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1. 電影《簡愛》中簡答應求婚的英文台詞

JANE:Not the voyage,but the distance,and then the sea is such a barrier.
Edword:from what,Jane?
J:from england,sir.and from Thornfield.and...
E:sometimes i have the stangest feeling about you.especially when you're near me as you are now.it feels as though i had a string,tied here under my left rib where my heart is.tightly knotted to you in a similar fashion.and when you go to Ireland,with all that distance between us,i'm afraid this cord will be snapped.and i shall bleed inwardly,but you're sensible,you'll forget...
J:never!I'll never forget.i wish i'd never been born.Iwish I'd never come to Thornfield.
E:There are other houses just as fine.
J:How can you be so stupid?How can you be so cruel?I may be poor and plain, but I'm not without feelings!It's not the house but the life I lived here.I was not trampled on,I was not excluded.I was treated as an equal.
E:And so you are,Jane.And so...And so...
J:Yes so, sir.And yet not so, for you're a married man.or as good as married.Led me go!
E:please, stil...Don't struggle so...You're like a wild bird clawing at its cage.
J:I'm not caged bird,I'm a free human being.Independent with a will of my own.
E:Then stay.Stay and marry me.
J:How dare you make fun of me?
E:I mean what I say.Stay at Thornfield.Be my wife!
J:And what of Miss Ingram?
E:Miss Ingram,I don't love MissIngram,nor does she love me.Jane, you strange,almost unearthly thing.I love you as my own flesh.I beg of you to marry me.Say,"Edward,give me my name."Say Edward,I'll marry you."

2. 簡愛電影台詞英漢對照


1) I have not been trampled on.我從未像這樣被人摧殘過

2) I have not been petrified.我從沒有這樣傷心過

3) I have not been excluded from everyglimpse of what is bright.從來沒有像這樣看不見一絲希望

4) I have known you, Mr. Rochester,我能理解您 羅徹斯特先生

5) and it strikes me with anguish to betorn from you.離開您使我非常痛苦

6) Then why must you leave?那為何要離開?

7) Because of your wife!因為你的妻子!

8) I have no wife.我沒有妻子

9) 0But you are to be married.但是你要結婚了啊

10) Jane, you must stay.簡 你一定要留下
1) And become nothing to you?然後讓你對我視若無物?

2) Am I a machine without feelings?難道我是一個沒有情感的機器嗎?

3) Do you think that because I am poor,obscure, plain and little難道我貧窮默默無聞 長相平庸 瘦小

4) that I am soulless and heartless?就沒有靈魂和感情嗎?

5) I have as much soul as you and full asmuch heart.我和你一樣有靈魂和感情

6) And if God had blessed me with beautyand wealth,並且如果上帝賦予我美貌和財富

7) I could make it as hard for you toleave me我也可以讓你離不開我

8) as it is for I to leave you.就如同我離不開你一樣

9) 0I'm not speaking to you through mortalflesh.不是我的肉體凡胎在和你交流

10) It is my spirit that addresses yourspirit,我是在用靈魂和你交流

11) as if we'd passed through the graveand stood at God's feet, equal,as we are.就像我們魂歸主後 站在上帝的面前 我們是平等的

12) As we are.我們是平等的

13) I am a free human being with anindependent will,我是一個擁有自由意志的人

14) which I now exert to leave you.我現在決意要離開你

15) Then let your will decide yourdestiny.那就讓你的意志來決定你的命運吧

16) I offer you my hand, my heart.我把我的手 我的心都交給你

17) I ask you to pass through life at myside.我請求你陪我共度餘生

18) You are my equal and my likeness.我們是平等的 你是我的摯愛

19) Will you marry me?你願意嫁給我嗎?

20) Are you mocking me?你是在嘲笑我嗎?
1) Do you doubt me?你是在懷疑我嗎?

2) Entirely!當然了!

3) Your bride is Miss Ingram.你的新娘是Ingram小姐

4) Miss Ingram? Ingram小姐?

5) She is the machine without feelings.她才是沒有情感的機器

6) It's you. You rare, unearthly thing.是你 超凡脫俗 世間罕見

7) Poor and obscure as you are,出身寒微 默默無聞

8) 0please accept me as your husband.請接收我做你的丈夫

9) I must have you for my own.為了我自己 我必須要娶你

10) You wish me to be your wife?你希望我做你的妻子?

11) I swear it.我發誓

12) You love me?你愛我嗎?

13) I do.是的

14) Then, sir, I will marry you.那麼 先生 我願意嫁給你

15) We've been good friends, haven't we?我們是好朋友 不是嗎?

16) Yes, sir.是的先生

17) I've a strange feeling with regard toyou,我對你有一種奇怪的感覺

18) as if I had a string somewhere undermy left ribs,就像我左肋有一根線

19) tightly knotted to a similar string inyou.緊緊地和你肋部的那根弦連在一起

20) And if you were to leave,如果你一定要走

21) I'm afraid that cord of communionwould snap.這條線就會斷掉

22) And I've a notion that I'd take tobleeding inwardly.我想我會因此而心碎

23) As for you, you'd forget me.至於你 會忘記我吧?

24) 0How?怎麼忘記?

25) I have lived a full life here.這里有我全部的生活

26) Life is too short, can not be used vengeful build hate生命太短促,不能用來記仇蓄恨

27) There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.

那是一種內在的東西, 他們抵達不了,也無法觸及的,那是你的。

28) Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


29) Miracles happen every day.


30) It made me look like a ck in water.


31) I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze.


32) 0Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.


33) Do you think,because I am poor,obscure,plain,and littele,I am soulless and heartless?You think wrong!-I have as much soul as you-and full as much heart!難道就因為我一貧如洗,默默無聞,長相平庸,個子瘦小,就沒有靈魂,沒有心腸了——你想錯了,我的心靈跟你一樣豐富,我的心胸一樣充實!

34) I think the bird flies but the sea birds fly, is that no courage of the sea, years later I discovered, not the bird flies past, but not the other side of the sea, and had no waiting我以為小鳥飛不過滄海,是以為小鳥沒有飛過滄海的勇氣,十年以後我才發現,不是小鳥飛不過去,而是滄海的那一頭,早已沒有了等待

35) You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鳥兒是註定不會被關在樊籠里的,它們的每一片羽毛都閃耀著自由的光輝。

36) Do you think,because I am poor,obscure,plain,and little,I am soulless and heartless?You think wrong!- I have as much soul as you,- and full as much heart!And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth,I should have made it as hard for you to leave me,as it is now for me to leave you.I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom,conventionalities,nor even of mortal flesh;- it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave,and we stood at God's feet,equal,- as we are!



1. 簡愛經典英文台詞

2. 簡愛經典語錄

3. 《簡愛》經典語錄



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