導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 有關英語動畫電影的簡單介紹


發布時間:2025-01-12 03:06:41

Ⅰ 鑻辮鐢靛獎灝忓︾敓蹇呯湅



榪欓儴鐢靛獎闈炲父閫傚悎鍏ㄥ朵漢涓璧風湅錛 瀛╁瓙涓庣埗姣嶉兘浼氬彂鐜板瑰郊姝ょ殑瀹藉逛笌鐖辨槸澶氫箞閲嶈併



Ⅱ 請幫忙介紹一些經典的適合學習英語的動畫片

1、《幻想曲》, Fantasia 1940年

2、《玩具總動員》, Toy Story 1995年

3、《鋼鐵巨人》 ,The Iron Giant 1999年
4、《獅子王》 The Lion King , 1994 年
5、《怪物史萊克》 Shrek , 2001 年
6、《南方公園電影版》 South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut , 1999 年
—— 一部少兒不宜的動畫長片
7、《聖誕夜驚魂》 The Nightmare Before Christmas , 1993 年
—— 一部奇思妙想的「荒誕劇」
8、《美女與野獸》 Beauty and the Beast , 1991 年
9、《小鹿斑比》 Bambi , 1942 年
10、《誰陷害了兔子羅傑》 Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988 年

Ⅲ 用英語介紹一部動畫電影

Spirited Away is an animated film proced by Studio Ghibli and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, the acting characters of Mei Jo, Akio Nakamura, Amaki Akio, etc.

The film tells the story of chihiro, a young girl who comes to the supernatural world by accident and goes through many hardships in order to save her parents.

The film was released in Japan on July 20, 2001, and in China on June 21, 2019.







Ⅳ 用英語簡單復述一個英語動漫電影

機器人總動員(公元2700年,人類文明高度發展,卻因污染和生活垃圾大量增加使得地球不再適於人類居住。地球人被迫乘坐飛船離開故鄉,進行一次漫長無邊的宇宙之旅。臨行前他們委託Buynlarge的公司對地球垃圾進行清理,該公司開發了名為WALL•E(Waste Allocation Load Lifters – Earth 地球廢品分裝員)的機器人擔當此重任。這些機器人按照程序日復一日、年復一年辛勤工作,但隨著時間的流逝和惡劣環境的侵蝕,WALL·E們接連損壞、停止運動。最後只有一個仍在進行這項似乎永無止境的工作。經歷了漫長的歲月,它開始擁有了自己的意識。它喜歡將收集來的寶貝小心翼翼藏起,喜歡收工後看看幾百年前的歌舞片,此外還有一隻蟑螂朋友作伴。直到有一天,一艘來自宇宙的飛船打破了它一成不變的生活……本片榮獲2009年第81屆奧斯卡最佳動畫長片獎。)
Wall-E (2700 ad, the height of human civilization, but e to pollution and waste a large increase in the earth is no longer suitable for human habitation. Earth people are forced to take the spacecraft to leave the homeland, a long and endless journey of the universe. Before leaving, they commissioned buynlarge company to clean up trash for the earth, the company developed name for wall - E (waste allocation load lifters - earth earth waste packaging member) of the robot to undertake the important task. These robots are hard in accordance with the proceres, but as the work day in and day out year after year, erosion time and harsh environment, WALL E series of damage, stop motion. Finally, only one is still in this world without end seems to work. After a long period of time, it began to have their own consciousness. It will be like collect baby carefully hid, like knock off work to see hundreds of years ago in the musical. In addition, there's a cockroach companion and friend. Until one day, a ship from the ship broke its immutable and frozen life...... The film won the 2009 session of the eighty-first Oscar Award for best animated feature).




1. 《瘋狂動物城》:這部動畫片以其獨特的視角和幽默的故事情節贏得了廣泛好評。影片中的動物們各具特色,通過他們的冒險和奮斗,觀眾不僅可以感受到濃厚的友情和勇氣,還能在輕松愉快的氛圍中提高英語聽力水平。

2. 《功夫熊貓》系列:以中國功夫為主題,熊貓阿寶的成長歷程充滿了勵志和正能量。影片中的對話幽默風趣,同時融入了許多中國元素,使觀眾在欣賞精彩畫面的同時,也能學習到豐富的英語詞彙和表達方式。

3. 《霍頓與無名氏》:這部電影講述了一個關於生命尊重和珍惜的感人故事。通過大象霍頓和微觀世界無名氏的互動,影片傳遞了深刻的哲理,同時其生動的畫面和寓教於樂的方式也非常適合兒童觀眾。

4. 《怪獸電力公司》:作為一部經典的動畫電影,怪獸電力公司以其獨特的創意和溫馨的故事情節深受觀眾喜愛。影片中的怪獸們形象可愛,他們的冒險經歷不僅引人入勝,還能讓觀眾在歡笑中學習到友情和勇氣的價值。


Ⅵ 5部英語動畫電影簡介



It tells the story of Simba, a lion cub who flees the family home when his dad - King Mufasa - snuffs it and wicked Uncle Scar tricks him into thinking it was his fault. He grows up tucked away in a jungle hiding place, alongside newfound buddies Timon and Pumbaa(a meerkat and a wart-hog, in case you're wondering), before eventually plucking up the courage to return to the Pride Lands and take back what's rightfully his.


Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

After the events of "Ice Age: The Meltdown", life begins to change for Manny and his friends: Scrat is still on the hunt to hold onto his beloved acorn, while finding a possible romance in a female sabre-toothed squirrel named Scratte. Manny and Ellie, having since become an item, are expecting a baby, which leaves Manny anxious to ensure that everything is perfect for when his baby arrives. Diego is fed up with being treated like a house-cat and ponders the notion that he is becoming too laid-back. Sid begins to wish for a family of his own, and so steals some dinosaur eggs which leads to Sid ending up in a strange underground world where his herd must rescue him, while dodging dinosaurs and facing danger left and right, and meeting up with a one-eyed weasel known as Buck who hunts dinosaurs intently.


Beauty and the Beast

"Once upon a time..." A half-ruined merchant lives in the country with his son Ludovic and his three daughters.Two of the daughters,Felicie and Adelaide,are real shrews,selfish,pretentious,evil.They exploit the third daughter,Belle,as a servant.One day,the merchant get lost in the forest and enters a strange castle.He picks up a rose for Beauty,what makes the castle's owner appear.He is a monster,half-human (body) and half-beast (paws,head),and he has magic powers.He sentenced the merchant to death,unless one of his daughters replaces him.Beauty sacrifices herself for her father and go to the castle.She will discover that the Beast is not so wild and inhuman than it looks.


Snow White

A long time ago, the beautiful queen gave birth after snow white died, sad king two years marry another a queen, Snow White's stepmother, the queen beauty guise, but the mirror told her world only snow white is the most beautiful, the queen broil with envy sent warrior put her escort to the forest to murder, Warriors sympathy Snow White let her light deep into the forest. A small animal with a good heart to soothe her, the birds and animals also took her to a cabin. After clearing away the room she fell asleep. The owner of the house is in the seven dwarfs outside the mine. They listened to the snow white princess tells her to stay at home. The queen that Snow White did not die, we mirror ourselves into an old woman, came to the depths of the forest, tricking Snow White ate a poisonous apple, Princess faint dead in the past. The bird caught queen disguise, fly to the mine reported the snow white princess misfortune. The seven dwarfs rushed back, her panic to escape, in the storm fell down the cliff and die. The seven dwarfs grieved, put snow white in a crystal coffin, day and night to guard her. Neighboring Prince After hearing the news, came riding a white horse, love kiss snow white revive. Then the prince with snow white riding on a white horse, bid farewell to the seven dwarfs and forest animals, to the prince's palace began a happy life


the house of flying clouds

A young Carl Fredrickson meets a young adventure spirited girl named Ellie. They both dream of going to a Lost Land in South America. 70 years later, Ellie has died. Carl remembers the promise he made to her. Then, when he inadvertently hits a construction worker, he is forced to go to a retirement home. But before they can take him, he and his house fly away. However he has a stowaway aboard. An 8 year old boy named Russell, who's trying to get an Assisting the Elderly badge. Together, they embark on an adventure, where they encounter talking dogs, an evil villain and a rare bird named Kevin.

Ⅶ 適合初級者學英語的電影推薦














































Ⅷ 英語動畫電影有哪些


1. 《冰雪奇緣》Frozen

解釋: 《冰雪奇緣》是一部非常受歡迎的英語動畫電影,由迪士尼製作。該片講述了一位名叫艾莎的公主擁有冰雪魔法,她在冒險中發現了自己真正的力量,並保護了她和她妹妹安娜的家園。這部電影的動畫效果、音樂、角色設計都非常出色,適合所有年齡段的觀眾觀看。

2. 《瘋狂動物城》Zootopia 或 Animal City

解釋: 《瘋狂動物城》是一部以動物為主角的英語動畫電影,由迪士尼製作。故事發生在一個充滿各種動物角色的城市中。影片通過一隻小兔子朱迪的奮斗和成長,展現了一個關於勇氣和夢想的故事。該電影的情節緊湊,角色生動,深受觀眾喜愛。

3. 《海底總動員》Finding Nemo

解釋: 《海底總動員》是一部以海洋為背景的英語動畫電影,由皮克斯動畫工作室製作。影片主要圍繞一隻小丑魚尼莫和他的父親馬林的冒險旅程展開。在尋找尼莫的過程中,馬林遇到了各種各樣的海洋生物,經歷了一系列刺激和感人的事件。這部電影充滿了幽默和溫情,適合全家觀看。

4. 《獅子王》The Lion King

解釋: 《獅子王》是一部經典的英語動畫電影,講述了小獅子王辛巴從懵懂無知到接受挑戰並成為草原上的領導者。這部電影以其生動的角色、壯麗的場景和感人的音樂而受到全世界觀眾的喜愛。它不僅僅是一部動畫電影,更是一部關於生命、權力和成長的故事。

Ⅸ 英文動畫電影



《怪獸大學》(英語:Monsters University)是2001年動畫《怪獸電力公司》的前傳,故事回溯到主角毛怪與大眼仔的大學時光,講述了他們從死對頭變成至真好友的冒險經歷。

影片由皮克斯導演丹·斯坎隆(Dan Scanlon)執導,英文版由好萊塢喜劇演員比利·克里斯托(Billy Crystal)、約翰·古德曼(John Goodman)配音,中文版則邀來中國的徐崢與何炅獻聲。




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