirm (deny) the information, some information is clear, but in order to understand, we have to find out:

Person Information:

Dumbledore is really dead. He is not hiding, it will not come back

Dumbledore is not Harry's relatives

Harry and Voldemort is not family ties, and Salazar Slytherin did not •

• Lily Potter is dead

Lily is not only fresh dead

Hill is not a crook阿尼瑪格斯

Warner is not a small dwarf star's son Peter

Limestone • there is no twin brothers Lu Ping

U.S. and Japanese are not mb bombs

Dumbledore is not coming through time and space come from the Harry or Ron now

Mrs.洛麗絲(費爾奇cat) is not阿尼瑪格斯

Plot information:

Harry will not become the Minister of Magic

Peter dwarfs small silver hand will not be used to kill limestone • Lupine

Lu Ping will not once again become the black magic defense technique class teacher

特里勞妮prophecy refers to Harry, not the Warner Village

The last part of that prophecy is not to kill Greenaway Harry, nor is it to kill Greenaway Harry

"Guardian of the key" do not have a special meaning

Branch of the soul rather than cap device

Well, before we put the idea of Aunt Rowling general understanding of the future, let us together into the "Harry Potter" before the six mystery brought us:

First, the mystery of the soul browser

First of all, I must say that the whole story about the most mysterious, the most important point - the soul browser.

Let us look at what is the soul, and soul is in possession of a person refers to the part of the soul of the object. In other words, you separate your soul will be part of the body hidden in some objects outside. To create a soul, and must pass the act of evil - the most evil acts, through the murder. (See "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," 371)

At the same time, through the words and deeds of juvenile Voldemort, Professor Dumbledore that Voldemort is likely to have seven souls (including his own), I personally believe that Professor Dumbledore is very accurate guess, that is, I believe that Voldemort has seven Soul browser. Here, we take a look at the seven devices are what the soul. Now you can be sure of three, they are: Voldemort himself, diary (which was destroyed by Harry),馬沃羅ring (has been Professor Dumbledore destroyed). The other four do not, but there are three I think that there is no problem with that: Slytherin掛墜gold box, and a cup赫奇帕奇unknown Ravenclaw relics. It would appear that only the last controversial soul, and before the analysis, let us look at "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," Dumbledore 376 analysis: "But if I guess correctly, Voldemort in the into the home your parents when you wanted to kill, or at least lacking a soul device ... ... he seems to particularly important in the use of murder to make the soul, and you of course, such a goal. ... ... I think he must be prepared to use your He died as the soul of the last device. We know that he failed. but separated after a few years, he killed a muggle納吉尼old man, perhaps he is thought of this article was turned into a snake his soul's final. "It appears that Professor Dumbledore has been revealed to us the soul's final secret -納吉尼, Voldemort's favorite things.

Second, the mystery of prophecy

This prediction is in the candidates特里勞妮when Hogwarts teacher, in her knowledge of the prophecy. The reason is that her knowledge of the prophecy, because特里勞妮do not know their own to make their own predictions so important (I personally think that if she informed predictions of the letter is not sufficient for a). This prediction can be said to be clues throughout the story, even though he only began to appear in Part V, but because of this prophecy is the story of Harry and Voldemort in the beginning and continue.

First of all, we first recall特里勞妮predictions:

"Having conquered魔頭and energy of people approached the ... ... was born in a three-time win over the black family魔頭... ... was born in the first seven months of the end ... ... and he魔頭tag for its rival, but he has a Black do not understand the energy head of the ... ... one must die in the hands of another, as two people can not all alive, there is only one to survive ... ... that have the energy to conquer魔頭black people will be the end of the first seven months of birth ... ... "

I think most people would not question the accuracy of the predictions, although it comes from the mouth of特里勞妮, but I have always believed that特里勞妮capacity is predicted.西比爾•特里勞妮, the famous prophet Cassandra •特里勞妮great-great-grandson of the woman, from the Cassandra family, after the first vision of a second person. From these few words of introction, we can feel特里勞妮body shrouded in mystery, coupled with her "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" in the accurate prediction (see " Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban "192), we have no reason to doubt the authenticity of特里勞妮predicted with accuracy.
Third, Professor Dumbledore's death mystery

"We will know more about Dumbledore's past," This is Aunt Rowling gives us the latest on Professor Dumbledore prompted. Judging from this statement, Professor Dumbledore seems to be our better understanding of one of the characters, the author describes his can be said to be second only to the three protagonists, but now wanted to Professor Dumbledore is indeed inscrutable and very mysterious about his past, it seems that we stay only in a few paragraphs basin meditation memories and Riedel's diary. However, Professor Dumbledore, what the past will be so important, it is undeniable that Rowling aunt VII will definitely tell us more a matter of the Phoenix, and a member of the Phoenix, including Harry's parents, small Sirius, Snape is still seemingly inconspicuous迷霧重重of Professor Dumbledore's brother, the Arab-Israeli is not Fox. Phoenix is not only, as well as grams of high-cone Valley, and even U.S. and Japanese aunt's story, I believe with Professor Dumbledore was not unrelated. But Aunt only JK Rowling Is that all? Intuition told me absolutely not, there are on Professor Dumbledore's own story, there is no doubt that his death is closely linked to the ... ...

Against Professor Dumbledore's death, this is what I feel distressed, even in my favorite small Sirius curtain fall into the moment, I have not so sad, because he is the soul of the entire magic community, is the world's the greatest magician! I think there are a lot of respect and I like the Professor Dumbledore, there is a lot about Professor Dumbledore suspended animation of the forecast, it is very convincing, but I think it is still not true. Although I very much hope that Professor Dumbledore is not dead, but the novel based on the fact that I had to draw the following conclusions - Professor's dead! Not only because one of the green life阿瓦達索impartial Professor Dumbledore hit the chest, not only because Professor Dumbledore's portrait of the late Hogwarts has joined the ranks of school principals, not only because in the fall, Professor Dumbledore to Harry at the same time was removed from the frozen curse!

To turn around and look at "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," the little details of it, Professor Dumbledore from the first appearance (the way to pick up Harry Ligustrum), the aunt Rowling used Professor Dumbledore That "both dry and charred, as if the meat is dry above the" hand (see "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" 37) opened to us the story levels. In addition, in the sixth, by the unprecedented Rowling aunt mentioned several times, Professor Dumbledore said that he older, it is not modest, in fact, true. And when a person is old when slowly What does that mean? I think everyone is very clear that Professor Dumbledore graally he knows the most important things to tell Harry, let alone to acquire Harry斯拉格霍恩on the soul's memory, and even with Harry device of its eradication of the soul. I would like Professor Dumbledore does not know that the elimination of the soul's danger, he would not expect Harry to destroy it alone. But all this can only prove one thing - Professor Dumbledore told Harry slowly Voldemort and his own face the risk, compared to five through luck and help, this time Professor Dumbledore is Harry's guiding the side so that he is not a small step by step with Sirius, not Professor Dumbledore's ability to help the fight against Voldemort.

In addition, there is a book, leaving the details of Harry, Professor Dumbledore, when the study door, heard Professor Dumbledore Phineas and photos of the dialogue •奈傑勒斯: Fini Cartagena •奈傑勒斯said: "I do not see how the boy can be more suitable than you, Dumbledore." "I do not expect you can see, Phineas." Dumbledore replied. Fox also uttered低鳴pleasant. ( "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," 285) is more than what Harry, Professor Dumbledore is more appropriate? Is obviously to defeat Voldemort! As predicted, and Professor Dumbledore that Harry has the power to conquer Voldemort! Therefore, in order to allow Harry to face Voldemort alone, in order for Voldemort Snape unprecedented access to the trust (on the Snape I firmly believe that he is a good, specific reasons will be explained later), Voldemort in order to relax their vigilance, or also for other reasons (I am afraid I have not thought of crass), Professor Dumbledore has chosen the most deaths.

However, in the magic community, is very delicate and sometimes death, even though Professor Dumbledore is absolutely impossible to become ghost, but his photos are high-hanging in the President's Office. In addition, I started referring to the Rowling has given us hints aunt, "We will know more about Dumbledore's past," Among the many unknown Professor Dumbledore in the past, it has made it clear that the author - Dumbledore was formerly a professor of teacher deformation. ( "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" 185) Therefore, the deformation of the same teacher, Professor Macquarie can be turned into a cat, Professor Dumbledore Phoenix can become a natural. Therefore, when "a twinkling of an eye, Harry saw a phoenix as if it flew up into the bright blue sky" ( "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," 479) We will not feel the accident. Moreover, in the face of such a great magician left Aunt Rowling has not played up more sad color, but Harry could not help but mention the two wanted to laugh, we never thought it was Aunt Rowling Harry to take care of word order or mental disorders, grief over it?

So, the final summing up my point of view: First of all, Professor Dumbledore is indeed dead; Secondly, Professor Dumbledore will be there at the right time to help Harry, but it is certainly not the resurrection; again, because he was deformed teachers and Phoenix so he will continue the link between the development of the story plays an important role; Finally, "Only when the people here are no longer faithful to him, he would leave this school."
Fourth, a small curtain of mystery and Sirius

Small Sirius, Harry's godfather, James's best friend, wronged 12 years in Azkaban. This is full of love and perseverance, love and hate the characters clearly in our favor but the overall situation. However, is that the godfather of a lovely respectable, but early in the Ministry of Magic into a mysterious curtain Secretary of ... ...

In discussing the mystery of life and death of small Sirius ago, we first take a look at related content:

He has a very strange feeling, a certain someone was standing behind the curtain, or the other side of the arch.緊緊攥著his magic wand, carefully pass the table behind, but who did not; from here can only be broken to see the other side of a black curtain. ( "Harry Potter and the Phoenix Society" 509)

What he had just heard, a faint sound of whispering and muttering voice from behind the curtain has passed over.

... ...

"I also hear," Luna said softly to the arches on this side also and they stand together, watching her floating curtain, "that there was!" ( "Harry Potter and the Phoenix Society" 510)

Smile on his face has not completely disappeared, but he's horrified eyes瞪圓.

... ...

Sirius seems to have been small for a long time down to: bending his body backward, and formed a beautiful arch, through the fall, when hanging in the arch of the old curtain.

Harry saw that he fell to the Godfather of time, the thin face, the face was very handsome and both fear and surprise, he poured in an ancient arch, disappeared behind the curtain. That fluttering curtain for a while, just like the wind blowing for a while, and then to restore the previous look. ( "Harry Potter and the Phoenix Society" 531)

Rowling These are presented to our aunt, the description on the valance and small Sirius fell into the whole process when the curtain. It is difficult to imagine, from our contact with the curtain that Sirius fell into a small, only a short text description. Is that a few lines of text, I love the small Sirius gone on to do (this is the wording of the text Lu Ping), may be the reasons for the Chinese translation, but did not use "dead" word. Mentioned before, Professor Dumbledore's death as compared to fall into the small Sirius is even more bizarre and mysterious curtain. Therefore, it is more controversial to people with unlimited reverie ... ...

Through the curtain on the description above, give us information is the biggest Harry and Luna can hear voices inside, where we have a little question: Is there really sound curtain, why others can not hear? I personally think that behind the curtain of course not exist in our world, the same is not equivalent to the death of Underworld. The existence of the voice so it's normal, understandable, but not everyone can hear, just like the night pulling carriage Hogwarts Qi experienced the death of the only truly talented people can see the same. The voice behind the curtain of death, only experienced personnel can be heard, so the same night to see Harry and Luna Qi is also the voice can be heard.

Explained the curtain of mystery, we take another look at the small Sirius. Sirius fell into a small curtain, in a twinkling of an eye his face full of fear and surprise. Through our small Sirius before, he is not a person afraid of death, he is willing to pay for the lives of friends, he had been tortured in Azkaban for 12 years, I wonder if he will die for Harry to rescue fears ? I think absolutely not. So what is he was such a fear and surprise, I think it is - unknown. Professor Dumbledore once said: "More than the fear of death is unknown!" Lu Ping know what it means to fall into the curtain, also know that a certain small Sirius. Lu Ping Harry clinging tightly to him: "there is no way, and Harry ... ... no way ... ... he is gone." ( "Harry Potter and the Phoenix Society" 532) Small Sirius gone, but Where around the specific case, no one can answer. Therefore, no one saw the body of a death, is indeed very difficult to convince us. Moreover, Rowling aunt works for the flesh and blood, a small live image of the godfather Sirius, how can such a red light e to spell (I personally think that if we really wish to Sirius賜死small, Aunt Rowling can write a full green light阿瓦達索of life) on the die, then nothing came of it? Therefore, we have every reason to believe Sirius will be a small form of the other back, and even my personal life, he still had hopes of coming back ... ...

Because I believe that Sirius would be alive or small in some form back, so he will be of great help to Harry, I venture to guess, and he will help kick Harry R. A. B mystery, because I believe that R. A. Sirius B is a small brother, Regulus Black Everest • (hereinafter will be described in greater detail), so only can rely on the small Sirius opened the riddle.

In concluding, let us look at Professor Dumbledore's point of view, and perhaps can not be called a point of view, as Professor Dumbledore Sirius itself for small curtain did not fall into any explanation, so I called the wording of it. Professor Dumbledore is the term "small Sirius's death", although I have been convinced that Professor Dumbledore's point of view, but I do have some reservations here. Because, in the face of death, no one has more experience than anyone else. So, I think Professor Dumbledore's death and referred to under normal circumstances, because fall into the small Sirius curtain did not come back, so obvious he was "inflexible", as he really dead? Who do not know. In this regard, it seems that Rowling Aunt Luna by mouth to give us some hints: "Oh, no," she said with a smile of his, "they will come back, they always come back to the last moment." ( "Kazakhstan利波特with the Phoenix Society "570)" in the archway between the rooms. They instructed secretly hidden in our eyes can not see where is the case. But you did hear them speak. "(" Harry Potter and the Phoenix Society "571)

Finally, I, as usual, I guess to sum up: First of all, small Sirius will come back in some form, and may even come back alive; Secondly, the small Sirius will help Harry, such as open R. A. B mystery.

3. 哈利波特5電影的英文介紹

Harry returns for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizarding community is in denial about the teenager』s recent encounter with the evil Lord Voldemort, preferring to turn a blind eye to the news that Voldemort has returned. Fearing that Hogwarts』 venerable Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, is lying about Voldemort』s return in order to undermine his power and take his job, the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, appoints a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to keep watch over Dumbledore and the Hogwarts students. But Professor Dolores Umbridge』s Ministry-approved course of defensive magic leaves the young wizards woefully unprepared to defend themselves against the dark forces threatening them and the entire wizarding community, so at the prompting of his friends Hermione and Ron, Harry takes matters into his own hands. Meeting secretly with a small group of students who name themselves 「Dumbledore』s Army,」 Harry teaches them how to defend themselves against the Dark Arts, preparing the courageous young wizards for the extraordinary battle that lies ahead.





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