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① 電影奇跡男孩英文觀後感100字



Films occasionally fall into the stereotype of children's films, which are too cute and create inappropriate humor for young groups.

However, the film's ultimate success not only tells a complex story, but also conveys the experience of confusion, loneliness and fear to the audience.





② 英文電影影評100字


Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.

Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.

However,he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.

3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple—human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.






③ 《l,robot》電影觀後感英語作文100字左右

I enjoyed the movie "I, Robot". The plot was exciting, although the concept was not very original. However, one of the things I liked about this movie was the way the existence of robots was integrated into the lives of humans.
Although the movie included some high-tech concepts about the making and function of the robots, they were not so complex as to leave viewers confused or feeling intimidated. The plot was easy to follow, and the subtle twists and unexpected turn-of-events added spice to the movie, and kept things exciting throughout. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and recommended to everyone.
(來源: IMDB)

④ 5篇100字左右的英文電影的觀後感,要用英語啊


To be honest, Ive never seen anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before.Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person cant be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!

Forrest Gump not only shares his innocence and purity with others, ,he also manages to retain that innocence through some very difficult times. I love Forrest that he doesnt lose his purity through the movie, or maybe he just cant ,but either way, this shows us dont need to be evil or really intelligent to be recognised or successful.

It is just a movie, so maybe it doesnt work like that in reality.A simply means is that the acting and story of this film got a high level like the real . And in my definition thats what a good movie should be able to do.





⑤ 小馬寶莉電影觀後感英文100字怎麼寫

This is an interesting and touching cartoon. It says that a pony named ziyue came to pony valley with his assistant suilong to learn about friendship in order to perform the task given to her by her mentor, Princess universe. In the pony Valley, she met several good friends. Each pony represents every element of friendship and plays an important key element in the harmonious crystal. Since then, ziyue has started an interesting daily life with her new friends. And finally beat up tirek with evil intentions as a princess. Ponies are divided into land horses, unicorns, Pegasus and very rare empty horned beasts. They all have cute signs about their talents! The ponies are not only beautiful, but also very kind! There are honest Apple Jiaer, generous curiosities, loyal yunbao, Biqi who can treat everything with optimism, ziyue who has the gift of caring for small animals and the coexistence of magic and wisdom. In this interesting animation, I like ziyue best. She is very cute. She has a light purple body and a dark blue mane with purple pink hair. The cute logo is a big pink hexagon surrounded by five white stars. I studied magic at the genius Royal Unicorn School of magic and learned the history and legends that most ponies don't understand. I like the last two episodes best. When her friends were all captured by tirek, she gave all the princess magic to save her friends. Although their magic power has been exhausted, a treasure chest that needs six harmony keys has turned the tide of the war. They found the origin of the key from their diaries and opened the mysterious box. The tree of harmony and the box were integrated into one, turning them into super powerful ponies with powerful magic, and finally defeated tirek! Isn't this the true story of friendship? In life, the magic of friendship also hovers around us. I remember in the summer vacation, I kept a kitten only two months old. With my mother's repeated dissuasion, the cute kitten was about to be sent away, but he was unwilling to leave. He ran back again. I only kept him for less than three days. He knows who is kind to him, and cats have the same feelings as people. Isn't this just a matter of showing the power of friendship? "You're wrong, tyrek. I gave you all the unicorn magic, but I still have the most powerful magic in my body!" you 're right! This powerful magic is friendship! Burley pony this is one of my favorite movies. It makes me understand: friendship! Is the most powerful!

它講了:一隻叫紫悅的小馬為了執行導師宇宙公主給她的任務,與助手穗龍一起來到小馬谷學習有關友 誼的知識。在小馬谷中,她邂逅了幾位好朋友,每隻小馬都代表著友誼的每個元素,並在和諧水晶中, 各扮演重要的關鍵元素。此後,紫悅便與她認識的新朋友們開始了有趣的日常生活。並最終以公主身份 打到了有著邪惡意圖的提雷克。
小馬們分陸馬、獨角獸、飛馬以及非常罕見的空角獸。他們身上都有關於自己天賦的可愛標志! 小馬們們不但美麗,還特別善良!
有誠實的蘋果嘉兒、慷慨的珍奇、忠誠的雲寶、不管遇到什麼事都能以樂觀態度對待的碧琪、有照顧小 動物天賦的柔柔和魔法與智慧並存的紫悅,
在這部有趣的動漫中我最喜歡紫悅,她非常可愛,淡紫色身體、深藍色鬃毛夾紫粉發色,可愛標志的圖 案為一顆大粉色六角星被五顆白色的小星星包圍著。在的天才皇家獨角獸魔法學院學習魔法知識,懂得 多數小馬都不懂的歷史和傳說
我最喜歡最後兩集,當她的朋友被提雷克全部抓住的時刻,為了救自己的朋友交給了所有的公主魔力。 他們的魔力雖然已經耗盡,一個需要六把和諧鑰匙的寶箱,扭轉了戰局。她們從自己的日記中找到了鑰 匙的起源,打開了這個神秘的箱子,和諧之樹和箱子融於一體,把她們變成了有強大魔法的超能小馬, 最終打敗了提雷克!
記得在暑假時,我養了一隻只有兩個月大的小貓。在我媽媽的再三勸阻下,那隻萌寵可愛的小貓即將被 送走時,但他卻不願意離去,自己又跑回來了,我只養了他不到三天。他知道誰對他好,貓也有向人一 樣的情感。這不正是表現友誼力量的事嗎?
「你錯了,提雷克。我是把獨角獸魔力都給了你,但我的身體里還有最強大的魔力!」沒錯!這個強大的 魔力就是友誼!《小馬寶莉》這是我最喜歡電影的之一。它讓我明白:友誼!是最強大的!

⑥ 兩篇英語電影的觀後感

第一篇 盜夢空間
Yesterday I watched the movie 'Inception'. It was really awesome. The setting of the movie resembles that of 'The Matrix', which also questions the existence of the real world. In fact, ancienct philosophers from China and Greek, such as Zhuang Zi and Plato, doubted the reality of our world thousands of years ago. Yet the movie demonstrated the idea in a more appealing and dramatic way. The plot was full of suspenses and conundrums. I admired the courage and intelligence of the protagonist. But what impressed me most was the friendship and love between the people in the movie. I have learnt that great things cannot be done without teamwork.

第二篇 福爾摩斯
Today I watched the movie 'Sherlock Holmes', perhaps the most well-known detective movie in the world. I love to watch the Holmes detecive series since childhood and I am familiar with every case he solved. The movie enthralls me bacause it shows the other side of Holmes. In the movie he was not only intelligent, but also romantic and mascular. The movie may altered the image of Holmes, yet I found it entertaining as it contains many interesting elements--fights, romance and adventure. I would like to see more alteration of this kind.



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