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發布時間:2024-07-17 01:40:54

❶ 對於好萊塢電影的評價 英文翻譯

Hollywood movies are very atmospheric, the proctions are very exquisite, picture and screening are more shocking while the content is delicate, especially in the setting of some of the circumstances, it have a very great imagination and breakthrough, after watching people always have a deep thought within the level of thinking, or some slight emotional resonance. In short, Hollywood movies is a feast that needs to savor slowly .


❷ 翻譯影片評價(英文翻譯)

Battle of the gods

The story is told is the God of heaven infighting, earth people fight a bloody battle story, if you like muscular men, then this film will never miss.A group of powerful metrosexual man up the whole movie, hope superior was criticized 3D effect will be improved


As a fusion of vampires and werewolves two big theme series, dark legend as we depicts a mysterious and violent underground world, failed to play in the third division of Kate Jin Sai's official return, black tights design cool.

Resident Evil

Biochemical crisis has developed to the fifth already and the original game is not much, but in order to bring the audience a fresh element, the director invited a film star Li Bingbing in the role of Ada, the face of the zombie horde, the elegant oriental beauty and Mira Joe with counter

The Avengers

The Avengers brought together many previously in the film singles heroes [Captain America, Thor, iron man, the Hulk] finally in a movie together, at the same time brought together the major movie star, this luxury large will undoubtedly become the biggest blockbuster summer box office

❸ 電影的英文翻譯怎麼寫


補充:去看電影可以用 go to the movie(美) 或者 go to the cinema(英),但絕不能用go to the film

❹ 電影評分單詞翻譯

UserID 用戶名=Jennifer 詹妮弗 (演員名字或影片中角色名字)
Title 題目、標題、字幕=Gladidtor 角鬥士(電影的片名)

stars 星級=5 (級數)

views 視圖、概觀=1(也是指數、級數一類的參數吧)
instant 目前的=yes

recommends 推薦=yes

❺ 電影英文怎麼翻譯


❻ 這部電影真的很精彩。翻譯成英文

This movie is really exciting.

❼ 電影的英文翻譯


1. Movie

2. Film

3. motion picture
分類語匯之電影 ...
motion picture:電影
a movie:電影
newsreel:新聞片 ...

4. cinema
評論:美國舊金山州立大學 - 去留學... ...
Engineering 工程 (四個主攻項目)
Cinema 電影
Instrial Art 工業藝術 ...

1. 如果有機會,我將去看那部電影。
I will go to see the film if I get the opportunity.

2. 最著名的電影獎是奧斯卡金像獎。
The best-known movie awards are the Academy Awards.

3. 這些電影只適宜成人觀看。
These films are suitable for alts only.

On Monday nights, the pupils go to the cinema.

5. 我們是去看電影還是去夜總會呢?
Shall we go to a movie or a night club tonight?



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