⑴ 有一部韓國電影講述六個男女戀愛故事叫什麼名字
⑵ 有一部韓國電影,由幾個小故事組成,其中一個小故事主演是權相佑
⑶ 一部電影是6個故事組成的,你看過嗎
⑷ 求部韓國電影幾個小故事組成 每個故事的演員都是那幾個人 喜劇又很感人,第一個故事是在酒店裡
導演:PARK Sang-won 演員:申河均 (SHIN Ha-kyun) 飾演 不忠妻子的情夫 方銀珍 (BANG Eun-jin) 飾演 不忠妻子 IM Won-hee 飾演 不忠妻子的丈夫 JUNG Jae-young 飾演 企圖燒屍的男子 柳乘泛 (RYU Seung-beom) 飾演 RYU Seung-beom PARK Sang-wook 飾演 冰插殺手 簡介: 「四房窸敵」描述一間酒店內四個房間內發生的事——810號房中一個**男子把自己心儀的女子迷暈後,在她身上淋上液體企圖燒屍,但苦無打火機;801號房中,三名黑幫正等待接見自己的頭目,但當頭目使用洗手間後卻發現廁所淤塞;813號房中,一個有夫之婦跟其情夫正打得火熱,而丈夫則在門外等候捉姦在床;802號房中一名獨行殺手正拿著冰插,卻無所事事。全因為酒店職員(柳乘泛飾)闊佬懶理,四間房便發生一堆意料之外的事……
導演:PARK Kwang-hyun 演員:RYU Duk-hwan 飾演 Myung-jin IM Won-hee 飾演 大哥 柳乘泛 (RYU Seung-beom) 飾演 二哥 申河均 (SHIN Ha-kyun) 飾演 不良學生甲 JUNG Jae-young 飾演 不良學生乙 簡介: 「我的Nike」故事發生在一名生活在八十年代初的清貧學生身上。當他看見周遭的同學都拿著Nike書包和穿著Nike波鞋時,也希望自己能擁有一件Nike產品,可惜他清貧得連不良學生也不會打他的主意。當他發現身邊越來越多人都擁有Nike的物品時,他終於想到一條絕妙之計來滿足自己……
導演:LEE Hyun-jong 演員:KIM Il-wung 飾演 Young-il PARK Sun-young 飾演 Joo-hee 申河均 (SHIN Ha-kyun) 飾演 火車站乘客 IM Won-hee 飾演 候選議員 柳乘泛 (RYU Seung-beom) 飾演 電影演員
簡介: 「教會姐姐」是一個愛情小品。一個正在服兵役的青年戀上了跟他一起上了教會多年的女子。雖然她年紀比他大,但他仍鍥而不舍,姐姐只好告訴他已婚。傷心欲絕的他決定乘搭火車返回軍隊,二人卻在火車站相遇,並向對方表白一切,怎料……
⑸ 求一部幾段愛情故事集合成一部的愛情電影 不知道是韓國還是日本 很感人
本片是一部關於愛情記憶的影片,透過「日全食」這一天文現象將四段愛情集結:一次偶然的機會,素賢(李延熙 飾)暗戀師兄京宇(鄭日宇 飾)重逢,在校友聚會上,她主動對心上人展開了攻勢,但結果卻不如意;地鐵司機世鎮(甘宇成 飾)愛上了女乘客珠媛(崔江姬 飾),但他總覺得女友患有妄想症。當她因故缺席自己生日會後,他才真正理解她愛的方式;廣告公司女強人秀晶(林晶恩 飾)愛上了大自己12歲的師兄正錫(柳成龍 飾),但是這段辦公室戀情卻遭遇難題,原來正錫始終難以忘懷亡妻,而孩子則成了他酗酒之外的唯一安慰。她開始接近他,一切卻變得異常艱難;一個呼籲免費擁抱運動的流浪漢振萬(嚴泰雄 飾),為了5年前對女友的承諾回到漢城,但他需要面對物是人非的現實。 © 豆瓣
⑹ 由幾個小故事組成的恐怖片推薦幾個,要韓國或日本的,謝謝
我也很喜歡分段式恐影 總結了下~
鬼作秀系列123【最具代表性的分段恐影 無須解釋】
死亡之夜【45年電影 鼻祖級別 精彩絕倫】
懾魄驚魂【72電影版 5個小故事 89年同名電視劇起源】
屍袋【約翰卡彭特 托比胡柏導演的3個故事】
陰陽魔界【第二個是Spielberg導演 最後一個驚悚】
貓眼看人【貓連接的3個故事 第二個刺激】
魔鬼雙瞳【愛倫坡小說改編 都還可以】
殺人如麻【N多人問過 非常精彩】
妖夜傳說 【3個故事各有亮點 最後一個很獨特】
夜夜破膽【經典~經典 最後一個血腥】
恐怖極限【德國分段恐影 暴力 血腥!】
幽冥時代【黑人恐影 講述人最後變撒旦】
呼救無門【4個故事 有點惡心 比較荒誕】
恐怖街區【沒找到資源 故事性好像不錯】
煹火故事,月光光鬼咁慌【題材相近 故事有點嚇人】
怕黑怪談錄【動畫恐影 畫風壓抑】
夜半路驚魂【Stephen King小說改編 相對一般】
膽破心驚12【經典之作 相當過癮】
來自墳墓下面From Beyond the Grave【關於古董的4個故事】
精神病院 Asylum【影片編劇是《精神病患者》的編劇!】
恐怖劇集《恐怖大師》兩季, 《恐怖之源》,《噩夢工廠》,《迷離境界》,《希區柯克懸念故事集》等也很好看,特別是魔界奇譚【1989】恐怖劇集 恐怖王朝字幕組有翻譯 相當精彩~
怪談新耳袋系列【個人最愛 百物語到了110話 還有大量劇場版 特別篇】
世界奇妙物語系列【雪山凶靈,奶奶等為代表 各類型皆有】
買鬼回家【畫面詭異 劇情單薄】
鬼女魔咒【紅嬸出處 故事性不錯】
東瀛鬼咒【幾個故事不錯 具有可看性】
2002惡魔之家【恐怖與血腥結合 精彩的劇情】
生靈【驚悚恐怖 N多人問過】
怪談1964【時代經典 無需多言】
妖怪天國【手冢真作品 相當有意思】
亂步地獄【壓抑 變態 暴力………】
日本恐怖童話六部曲【童話的另類解構 詭異】
涉谷怪談的3部短篇集【目前網上只有兩部 小莎的都市傳說 和真實都市傳說1】
校園怪談之春天的詛咒【此類型代表作品 不容錯過】
毛骨悚然撞鬼經驗【真實體驗 短小故事】
繼續活下去的五個故事【乙一小說改編 都還可以】
日本靈異系列【鬼屋 死湖 旅館 嚇人系】
被詛咒的學校【氣氛不錯 第3個故事血腥】
楳圖一雄恐怖劇場【好像有6部 資源有的不好找】
真實試膽【恐怖效果不錯 劇情老套】
死神的十字路口【短小精悍 與鬼影同為泰恐代表作】
鬼亂5【最後一個故事相當有意思 看完便知】
幽魂學怨【各有亮點 但節奏把握不太好】
鬼四忌【真實事件改編 但總體乏味可陳】
鬼債【媲美鬼4虐 早期分段泰恐代表作】
驚慌夜談【泰國民間傳說 恐怖氛圍一般】
送死【11年新片 比較差的分段式電影】
嚇到笑【真是嚇到笑 第二個故事最好】
怪談協會【質量上乘 不容錯過】
office有鬼【搞笑+恐怖 令人印象深刻】
網上怪談【都還不錯 值得一看】
古鏡怪談【希區柯克短片改編 氛圍嚇人】
夜半123點鍾【有趣的故事 港式恐怖】
回轉壽屍【表演不錯 最後的故事感人】
陰陽路1234【第一部最精彩 後面選擇性觀看】
午夜驚心【曾志偉主演 不過好像絕版了……】
兩公婆八條心【科幻色彩 第3個故事精彩】
二月三十【兩段式恐影 黃秋生+黃子華】
黑夜【三地合拍 比較非常一般】
三更12【港澳台合作 故事非常好】
嚇死你【算一般吧 第一個故事還可】
魑魅魍魎【有點嚇人 可以一看】
陰陽愛【都很感人 不錯的片子】
銷魂玉【邵氏經典 第一個就是猴爪】
碟仙1980【兩段式 令人驚艷】
總結的不全 以後再補充~
⑺ 雲圖的劇情介紹 六個故事都要介紹不要太短太簡單 要全英文最好加上中文翻譯!
Cloud Atlas consists of six interrelated and interwoven stories spanning different time periods. The film is structured, according to novelist David Mitchell, "as a sort of pointillist mosaic."
I【South Pacific Ocean, 1849】
Adam Ewing, an American lawyer from San Francisco, has come to theChatham Islands to conclude a business arrangement with Reverend Gilles Horrox for his father-in-law, Haskell Moore. He witnesses the whipping of a Moriori slave, Autua, who later stows away on the ship. He confronts Ewing and convinces him to advocate for Autua to join the crew as a freeman. Meanwhile, Dr. Henry Goose slowly poisons Ewing, claiming it to be the cure for a parasitic worm, aiming to steal Ewing's valuables. When Goose attempts to administer the fatal dose, Autua saves Ewing. Returning to the United States, Ewing and his wife Tilda denounce her father's complicity in slavery and leave San Francisco to join the Abolition movement.[18][19]
亞當·尤因,從舊金山來的美國律師,已經到了theChatham群島簽訂業務l為他岳父Horrox 與牧師Gilles,Haskel。他目擊了一個莫里奧里人鞭打奴隸,Autua,後來藏在船上了。他遇到尤因,說服他提倡Autua加入船員作為一個自由人。與此同時,亨利古斯博士慢慢給尤因下毒,聲稱它是治療一種寄生蟲的葯物,旨在竊取尤因的貴重物品。當古斯試圖給他下致命劑量,Autua救了尤因。回到美國,尤因和他的妻子蒂爾達譴責她父親的共謀奴隸制,並離開舊金山加入廢奴運動。
【Cambridge, England and Edinburgh, Scotland, 1936】
Robert Frobisher, a bisexual English musician, finds work as an amanuensis to aging composer Vyvyan Ayrs, allowing Frobisher the time and inspiration to compose his own masterpiece, "The Cloud AtlasSextet." While working for Ayrs, Frobisher begins reading the published chronicle of Adam Ewing's journal which he has found among the many books at Ayrs's mansion. He never finishes reading the journal and notes in a letter that "A half-finished book is, after all, a half finished love affair." When "The Cloud Atlas Sextet" is revealed to Ayrs, he wishes to take credit for Frobisher's work, claiming it is the result of their collaboration and threatens to expose his scandalous background if he resists. Frobisher shoots and wounds Ayrs and flees to a hotel. Perhaps spurred by his inability to complete Ewing's book, he finishes "The Cloud AtlasSextet", then commits suicide, just before his lover Rufus Sixsmith arrives.
【San Francisco, USA, 1973】
Journalist Luisa Rey meets an older Sixsmith, now a nuclear physicist. Sixsmith tips off Rey to a conspiracy regarding the safety of a new nuclear reactor run by Lloyd Hooks, but is assassinated by Hooks' hitman Bill Smoke before he can give her a report that proves it. Rey finds and reads Frobisher's letters to Sixsmith, resulting in her tracking down a vinyl recording of Frobisher's "The Cloud Atlas Sextet." Isaac Sachs, another scientist at the power plant, passes her a of Sixsmith's report. However, Smoke kills Sachs by blowing up the plane in which he is flying, and later also runs Rey's car off a bridge, but she is able to escape. With help from the plant's head of security, Joe Napier, who knew her father, she evades another attempt against her life which results in Smoke's death and exposes the plot to use a nuclear accident for the benefit of oil companies.
【United Kingdom, 2012】
65-year-old publisher Timothy Cavendish reaps a windfall when Dermot Hoggins, the chav author of Knuckle Sandwich, publicly murders a critic who gave the novel a harsh review. When Hoggins's brothers threaten Cavendish's life to get his share of the profits, Cavendish asks for help from his wealthy brother Denholme. Avenging an old affair with his wife, Denholme tricks Timothy into hiding in a nursing home, where he is held against his will and abused by the head nurse, Noakes. While there, Cavendish reads a manuscript of a novel based on Luisa Rey's story. Plotting with three other residents, Cavendish escapes and goes on to write a screenplay of his story.
【Neo Seoul, (Korea), 2144】
Sonmi~451 is a genetically-engineered fabricant, a human clone and slave worker living a compliant life of servitude as a server at a futuristic fast food restaurant. She recounts her memories before an interviewer, anarchivist whose purpose is to document her thoughts and story for the future. Sonmi begins by recounting a day in the life of a fabricant like herself. She tells how she was exposed to ideas of rebellion and liberation (based on Cavendish's adventures), and how she was rescued from captivity by Commander Hae-Joo Chang, a member of a rebel movement known as "Union". He smuggles her to a residence in Neo Seoul where he exposes Sonmi to the larger world, including the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and a film version of Timothy Cavendish's "ghastly ordeal". They are found and Sonmi is captured. Hae-Joo rescues her, introces her to the leader of the rebel movement, then shows her that fabricants are not freed at the end of their contract as she believed, but are killed and "recycled" into food for other clones. She decides that the system of society based on slavery and exploitation is intolerable, and makes a public broadcast of her story and manifesto. Hae-Joo is killed in a firefight and Sonmi is captured again. After telling her story to the archivist, she is executed.
【The Big Island, 2321】
(This section is dated "106 winters after The Fall" in the end credits and book cited as 2321.) Zachry lives in a primitive society called "The Valley" after most of humanity has died ring "The Fall," a largely-unexplained apocalyptic event. The Valley tribesmen speak a degenerated form of English, and worship a goddess called Sonmi (Sonmi~451), their sacred text taken from the broadcast of her manifesto. Zachry is plagued by hallucinations of a demonic figure called "Old Georgie" who manipulates him into giving in to his fears. One day, Zachry, Adam (Zachry's brother-in-law) and Zachry's nephew are attacked by the cannibalistic Kona tribe. He runs into hiding and watches as his companions are murdered. His village is visited by Meronym, a member of the "Prescients", an advanced society still using the last remnants of technology. Her mission is to find a remote communication station called Mauna Sol and send a message to Earth's colonies. Catkin, Zachry's niece, falls sick, and in exchange for saving her Zachry agrees to guide Meronym into the mountains to find the Atlas. At the station, Meronym reveals that Sonmi was not a deity as the Valley tribe believes, but a normal human who died long ago. After returning, Zachry finds his tribe dead, slaughtered by the Kona. He kills the Kona chief, rescues Catkin, and Meronym saves them both from an assault by Kona tribesmen. Zachry and Catkin join Meronym and the Prescients as their ship leaves Big Island.
Prologue / Epilogue
A seventh time period, several decades after the events on Big Island, is featured in the film's prologue and epilogue: Zachry is revealed to have been telling these stories to his grandchildren on a beach in the outskirts of a city on the colony of Earth on another planet. The epilogue also confirming that Meronym, who is also present at the site and now, apparently, his wife, succeeded in sending the message to the colonies and was rescued along with him.
⑻ 韓國一部電影講述五個性故事
⑼ 一部韓國驚悚恐怖片,好幾個故事拼接起來的,其中有一個故事是妹妹整容成姐姐一樣和姐夫結婚了。