❶ 如何評價Nicki Minaj的《Anaconda》
於我而言,Nicki Minaj(麻辣雞)的《Anaconda》這首歌曲的製作很成功,這或許是讓她"正式上位"的代表歌曲。 歌曲背景: 這首歌采樣的是Sir Mix-a-Lot 發行於1992年的單曲《 Baby Got Back 》,在Anaconda里我們熟悉的「My Anaconda don't..My Anaconda don't..My Anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun」與中間的「Oh my gosh, look at her butt」還有整首歌的基礎beat都是直接采樣自這首歌的開頭一段。 Sir MixALot Baby Got Back XVID [Solly4Life] http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjAzNTM3ODA=.html 然而有所不同的是,Anaconda這首歌的編曲更加的豐富,它們在采樣的基礎上還有添加一些當今時代很流行的節奏,例如...鼓點,這樣相比於23年前的《 Baby Got Back 》顯得更加的動感了。尤其是在麻辣雞完成第一段說唱內容,男聲部分的「My Anaconda don't」一完成,鼓點緊湊卻又不失動感的節奏就出現了,這會讓你會不由自主的開始跟著「Oh my gosh, look at her butt」念起來。 還有相當重要的一點,這首歌采樣的是90年代一首膾炙人口的說唱歌曲(1992年銷量最高的便是惠特妮休斯頓的《I Will Always Love You》,這首說唱排名第二),將這首《 Baby Got Back 》稱為Hip Hop是經典之一也不為過。Anaconda向經典致敬,卻又從中演奏出自己的特色,可以稱為錦上添花。當然,因為這首歌的發行,讓許多人也關注了被采樣的原曲,讓當代的年輕人們去感受下20多年前的說唱音樂的魅力。 在歌曲的製作方面,這首歌的製作人是花了很多心思在裡面的,旋律不是那麼單一,卻又能很好的掌控住聽眾的情感。 公眾評價: 這一段就讓權威來評判唄,我直接翻譯自維基網路了哈: Music Times:麻辣雞的這首歌雖然詞有點「糙」,但不可否認的是這首歌讓她漸漸擺脫商業說唱,她在找尋硬核說唱的「根」。(之前麻辣雞的super bass跟Starships雖然銷量奇高,卻一直被吐槽過於商業化) Rolling Stone :這估計是對整個說唱產業的會心一擊啊,這首歌尋根了! Spin :這給2014年的情色演繹增添了濃重的一筆 Digital Spy :給麻辣雞3分(滿分5分),她突破了自我 個人評價: 我自己其實對麻辣雞不是很感冒,感覺她的歌不是「色情」就是有些「浮躁」,不過她跟Jay-z,Kanye合作的《Monster》讓我印象大為改觀,那時候的她還沒現在這樣大紅大紫,但她的說唱在這兩位大佬面前也是絲毫不遜色的。 膽小勿入! [中英字幕] Kanye West(坎耶·維斯特) 《Monster(... http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjczNDUzNjUy.html 這首Anaconda我個人很喜歡,只要不看MV,其實很贊 23333 反倒覺得MV把大家的眼球奪去了,真正想要去欣賞歌的人卻少了.... 以上就是我的建議,歡迎來討論~
❷ 如何評價Nicki Minaj的《Anaconda》
於我而言,Nicki Minaj(麻辣雞)的《Anaconda》這首歌曲的製作很成功,這或許是讓她"正式上位"的代表歌曲。
這首歌采樣的是Sir Mix-a-Lot 發行於1992年的單曲《 Baby Got Back 》,在Anaconda里我們熟悉的「My Anaconda don't..My Anaconda don't..My Anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun」與中間的「Oh my gosh, look at her butt」還有整首歌的基礎beat都是直接采樣自這首歌的開頭一段。
Sir MixALot Baby Got Back XVID [Solly4Life]
然而有所不同的是,Anaconda這首歌的編曲更加的豐富,它們在采樣的基礎上還有添加一些當今時代很流行的節奏,例如...鼓點,這樣相比於23年前的《 Baby Got Back 》顯得更加的動感了。尤其是在麻辣雞完成第一段說唱內容,男聲部分的「My Anaconda don't」一完成,鼓點緊湊卻又不失動感的節奏就出現了,這會讓你會不由自主的開始跟著「Oh my gosh, look at her butt」念起來。
❸ 最近美國最火的甩臀歌曲mv
《Anaconda》是妮琪·米娜演唱的一首饒舌歌曲,詞曲由妮琪·米娜與Sir Mix-A-Lot等人合作編寫,Polow Da Don負責參與音樂製作。收錄在妮琪·米娜的第三張錄音室專輯《The Pinkprint》中,作為專輯中的宣傳單曲被Young Money公司發布於2014年8月4日。
My Anaconda don't
My Anaconda don't
My Anaconda don't want none
Unless you got buns, hun
Boy toy named Troy
Used to live in Detroit
Big-Big dope dealer money
He was gettin' some coins
Wa-Was in shootouts with the law
But he live in a palace
Bo-Bought me Alexander McQueen
He was keeping me stylish
Now that's real real real
Gun in my purse, bitch
I came dressed to kill
Who wanna go first
I had them push daffodils
I-I-I'm high as hell
I only took a half a pill
I'm on some mb shit
By-By-By-By-By-By-By the way
What he say
He can tell I ain't missing no meals
Come through and fuck him in my automobile
Let him eat it with his grills
And he tellin' me to chill
And he telling me it's real
That he love my sex appeal
S-S-Say he don't like em boney
He want something he can grab
So I pulled up in the Jag
And I hit him with the jab like
Dun n n n n n n n...
My Anaconda don't
My Anaconda don't
My Anaconda don't want none
Unless you got buns, hun
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
(Look at her butt)
Look at
Look at
Look at
Look at her butt
T-T-T-T-This de named Michael used toride motorcycles
D-D-Dick bigger than a tower
I ain't talking about Eiffel's
Real-Real-Real country ass nigga
Let me play with his rifle
Pussy put his ass to sleep
Now he calling me NyQuil
Now that bang bang bang
I let him hit it cause he slang cocaine
He toss my salad like his name Romaine
And when we done
I make him buy me Romaine
I'm on some mb shit
By-By-By-By-By-By-By the way
What he say
He can tell I ain't missing no meals
Come through and fuck him in my automobile
Let him eat it with his grills
And he tellin' me to chill
And he telling me it's real
That he love my sex appeal
S-S-Say he don't like em boney
He want something he can grab
So I pulled up in the Jag
Mayweather with the jab like
Dun n n n n n n n...
My Anaconda don't
My Anaconda don't
My Anaconda don't want none
Unless you got buns, hun
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
(Look at her butt)
Look at
Look at
Look at
Look at her butt
Little in the middle but she got much back
Little in the middle but she got much back
Little in the middle but she got much back
Oh my god
Look at her butt
My Anaconda don't
My Anaconda don't
My Anaconda don't want none
Unless you got buns, hun
My Anaconda don-don-don-don-don-don-don't want none
Unless you got buns, hun
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
Oh my gosh
Look at her butt
(Look my butt)
Look at
Look at
Look at
Look at her butt
He love this fat ass
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
This one is for my bitches with a fat ass in the fucking club
I said
Where my fat ass big bitches in the club
Fuck the skinny bitches
Fuck the skinny bitches in the club
I wanna see all the big fat ass bitches in the mather fuckin' club
Fuck you if you skinny bitches
Euh-ha ha ha ha
Euh bruboo-
I got a big fat ass-
Come on!
❹ 歡樂好聲音里三隻小兔唱的是什麼歌
❺ 「麻辣雞」在娛樂圈的口碑如何
Nicki Minaj(麻辣雞)在娛樂圈的口碑很好,因為Nicki Minaj是一名才華橫溢的說唱歌手,有說唱女王之稱,在歐美說唱界可謂是number one。
Nicki Minaj也是一個為愛犧牲事業的女人,此前就在社交平台上發布公告稱,因為要結婚並且想要做個居家妻子,把時間留給家人,所以宣布退出娛樂圈。