導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 任達華電影有一個英文背景音樂


發布時間:2025-01-05 11:22:22

Ⅰ 電影沖鋒車吳鎮宇任達華在倉庫里改裝警車時候的背景歌曲!

叫 hero or asshole,專門為這部電影創作的,導演親自填的詞,暫時沒找到在哪裡可以下載,看看將來發行的唱片能否找到

Ⅱ 任達華蔡卓妍電影稚妓插曲,片尾那首英文歌叫什麼名字

Hard Out Here - Lily Allen
I supposed I should tell you what this bitch is thinking
You'll find me in the studio and not in the kitchen
I will be bragging about my cars
Or talking about my chains
Don't need to shape my ass for you
Cause I've got a brain
If I told you about my sex life
You call me a slut
But when boys are talking about their bitches
No one's making a fuzz
There's a glass ceiling to break
Uh hu, there's money to make
And now it's time to speed it up
Cause I can't move in this pace

Sometimes it's hard to find the words to say

I'll go ahead and say them anyway

Forget your balls and grow a pair of tits
It's hard, it's hard, it's hard out here
For a bitch it's hard
(for a bitch, for a bitch)
For a bitch it's hard
It's hard out here
For a bitch it's hard
(for a bitch, for a bitch)
For a bitch it's hard
It's hard out here
If you're not a size six
And you're not good looking
Well, you better be rich
Or be a real good at cooking
You should probably lose some weight
Cause we can't see your bones
You should probably fix your face
Or you'll end up on your own
Well, you ought to have somebody
Who objectifies you
Have you thought about you body
Who's gonna tear your suit
We've never had it so good
Uh hu, we're all running lose
And if you can't detect the suckers
Then you missunderstood

Sometimes it's hard to find the words to say

I'll go ahead and say them anyway

Forget your balls and grow a pair of teets
It's hard, it's hard, it's hard out here
For a bitch it's hard
(for a bitch, for a bitch)
For a bitch it's hard
It's hard out here
For a bitch it's hard
(for a bitch, for a bitch)
For a bitch it's hard
It's hard out here
(a bitch, a bitch, a bitch, bitch, bitch)
(a bitch, a bitch, a bitch, bitch, bitch)
(a bitch, a bitch, a bitch, bitch, bitch)

In a crawler, you promises
That is here to stay
Always trusting, injustice
Cause it's not going away
In a crawler, you promises
That is here to stay
Always trusting, injustice
Cause it's not going away

Sometimes it's hard to find the words to say

I'll go ahead and say them anyway

Forget your balls and grow a pair of teets
It's hard, it's hard, it's hard out here
For a bitch it's hard
(for a bitch, for a bitch)
For a bitch it's hard
It's hard out here
For a bitch it's hard
(for a bitch, for a bitch)
For a bitch it's hard
It's hard out here

Bitch it's hard
(for a bitch, for a bitch)
For a bitch it's hard

It's hard out here
For a bitch it's hard
(for a bitch, for a bitch)
For a bitch it's hard
It's hard out here

Ⅲ 任達華主演的電影有BEYOND插曲的電影叫什麼名字

BEYOND 唱過的有《無盡空虛》《我是憤怒》還有《情人》

阿慶在灣仔開車房,生性好打不平,結交了許多義氣朋友,因此也招惹了很多是非。阿慶的名頭響亮,許多商戶、夜店都邀阿慶照應,免受黑社會的騷擾。一個在灣仔盤踞的黑幫,欲在阿慶照應的夜店作毒品交易,被阿慶拒絕,並將他們遂出灣仔。結果,阿慶在毫無防避之下被槍殺…… 一開始是劉以達哀傷的音樂和那風吹紙錢的境像。碼頭,灣仔揸FIT人的棺材從澳門運來……等待是一生最初蒼老,這位搏命出位的黑幫大佬在圓了他最純真的夢後,死在了冷冷的槍下,一旁是近在咫尺的幸福。江湖,就是這樣的一條不歸路,一旦踏上,就沒有迴路。能抽身而退的人是聰明人,但更是幸運人,灣仔耀慶也許夠聰明,但不夠幸運。灣仔耀慶是一個喜歡飆車的泊車仔。沖動,義氣,迷戀金錢,又習慣耍狠斗勇,這已是進入黑社會的良好氣質,在殘酷的紛爭中,已經分不清何謂正義,何謂邪惡,只有鮮血、眼淚、痛苦、微笑是真實的。四位迷茫青年,只不過是在照例做著上天按排好的一切,沉浮都是造化。



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