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㈠ 龍貓的英文簡介

My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ, Tonari no Totoro?), is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and proced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The movie won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1988. The movie was originally released in the U.S. in VHS format with the title, My Friend Totoro.[1]

Troma Films, under their 50th St. Films banner, proced a 1993 b of the film co-proced by Jerry Beck. It was released on VHS and DVD by Fox Video. Troma's and Fox's rights to this version expired in 2004. The film was re-released by Disney on March 7, 2006.[2] It features a new b cast. This DVD release is the first version of the film in the United States to include both Japanese and English language tracks, as Fox did not have the rights to the Japanese audio track for their version.

㈡ 龍貓的英文簡介,越長越好!!!!!

My Neighbor Totoro, its scientific name South American chinchilla belongs to MAMMALIA Rodentia Suborder porcupine American chinchilla related species resemble Hayao Miyazaki for its creation of the cartoon film TOTORO My Neighbor Totoro (where, like it?), So after being in Hong Kong change their name to "My Neighbor Totoro."
My Neighbor Totoro rodents are mammals, porcupines suborder South America bunny Branch, and many people mentioned the mouse thought of a mouse, in fact it and the rats are completely different. The main difference is: rats are omnivorous animals, and My Neighbor Totoro is a vegetarian, and their digestive system different. Mouse is a two-ovulation control ovulation and the My Neighbor Totoro is a single tube, so rodents (including hamsters) can be litter every 20 days for Health and My Neighbor Totoro Aberdeen litter 1-2 times a year only, and only 1-2 per litter The probability is 80%.
My Neighbor Totoro ancestors who live in the South American Andes, 500-1200 m above sea level inside the chimney. Despite the cold and dry weather, a great temperature difference between day and night, but chinchillas are still living a life of peace and happiness of the herd. The Totoro's hometown, food was lacking, chinchillas, who can only rely on bark, roots, cactus and other live, which makes chinchillas have a strong vitality and resistance. Is also because of this harshness of the natural conditions, making chinchillas in the evolutionary process naturally reces the number of births and extended the period of pregnancy: My Neighbor Totoro is only 1-3 per child, with an average gestation period of as much as 111 days. But it will bring additional benefit is that chinchillas are rodents in the life of the longest average life span 12-20 years, the artificial breeding environment is still more than 35 years of health records. So, Chinchilla as a pet can accompany the owner to spend a long times. My Neighbor Totoro has the world's most dense fur, every pore as many as 40-60 hair roots, in the provenance of the best the United States, to better meet every pore 80 of the quantity (dogs and cats every pore is only 1-3 Article wool) in Totoro's home, chinchillas fur is a right, a symbol of good fortune and wealth is the chief ornaments of indigenous people. The sixteenth century, Spanish colonists set foot on the Totoro's hometown, they found that small animals, fur is so soft, temperament was so docile, several centuries surge in the number of fox hunting and My Neighbor Totoro makes almost extinct ... ... . to the early 19th century who had been arrested, My Neighbor Totoro immediate concern the edge of extinction, a mining engineer from the United States MFChapman high reward, spent four years time to collect 11 (8 public and 3 female) My Neighbor Totoro back to the United States breeding success, you have a chance today, I kept such a cute little animals, most of the world's My Neighbor Totoro My Neighbor Totoro is a descendant of this 11.
In the wild chinchillas have been undetected for a long time, and is likely to have become extinct, they are Class I of CITES protected species. My Neighbor Totoro is currently raising the largest amount the United States, followed by Canada, Argentina, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Chile, Uruguay and other countries. Hong Kong, Japan and other places e to climate, geographical, and there is no reason for forming Totoro farms do not proce chinchillas, but the private cultivation of the sale, quality, quantity is not stable. Yankee numerous breeding farms for many years a large number of chinchillas, currently the largest known breeding farms, as much as about 8000. Canada since 1937 from the U.S. introction of chinchillas, currently the main procing areas in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and other provinces Sasikaqie moderate. Because the United States was the first successfully bred chinchillas country, the propagation of the United States may well be the most experienced experts. The first Chinchilla Breeders Association ECBC (Empress Chinchilla Breeders'Cooperative) was established in 1938. The organization is committed to working with pure fur breeding instry, who set in 1950, the special color chinchillas breeding more and more people, there the birth of another association, that is, MCBA (Mutation Chinchilla Breeders'Association) MCBA every year in the provinces held a variety of large and small game, so that breeders can observe each other to exchange experience. At present the United States and Canada who are very respected breeders association of these two standards developed by and competitions.


㈢ 動漫《龍貓》的英文名稱是什麼






㈣ 宮崎駿 龍貓 的英文介紹,不要翻譯器翻譯的。

My Neighbor TOTORO
Logo: this strange creature, perhaps still living in Japan
Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother. Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is inhabited by magical creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro). They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures.
The film is full of fairy tale colour and the warmth of family, the success of the audience into a fantastic fairy tale world, it is a rare and excellent work. very suitable for a top last-borns watch.

㈤ 《龍貓》誰能給我他的簡介,這個是電影!

中文名: 龍貓
外文名: となりのトトロ
其它譯名: 鄰家的豆豆龍 / 隔壁的特特羅 / Tonari no Totoro
製片地區: 日本
導演: 宮崎駿
編劇: 宮崎駿
類型: 動畫,奇幻,冒險
主演: 日高法子,坂本千夏,糸井重里
片長: 86分鍾
上映時間: 1988年4月16日
分級: Hong Kong:I ;USA:G
對白語言: 日語
色彩: 彩色
imdb編碼: tt0096283
英文譯名: My Neighbor Totoro
音樂: 久石讓
色彩設計: 保田道世
美術: 男鹿和雄
和爸爸一起搬到鄉下的兩姐妹,在家旁的一棵大樹下發現了只有好孩子才能看見的TOTORO。其間發生了很多不可思議而有趣的故事。一天,妹妹小梅和姐姐吵了架之後,便獨自出走去找自己生病住院的媽媽。途中卻迷了路。姐姐在四處尋找無果的情況下,只好求助於TOTORO。善良而溫和的TOTORO喚來龍貓電車,載著姐姐找到 了迷路的妹妹,乘著龍貓電車,妹妹把親手摘的玉米送給了
電影龍貓劇照(15張)媽媽,希望她早日康復。 有一天小梅獨自在院子玩耍尋找橡樹子的時候,意外的看到了憨憨的小龍貓,小龍貓慌忙的想甩掉小梅,卻把小梅引到了正在睡覺的大大的龍貓身邊,這個秘密讓小月和小梅姊妹興奮不已,小月也夢想著有一天也能見到龍貓精靈,這個夢想很快就實現了,有一天下雨的傍晚,小月姊妹等在爸爸下班回來的車站旁時,大龍貓出現了,小月借給它一把傘卻被它當作非常有趣的玩具,夏天快過去的時候小月姊妹收到醫院的電報,媽媽身體不舒服,拖延了回家的時間,姊妹倆非常的擔心媽媽的情況,而小梅又抱怨姐姐不管自己,姐姐怪小梅不懂事,小梅大哭著喊著姐姐是個笨蛋跑遠了,那一天,小梅失蹤了,原來她想自己走到醫院看望媽媽,小月四處尋找小梅的時候,想到了龍貓,就這樣,龍貓喚來了貓巴士車,終於找到了迷路的小梅,後來,貓巴士車又帶著姊妹倆來到了媽媽的病房窗前,遠遠的看到一切平安的媽媽,姊妹倆不知道有多麼快樂,小梅抱著送給媽媽的玉米走失在去看往生病的媽媽的路上時,一種曾被忘記的溫暖回到了身邊。 在寧靜的鄉間夜晚吹著陶塤的トト口,沒有華麗的色彩,一切都是淡淡的自然的,有一絲感傷,她們種下的每一棵橡樹子的發芽都是對未來生活的美好夢想,在這部宮崎駿1988年導演的《鄰家的龍貓》(となりのトト口)中,沒有一句台詞甚至沒有出現過幾場的龍貓,成為我們永遠的至愛,當然忘不了還有貓巴士車,那些玩具永遠有人要抱回家。覺得完美的家庭是要有兄弟姐妹的,相信每一個看過《龍貓》的20世紀70年代生人一定會對那種單純深切的姐妹深情感到無比親切,每次看到這部電影總是回想起童年裡總也甩不掉的遠遠跟在身後哭著跑的弟弟妹妹們,小梅在那一刻成為每一個觀眾自家的妹妹,所以每個人都在那一刻焦急的尋找著走失的小梅……

㈥ 龍貓的英文簡介,急需!!!

龍貓 galesaur





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