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① 這部電影使我如此陶醉翻譯成英文怎麼翻譯

The film made me so intoxicated

② 這部電影使我們很開心英文

This movie makes us feel very happy.


③ 求一篇關系電影的英文作文

2012的觀後感 電影英語作文 Movie 2012, a famous movie made in USA, which was showed in China last month.2012這部電影是美國的一部著名電影,月前在中國開始上映。 What I have to admit is that this movie is wonderful, such as its advanced digital video effect and the worry about the future of human beings.我不得不成人這部電影很不錯,比如它先進的數字化特技效果和對於人類未來的擔憂這種意識。 In fact we do not agree the result of this moive, in which only but some scientist and politic leaders can survive not common people. all of us have the right to survive, what the key reason of survive is not this man can offer a larger contribution to our society, because for a future rebuilding, everyone is important.事實上我並不贊同電影的結局,那就是一些科學家和政府高官得以倖存,卻沒有什麼平民。我們都有權利倖存下來,一個人該不該活下來的原因並不在於他可以為社會做出多大的貢獻,因為每一個人在重建社會的過程中都是至關重要的。 another thing we have to remember, that is the development of creat China, in that movie, the work of manufacturing the surviving ship was completed by China, this advice us that China is admitted by the world more and more. that is a fact, and so we should love our conutry, a great and powerful motherland can allow us a happy, safe life. 另外我們記住了,中國已經收到全世界的認可。有了強大的祖國,我們的生活才能更加安定幸福,所以我們該熱愛中國。 英語作文網,joozone.com 另外一篇2012相關範文: After watching this movie I really needed time to figure out what to think of it. I heard a lady sharing her first comment to her friend: 'That dog sure was ugly'. What else was there to say? After a while I found out: 英語作文網,joozone.com The action was truly formidable, demonstrating the power of 'mother nature'. Collapsing buildings, jumping flaming cars, planes falling down and manage to pull up a second before touchdown, it was a real trip and a feast for the eyes and ears. www.joozone.com But then again... the acting wasn't that good, a bit over the top. In one scene in the movie, where every wasted second could be the cause of a terrible disaster, *they* waste their time being...ROMANTIC! At times like that the acting became very juicy, making me think I was watching 'Titanic' instead. right joozone One point of advise: Do not take this movie too seriously. It's almost stuffed with jokes instead of showing us the real drama of an earth that is about to be destroyed. But keep this in mind and you'll have a heck of a 2 hours and 40 minutes(!) in a movie that is made for the cinema. 英語作文網,joozone.com After watching this movie I really needed time to figure out what to think of it. I heard a lady sharing her first comment to her friend: 'That dog sure was ugly'. What else was there to say? After a while I found out: www.joozone.com The action was truly formidable, demonstrating the power of 'mother nature'. Collapsing buildings, jumping flaming cars, planes falling down and manage to pull up a second before touchdown, it was a real trip and a feast for the eyes and ears. joozone.com 英語作文網,joozone.com But then again... the acting wasn't that good, a bit over the top. In one scene in the movie, where every wasted second could be the cause of a terrible disaster, *they* waste their time being...ROMANTIC! At times like that the acting became very juicy, making me think I was watching 'Titanic' instead. 本文來自 www.joozone.com One point of advise: Do not take this movie too seriously. It's almost stuffed with jokes instead of showing us the real drama of an earth that is about to be destroyed. But keep this in mind and you'll have a heck of a 2 hours and 40 minutes(!) in a movie that is made for the cinema. 本文來自 www.joozone.com 看完這部電影,我真的需要時間來找出想起來了。我聽到有一位女士,她的第一個評論分享她的朋友:'這肯定是醜陋的狗'。在那裡還有什麼要說?過了一會兒,我發現了: 這項行動是真正的強大,顯示了權力大自然'。建築物倒塌,跳躍燃燒的汽車,飛機掉下來,並設法拉動第二個著陸前,它是一個真正的旅行,為的眼睛和耳朵一場盛宴。 本文來自 www.joozone.com 但是,有一次...署理是不是很好,比最高位。在電影中的一個,現場,每浪費第二可能是一個可怕的災難的原因,他們* *浪費自己的時間是...浪漫!在像倍署理變得非常多汁,使我覺得我在看'泰坦尼克號'代替。 其中提醒一點:不要把這部電影看得太重。這幾乎塞滿了,而不是顯示我們是一個即將毀滅地球的真正的戲劇笑話。但是要記住這一點,你將有一個2小時40分鍾赫克.在一個是為電影所作的電影。 Movie 2012, a famous movie made in USA, which was showed in China last month.2012這部電影是美國的一部著名電影,月前在中國開始上映。 What I have to admit is that this movie is wonderful, such as its advanced digital video effect and the worry about the future of human beings.我不得不成人這部電影很不錯,比如它先進的數字化特技效果和對於人類未來的擔憂這種意識。 In fact we do not agree the result of this moive, in which only but some scientist and politic leaders can survive not common people. all of us have the right to survive, what the key reason of survive is not this man can offer a larger contribution to our society, because for a future rebuilding, everyone is important.事實上我並不贊同電影的結局,那就是一些科學家和政府高官得以倖存,卻沒有什麼平民。我們都有權利倖存下來,一個人該不該活下來的原因並不在於他可以為社會做出多大的貢獻,因為每一個人在重建社會的過程中都是至關重要的。 another thing we have to remember, that is the development of creat China, in that movie, the work of manufacturing the surviving ship was completed by China, this advice us that China is admitted by the world more and more. that is a fact, and so we should love our conutry, a great and powerful motherland can allow us a happy, safe life. 另外我們記住了,中國已經收到全世界的認可。有了強大的祖國,我們的生活才能更加安定幸福,所以我們該熱愛中國。 2010觀後感作文 2012 is completely ridiculous trash that turns massive destruction and the deaths of billions of people (including, by implication, just about everyone watching it) into fodder for entertainment. Of course the disaster movies of the seventies did the same thing on a smaller scale, and who can resist The Towering Inferno or Earthquake? Like those films, this is a mix of carnage, melodrama and an all-star cast of actors familiar enough to put butts in seats, but not so big that their salaries would cut into the special effects budget. 本文來自 www.joozone.com Heading up the cast is John Cusack as a regular schmoe trying to keep his family, including ex-wife Amanda Peet, alive in the face of Armageddon. Chiwetel Ejiofor, who was excellent in last year』s Redbelt, a film nobody saw, will probably do a lot more for his career here. He plays the heroic scientist who has to break the news to President Danny Glover that he』s not going to get a second term. There are also supporting roles for Thandie Newton as Glover』s daughter and Oliver Platt as the chief of staff, and Woody Harrelson gets a small but memorable role as a conspiracy nut who turns out to be right. right joozone Of course the real stars of 2012 are the special effects team. If you』ve seen the trailer for this movie, then you know how over the top the action scenes are. And trust me, the trailer doesn』t show it all. If the movie were nothing but these action scenes, it would get tiresome pretty quickly. Thankfully, triple threat writer/director/procer Roland Emerich shows some understanding of pacing, if not subtlety. He lets the movie slow down for little character moments, which for the most part are just as silly and unbelievable as the action scenes, but appreciated nonetheless. 內容來自joozone Of course this is nothing new for Emerich, who so memorably destroyed the White House in Independence Day and gets the chance to try and top himself here. I haven』t much cared for Emerich』s films in the past, but whether I』ve just been worn down by so many truly awful movies of late, or Emerich has actually gotten better, I have to admit I found myself enjoying 2012. No, this is not a great movie that will affect you in any meaningful way. The dialog is hokey. The direction is hamfisted and manipulative. I could find a thousand ways to pick this movie apart. But you know what? It wouldn』t matter, because it』s still a damn entertaining slice of Hollywood cheese. Call it 3 out of 4 stars. 內容來自joozone 2010觀後感英語作文範文 After watching this movie I really needed time to figure out what to think of it. I heard a lady sharing her first comment to her friend: 'That dog sure was ugly'. What else was there to say? After a while I found out: 看完這部電影,我真的需要時間來想明白該怎麼評價它。我聽到有一位女士和她的朋友分享她的第一個評論,她說:「那條狗真是太丑了」。還有什麼好說的?過了一會兒,我發現: 內容來自joozone The action was truly formidable, demonstrating the power of 'mother nature'. Collapsing buildings, jumping flaming cars, planes falling down and manage to pull up a second before touchdown, it was a real trip and a feast for the eyes and ears. 這場拯救行動真是令人敬畏,向(我們)顯示了大自然的力量;倒塌的建築物;跳躍燃燒的汽車;飛機墜落並且在撞地之前設法再次拉動,這是一次真正的旅行,一場試聽盛宴。 But then again... the acting wasn't that good, a bit over the top. In one scene in the movie, where every wasted second could be the cause of a terrible disaster, they waste their time being...ROMANTIC! At times like that the acting became very juicy, making me think I was watching 'Titanic' instead. 但是,表演的並不是很好,人們有點誇大了。在電影中的一幕,其中浪費的每一秒都可能造成一場可怕的災難,他們浪費自己的時間是...為了..浪漫!有時這樣的場景又過於生動,使得我感覺像是在看'泰坦尼克號'而不是2012


④ 英語作文【my favourite film】60字

My favourite film is 127 Hours.It is an inspiring survival drama based on the incredible true story of Aron Ralston, who became trapped alone in a Utah canyon for days after slipping on a loose rock. At last, he got out by cutting his own arm and was successfully saved. This movie really shocked me, and tells me that if I want to get something, I have to give something esle up. As long as there's a ray of hope, I shouldn't say no.
My favourite film is 127 Hours.It is an inspiring survival drama based on the incredible true story of Aron Ralston, who became trapped alone in a Utah canyon for days after slipping on a loose rock. At last, he got out by cutting his own arm and was successfully saved. This movie really shocks me, and tells me that if I want to get something, I have to give something esle up. As long as there's a ray of hope, I shouldn't say no.
我最喜歡的電影是《127小時》。這部電影是根據一個鼓舞人心的倖存事實改變。Aron Ralston由於猜到一顆松動的岩石而被獨自困在猶他州的峽谷中很多天。最後,他砍斷了自己的胳膊並成功獲救。這部電影讓我非常震撼,並且讓我懂得,如果我想得到一些東西,那麼我就必須放棄一些其他的東西。只要還有一線希望,我就不能說不。

⑤ 愛情電影用英語怎麼說romantic movie

Love movie


Which is the most unforgettable movie for you?


Most of us have watched at least one old, romantic movie.


Do you like romantic films? And if so what is you all-time favourite movie romance?


These people may not actually go in and out of relationships, but instead spend large amounts of time in chat rooms, reading romance novels, or going to movie after movie.


This love movie plays on my heart strings. It may also make you cry.

⑥ 英語作文 我最喜歡的電影 200字 初三水平

There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life .
Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot.
He lost the touch with his family since then.His two pals helped him to lead a new life .
His mother and other family members thought he had died .One day ,his girlfriend met him by accident .She persuadee him to come back to get his kingdom .He first did not take her advisebut then he agreeed with the help of a magical monkey
He returned and he got to know it's his uncle who ended his father'life .He fought against him and he won at last .
He saved his mother and other lions and became king of his tribe .He is lion of great determination and iron will. He is a really Hero!



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