導航:首頁 > 電影字幕 > 我認為這部電影很值得觀看英語


發布時間:2025-03-15 10:48:22

A. 這部電影非常有趣,很值得一看的英文譯文

The film is very interesting and worth a look.

B. 英語翻譯,這部電影值得一看!

The film is worth seeing

C. 用英語寫《冰雪公主》電影觀後感,100字左右。

This is one of the best Ice Skating movies I have ever seen. I really enjoyed this movie, and thought that it was really worth watching. It shows you must work hard when you really want to do something, you can achieve it! I also thought that it had some funny parts, and pretty much anyone would like to watch this, since it has so many different things in it. I think that it is funny, sort of sad in some parts, and shows a lot of confidence that may make some people want to try harder. This movie is definitely worth watching, and even buying.


D. 這部電影值得看 用英語翻譯至少3種形式

1.this movie is worth watching. 2. this movie is worthy watching. 3. this movie deserves to be watched.

E. 英語翻譯 把「這是一部非常值得看的電影,也是一部非常值得讓人反思的電影.」 翻譯成英文.

This is a film that is worth watching and reflecting.

F. movie review英語作文


During the winter vacation, I watched the Star Trek directed by Nolan. After watching the film, it gives people a feeling of love, really selfless. The film shows a vast expanse of space.

The film depicts the spectacular space outside the spacecraft, focusing on the exploration of human nature and a father's deep love for his daughter. It is a touching and thought-provoking film, which is worth watching.





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