Ⅰ 美劇好看感人的愛情電影
Ⅱ 美劇好看的勵志電視劇推薦
這是美國CW電視台今年最新推出的一部諜戰電視連續劇,改編自法國導演呂克貝松1990年的經典作《妮基塔女郎》。講述的是一個年輕的女極刑犯被訓練成頂尖殺手的故事。經典的劇情加上Maggie Q作為該劇的主演,相信會很好看。
這是美國CW電視台今年最新推出的一部諜戰電視連續劇,改編自法國導演呂克貝松1990年的經典作《妮基塔女郎》。講述的是一個年輕的女極刑犯被訓練成頂尖殺手的故事。經典的劇情加上Maggie Q作為該劇的主演,相信會很好看。
詳細劇情介紹:絕望的主婦1:故事一開場就吊足了觀眾的胃口,家庭主婦Mary Alice Young,早上在送走了丈夫和孩子,做好了早餐,買了衣服,作了自己例行公事的家庭雜務後,拿出了一把左輪手槍...從此以後她作為小鎮的觀察者,對所有人的行為冷眼旁觀,其平和冷靜的聲音讓人頗有好感,讓人想起sex and city中同樣的旁白。Mary的4個好朋友Bree,Susan,Lynette和Gabrielle在收拾她的遺物的時候卻發現了一封在她自殺當天收到的神秘來信。上面寫著:I know what you did I'm going to tell。Bree是個完美的妻子,但她丈夫Rex卻要在這時提出和她離婚,Rex的理由是他無法忍受Bree營造的一個表面上處處完美的家庭生活,實際上Rex卻是另有隱情瞞而不說。Bree的兒子Andrew是典型的處於青春期叛逆的什麼都敢嘗試的男孩,製造了一個又一個的麻煩,著實讓Bree頭痛。Susan有個上中學善解人意的女兒,和丈夫離婚了沒多久,在遇見英俊瀟灑的水管工Mike後,才發現自己是多麼的需要一份愛情。
該劇根據同名暢銷書改編,主要講述三個年輕母親看似完美的生活因捲入一宗謀殺案而被攪得天翻地覆,劇本則將由著名的David E. Kelley創作。
1. 成功者必看十大勵志電影
2. 第68屆艾美獎獲獎名單美劇完整版
3. 經典推薦十部適合英語學習的電視
4. 最好看的42部美劇推薦大全
5. 好看的古裝歷史劇排行榜
Ⅲ 成功者必看十大勵志電影美劇電影
成功不是一天能取得的,成功需具備的心理素質。成功者在奮斗的路上少不了勵志的心態,我整理了一些成功者必看的 勵志電影 ,希望你喜歡。1、《搏擊俱樂部》(Fight Club)是1999年的美國電影,改編自恰克·帕拉尼克1996年的同名小說,由20世紀福斯電影公司發行。該片由大衛·芬奇導演,布拉德·皮特、愛德華·諾頓和海倫娜·博納姆·卡特主演,原聲帶由Dust Brothers製作。
”You are not your job. You are not how much you have in the bank. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your khakis. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.” – Tyler Durden
Fight Club is a movie that offers more than a few lessons in success. However, one of the greatest lessons we can benefit from this movie is that of Materialism and emotional detachment.
According to Tyler Durden: Fight Club is about freeing yourself from the shackles of modern life, which imprisons and emasculates you. By being willing to give and receive pain and risk death.
Fight Club is one of those movies that can be watched over, and over again, finding something valuable to take away every time.
2、Pumping Iron(鐵金剛): Self-Belief And Assertion
“I was always dreaming about very powerful people, dictators and things like that. I was just always impressed by people who could be remembered for hundreds of years, or even, like Jesus, be for thousands of years remembered.”- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Pumping Iron is not just a movie for body builders. No. Pumping Iron is a movie for those who would like to capture the power of self-belief and assertion in action.Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his mindset, attitude, and personal beliefs in this documentary classic. And will no doubt leave you inspired when you watch it.
3、The Secret(秘密): Positive Attitude
自從 The Secret 面世之後,風靡了整個科技導向的西方國家。人們對自然法則·吸引定律掀起了很大的爭議,有人信之,有人疑之,反應真的是不一而足。到底這出紀錄片有什麼魅力,能夠讓 Oprah、Larry King 等名嘴也插上一腳,把這部紀錄片搬上他們的脫口秀呢?如果吸引定律真無其事,為什麼又會引起那麼大的回響呢? 這部紀錄片,以旁白和多人輪說的方式,以小片段的故事帶出來,所以是對於那些想要了解吸引定律的人
“Instead of focusing on the world’s problems, give your attention and energy to trust, love, abundance, ecation and peace” – The Secret
The Secret, is a movie based on The Law Of Attraction. (Also available as a paperback book). Whilst many are skeptical about the Law Of Attraction, the movie does, however, portray a very positive philosophy for life.
The film has one primary aim: To help you lead a better life by changing your mental attitude. So for anyone who is looking for inspiration and motivation, The Secret is a movie that does just that.
4、The Social Network: Entitlement
”A guy who makes a nice chair doesn’t owe money to everyone who has ever built a chair.” – The Social Network
Everyone should be familiar with The Social Network movie, and the success of Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg.
The Social Network is a movie that will inspire anyone to feel deserving of success, whilst also showing some of the drawbacks that being successful can have with the creation of backstabbing and legal rows.
5、Yes Man: Opportunity
”YES! Say it a million times. Then say it a million more. And the word you will have said two million times is…” – Yes Man
Yes Man, is a fun movie that anyone can appreciate. Jim Carrey plays Carl Allen, who lives and average and unfulfilled life.
He finds himself at a self-help seminar called ‘Yes’, and soon, his life makes an interesting shift. This movie will have you thinking about all the opportunities you may have missed by saying ‘no’ to things.
6、Limitless: Getting Things Done
”I wasn’t high. I wasn’t wired. Just clear. I knew what I needed to do and how to do it.” – Limitless
Bradley Cooper plays procrastinating writer, Eddie Morra. One day Eddie finds his life take an immediate shift when introced to a new drug.
One can’t help to watch this film, and want to get in on the narcotic action. However, instead of using a drug, this film will enlighten you, and get you thinking about all the things you could be doing with your life.
This is a movie that will certainly arouse you to take some action, and proce results with your life.
7、The Wolf Of Wall Street: Drive And Prosperity
”Let me tell you something. There’s no nobility in poverty. I’ve been a poor man, and I’ve been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time.” – The Wolf Of Wall Street
Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, The Wolf Of Wall Street is a film that demonstrates some of the things money can buy, and what it cant.
One can’t help to watch this film and feel empowered by DiCapprio’s performance. The Wolf Of Wall Street is a film that will make you revaluate your current life, and have you aiming for the finer things.
8、The Words: Own Your Work
”At some point, you have to choose between life and fiction. The two are very close, but they never actually touch.” – The Words
Another movie featuring Bradley Cooper, playing a struggling writer. The Words demonstrates how success can be a difficult, and provoke you to give up, or in these cases, someone else.
This movie will certainly inspire you to take charge of you work, and to do the best you can with what you have.
9、In Pursuit Of Happyness: Never Giving Up
《當幸福來敲門》影片講述了一位瀕臨破產、老婆離家的落魄業務員,如何刻苦耐勞的善盡單親責任,奮發向上成為股市交易員,最後成為知名的金融投資家的 勵志故事 。
”Hey. Don’t ever let somebody tell you… You can’t do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream… You gotta protect it. People can’t do something’ themselves, they wanna tell you you can’t do it. If you want something’, go get it. Period.” – In Pursuit Of Happyness
In Pursuit Of Happyness is beautiful film that will almost leave you in tears. Will Smith plays, salesman Chris Gardner who encounters a great financial struggle, becoming homeless.
This film will demonstrate why you should never give up on yourself, and to not allow circumstances to destroy your dreams.
10、Good Will Hunting: Competence
《心靈捕手》影片講述了一個名叫威爾·杭汀 (Will Hunting)的麻省理工學院的清潔工的故事。威爾在數學方面有著過人天賦,卻是個叛逆的問題少年,在教授辛·馬奎爾和朋友查克的幫助下,威爾最終把心靈打開,消除了人際隔閡,並找回了自我和愛情。
”You think I know the first thing about how hard your life has been, how you feel, who you are, because I read Oliver Twist? Does that encapsulate you? Personally… I don’t give a shit about all that, because you know what, I can’t learn anything from you, I can’t read in some fucking’ book. Unless you want to talk about you, who you are. Then I’m fascinated. I’m in. But you don’t want to do that do you sport? You’re terrified of what you might say. Your move, chief.” – Good Will Hunting
Good Will Hunting is a touching film, containing great conversations between characters Will Hunting (Matt Damon) and Sean Maguire (Robin Williams).