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㈠ 有什麼講做人,講人生的好電影嗎勵志片,如何過人生,如何成熟的片子是哪些

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
redemption,救贖,並不只是andy本身,從某種意義上來說,他不但拯救了自己,也拯救了他的獄友。他對獄友的拯救,表現在一種精神上的拯救,因為他一定程度上使他的周圍的人明白了,追求自由和希望的可貴--red就是其中一個典型。兩個對自由持有一樣的寄望,但有著不同態度的人,構成 了全片的主線。三次「redemption」如下:
第一次是他幫助獄警HADLEY逃稅,為獄友贏得每人3瓶啤酒的獎勵。 「We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could'a been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the Lords of all Creation.」... 「You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again...if only for a short while.」 這時,你看到了T.Robbins第一次露出笑容。畢竟,自由總是最快樂的,同時也代表一種自我價值的實現。每個人都有這種需要,使自己有重要感。
第二次則是本片中最為精彩的一part,他在獄警辦公室放「費加羅的婚禮」(Le Nozze de Figaro)。這個片段看似平靜如水,但 實則激情四射,殺傷力極強,最能使你兩眼發熱。 「I have no idea to this day what them two Italian ladies were singin' about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singin' about something so beautiful it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it.」...「I tell you, those voices soared. Higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away... and for the briefest of moments -- every last man at Shawshank felt free.」 這次,andy的微笑是一種帶有勝利感的微笑。他利用自己在獄警中的價值以及依此得到的信任,再次給他的朋友,帶來自由的感覺--哪怕是一剎那。 「There are things in this world not carved out of gray stone. That there's a small place inside of us they can never lock away, and that place is called hope.」
Tommy被殺後,andy從hole中出來,臨脫獄的一天,和red的對白非常耐人尋味。在逃離此處之前,andy反思了自己的錯誤,妻子的死 他要負一定責任。
「I killed her, Red.」... 「I didn't pull the trigger. But I drove her away. That's why she died. Because of me, the way I am.」當談及以後的打算時,經過近40年的煎熬,red顯得很沮喪(並且如果你比較20年、30年、40年這三次聽證,你會發現 M.Freeman表演的細膩之處)。 「I couldn't hack it on the outside. Been in here too long. I'm an institutional man now. Like old Brooks Hatlen was.」... 「In here I'm the guy who can get it for you. Out there, all you need are Yellow Pages. I wouldn't know where to begin.」 他對希望懷有恐懼--因為他也曾擁有希望。但他明白,希望越大,失望越大。很多時候,這也是使我們裹足不前和抱有消極思想的原因。然後andy用一個精闢 有力的句子,結束了兩人的談話:「Get busy living--or get busy dying.」這句話甚至可以視為全劇的中心思想。
這里不得不提一下的是,逃獄前後的片段處理得很好。red總是擔心andy會自殺。面對絕望,有人選擇死,因為這意味著一種解脫--導演在這里也 有引導觀眾往「死」那個方向想的傾向,似乎是想和觀眾開個玩笑--但對於那些真正想獲得自由的人來說,會選擇另外一條路,一條真正通往自由的路。
其後,norton自殺,「HIS JUDGMENT COMETH AND THAT RIGHT SOON.」這句話非常有諷刺意味。而從 andy脫獄成功到red出獄後的這一段戲,完全是對M.Freeman演技的考驗。M.Freeman的獨白和表演總是給人一種看破紅塵,爐火純青的感 覺,為本劇增色不少。(王家衛也在《重慶森林》、《春光乍泄》等片中用過獨白的手法,但梁朝偉的表現似乎還是稍欠火候。)從在獄中: 「Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...」到最後他打開盒子,決定到 Zihuatanejo找他的朋友andy,說出內心最後的獨白: 「I find I am so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain...」 均可以看出他的深厚功力。
顯然,這並不是一部簡單的、純粹的商業片--雖然它確實帶來很高的商業成就--1995年全美影帶租售冠軍。但除卻票房,它帶來的信息量也是很大 的。比如「價值」就是該片帶來的一個重要信息。出獄監犯的人生價值何在?Brooks(老布)的從出獄到自殺,也是催人淚下的一個片段。正如red所說, 他已經長期的監獄生活institutionalized(「體制化」)了。 「Man's been here fifty years. This place is all he knows. In here, he's an important man, an ecated man. A librarian. Out there, he's nothing but a used-up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he applied. You see what I'm saying?」...「Believe what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. After long enough, you get so you depend on 'em. That's "institutionalized."」
珍惜你的自由,也是本片所要表現的主旨之一。red是這樣評價自己的: 「I'm the only guilty man in Shawshank.」他最後一次在HEARINGS ROOM所說的,他對自己所做的一切, 深感悔恨。「Not a day goes by I don't feel regret, and not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back on myself the way I was...stupid kid who did that terrible crime...wish I could talk sense to him. Tell him how things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone, this old man is all that's left, and I have to live with that.」
其實,人生本身不就是一個監獄嗎?我們每個人,有哪個不是被社會institutionalized「體制化」的產物?該片的電影原版海報上寫著 這樣一句話:「Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.」這使我想起前段時間的一本暢銷 書:《誰動了我的乳酪》:「克服你內心的恐懼,改變你自己,釋放你自己。」
提起拍攝於1994年的《肖申克的救贖》(The Shawshank Redemption,影迷通稱為《刺激1995》),幾乎永遠是影迷心中的經典、電影論壇里不過時的話題、影碟店內的暢銷貨、IMDB網站上的前三名。
肖申克的救贖(刺激1995) The Shawshank Redemption 1994年奧斯卡最佳配樂提名
01. May - The Ink Spots
02. Shawshank Prison [Stoic Theme] - The Ink Spots
03. New Fish - The Ink Spots
04. Rock Hammer - The Ink Spots
05. Inch of His Life - The Ink Spots
06. If I Didn t Care - The Ink Spots
07. Brooks Was Here - Thomas Newman
08. His Judgement Cometh - Hank Williams
09. Suds on the Roof - Hank Williams
10. Workfield - Hank Williams
11. Shawshank Redemption - Hank Williams
12. Lovesick Blues - Hank Williams
13. Elmo Blatch - Deutsche Opera Berlin
14. Sisters - Deutsche Opera Berlin
15. Zihuatanejo - Deutsche Opera Berlin
16. Marriage of Figaro: Duetto-Sul Aria - Deutsche Opera Berlin
17. Lovely Raquel
18. And That Right Soon
19. Compass and Guns
20. So Was Red
21. End Title
·是否記得剛來到監獄的新囚犯們走下囚車時,嘲笑他們的人群中有一個年輕的黑人?該演員就是片中主角老黑人Red的扮演者Morgan Freeman的兒子.
·是否記得Andy駕駛著紅色的敞蓬車在墨西哥山路上飛奔的鏡頭?那是一部1969年產的Pontiac GTO,而影片中的年代還在1966年.攝制組參竟聯系了一部1965年的Mustang,但是車主在最後時刻變卦了.
·是否記得Andy在謀殺發生的那個夜晚坐在自己的車里,有一個雙手上子彈的特寫鏡頭?其實那雙手是導演Frank Darabont的,因為原先的劇本里沒有設計這個鏡頭,是事後補拍的。
·是否記得那句台詞「有些鳥是不會被關住的」(Some birds aren't meant to be caged,直譯是:有些鳥是無意被籠養的)?劇本原先設計了一個圖書管理員Brooks養的那隻烏鴉又飛回肖申克、死後被Andy和Red發現的情節(比喻Brooks像這只鳥一樣只適合籠養而不能在外面生存),還涉及了囚犯們在操場為這只鳥舉行葬禮以悼念自殺的老Brooks的場景。
·是否記得最後一個場景中Andy和RED在海灘上重逢並擁抱的鏡頭?這在劇本中原是不存在的,因為Stephen King的原著小說中並沒有這段情節。這是導演在其合夥人的堅持下違心添加的,而甚至在拍攝完後還一度企圖剪掉。幸虧在試看樣片的時候名觀眾們非常喜愛,導演才因此做出了讓步,並決定保留這段情節。後來的觀眾們才因此有幸觀看到這令人喜悅且熱淚盈眶的結局場面。
·Tommy Williams(因為偷電視而被判兩年的小夥子)這一角色本來是給布拉德·皮特准備的,片中扮演Tommy的Gil Bellows,曾在1997年的當紅電視劇集《Ally McBeal》(港譯《艾麗的異想世界》,台譯《甜心俏佳人》,像《六人行》一樣的熱門連續劇)中扮演了一個類似角色William Thomas。
·拍攝地是俄亥俄州的曼斯菲爾德州立管教所(Mansfield State Penitentiary),但由於監獄過於破舊,劇組不得不在拍攝前進行整修。室內戲則是在攝影棚內拍的,因為修復這所監獄的內部比搭建同樣的布景花費要高。
·美國人道主義協會(The American Humane Association)監督了影片中所有涉及到布魯克斯的烏鴉的拍攝。有一場戲是布魯克斯給他的烏鴉喂蛆蟲,AHA當即認為這對蛆是不"人道"的,並要求他們改用一隻自然死亡的蛆,他們只好從命。
·貼在摩根·弗里曼假釋文件上的那張照片實際上是弗里曼的小兒子,阿方索·弗里曼(Alfonso Freeman),阿方索在片中還跑了回龍套,就是喊"新囚犯!今天的新囚犯!"("Fresh fish! Fresh fish today! We're reeling 'em in!")的那個。
·安迪牢房的牆上貼著一張愛因斯坦的照片,扮演安迪的蒂姆·羅賓斯(Tim Robbins)曾出演關於愛因斯坦的幻想電影《I.Q.》(1994年)。
·犯人們看的那部美國愛神麗塔·海華斯(Rita Hayworth)的影片是《盪婦吉爾達》(Gilda 1946)。
·在開場的法庭戲中,安迪說自己把槍扔進了Royal河,在斯蒂芬·金的另一本小說《站在我旁邊》(Stand By Me)中,逃亡的孩子們穿過了同一條河。
Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another.
Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.
red:These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.
I find I'm so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.
I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.
Red: There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can』t. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stump your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth,I don't give a shit.
Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...
Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things,and no good thing ever dies.
·安迪牢房裡Raquel Welch的海報來自1966年的《公元前一百萬年》(One Million Years B.C.),該片直到1967年2月21日(也就是安迪脫獄之後數月)才在美國公映。
忙著去活或是忙著去死?(Get busy living or get busy dying),《肖申克的救贖》把生命變成了一種殘酷的選擇。肖申克的救贖是我們簡單的生活中值得一再回味的東西。相信自己,不放棄希望,不放棄努力,耐心地等待生命中屬於自己的輝煌,這就是肖申克的救贖。

㈡ PS2上哪些游戲好玩哪些游戲不好玩



P2-DV001 KESSEN 2 決戰 II 動作
P2-DV002 Beatmania II DX 5th Style 打碟機5 音樂
P2-DV004 BIO HAZARD ~CODE Veronica~ 生化危機~完全版 動作
P2-DV005 首都高ZERO 賽車
P2-DV006 Devil May Cry 惡魔之哭泣 動作
P2-DV007 Mobile Suit GUNDAM 高達戰記 射擊
P2-DV008 Onimusha 鬼武者~金城武 動作
P2-DV010 DEAD OF ALIVE 2 ~HARD CORE 生與死~終極版 格鬥
P2-DV011 CHORO H.Q Q版賽車 賽車
P2-DV012 RAYMAN2~revolution 大鼻子 2 動作
P2-DV013 風之少年 2 ~世界大冒險 動作
P2-DV017 MAKEN SHAO 魔劍剎 動作
P2-DV018 玉繭物語 2 RPG
P2-DV019 G-SAVIOUR 元祖高達-G- 救世主 射擊
P2-DV020 DINOSAUR 恐龍世紀 動作
P2-DV021 REISELIED~Ephemeral Fantusia 皇家傳說 RPG
P2-DV022 AB BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE 最後之吸血鬼~上下卷~ 歷險
P2-DV023 三國志 ~北方謙三 戰棋
P2-DV024 THE FEAR 恐怖之夜空 模擬
P2-DV025 The Sky Odyssey 空中霸主 射擊
P2-DV027 PHASE PARADO X 寄生完全體 模擬
P2-DV028 Para Para Paradise 芭啦芭啦天堂舞 跳舞
P2-DV029 TOKYO BUS 東京特急巴士案內 模擬
P2-DV030 J-PHOENIX 機甲兵團 動作
P2-DV031 Parappa The Rapper 2 芭啦小狗 II 動作
P2-DV032 0 STORY 零之伝說 什錦
P2-DV033 7 BLADES 地獄極樂丸 動作
P2-DV034 Winter XGAMES Snowboarding 冬季滑雪賽 滑雪
P2-DV035 Guitarfreaks & Drummania 結他與打鼓 音樂
P2-DV036 地獄天使 動作
P2-DV037 Shadow of Memories 幻影的回憶 RPG
P2-DV038 冒險時代活劇 動作
P2-DV039 ZONE OF THE ENDERS Z.O.E 終極時空戰士 動作
P2-DV040 EVERYBODY'S GOLF 3 卡通高爾夫球 3 高爾夫球
P2-DV041 榮冠甲子園之霸者 棒球
P2-DV042 監督野球 ~ 激斗篇 棒球
P2-DV043 MUSCLE WARS 筋肉番付 動作
P2-DV044 Victorious Boxers 拳皇步太郎 拳擊
P2-DV045 Cool Boderders 冰山滑雪賽 滑雪
P2-DV046 The Bouncer 保鑣勇者巨神 動作
P2-DV047 騎兵七勇士 戰棋
P2-DV048 LUNATIC DAWN Tempest 冒險王 RPG
P2-DV049 KESSEN 決戰 動作
P2-DV050 ARMORED CORE 2 Another AGE 裝甲兵團 II 射擊
P2-DV051 Sorcerous Stabber ORPHEN 鐵甲魔術士 動作
P2-DV053 A-TRAIN 2001 21世紀之A-列車 模擬
P2-DV054 Velvet File Plue 天制坦克~強化版 射擊
P2-DV056 Might and Magic Day of the Destroyer RPG
P2-DV058 ACE COMBAT 4 Shattered Stcies 皇牌空戰 4 射擊
P2-DV059 Capcom VS SNK 2 M.FIGHTING 街霸斗SNK 2 格鬥
P2-DV061 Guitarfreaks & Drummania 結他與打鼓 4th 音樂
P2-DV062 電車 GO! 新干線之山陽新干線編 模擬
P2-DV063 Silent Hill 2 沈默之山崖 II 模擬
P2-DV064 THE Train Simulator Real THE 山手線 模擬
P2-DV066 Mobile Suit Gundam ZEONIC FRONT 高達戰記~渣古~ 戰棋
P2-DV067 Formula One 2001 方程式賽車2001 賽車
P2-DV068 SKY ODYSSEY 空中爭霸 模擬駕駛
P2-DV069 RED FACTION 赤色大反擊 動作
P2-DV070 TWISTED METVI : BLACK 小丑賽車之黑鷹特攻 賽車
P2-DV071 Paris-Dakar RALLY 巴黎拉力賽 賽車
P2-DV073 GREEN GHOST 青之幽靈 動作
P2-DV074 BATMAN VENGEANCE 蝙蝠俠之末日復仇 動作
P2-DV076 KINETICA 未來戰士大賽車 賽車
P2-DV077 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 燃燒戰士 2 動作
P2-DV078 Bio HAZARD ~Gun Survivor 2~ 生化危機~光槍版II 射擊
P2-DV079 Soul Reaver 2 獸化戰士II 動作
P2-DV080 FIFA Soccer 2002 足球
P2-DV081 游戲真伝~繼承之記憶 動作
P2-DV082 Grand Theft Auto III 賊車奇遇記 3 賽車
P2-DV083 DRIVEN 狂烈戰車 賽車
P2-DV084 007 Agent Under Fire 占士邦 動作
P2-DV085 Disney's Tarzan Lintamed 狄氏尼~泰山 動作
P2-DV086 Simpsons Road Rage 亞森一族賽車 賽車
P2-DV087 WWF Smackdown!: Just Bring It! 真人亡命摔角 摔角
P2-DV088 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty 燃燒戰士 2 (日版) 動作
P2-DV089 Legaia Duel Saga 爆裂鬥士伝 (日版) RPG
P2-DV090 Wild Princess 狂野小公主 (日版) RPG
P2-DV091 Gundam DX 高達戰士之聯邦軍VS自護軍 (日版) 動作
P2-DV092 Dynasty Warriors 3 真?三國無雙III (美版) 動作
P2-DV093 Vampier Night 吸血鬼之夜 (日版) 射擊
P2-DV094 K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 世界自由搏擊 2001 (日版) 摔角
P2-DV095 JAK AND DAXTER 頑皮狗歷險 (美版) 動作
P2-DV096 DARK ALLIANCE 黑暗聯盟(美版) 動作
P2-DV097 Whoshot Johnny Rock 美女殺手機關槍(美版) 射擊
P2-DV098 零 ~ZERO~(日版) AVG
P2-DV099 SIDEWINDER F 魔鬼雄鷹-F(日版) 射擊
P2-DV100 ICO 長角少年 (完全中文版) 育成
P2-DV101 BURNOUT 火爆賽車 (美版) 賽車
P2-DV102 MAX PAYNE 卧底神探(美版) 動作
P2-DV103 STAR TREK 星空奇遇記 (美版) 射擊
P2-DV104 Evil Twin 惡魔雙子 (美版) RPG
P2-DV105 World Rally Championship 世界級拉力賽車 (美版) 賽車
P2-DV106 英雄譚 2 (日版) 戰棋
P2-DV107 Tokimeki Memorial 3 心跳回憶 III ~ 約束之場所 (日版) 育成
P2-DV108 FINAL FANTASY X International 太空戰士10 國際版 (美版) RPG
P2-DV109AB Ayumi Hamasaki A VISUAL MIX 濱崎步演唱會 ~ 2 disc (日版) 音樂
P2-DV110 Adventure Of Tokyo Disney SEA 狄氏尼之奇妙水世界 (日版) 動作
P2-DV111 ATLANTIS III 亞特蘭揥蕬 3 (美版) 動作

HK-113 SPY HUNTER 間諜飛車 (美版) 賽車
HK-114 Gran Turismo Concept 2001 TOKYO G.T東京車展2001 (日版) 賽車
HK-115 Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge 古惑猛獸大擊斗 (美版) 動作
HK-116 Escape From Monkey Island 逃出魔幻島 (美版) RPG
HK-117 The Shadow of ZORRO 黑俠梭羅 (美版) 動作
HK-118 Giants : Citizen Kabuto 巨神伝說 (美版) 動作
HK-119 Donald Duck : Quack Attack!!! 唐老鴨之速戰速決 (美版) 動作
HK-120 Portal Runner 森林盜墓者 (美版) 動作
HK-121 WDL WAR JETZ 世紀空戰(美版) 戰棋
HK-122 MOTO MAYHEM 機甲破壞 (美版) 動作
HK-123 Smuggler's Run 2 越野勁走 2 (美版) 賽車
HK-124 Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero 首都高~ZERO~國際版 (美版) 賽車
HK-125 NBA 2K2 美國籃球2002 (美版) 籃球
HK-126 Dragon's Lair 武士屠龍 (美版) 動作
HK-127 Cart Fury Championship Racing 瘋狂方程式賽車 (美版) 賽車
HK-128 NASCAR HEAT 2002 力司賽車2002 (美版) 賽車
HK-129 UEFA Champions League Season 2001-2002 歐聯足球01-02 (美版) 足球
HK-130 DEAD OF ALIVE 2 ~HARD CORE 生與死~終極版 (日版) 格鬥
HK-131 Disney's ~ MONSTERS, INC. 怪獸公司 (美版) 動作
HK-132 FINAL FANTASY X International 太空戰士10 國際版 (日版) RPG
HK-133 AIR BLADE 空中之刀滑板巨人 (日版) 滑板
HK-135 GRANDIA 2 格蘭特II (美版) RPG
HK-136 DRAKAN ~The Anclents Gates 古代武士之噴火巨龍 (美版) 動作
HK-137 HEADHUNTER 首獵者(美版) 動作
HK-138 Summoner 魔界之召喚(美版) 動作
HK-139 Space Channel 5 ~PART TWO~ 太空第五頻度偶像~續集 (日版) 動作
HK-140 Dual Heart 巴庫之奇妙世界 (日版) 動作
HK-141 三國志戰記 (日版) 戰棋
HK-142 State of Emergency 911高度戒備 (美版) 動作
HK-143 HERDY GERDY 哈地大歷險 (美版) 動作
HK-144 Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat 黑暗海盜傳 (美版) 動作
HK-145 PAC-MAN WORLD 2 食鬼世界II (美版) 動作
HK-146 XENOSAGA 異域戰記 (日版) RPG
HK-147 SALT LAKE 2002 鹽湖城冬季奧運 (日版) 運動
HK-148 遙遠時空之武士2 (日版) RPG
HK-149 Onimusha II 鬼武者2 (日版) 動作
HK-150 TIGER WOODS PGA TOUR 2002 老虎仔高球2002" (歐版) 高球
HK-151 PENNY RACERS 賓利Q版賽車大激斗 (美版) 賽車
HK-152 J.LEAGUE 育成足球2002 (日版) 足球
HK-153 Shadow Man 2 econd Coming 幻影殺手2 (歐版) 動作
HK-154 監督棒球II (日版) 棒球
HK-155 FATAL FRAME ~ZERO~ 恐怖效應~零~ (美版) 模擬
HK-156 WILD ARMS Advanced 3 終極武器III (美版) RPG
HK-157 Guilty Gear X 罪惡之都X (美版) 格鬥
HK-158 MAXIMO ~Ghosts to Glory 魔界村(美版) 動作
HK-160 PETER PAN 小飛俠 (美版) 動作
HK-161 EVE OF EXTINCTION 崩壞前夜 (美版) 動作
HK-162 TAITO KINGDOM 塗鴉王國 (日版) RPG
HK-163 Blood Omen 2 吸血狂魔預告II (美版) 動作
HK-164 Virtua Fighter 4 立體格鬥 4 (美版) 格鬥
HK-165 妖精物語 (日版) RPG
HK-166 世紀名車大會集 (日版) 賽車
HK-167 Kingdom Hearts 王國之野望 (日版) RPG
HK-168 TEKKEN 4 鐵拳4 (日版) 格鬥
HK-169 ROBOT IMPACT 機械人大戰 (日版) 戰棋
HK-170 JET de GO!2 日航飛機GO!2 (日版) 模擬
HK-171 PROJECT ARMS 腕之神兵 (日版) 動作
HK-172 Conflict Zone 突破防暴軍 (美版) 模擬
HK-173 DEUS EX ~The Conspiracy 再造戰士反擊戰 (美版) 動作
HK-174 AIR RANGER 2 亞柏奇直升機 II (日版) 直升機
HK-175 ARMY MEN ~RTS~ 綠兵仔之戰略專家 (美版) 動作
HK-176 World of Outlaws Sprintcars 2002 世界非法亡命賽 (美版) 賽車
HK-177 ARMORED CORE 3 裝甲兵團 III (日版) 動作
HK-178 Atelier Lilie 練金術士 (日版) RPG
HK-179 Mister Mosquito, The Yamada's Summer 山田家之蚊 (美版) 動作
HK-180 Savage Skies 魔界飛龍 (美版) 動作
HK-181 Tokimaki 2~Music Video Clips 心跳回憶II ~動作篇 (日版) 動作
HK-182 Spider-Man 蜘蛛俠 (美版) 動作
HK-183 SHINE 陽光少女南之島 (日版) 育成
HK-184 No One Lives Forever 007邦女郎大決戰 (美版) 射擊
HK-185 RED CARD 2003 茅躉足球2003 (美版) 足球
HK-186 FIFA WORLD CUP 2002 KOREA/JAPAN 世界盃2002 (美版) 足球
HK-187 LMA Manager 2002 教練足球 (美版) 足球
HK-188 Gran Turismo Concept 2002 KOREA G.T 韓國車展2002 (日版) 賽車
HK-189 Zettai Zetsu Mei Toshi 絕命都市 (日版) 動作
HK-190 Surveillance 監視者 (日版) 動作
HK-191 Winning Eleven 6 勝利足球VI (日版) 足球
HK-192 J-PHOENIX 機甲兵團 (日版) 動作
HK-193 Ground-BREAKER 機甲武裝 (日版) 射擊
HK-194 The Last Galerians ASH 超能力亞薯 (日版) 動作
HK-195 Gundam WAR 高達-基利之野望 (日版) 動作
HK-196 TransWorld Surf 滑水亞一 (美版) 滑水
HK-197 Britney's Dance Beat 巨星布蘭妮跳舞機 (美版) 跳舞機
HK-198 IRON ACES 2 ~ BIRDS OF PREY 剛鐵世紀 (美版) 模擬飛行
HK-199 PRO RALLY 2002 職業拉力賽車 (美版) 賽車
HK-200 NEW YORK RUNABOUT 3 紐約瘋狂賽車III (美版) 賽車

發售日期 編號 英文名稱 中文名稱 類型
16/5 SLPS5001 JFA SOCCER 2002 日本代表選手育成足球2002 (日版) 足球
16/5 SLPS5002 Dream Classic 2002 實名實況賽馬2002 (日版) 賽馬
23/5 SLPS5003 Manager Soccer Korea & Japan 世界盃代表監督足球 (日版) 足球
23/5 SLPS5004 Scooby-DOO! Night of 100 Frights 狗狗震與天外來客 (美版) 動作
23/5 SLPS5005 Frogger The Great Quest 3D蜻蛙王子歷險記 (歐版) 動作
30/5 SLPS5006 Otostaz 蓋蓋樂 (中文版) 模擬
30/5 SLPS5007 EVE OF EXTINCTION 崩壞之前夜 (日版) 動作
30/5 SLPS5008 Summer Time 夏色之砂時計 (日版) 育成
30/5 SLPS5009 KONOHANA 此花 2 (日版) 育成
5/6 SLPS5010 Medal of Honor Frontline 反攻諾曼第戰役 <美國大兵> (歐版) 動作
5/6 SLPS5011 TEST DRIVE 模擬駕駛 (美版) 賽車
5/6 SLPS5012 Aggressive INLINE 街頭溜冰賽 (美版) 溜冰
7/6 SLPS5013 ENDGAME 終極任務 (美版) 動作
7/6 SLPS5014 Lethal Skies~Elite Pilot :Team SW 致命大轟炸 (美版) 射擊
7/6 SLPS5015 David Beckham Soccer 英格蘭~大衛碧咸足球 (歐版) 足球
7/6 SLPS5016 UFC: Throwdown 搏擊王摔角 (美版) 摔角
10/6 SLPS5017 Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing 重量級拳皇~泰臣 (歐版) 拳擊
10/6 SLPS5018 MEGA RACE 3 極速之旅III (美版) 賽車
10/6 SLPS5019 Sky Gunner 空中大少爺 (美版) 動作
10/6 SLPS5020 PRYZM Chapter One ~The Dark Unicorn 獨角獸伝說 (美版) 動作
16/6 SLPS5021 POPOLO CROIS 波波羅克洛伊斯~最初的冒險~ (日版) RPG
16/6 SLPS5022 HACK VOL.1 感染擴大 (日版) RPG
17/6 SLPS5023 Tokimeki ~Girl's Side 心跳回憶 ~ 女童軍日記 (日版) 育成
17/6 SLPS5024 V-RALLY 3 終極拉力賽3 (歐版) 賽車
20/6 SLPS5025 FIRE BLADE 火速戰線 (美版) 射擊
20/6 SLPS5026 LEGION ~The Legend of Excalibur 古羅馬帝國傳說 (美版) 動作
20/6 SLPS5027 THE FIRST BOXING VOL.2 第一神拳~2 (日版) 拳擊
20/6 SLPS5028 GIANT STAR BASEBALL 巨人 之星棒球 (日版) 棒球
20/6 SLPS5029 ROOMMATE 女子高校生~麻美 (日版) 育成
21/6 SLPS5030 MX Super Fly 超級電單車爭霸 (美版) 電單車
21/6 SLPS5031 Disney's ~STITCH 迪士尼之扮野小魔星 (美版) 動作
21/6 SLPS5032 WIPEOUT FUSION/2160 SEASON 殲滅行動2160 (美版) 射擊
22/6 SLPS5033 STUNTMAN 亡命飛車特技人 (美版) 賽車
25/6 SLPS5034 Victorious Boxers 一步神拳外傳 (日版) 拳擊
25/6 SLPS5035 KENGO 2 劍豪 II (日版) 動作
25/6 SLPS5036 DINO CRISIS ~GUN SURVIVOR 3 恐龍危機III之飛翼戰龍 (日版) 射擊
26/6 SLPS5037 Historical Romance II 封神演義 2 (日版) 動作
26/6 SLPS5038 NEW TANK Q 新Q版坦克車 (日版) 賽車
27/6 SLPS5039 Actlier Judie 練金術士 (日版) RPG
27/6 SLPS5040 NEXT WORLD HERO 續世英雄 (日版) 動作
29/6 SLPS5041 MEN IN BLACK II 黑超特警2 (美版) 動作
29/6 SLPS5042 Circus Maximus: Chariot Wars 惡魔之馬戲 (美版) RPG
29/6 SLPS5043 Gravity Games 反地心吸力單車賽 (美版) 單車
30/6 SLPS5044 Fantavision 2 夢幻之花火II (日版) 模擬
30/6 SLPS5045 Ghostvibration 鬼靈精怪 (日版) 動作
2/7 SLPS5046 Silent Hill 2 Special 沈默之山崖 II (特別加料版) 模擬
8/7 SLPS5047 Gensosuikoden III 幻想水滸傳 3 (日版) RPG
8/7 SLPS5048 AERO DANCING 4 New Generation 空軍一號 IV (日版) 射擊
11/7 SLPS5049 Summer Holidays2 我的假期 II ~海之冒險篇~ (日版) 歷險
12/7 SLPS5050 World War II~Prisoner Of War 第二次世界大戰之戰俘大逃亡 (歐版) 動作
16/7 SLPS5051 GUNGRAVE 機槍破壞神 (日版) 射擊
16/7 SLPS5052 Lucky Monkey 2 捉馬騮 II (日版) 動作
17/7 SLPS5053 Beatmania II DX 6th Style 捽碟VI (日版) 捽碟
18/7 SLPS5054 久遠之絆~再臨詔 (日版) 模擬
19/7 SLPS5055 幽靈之夜2~監獄島 (日版) 恐怖
20/7 SLPS5056 JO JO 奇妙之冒險 ~黃金之旋風 (日版) 動作
25/7 SLPS5057 R.S Riding Spirits 日本機車之魂 (日版) 電單車
25/7 SLPS5058 電車 GO! 旅情編 (日版) 模擬駕駛
25/7 SLPS5059 ROOMMANIA #203 不平凡之大學生203號室 (日版) 模擬
31/7 SLPS5060 Gundam ~Lost War Chronicles 高達戰記 (日版) 射擊
31/7 SLPS5061 COMBAT QUEEN 機動女戰隊 (日版) 射擊
1/8 SLPS5062 The Mark of KRI 霸王神劍 (美版) 動作
4/8 SLPS5063 G-BREAKER 2 機甲武裝~同盟之反擊 (日版) 射擊
5/8 SLPS5064 Dynasty Tactics 三國志戰記 (完全中文版) 動作
7/8 SLPS5065 AIR 空中情緣 (日版) 育成
7/8 SLPS5066 惡代官 (日版) 模擬
12/8 SLPS5067 SHIN?SANGOKUMUSOU 2 真.三國無雙 II (完全中文版) 動作
12/8 SLPS5068 Onimusha II 鬼武者2 (美版) 動作
18/8 SLPS5069 Kingdom Hearts 王國之野心 (美版) RPG
21/8 SLPS5070 AUTO MODELLISTA 頭文字A賽車 (日版) 賽車
21/8 SLPS5071 STREET HOOPS 黑人街頭籃球賽 (美版) 籃球
21/8 SLPS5072 Mathoffman's PRO BMX 2 職業單車賽 II (美版) 單車
22/8 SLPS5073 TOCA RACE DRIVER 極速車神 (美版) 賽車
22/8 SLPS5074 Project MINERVA 藤原紀香之亡命軍事計劃 (日版) 動作
22/8 SLPS5075 Memorial Song 動人之回憶 (日版) 育成
26/8 SLPS5076 SHIN. SANGOKUMUSOU 2 真.三國無雙 II ~猛將伝 (日版) 動作
28/8 SLPS5077 TUROK EVOLUTION 暴龍新世紀 (美版) 動作
29/8 SLPS5078 SOCOM US.NAVY SEALS 美國海陸空戰斗部隊 (美版) 動作
30/8 SLPS5079 COMMANDOS 2 戰地之狼 II (美版) 動作
30/8 SLPS5080 SWITCH 小夥子環游世界 (日版) 動作
31/8 SLPS5081 Power of School Girl 校園君之勇氣少女 (日版) 育成
31/8 SLPS5082 EVER 17~THE OUT OF INFINITY~ 再見十七歲 (日版) 育成
1/9 SLPS5083 EJAY CLUBWORLD 打碟狂熱小子 (美版) 打碟
2/9 SLPS5084 Conflict Desert Storm 沙漠風暴 (歐版) 動作
5/9 SLPS5085 LARGO WINCH 罪惡黑星 (歐版) 動作
6/9 SLPS5086 BLADE II 幽靈刺客2 (歐版) 動作
12/9 SLPS5087 DINO STALKER 恐龍槍戰 (美版) 射擊
12/9 SLPS5088 The Document Of Metal Gear Solid 2 燃燒戰士 2 ~特別版 動作
13/9 SLPS5089 THE SCORPION KING 蠍子王 (美版) 動作
13/9 SLPS5090 RS RIDING SPIRITS R.S電單車 (國際版) 電單車
13/9 SLPS5091 Dynasty Tactics 三國志戰記 (完全英文版) 動作
16/9 SLPS5092 WAY OF THE SAMURAI ~待~ (歐版) 動作
17/9 SLPS5093 HACK VOL.2 惡性變異 (日版) 動作
18/9 SLPS5094 NINJA ASSAULT 忍者亞修羅 (歐版) 動作
19/9 SLPS5095 Ferrari F355 Challenge 法拉利大賽 (美版) 賽車
20/9 SLPS5096 TERMINATOR DAWN OF FATE 未來戰士 (美版) 動作
20/9 SLPS5097 GUM BALL3000 美女賽車 (美版) 賽車
20/9 SLPS5098 MYST III XILE 迷幻都市3 (美版) 模擬
21/9 SLPS5099 NASCAR THUNDER 2003 力司雷電賽車2003 (美版) 賽車
21/9 SLPS5100 SEGA SOCCER SLAM 世嘉暴力足球 (美版) 足球
DATE NO 名稱 品種
9/22/02 NO-6101 GUNGRAVE 機槍破壞神 (美版) 射擊
9/22/02 NO-6102 Summoner 2 魔界之召喚II (歐版) 動作
9/22/02 NO-6103 Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer 世界職業滑浪賽 (美版) 滑浪
9/24/02 NO-6104 ENERGY AIRFORCE 空軍大反擊 (日版) 射擊
9/24/02 NO-6105 PO! PO! NIE'S IN ADDICTED 異變小夥子 (日版) 動作
9/26/02 NO-6106 CULDCEPT II 游戲專家2 (日版) 游戲卡
9/26/02 NO-6107 DUAL HEARTS 巴庫之奇妙世界 (美版) RPG
9/26/02 NO-6108 RAYMAN ARENA 大鼻子之魔幻大鬥法 (歐版) 動作
9/26/02 NO-6109 SUPERMAN SHADOW OF APOKOLIPS 超人大戰影子俠 (歐版) 動作
9/27/02 NO-6110 NBA SHOOT OUT 2003 職業籃球2003 (美版) 籃球
9/27/02 NO-6111 ROBOTECH BATTLECRY 機甲超時空 (美版) 射擊
9/27/02 NO-6112 ROCKET POWER BEACH BANDITS 反鬥智多星 (美版) 動作
9/27/02 NO-6113 SKY COOPER 飛天神偷 (美版) 動作
9/29/02 NO-6114 Legaia Duel Saga II 爆裂鬥士伝 2 (歐版) 格鬥
9/29/02 NO-6115 RUN LIKE HELL 異形大入侵 (歐版) 動作
10/04/02 NO-6116 MASTER RALLY 專業拉力賽 (歐版) 賽車
10/04/02 NO-6117 Hitman 2: Silent Assassins 熱血殺手II ~沉默刺客 (歐版) 動作
10/07/02 NO-6118 Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 極速駕駛 II (美版) 賽車
10/07/02 NO-6119 BurnOUT 2 Point of Impact 烈火戰車II之死亡終點 (美版) 賽車
10/08/02 NO-6120 This is Football 2003 街機足球2003 (歐版) 足球
? NO-6121 KESSEN 2 決戰 II (歐版) 動作
10/09/02 NO-6122 TEKKEN 4 鐵拳4(歐版) 格鬥
10/09/02 NO-6123 JIMMY NEUTRON BOY GENIUS 佔美仔太空之旅 (美版) 動作
10/09/02 NO-6124 SMART COURT TENNIS PRO TOURNAMENT 國際網球公開賽 (歐版) 網球
10/09/02 NO-6125 GRANDIA X-TREME 格蘭特X版 (美版) RPG
10/10/02 NO-6126 NBA 2K3 美國籃球2003 (美版) 籃球
10/11/02 NO-6127 NBA LIVE 2003 實況籃球2003 (美版) 籃球
10/12/02 NO-6128 TIME SPLITTLERS 2 爆裂時空II (歐版) 動作
10/12/02 NO-6129 RED FACTION 2 赤色大反擊 II (歐版) 動作
10/12/02 NO-6130 Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 古惑回力虎 (歐版) 動作
10/12/02 NO-6131 Evolution Skate Boarding 職業滑板仔表演賽 (歐版) 滑板
10/13/02 NO-6132 The Document Of Metal Gear Solid 2 燃燒戰士 2 ~特別版 (美版) 動作
10/18/02 NO-6133 THE LORD OF THE RINGS 魔戒首部曲 (美版) RPG
10/18/02 NO-6134 X-MEN NEXT DIMENSION X-超人世紀之戰 (美版) 動作
10/18/02 NO-6135 WILD ARMS 3 終極武器III (美版) RPG
10/18/02 NO-6136 BLOOD RAYNE 吸血女人狼 (美版) 動作
10/22/02 NO-6137 PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2 職業聯賽足球II (歐版) 足球
10/22/02 NO-6138 Colin McRae Rally 3 沙地拉力賽III (歐版) 賽車
10/24/02 NO-6139 FIFA FOOTBALL 2003 (歐版) 足球
10/24/02 NO-6140 Suikoden III 幻想水滸傳 3 (美版) RPG
10/26/02 NO-6141 EA Formula One 2002 方程式賽車2002 (美版) 賽車
10/26/02 NO-6142 DEFENDER 太空守護者 (美版) 射擊
10/26/02 NO-6143 REIGN OF FIRE 滅絕反擊 (美版) 動作
10/27/02 NO-6144 The Lord Of The Rings~The Two Towers 魔戒二部曲之雙城奇謀~ (美版) RPG
10/27/02 NO-6145 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 通利仔滑板IV (美版) 動作
10/30/02 NO-6146 Super Man Fighting Evolution II 鹹蛋超人大格鬥2 (日版) 格鬥
10/30/02 NO-6147 Grand Theft Auto Vice City 賊車奇遇記之邪惡都市 (歐版) 賽車
10/30/02 NO-6148 Ratchet Clank 機械神經貓 (歐版) 動作
11/04/02 NO-6149 TWIN CALIBER 生化僵屍大戰雲斗羅(歐版) 動作
11/04/02 NO-6150 HAVEN CALL OF THE KING 皇者之拳 (歐版) 動作
11/04/02 NO-6151 DDR MAX DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION 跳舞機之世界最強 (歐版) 跳舞
11/04/02 NO-6152 Train Simulator Real 京濱急行2100 (日版) 模擬駕駛
11/04/02 NO-6153 TIGER WOODS PGA TOUR 2003 老虎仔高球2003" (美版) 高球
11/08/02 NO-6154 Triple Play 2002 職業聯盟棒球2002 (美版) 棒球
11/08/02 NO-6155 WRC EXTREME II 終極拉力賽車2(歐版) 賽車
11/08/02 NO-6156 SPYRO Enter The DRAGONFLY 百變小飛龍 (美版) 動作
11/11/02 NO-6157 NASCAR DIRT TO DAYTONA 力司賽車~飛躍地通拿 (美版) 賽車
11/11/02 NO-6158 JET X2O 瘋狂快艇小子 (美版) 快艇
11/13/02 NO-6159 Breath of Fire V~Dragon Quarter 龍騎士 5 (日版) RPG
11/16/02 NO-6160 Super. Historical Romance 超. 封神榜 (日版) 動作
11/16/02 NO-6161 SHINOBI 忍 (美版) 動作
11/16/02 NO-6162 The Lord Of The Rings~The Two Towers 魔戒二部曲之雙城奇謀~ (中英文版) RPG 11/16/02 NO-6163 DR. MUTO 糊塗博士 (美版) 動作
11/16/02 NO-6164 LMA Manager 2003 教練足球 2003 (歐版) 足球
11/20/02 NO-6165 NHL FACEOFF 2003 冰上曲棍球2003 (美版) 冰曲
11/20/02 NO-6166 ALPINE RACER 3

㈢ 電影申什麼救助


The Shawshank Redemption





弗蘭克·達拉邦特Frank Darabont

斯蒂芬或培宴·金Stephen King .....(short story Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption)

弗蘭克·達拉邦特Frank Darabont .....(screenplay)

蒂姆·羅賓斯Tim Robbins .....Andy Dufresne

摩根·弗里曼Morgan Freeman .....Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding


142 min


英語 義大利語



Rated R for language and prison violence.

Finland:K-16 Netherlands:12 Norway:15 Sweden:15 UK:15 Brazil:14 France:U Peru:14 Spain:13 USA:R Canada:13+ Australia:MA Hong Kong:IIB Singapore:NC-16 Chile:14 Germany:12 Singapore:R Argentina:16 Ireland:15 Denmark:15 Portugal:M/16 South Korea:15 Canada:14A New Zealand:R Japan:PG-12 Israel:PG

,000,000 (estimated)

(Castle Rock Entertainment)


弗蘭克·達拉邦特 Frank Darabont

斯蒂芬·金 Stephen King .....(short story Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption)
弗蘭克·達拉邦特 Frank Darabont .....(screenplay)

蒂姆·羅賓斯 Tim Robbins .....Andy Dufresne
摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman .....Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding
鮑勃·岡頓 Bob Gunton .....Warden Samuel Norton
威廉姆·賽德勒 William Sadler .....Heywood
克蘭西·布朗 Clancy Brown .....Captain Byron T. Hadley
祖德·塞克利拉 Jude Ciccolella .....Guard Mert
耐德·巴拉米 Ned Bellamy .....Guard Youngblood

Liz Glotzer .....executive procer
David V. Lester .....executive procer (as David Lester)
Niki Marvin .....procer

托馬斯·紐曼 Thomas Newman

羅傑·迪根斯 Roger Deakins .....(director of photography)

Richard Francis-Bruce

Deborah Aquila
Julie Lichter .....(uncredited)

Terence Marsh

Peter Landsdown Smith .....(as Peter Smith)

Michael Seirton .....(as Michael Sierton)

Elizabeth McBride

Michael Greenwood .....second second assistant director
Thomas Schellenberg .....key second assistant director
John R. Woodward .....Bullhorn Tower Guard
傑西·約翰遜 Jesse Johnson .....third assistant director (uncredited)


Castle Rock Entertainment [美國]
哥倫比亞影業公司 Columbia Pictures Corporation [美國]

PolyGram Film International ..... (1994) (worldwide) (all media) (sales)
哥倫比亞影片公司 Columbia Pictures [美國] ..... (1994) (USA) (theatrical)
Rank Film Organization [英國] ..... (1995) (UK) (theatrical) (as Rank Film Distributors)
哥倫比亞三星家庭視頻公司 Columbia TriStar Home Video [美國] ..... (1995) (USA) (video) (laserdisc)
Filmayer S.A. [西班牙] ..... (Spain)
Guild Home Video ..... (UK)
Roadshow Entertainment Video [澳大利亞] ..... (Australia) (VHS)
Sandrew Metronome [丹麥] ..... (Australia) (VHS)
Transeuropa Video Entertainment (TVE) [阿根廷] ..... (Argentina) (video)
VCI Distribution [英國] ..... (Argentina) (video)
Village Roadshow Entertainment [澳大利亞] ..... (Australia)
Vídeo Arte [巴西] ..... (Brazil) (VHS)
華納家庭視頻公司 Warner Home Video [美國] ..... (1996) (USA) (VHS)
Warner Home Vídeo [巴西] ..... (2000) (Brazil) (DVD)

Motion Pixel Corporation ..... (digital special effects)

Redman Movies and Stories [美國] ..... camera crane
Arlene Fishbach Enterprises ..... music consulting
Bald Eagle Sound Inc. ..... post-proction sound
Boston Light and Sound Inc. [美國] ..... dailies projection system
D. Bassett & Associates Inc. [美國] ..... negative cutting
Direct Travel of California Inc. [美國] ..... travel services
Du Art Film Laboratories Inc. [美國] ..... proction dailies processing
Epic Soundtrax [美國] ..... soundtrack published by
Hollywood Rental Company Inc. [美國] ..... proction equipment
International Film Guarantors Inc. ..... completion guaranty
Joe Dunton & Company International ..... Arriflex camera and lenses provided by
Nancy Seltzer & Associates ..... publicity
Pacific Title [美國] ..... titles and opticals
Preston Camera Systems ..... gyrosphere aerial camera system
Joe Dunton (Cameras) Ltd. (I) (II) [英國] ..... camera equipment provided by


1994年9月10日 ..... (Toronto Film Festival)















Hong Kong













Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.







redemption,救贖,並不只是andy本身,從某種意義上來說,他不但拯救了自己,也拯救了他的獄友。他對獄友的拯救,表現在一種精神上的拯救,因為他一定程度上使他的周圍的人明白了,追求自由和希望的可貴--red就是其中一個典型。兩個對自由持有一樣的寄望,但有著不同態度的人,構成 了全片的主線。三次「redemption」如下:

第一次是他幫助獄警HADLEY逃稅,為獄友贏得每人3瓶啤酒的獎勵。 「We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could'a been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the Lords of all Creation.」... 「You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again...if only for a short while.」 這時,你看到了T.Robbins第一次露出笑容。畢竟,自由總是最快樂的,同時也代表一種自我價值的實現。每個人都有這種需要,使自己有重要感。

第二次則是本片中最為精彩的一part,他在獄警辦公室放「費加羅的婚禮」(Le Nozze de Figaro)。這個片段看似平靜如水,但 實則激情四射,殺傷力極強,最能使你兩眼發熱。 「I have no idea to this day what them two Italian ladies were singin' about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singin' about something so beautiful it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it.」...「I tell you, those voices soared. Higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away... and for the briefest of moments -- every last man at Shawshank felt free.」 這次,andy的微笑是一種帶有勝利感的微笑。他利用自己在獄警中的價值以及依此得到的信任,再次給他的朋友,帶來自由的感覺--哪怕是一剎那。 「There are things in this world not carved out of gray stone. That there's a small place inside of us they can never lock away, and that place is called hope.」


Tommy被殺後,andy從hole中出來,臨脫獄的一天,和red的對白非常耐人尋味。在逃離此處之前,andy反思了自己的錯誤,妻子的死 他要負一定責任。

「I killed her, Red.」... 「I didn't pull the trigger. But I drove her away. That's why she died. Because of me, the way I am.」當談及以後的打算時,經過近40年的煎熬,red顯得很沮喪(並且如果你比較20年、30年、40年這三次聽證,你會發現 M.Freeman表演的細膩之處)。 「I couldn't hack it on the outside. Been in here too long. I'm an institutional man now. Like old Brooks Hatlen was.」... 「In here I'm the guy who can get it for you. Out there, all you need are Yellow Pages. I wouldn't know where to begin.」 他對希望懷有恐懼--因為他也曾擁有希望。但他明白,希望越大,失望越大。很多時候,這也是使我們裹足不前和抱有消極思想的原因。然後andy用一個精闢 有力的句子,結束了兩人的談話:「Get busy living--or get busy dying.」這句話甚至可以視為全劇的中心思想。

這里不得不提一下的是,逃獄前後的片段處理得很好。red總是擔心andy會自殺。面對絕望,有人選擇死,因為這意味著一種解脫--導演在這里也 有引導觀眾往「死」那個方向想的傾向,似乎是想和觀眾開個玩笑--但對於那些真正想獲得自由的人來說,會選擇另外一條路,一條真正通往自由的路。

其後,norton自殺,「HIS JUDGMENT COMETH AND THAT RIGHT SOON.」這句話非常有諷刺意味。而從 andy脫獄成功到red出獄後的這一段戲,完全是對M.Freeman演技的考驗。M.Freeman的獨白和表演總是給人一種看破紅塵,爐火純青的感 覺,為本劇增色不少。(王家衛也在《重慶森林》、《春光乍泄》等片中用過獨白的手法,但梁朝偉的表現似乎還是稍欠火候。)從在獄中: 「Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...」到最後他打開盒子,決定到 Zihuatanejo找他的朋友andy,說出內心最後的獨白: 「I find I am so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain...」 均可以看出他的深厚功力。

顯然,這並不是一部簡單的、純粹的商業片--雖然它確實帶來很高的商業成就--1995年全美影帶租售冠軍。但除卻票房,它帶來的信息量也是很大 的。比如「價值」就是該片帶來的一個重要信息。出獄監犯的人生價值何在?Brooks(老布)的從出獄到自殺,也是催人淚下的一個片段。正如red所說, 他已經長期的監獄生活institutionalized(「體制化」)了。 「Man's been here fifty years. This place is all he knows. In here, he's an important man, an ecated man. A librarian. Out there, he's nothing but a used-up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he applied. You see what I'm saying?」...「Believe what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. After long enough, you get so you depend on 'em. That's "institutionalized."」

珍惜你的自由,也是本片所要表現的主旨之一。red是這樣評價自己的: 「I'm the only guilty man in Shawshank.」他最後一次在HEARINGS ROOM所說的,他對自己所做的一切, 深感悔恨。「Not a day goes by I don't feel regret, and not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back on myself the way I was...stupid kid who did that terrible crime...wish I could talk sense to him. Tell him how things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone, this old man is all that's left, and I have to live with that.」

其實,人生本身不就是一個監獄嗎?我們每個人,有哪個不是被社會institutionalized「體制化」的產物?該片的電影原版海報上寫著 這樣一句話:「Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.」這使我想起前段時間的一本暢銷 書:《誰動了我的乳酪》:「克服你內心的恐懼,改變你自己,釋放你自己。」

提起拍攝於1994年的《肖申克的救贖》(The Shawshank Redemption,影迷通稱為《刺激1995》),幾乎永遠是影迷心中的經典、電影論壇里不過時的話題、影碟店內的暢銷貨、IMDB網站上的前三名。

㈣ 電影黑道刺殺令(Crime Spree)下載地址


㈤ 電影<<赤裸特攻>>的演員表。謝謝!

赤裸特工 Naked Weapon (2002) 演職員表


1. 程小東 Siu-Tung Ching ..... (as Tony Ching Siu Tung)


1. 王晶 Jing Wong


1. 陳國新 Dennis Chan ..... Mr. Chan
2. 李美琪 Maggie Q ..... Charlene Ching
3. 吳彥祖 Daniel Wu ..... Jack Chen
4. 吳嘉龍 Carl Wu ..... G4 Agent (uncredited)
5. Jude Poyer ..... Fighter
6. Kai Taschner
7. Matthew Sturgess ..... Bodyguard #1 inside Hotel (uncredited)
8. Michael Clements ..... CIA Agent (uncredited)
9. 安雅 Anya ..... Katherine
10. 黎駿 Benny Lai ..... Tattooed Yakuza Boss
11. 李幸芷 Jewel Lee ..... Jing
12. 盧淑儀 Monica Lo ..... Student murdered in Cage
13. 黃佩霞 Almen Wong Pui-Ha ..... Madam M (as Almen Wong)
14. Marit Thoresen ..... Fiona Birch
15. Kai Yan Kwok ..... Little Katherine
16. Renee Nichole Rommeswinkel ..... Young Charlene Ching
17. Mo Ka Lai ..... Little Jing
18. Augustin Aguerreberry ..... Drillmaster
19. 鄭佩佩 Zheng Peipei ..... Faye Ching
20. Mark Aldred ..... Crime Boss (uncredited)
21. David John Saunders ..... Bodyguard #2 inside Hotel (uncredited)
22. 連凱 Hoi Lin ..... Ryuichi (as Andrew Lin)


1. 王晶 Jing Wong ..... procer
2. 鍾少雄 Siu Hung Cheung ..... associate procer (as Billy Chung)
3. John Chong ..... executive procer
4. Lorraine Ho ..... line procer
5. Catherine Kwan ..... associate procer

㈥ 一 My favourite Star 為題目寫一篇英語作文。初三水平.

Michael Jordan: Basketballs Legend


There have been many great players of the game, some whose names are heard all around the world, others who are talked about every blue moon, but one name that will be heard where ever you go is Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is a worldwide name; sometimes referred to as M.J., or Air Jordan, but no matter how you hear it everyone knows who is being talked about. That』s right, the greatest player to put his hands on the ball. Jordan has fans all over the world, and not only is he known for his action on the court, but he is also known for the things that he does off the court. Know let』s see why everyone wants to be like Mike.

Where it all started for Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan has been a great athlete since junior high school. He was interested in many sports especially baseball and basketball. Jordan pitched on the baseball team, played quarter back on the football team and was guard on the basketball team. Although he was involved in all of these things, he was very unpopular. Mike was teased for the way he looked, his haircut, and the way he stuck his tongue out when he played basketball. Despite all of this criticism Mike had to enre, he came out on top. It wasn』t all because of him, but because he had a father behind him helping him to fulfill his dreams. When Michael』s father saw that he was interested in basketball, he constructed a court in the back yard for him to practice on, and from then on Mike has been playing the game and playing it well. He went on to play at North Carolina, in his freshman year, and in his junior year he was drafted by the Bull』s, were he led them to many championships. Late in Mike』s game years his father was murdered, he had a hard time with his game, but as you can see, nothing can stop him. And still, everybody wants to be like Mike.


Michael Jordan is someone who will never have to sit back and wonder what they have accomplished in life. Jordan as we know has set records that have yet to be broken and he has accomplished things that were thought to be impossible to accomplish. For example, on May 6, 1998, M.J. became the first player in history to be selected to the NBA All-Defensive First Team nine times. Jordan has also earned nine indivial scoring titles, four Most Valuable Player awards, and he averaged 31.7 points per game which is the highest in NBA history. These are some of his accomplishments on the court. I often wonder what it would feel like to make history by just doing something that I enjoy. Obviously Jordan doesn』t have to wonder, he already knows. "At the presumed end of his career, he has created his own line of cologne and clothing, presuming shrewdly that, while no one can be like Mike exactly, the chance to smell and dress like him will be — in a world given over to computer generated simulations — virtually enough".


As you can see, Michael Jordan is some one who is worth recognition. He is someone who I look up to when it comes to the game. Jordan has accomplished a lot, and it wasn』t all fun and games, it took a lot of hard work, practice and effort to be one of the greatest basketball players of all times. Now do you see why everyone wants to be like Mike? Everyone wants the fame, the fortune and the just plain and simply the life that Michael Jordan lives. Jordan is an example that what ever you dream to become, it is possible to become just that. And whatever your goal is, you can reach it, with a little hard work, effort, and commitment.
回答者: ad51894678
李連傑自傳(Jet Li)Jet Li starred in the 1995 movie, Shu dan long wei, known in English as "Courage of a Mouse and Power of a Dragon". The movie, known in the US as either High Risk or Meltdown, portrays Jet Li as a cop who becomes disillusioned after his wife is murdered by crimelords. Along the way, he pairs up with a wacky sell-out actor, Frankie (played by Jacky Cheung), and proceeds to engage in a series of violent battles in a high-rise building. In July 2001, Jet Li and Jackie Chan agreed to proce and star in an action movie which was to be released in 2002 or 2003, but there has since been no news of their collaboration. In 2002, the film Hero was released in the US market. This film was both commercial and a critical success. Li took a big risk with the 2005 action drama, Unleashed (a.k.a. Danny the Dog) where he portrays an alt with the mentality of a child who has been raised like an animal. A somber film with more depth than had been previously seen in Li's films, it co-starred dramatic actors, Bob Hoskins and Morgan Freeman. According to Shenzhen Daily newspaper, Jet Li has announced his retirement from martial arts films after the film Fearless, known as Huo Yuanjia in Chinese, named after the real-life founder of Jing Wu Men who reportedly defeated foreign boxers and Japanese martial artists in publicized events at a time when China's power was seen as eroding. Together with the film Fist of Legend, Li has portrayed both Chen Zhen, the fictional student and avenger of Huo Yuanjia, as well as Huo Yuanjia himself. "I stepped into the martial arts movie market when I was only 16. I think I have proved my ability in this field and it won't make sense for me to continue for another five or 10 years. Huo Yuanjia is a conclusion to my life as a martial arts star." – Jet Li Even with the martial arts genre fading in Li's career, action movies will still flow in his direction. His new thriller, Rogue, will begin principal photography in the spring of 2006, re-teaming Jet Li with actor Jason Statham and action choreographer Corey Yuen.

My favorite star
I admire a person who called Chenhao .she is a famous actress.she is very beautiful and lovely.she was born on December 9th,1979,she is 28 years old this year.she is good at dancing,singing,playing flute,performing and so on.I think she is very promising.she had lots of best actress honours.she started performing when she was in the high school,her major was performance.she was the monitor ni her class.she was an excellent student at that time.she likes music too,so she started singing in 2005.
she wasn't successful at the begining,but she worked very hard and tried her best.she is famouse for a TV play callde"fenhongnvlang" she is an outgoing,forthight smart girl.I'm her fan.of course,I think I must learn form her.One day,she was wounded,but she stil worked with others,she is really earnest for her job.I think I must be earnest for my studies,and try my best to do something better,maybe I am not the best today,but I can do better tomorrow!


He seemed to have finished the work

㈦ 有沒有人知道 朗*帕爾曼


中 文 名轎拍汪:朗·普爾曼
英 文 名:Ron Perlman
性 別:男
星 座:牧羊座

《地獄男爵2:黃金軍團 Hellboy II: The Golden Army 》 (2008) ...Hellboy
《 The Legend of Secret Pass 》 (2008) ...Parker (voice)
《末日危城/地牢圍攻 In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale 》 (2007) ...Norick
《變異編年史/突變末日 The Mutant Chronicles 》 (2007) ...Brother Samuel
《 Outlander 》 (2007) ...
《 Hellboy 》 (2007) ...Hellboy (voice)
《 I Sell the Dead 》 (2007) ...Priest
《 The Poison Rose 》 (2007) ...Vance Taggart
《 "Afro Samurai" 》 (2007) ...Justice (voice: English Version)
《 Streetlight 》 (2007) ...Quigley
《最後的寒冬 The Last Winter 》 (2006) ...Ed Pollack
《5女戰惡魔 5ive Girls 》 (2006) ...Father Drake
《 Soloman's Turn 》 (2006) ...Soloman
《昆士戀曲 How to Go Out On a Date In Queens 》 (2006) ...Dmitri
《 Conan: Red Nails 》 (2006) ...Conan of Cimmeria (voice)
《正義英雄同盟 Justice League Heroes 》 (2006) ...Batman (voice)
《 No. 6 》 (2006) ...The Man in the Hat
《 "Desperation" 》 (2006) ...Collie Entragian
《地獄男孩 Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms 》 (2006) ...Hellboy (voice)
《鄉土色彩 Local Color 》賀陪 (2006) ...Curtis Sunday
《 Coldwater 》 (2005) ...The Colonel Morris Timberland
《 Knights of Impossingworth Park 》 (2005) ...Mr. Canbedone
《泰山2 Tarzan II 》 (2005) ...Kago (voice)
《迷失美國 Missing in America 》 (2005) ...Red
《 Narc 》 (2005) ...Captain Joe Kowalski (voice)
《第二戰線 The Second Front 》 (2005) ...General Binding
《 "I Love the 80's 3-D" 》 (2005) ...Himself
《地獄男孩/地獄男爵/地獄怪客/地獄小子/天魔特攻 Hellboy 》 (2004) ...Hellboy
《 Comic Book: The Movie 》 (2004) ...Himself
《 "The Batman" 》 (2004) ...Killer Croc (voice)
《 Halo 2 》 (2004) ...Lord Hood (voice)
《 The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay 》 (2004) ...Jagger Valance (voice)
《 Quiet Kill 》 (2004) ...Sergeant Perry
《 'Hellboy': The Seeds of Creation 》 (2004) ...Himself
《 "Danny Phantom" 》 (2004) ...Vice Principal Lancer (11 episodes, 2004-2006)
《 "The 100 Scariest Movie Moments" 》 (2004) ...Himself
《一級病毒 Absolon 》 (2003) ...Murchison
《華納巨星總動員 Looney Tunes: Back in Action 》 (2003) ...Acme VP, Never Learning
《鼠患 Rats 》 (2003) ...Dr. William Winslow
《 "Teen Titans" 》 (2003) ...Slade (voice)
《 Two Soldiers 》 (2003) ...Col. James McKellogg
《 Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu 》 (2003) ...Clayface/Matt Hagen (voice)
《 Lords of Everquest 》 (2003) ...Lord Skass (voice)
《 Hoodlum & Son 》 (2003) ...'Ugly' Jim McCrae
《 True Crime: Streets of LA 》 (2003) ...Misha, Additional Voice (voice)
《 One Step Beyond: The Making of 'Alien: Resurrection' 》 (2003) ...Himself
《星際迷航記之復仇女神 Star Trek: Nemesis 》 (2002) ...The Reman Viceroy
《刀鋒戰士2/幽靈刺客 Blade II 》 (2002) ...Reinhardt
《 Crime and Punishment 》 (2002) ...
《 Shakedown 》 (2002) ...Christopher 'St. Joy' Bellows
《 L'Chayim, Comrade Stalin 》 (2002) ...Narrator (voice)
《 The Blood Pact: The Making of 'Blade II' 》 (2002) ...Himself
《兵臨城下/大敵當前/決戰中的較量 Enemy at the Gates 》 (2001) ...Koulikov
《 Down 》 (2001) ...Mitchell
《 Boys On the Run 》 (2001) ...Captain
《 Night Class 》 (2001) ...Morgan
《 Forgotten Realms: Icewind Dale - Heart of Winter 》 (2001) ...Wylfdene (voice)
《冰凍星球 Titan A.E. 》 (2000) ...Professor Sam Tucker (voice)
《光榮的代價 Price of Glory 》 (2000) ...Nick Everson
《幻魔任務 Operation Sandman 》 (2000) ...Dr. Harlan Jessup
《麵包與玫瑰 Bread and Roses 》 (2000) ...Himself - Party Guest (uncredited)
《麵包與玫瑰 Bread and Roses 》 (2000) ...special thanks
《御前武士 The King's Guard 》 (2000) ...Lord Morton
《 An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island 》 (2000) ...Grasping (voice)
《 Stroke 》 (2000) ...Schumacher
《 The Trial of Old Drum 》 (2000) ...Charles Burden Sr.
《快樂德州 Happy, Texas 》 (1999) ...Marshal Nalhober
《叛逆女特工 Supreme Sanction 》 (1999) ...The Director
《終極武力 Primal Force 》 (1999) ...Frank Brodie
《死城故事 Town Has Turned to Dust, A 》 (1998) ...Jerry Paul
《蛇之霧 Frogs for Snakes 》 (1998) ...Gascone
《黑色變奏曲 I Woke Up Early the Day I Died 》 (1998) ...Cemetary Caretaker
《奇人異跡 Houdini 》 (1998) ...Booking Agent
《 "The Magnificent Seven" 》 (1998) ...Josiah Sanchez (22 episodes, 1998-2000)
《豪邁王子 Prince Valiant 》 (1997) ...Boltar
《危機四伏 Second Civil War, The 》 (1997) ...Alan Manieski
《異形4:復活 Alien: Resurrection 》 (1997) ...Johner
《黑色總動員 Tinseltown 》 (1997) ...Cliff
《盔甲 Protector, The 》 (1997) ...Dr. Ramsey Krago
《 "Perversions of Science" 》 (1997) ...40132 (1 episode, 1997)
《攔截人魔島 Island of Dr. Moreau, The 》 (1996) ...Sayer of the Law
《再生邊緣人 Mr. Stitch 》 (1996) ...Doctor Frederick Texarian
《 "Hey Arnold!" 》 (1996) ...Mickey Kaline / ... (2 episodes, 1996-1998)
《戰栗第六感 Sensation 》 (1995) ...Detective Pantella
《丟孩子的城市 Cité des enfants pers, La 》 (1995) ...One
《哭泣殺神 Crying Freeman 》 (1995) ...special thanks: bbing for Tcheky Karyo
《 Original Sins 》 (1995) ...Chas Bradley
《死亡晚餐 Last Supper, The 》 (1995) ...Norman Arbuthnot
《再世人狗緣 Fluke 》 (1995) ...Sylvester
《 Adventures of Captain Zoom in Outer Space, The 》 (1995) ...Lord Vox of Vestron
《金牌警校軍 7 Police Academy: Mission to Moscow 》 (1994) ...Konstantine Konali
《 Cisco Kid, The 》 (1994) ...Delacroix
《 "Picture Windows" 》 (1994) ...Plummer (segment "Lightning")
《魔鬼銀爪 Cronos 》 (1993) ...Angel de la Guardia
《染血羅密歐 Romeo Is Bleeding 》 (1993) ...Jack's Attorney
《小鬼闖天關 Adventures of Huck Finn, The 》 (1993) ...Pap Finn
《魔鬼劊子手 When the Bough Breaks 》 (1993) ...Dr. Eben
《舐血夜魔 Sleepwalkers 》 (1992) ...Capt. Ira Soames
《 "Beauty and the Beast" 》 (1987) ...Vincent (55 episodes, 1987-1990)
《魔宮傳奇,玫瑰的名字 Name der Rose, Der 》 (1986) ...Salvatore
《冰河急先鋒 Ice Pirates, The 》 (1984) ...Zeno
《人類創世/火種/求火 Guerre feu, La 》 (1981) ...Amoukar

㈧ 我需要這些電影的英文簡介!

1 a space odyssey
Director:Stanley Kubrick
Writers:Stanley Kubrick (screenplay) &
Arthur C. Clarke (screenplay)
Release Date:6 April 1968 (USA) more
Keir Dullea ... Dr. Dave Bowman
Gary Lockwood ... Dr. Frank Poole
William Sylvester ... Dr. Heywood R. Floyd
Daniel Richter ... Moon-Watcher
Leonard Rossiter ... Dr. Andrei Smyslov
Margaret Tyzack ... Elena
Robert Beatty ... Dr. Ralph Halvorsen
Sean Sullivan ... Dr. Bill Michaels
Douglas Rain ... HAL 9000 (voice)
Frank Miller ... Mission controller (voice)
Bill Weston ... Astronaut
Ed Bishop ... Aries-1B Lunar shuttle captain (as Edward Bishop)

Glenn Beck ... Astronaut
Alan Gifford ... Poole's father
Ann Gillis ... Poole's mother
Instead of writing a paragraph, I'll give four good reasons why 2001 is the greatest cinema experience of all time: 1) It is a visual Odyssey that could only be told on the big screen. The special effects that won Kubrick his only Oscar are the most stunning effects before that age of Jurassic Park and T2. They allow Kubrick to give an accurate (or at least are the most accurate) depiction of space travel to date. The silence that fills the space scenes not only serves its purpose as accurate science, but also adds to the mood of the film (to be discussed in a later point with HAL). The fact that Kubrick shot the moon scenes before the Apollo landing is a gutsy yet fulfilling move. Many have said that upon its original release, it was a favorite "trip" movie. I can think of no other movie that has such amazing visuals for its time and even of all time (sorry Phantom Menace fans!) 2) Kubrick's directing style is terrific. As in all his films, Kubrick likes to use his camera as means to delve into the psychology of his characters and plots. His camera is not as mobile as other greats, such as Scorsese, but instead sits and watches the narrative unfold. Faces are the key element of a Kubrick film. Like classic movies, such as M and Touch of Evil, Kubrick focuses on the characters' faces to give the audience a psychological view-point. Even he uses extreme close-ups of HAL's glowing red "eye" to show the coldness and determination of the computerizd villain. I could go on, but in summation Kubrick is at the hieght of his style. 3) HAL 9000 is one of the most villainous characters in film history. I whole-heartedly agree with the late Gene Siskle's opinion of HAL 9000. Most of this film takes place in space. Through the use of silence and the darkness of space itself, a mood of isolation is created. Dave and his crewmen are isolated between earth and jupiter, with nowhere to escape. Combine this mood with the cold, calculated actions of HAL 9000 and you have the most fearful villain imaginable. I still, although having see this film several times, feel my chest tighten in a particular scene. 4) The controversial ending of 2001 always turns people away from this film. Instead of trying to give my opinion of the what it means and what my idea of 2001's meaning in general is, I'd like to discuss the fact that the ending serves to leave the movie open-ended. Kubrick has stated that he inteded to make 2001 open for discussion. He left its meaning in the hands of the viewer. By respecting the audience's intelligence, Kubrick allowed his movie to be the beginning, not the end, of a meaningful discussion on man's past, present, and future. The beauty of 2001 is that the ending need not mean anything deep, it can just be a purely plot driven explanation and the entire movie can be viewed as an entertaining journey through space. No other movie, save the great Citizen Kane, leaves itself open to discussion like 2001. It is truly meant to be a surreal journey that involves not only the eye but the mind. Instead of waiting in long lines for the Phantom Menace, rent a widescreen edition of 2001 and enjoy the greatest cinematic experience.

2 a clockwork orange

Director:Stanley Kubrick

Writers:Stanley Kubrick (screenplay)
Anthony Burgess (novel)

Release Date:2 February 1972 (USA) more
Genre:Crime | Drama | Thriller more

Malcolm McDowell ... Alex
Patrick Magee ... Mr. Alexander
Michael Bates ... Chief Guard
Warren Clarke ... Dim
John Clive ... Stage Actor
Adrienne Corri ... Mrs. Alexander
Carl Duering ... Dr. Brodsky
Paul Farrell ... Tramp
Clive Francis ... Lodger
Michael Gover ... Prison Governor
Miriam Karlin ... Catlady
James Marcus ... Georgie

Aubrey Morris ... Deltoid
Godfrey Quigley ... Prison Chaplain
Stanely Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange" is one of the first movies that proved that cinema can be the most enlightening and amazing art form around. Movies have always been a true love for me, but it wasn't until this film challenged me that I fell deeply in love. The first viewing left me speechless, unable to describe how weird and terrible I felt. I thought it was the film that left me in this mood, so of course that was the easy target to blame. It was just a bad movie, overrated and stupid and a waste of time. But upon further thought, I realised the film did exactly what it was supposed to. It showed how the world can be a weird and horrible place, and how this young man who goes around torturing people and being a wicked person ultimately doesn't have to pay for what he does. And it's funny too. So this film brilliantly satirises this world, showcasing pure evil and people who ordinarily do not perform such evil are forced to laugh and observe what we all hate to admit is the truth. It's sick, but at the same time brilliant. And when one gets down to the core, you can't really explain it. It just is what it is. It's real. No one really sees it very often, but it is out there and everyone knows. And no one does anything about it. In essence, "A Clockwork Orange" is the ultimate satire, and one of the ultimate film experiences. It's art, it's life, and in a funky way, it's entertaining.

3 annie hall

Director:Woody Allen

Writers:Woody Allen (written by) and
Marshall Brickman (written by)

Release Date:20 April 1977 (USA) more
Genre:Comedy | Romance more

Woody Allen ... Alvy Singer

Diane Keaton ... Annie Hall
Tony Roberts ... Rob

Carol Kane ... Allison
Paul Simon ... Tony Lacey

Shelley Duvall ... Pam
Janet Margolin ... Robin
Colleen Dewhurst ... Mrs. Hall

Christopher Walken ... Duane Hall (as Christopher Wlaken)
Donald Symington ... Mr. Hall
Helen Ludlam ... Grammy Hall

Mordecai Lawner ... Mr. Singer

Woody Allen's masterpiece will always be "Annie Hall." What is most remarkable today about this film is the way Allen presents it. It's a movie about a relationship. But rather than taking a linear approach, Allen plays with time. We see the middle, the begining, and the end. And not always in that order. Allen also breaks the fourth wall a lot and has many dream sequences and asides which add to the complexity of the characters. This is a highly autobiographical film and Allen pulls no punches. This movie is not about romance in the way that "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is. Rather, "Annie Hall" is a deconstruction of a romance. At times it is funny and heartbreaking and always classic. "Love fades," indeed.

4 bonnie and clyde
Arthur Penn

Writers:David Newman (written by) &
Robert Benton (written by)
Release Date:13 August 1967 (USA) more
Genre:Action | Biography | Crime | Drama | Romance more

Warren Beatty ... Clyde Barrow

Faye Dunaway ... Bonnie Parker

Michael J. Pollard ... C.W. Moss

Gene Hackman ... Buck Barrow
Estelle Parsons ... Blanche
Denver Pyle ... Frank Hamer
Dub Taylor ... Ivan Moss
Evans Evans ... Velma Davis

Gene Wilder ... Eugene Grizzard

First of all, let me say that I'm appalled by the real life Bonnie and Clyde. They were two psychopathic thrill killers from Dallas who had a special hatred for law enforcement officers. I must admit that I do feel sorry for the way they were killed, but like the old axiom goes, "If you live by the sword, you die by the sword."

That said, the movie "Bonnie and Clyde" was a groundbreaking film. It was the first time that we the audience were allowed inside the killers minds, and could see what made them tick. This is perhaps the first film that takes a somewhat objective look at crime; we the audience don't have "FBI Seal of Approval" morality shoved down our throats, but we still can tell by the actions of the characters that they are evil, whether they know it or not.

The story is of two Texas young alts who, bored with their lives and the prospects of going nowhere in the world, decide to live out their dreams of stardom by going on a crime spree. They fancy themselves a sort of "Romeo and Juliet" couple, and think of their robberies as harmless fun. They start out small by knocking over grocery stores and gas stations, but soon graate to banks when they need more money to accommodate their lifestyle. Soon they have a simple minded gas clerk named C.W. and Clyde's brother and wife in the gang, and the o goes down into history.

Then the fun and games are over. With law enforcement officials now looking for Bonnie and Clyde, they become targets of bounty hunters, unethical cops and other greedy persons who wish to make a name for themselves, and they lose a part of their childish innocence as the escalation of their crimes makes them become more and more violent. When death finally comes for Bonnie and Clyde, it comes with a vengeance.

Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway have never been better. Beatty, who plays Clyde Barrow as an impotent, ne'er do well country boy who seems to be sowing his wild oats, is in top form. He makes Clyde likable, with a goofy smile perpetually pasted on his face, even when sticking up a bank with two guns in his hands. Dunaway is the ultimate femme fatale as Bonnie Parker, a sweet natured Southern belle who likes the feel of a .38 in her hands as she politely asks for all the money. It's absurd, it's unrealistic, but hey, it's Hollywood. And the film works.

But most importantly, Bonnie and Clyde are in love. It's a kind of love that only few films afterward have been able to equal. There is a genuine feeling of giddy romance between the two no matter what the scene, be it a bank robbery or family get-together away from the reaches of society.

Arthur Penn was obviously a man on a mission when he directed this film. You could sense with every frame that he knew of the importance of this movie; a cinematic masterpiece that dares to make its audience evoke pathos for what would have been banned just a few years earlier.

The finale is still to this day a triumph of audience manipulation. The two bandits, finally captured and unable to escape, are dealt with in a fashion that will haunt you days after viewing. It's sad, it's disgusting, but it brings closure to the lives of two indivials whose works and existence could not be tolerated by the powers that be.

The movie "Bonnie and Clyde" inspired a generation of film makers to look at cinema in a different light. Actions movies were allowed to be funny from this point; funny movies could get away with violence. On the negative side, however, the film changed the morals of Hollywood by allowing murder to be dealt with in such a nonchalant fashion.

Sure, Claude is obviously shaken up after his first kill, as are Bonnie and C.W., but from that point on violence against law officials is no longer a problem. The police in this film are rather like the way gangsters used to be portrayed; a collection of stupid, soulless indivials who only want to ruin Bonnie and Clyde's fun.

In the end, this in an excellent film about Depression era gangsters. Most ironically, however, is that it seems dedicated to the two real life robbers who don't deserve such an honor of having a film legacy created in their names.

10 stars. Innovative, fresh, and hey, it helped pave the way for "Dillinger", my favorite movie in the robber-gangster genre

5 brief encounger

Director:David Lean

Release Date:24 August 1946 (USA) more
Genre:Romance | Drama more

Celia Johnson ... Laura Jesson
Trevor Howard ... Dr. Alec Harvey
Stanley Holloway ... Albert Godby
Joyce Carey ... Myrtle Bagot
Cyril Raymond ... Fred Jesson
Everley Gregg ... Dolly Messiter
Marjorie Mars ... Mary Norton
Margaret Barton ... Beryl Walters, Tea Room

There's not a lot to say. Like many classics this film is simply constructed with all the elements in balance so that none stands out. Everything in it contributes something essential; the lighting, the unromantic railway station sets, the minor characters and of course the music, the ultra-romantic Rachmaninov Piano Concerto no 2. The emotional rollercoaster of the illicit affair has seldom been better portrayed. Perhaps it is a little understated for transatlantic tastes but no-one viewing this movie would not appreciate that the English can be as passionate as the rest of us.

Celia Johnson as Laura and Trevor Howard as Alec are perfect together. It being 1945, they do not get to bed – that would have ruined the audience's sympathy for them in those rather more censorious times. It's all in their minds but their faces give the game away – to each other and to the bystanders. Nothing happens to drag anyone near the awful divorce courts, but you are left wondering whether Celia will ever feel quite the same about her ll, comfortable, patronising and boring husband. As for Alec, he professes he will love her forever but then, he's a man.

Noel Coward proced this film from a short play of his from 1935 (the war and post-war shortages are absent), and his lcet tones may be recognised in the railway station announcements. David Lean directed, and it is a remarkable collaboration. The action is opened out a little – a row on the lake, a drive in the country - but the scenes from the play set entirely in the railway refreshment rooms still remain the centre of the story. The parallel relationship between Albert the station guard (Stanley Holloway), and Myrtle the refreshment room attendant (Joyce Carey), is an interesting counterpoint to the angst-ridden middle class would-be alterers. Surely Noel old boy you weren't suggesting that the working class handles this sort of thing better? We see things largely from Laura's point of view and perhaps Alec didn't feel quite so guilty, but their consciences are going to make them pay. A gem of a movie.

6 chariotes of fire

Hugh Hudson

Writer:Colin Welland (original screenplay)

Release Date:9 October 1981 (USA) more
Genre:Drama | History | Sport more
Nicholas Farrell ... Aubrey Montague
Nigel Havers ... Lord Andrew Lindsay
Ian Charleson ... Eric Liddell

Ben Cross ... Harold Abrahams

Daniel Gerroll ... Henry Stallard

Ian Holm ... Sam Mussabini

John Gielgud ... Master of Trinity (as Sir John Gielgud)
Lindsay Anderson ... Master of Caius
Nigel Davenport ... Lord Birkenhead
Cheryl Campbell ... Jennie Liddell
Alice Krige ... Sybil Gordon
Dennis Christopher ... Charles Paddock
I watched this again last night. I had forgotten just how beautifully done it was - both a character study of two very different men and a gripping plot of their attempts to succeed - partly through athletics. the writer and director so well convey both Cambridge and the Edinburgh Presbyterian missionary disciples, in the early 1920s so very well.

The acting is superb - I had never seen a character presented like Eric Liddell in movies - how fine Ian Charleson was in this role, the softness of his voice, his ease and joy in running competitively (especially in contrast with the tense tortured Harold Abrahams). I also loved the more supporting roles - I've read a biography of F.E. Smith and Nigel Davenport is exactly how I would imagine him. The actor who played the Prince of Wales also seemed exactly right with his effortless charm, looks, and lack of imagination. Ian Holm, John Gielgud, Lindsay Anderson - all wonderful.

The actors weren't chosen for glamour either - Liddell and Abrahams are not Leni Riefenstahl images of athletic ideals, Liddell's sister is no beauty - and Abrahams' girlfriend is pretty but not stunning. It made them seem more real. (In nice contrast were the near-pretty boy looks of Nigel Havers as Lord Lindsay - it so suited his character).
he races are riveting - partly e to the music and sound effects.
So many small things are done so well - e.g., when Lord Lindsay has the confidence of his class to barge into a room containing the Prince of Wales, and three other lords (including Birkenhead and the head of the British Olympic Committee) and greets them by name - no need for introction there (as there was for Liddell). It's small but seems quite real.
As an American, it was interesting and funny to see our Olympic team shown as the numerous, ominous, invulnerable "other"! (something like watching a Rocky movie with Rocky as the proct of a Russian or East German success machine!). In fact, the one scene that seemed a bit off was the scene of the American track athletes warming up for the Games - all heavy music, machine like athletes, ferocious coach yelling with a megaphone into people's ears. It pounded too hard on the "these are the scary almighty inhuman opponents" theme in contrast to the cheerful British boys running along the beach.

Something I had forgotten about the movie was how stubborn BOTH protagonists are - Liddell fully as much as Abrahams. Liddell is not overly deferential or bashful when dealing with the Prince of Wales - but instead straightforward and very firm.
I truly can't understand anyone not liking this movie - it is very exciting even on the basic level of "will they win?" and so much more. (For example, Ian Holm's character's reaction to success after 30 years is very moving). Those who write to say that "Reds" deserved the Oscar more - are simply wrong. (Reds was so simplistic that it felt like watching the movie "The Hardy Boys Go to the Russian Revolution"). Those who say they cannot differentiate among the boys or between the Scottish and English accents - well, it sounds like some political statement to me.

Do watch it - it's very fine, very moving, very exciting.


㈨ 英語翻譯

1.所以犯罪上議院通過發送不需要照顧的事項 1 人 30 天到過肆團去,在暗殺者稱為"活套"-等型雹肆待殺死他們並刻錄 、使犯罪領主照顧的事項,通過發送不受歡迎的人30天過去,刺客被稱為「尺蠖」殺死他們,並等待燃燒的證據。 、所以犯罪上議院處理事情,通過發送不必要的人在過去的30天,在assassins-called「活」等殺他們、燒毀證據 。 2.它在這一點上,電影的情節進入過載。 、 它在這一點上,電影的劇情進入過。
3.追殺,你的未來,你的過去所困擾。 、 追捕你的未來,你的過去所困擾。 、你的未來,縈繞著的你的過去卻被獵殺。 4.「追殺你的卜轎未來,你的過去所困擾」 - 原來是真實的。

㈩ 美國往事 演員表





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