1. 英文影評《星際穿越》120個單詞左右
英文影評《星際穿越》:Star Trek is one of the best works of director Christopher Nolan. It is more important than the chronicle he created in memory fragments, more impressive than the distorted plot in inception, and more daunting than re imagining Batman in Batman: the mystery of the Xia shadow as the most unique superhero Series in the 21st century.
The film is not only a high-cost science fiction, but also a simple story about love and sacrifice. It includes impatience, adventure, hope and heartbreak. The creation of the film is an amazing achievement, which is worth watching on the largest screen and using the best sound system.
《星際穿越》該劇講述了近未來的地球黃沙遍野,小麥、秋葵等基礎農作物相繼因枯萎病滅絕,人類不再像從前那樣仰望星空,放縱想像力和靈感的迸發,而是每日在沙塵暴的肆虐下倒數著所剩不多的光景。在家務農的前NASA宇航員庫珀(馬修·麥康納 Matthew McConaughey 飾)接連在女兒墨菲(麥肯吉·弗依 Mackenzie Foy 飾)的書房發現奇怪的重力場現象,隨即得知在某個未知區域內前NASA成員仍秘密進行一個拯救人類的計劃。多年以前土星附近出現神秘蟲洞,NASA借機將數名宇航員派遣到遙遠的星系尋找適合居住的星球。在布蘭德教授(邁克爾·凱恩 Michael Caine 飾)的勸說下,庫珀忍痛告別了女兒。
鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1egdCJ5am00tIJ0GExbkgLA