『壹』 英語生日快樂祝福語
一、Wishing you a wonderful birthday. You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted. May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too.祝你生日快樂,你的善良使這個世界變得更加美好,願這完全屬於你的一天帶給你快樂,願未來的日子錦上添花!
二、Wishing you a happy birthday! May the best and loving things be some of the joy your birthday brings.祝你生日快樂!願生日帶給你的歡樂中蘊涵著一切美好!
三、May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,願你一切願望都能實現。
四、Time flies. Today comes your birthday. The best of all good things for this special day and all the many more to come. Many happy returns!.時光飛逝,今天又是你的生日,願今天你擁有一切美麗,來年生日更美好,一年更勝一年。生日快樂!
五、Be happy, be cheerful. It"s time to celebrate. My friend was born today. Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through.祝你幸福,願你快樂,慶祝今天你來到這個世上。在生命航程新的一年中,願幸運時時與你相伴!