導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 電影贖罪2007英文版


發布時間:2024-09-13 18:53:28

『壹』 急求電影{贖罪}的英文簡介!

The summer of 1935, from a comfortable well-off families of the British 13-year-old girl Albert Leonid Petraeus (Briony Tallis) has just started trying to write. She hoped that her cousin Laura and twin cousin and Piaierte Jackson family get-togethers in her design appear on the play, but the actors are not promised. One day, she secretly found the servant's son - Robbie Turner and her sister have an ambiguous relationship between Saixiliya, but found that he wrote her a letter that is full of erotic love letter. Albert Leonid rich imagination fictional various terrible thing. When her cousin Laura was raped, our heroine is quite sure that she saw Robbie is doing. Thus, regardless of her sister Cecilia's protest, Robbie was still in jail. Later, World War II, he joined a long time ago in France to the war, where the chaos of the retreat at Dunkirk, he was seized. Although after a Name Xie, the relationship between the estranged family members, but the matter was still more or less came to the surface.

『貳』 電影《贖罪》的主要內容英文版

Fledgling writer Briony Tallis, as a 13-year-old, irrevocably changes the course of several lives when she accuses her older sister's lover of a crime he did not commit.

『叄』 有沒有贖罪 帶雙語字幕的電影


『肆』 贖罪高清完整版電影


『伍』 跪求凱拉奈特莉主演的«絹戀»和«贖罪»,的高清版


『陸』 求贖罪(英國電影)的詳細劇情

羅拉結婚了 丈夫是姦汙她的人 拉不是被姦汙的 她騙了布萊妮 其實他們是在幽會「布知道後向她姐和羅比道歉 最後布姐和羅比在一起了」《贖罪》是布寫的「」只是她的希望 事實是布沒向他們道歉 他們都死了 沒能在一起



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