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① 飛屋歷險記講的是什麼


② <飛屋歷險記》英文觀後感在哪可以找到,急。。。

簡介:A young Carl Fredrickson meets a young adventure spirited girl named Ellie. They both dream of going to a Lost Land in South America. 70 years later, Ellie has died. Carl remembers the promise he made to her. Then, when he inadvertently hits a construction worker, he is forced to go to a retirement home. But before they can take him, he and his house fly away. However he has a stowaway aboard. An 8 year old boy named Russell, whose trying to get an assisting the elderly badge. Together, they embark in an adventure, where they encounter talking dogs, an evil villain and a rare bird named Kevin一些介紹和感受:1. 按照皮克斯電影的慣例,《飛屋環游記》之前也會有精緻的動畫短片呈現。
As always, a Pixar movie is preceded with one or more animated shorts.
2. 2D版的《飛屋環游記》就已經很好看——從人物到環境,每一出小細節都有被精心照顧到。
It looks pretty good in 2D – nicely animated characters and environment, with a lot of attention to rendering small detail.3. 至於故事情節,非常贊。《飛屋環游記》關注的是一個人的完整一生。
Story? It』s great! The story about entire person』s life. 4. 《飛屋環游記》的主人公卡爾,長相比較囧,有點像脫口秀主持人David Letterman和Larry King二者結合。
The main character Carl Fredricksen (Edward Asner) looks a lot like a cross-breed of David Letterman and Larry King… 5. 不喜歡《飛屋環游記》里頭的Muntz,他簡直就是一抓狂版的《海底兩萬里》潛水艇艇長。
I did not like the hero-turned-protagonist Muntz. He was a crazy version of Joules Verne』s Captain Nemo6. 《飛屋環游記》里頭雖然不乏一些小玩笑,但總的來說這還是一部憂傷的電影——從開場一直到結局,始終有著憂傷的氣氛在其中浮現。
Though there were quite a few jokes in this movie, it』s a pretty sad movie – so much sadness throughout, from opening sequence to the end. 7. 96分鍾的《飛屋環游記》在時間長度上還是比較適合小孩子的。但是比起皮克斯之前的作品諸如《賽車總動員》、《超人總動員》、《怪物電力公司》、《玩具總動員》和《海底總動員》,這一部可能吸引不了小孩子反復觀賞。
At 96 minutes, the movie is not too long for small kids. But it doesn』t look like a movie that kids will want to see over and over, like was the case with Cars, Incredibles, Monsters Inc, Toy Story and Nemo. 8. 看得出《飛屋環游記》是一部用心十足的電影。就這一點,足以贏得奧斯卡。
This movie has a lot of heart. For that alone it』s Oscar-worthy 9. 《飛屋環游記》里頭最喜歡的角色是那隻叫做Dug的狗狗和那隻叫做Kevin的南美洲鳥。
Favorite characters: Dog named Dug and rare South-American bird named Kevin. 10. 總的來說,《飛屋環游記》形式上精美,內容上充實,是一部用心良苦、創意十足的動畫佳片,在諧趣的玩笑和驚心動魄的場面以外,淡淡的憂傷是影片的主旋律。
Thoughtful and beautifully animated movie with a lot of heart and inspiration and some jokes and chases, but a lot of sadness too.



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