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發布時間:2022-03-13 17:39:02

⑴ 高中生寫的關於電影 英雄 的英語影評

Midway through the composition of this essay, I came across Jenny Kwok』s well-researched writings on the genesis and phenomenon of Zhang Yimou』s Hero (2004). In particular, her insight into the Chinese folkloric 「wu xia」 or chivalrous-swordsman fiction presents a fertile angle for criticism of this genre within the poetic (as opposed to sensationalistic) aspect of Hero』s martial arts choreography, framing and editing. Often, Zhang favors close-ups or a series of closer shots of the physical action instead of wide angles –used to show off physics-defying acrobatic firsts– because the martial arts function to a greater degree as metaphors. Nonetheless, an examination of this particular genre is beyond the scope of my essay, so Kwok』s analysis of Hero from the 「wu xia」 angle will more than suffice for now. This essay also forgoes comments on the all-star cast and the Hong Kong actors』 infrequent but detectable slips in their Mandarin accent. Another rain check goes to a critique of the imperfect CG special effects displayed in the Zhao-siege long shots, as compared to say a costlier Ridley Scott Hollywood epic. Furthermore, e to the alist nature of the filmmakers』 intentions –of a blockbuster for the world and a culture-conscious film– Hero』s technical merit, both in its narrative structure and metaphorical showmanship, elevates it to a contemporary masterpiece, not a timeless work of art. Observations of this alism is again credited to Jenny Kwok』s writings from her paper 「Hero: China』s response to Hollywood globalization.」

⑵ 求英文電影《英雄》。

中文片名: 小人物大英雄
英文片名: Hero
演員: 達斯廷·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman


⑶ 英語作文以電影《英雄》為例寫一篇電影梗概

The Avengers
Nick Fury is director of S.H.I.E.L.D, an international peace keeping agency. The agency planned a program called the Avengers Iniatiative containing awesome Marvel Super Heroes: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When global security is threatened by Loki and his cohorts, Nick Fury and his team needed all their powers to save the world from disaster. However, even in the face of danger, the team of strangers could not bear one another. Motivated by the death of a colleague and friend, the heroes fortunately pulled together and finally started to really work as a team, enabling them to defeat Loki and save the Earth.

⑷ 急求張藝謀的電影《英雄》的英文版或者帶英文字幕


⑸ 誰知道電影《英雄》的英文名是什麼


外國電影 英雄

對,就是達斯丁·霍夫曼主演的美國電影《英雄》(1992) ,印象中當年第一部國產大片《英雄》上映前後,CCTV6佳片有約還播放過這部美國版《英雄》。

英文名: Hero

中文名: 無名英雄/英雄/小人物,大英雄

導 演: ( 史蒂芬·弗萊爾斯 Stephen Frears )

主 演: (達斯丁·霍夫曼/達斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman) (吉娜·戴維斯 Geena Davis) (安迪·加西亞 Andy Garcia) (瓊·庫薩克 Joan Cusack) (凱文·奧康納 Kevin J. O'Connor) (毛里·切金 Maury Chaykin)

上 映: 1992年10月02日 美國

地 區: 美國

對 白: 英語

評 分: IMDb評分6.2/10 ( 8600票 )

時 長: 117 min / Canada:75

類 型: 喜劇 劇情

分 級: 加拿大:PG 澳大利亞:M 阿根廷:13 智利:14 芬蘭:S 德國:12 冰島:L 荷蘭:AL 秘魯:14 新加坡:PG 西班牙:T 瑞典:11 英國:15 美國:PG-13


⑺ 有討論什麼是英雄的英文電影片段

《音樂之聲》適合多人 女生較多 《阿甘正傳》適合三個男生 或男女對話 或男生獨白 《肖申克的救贖》適合男生獨白 或男生對話 《羅馬假日》適合男女對話 《重返十七歲》適合男生獨白 《公主日記》適合女生獨白 或女生對話

⑻ 電影 英雄 英文簡介

The late Warring States period, the three state-owned Zhao Ming Zhen Shaquille world, they are: "sky", "Can Jian", "snow." Because they, the King of Qin decade, a quiet night sleep. But they are an unknown, unknown by the name of the Qin swordsman killed. The news excited the King of Qin, Shang Dian Ji Zhao unknown meet.

In the main hall of the King of Qin, the mysterious burning candles, and the king of the unknown, only ten steps away, unknown to kill the sky, Can Jian, snow Weiweilai story: He took advantage of three between the love-hate Relations, the collapse of their forces to break all there to win. Qin can be witty man, listen to a story of unknown flaws, tell another story to say: Can Jian, and so is the initiative for three defeats have given their lives, desperate measure to help Shangdian unknown, unknown is the real most dangerous The assassin, and the King of Qin to tell the Unknown: he wrong one, that is, Can Jian. So the real story of starting from scratch and Syria ... ... Finally, to take up the sword unknown at this time, he is only ten steps from the King of Qin, his skills are "ten steps to kill one."

Warring States Period, Qin ambition to annex the six countries, six countries are determined assassin to kill the King of Qin. Among Canjian, snow, the sky is the King of Qin scourge. With Shaquille three unknown paternity Canjian add, say, so delicate that they will break one by one, the reward was in the audience with ten steps of the King of Qin and out the circumstances surrounding the incident. But Qin did not agree more slowly out of the three unknown assassin stands to lose out under the sword of another version ... ...

⑼ 英雄(李連傑主演的那部電影)的英文字幕



⑽ 求張藝謀《英雄》英文版官方字幕





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