❶ 晚秋电影里,汤唯和玄冰在游乐场里看见的一对外国男女的对话台词是什么
LateAutumn(Scene in the Amusement Park) M How , how did u find me ? Go away.F I came here all the way from Greeceto find you.M You are so tiresome woman. Don't look atme like that.F No , this is how I always look atyou.M Come back with me.F No , I have a new life . Why ,whydid u come back to me again.M I don't know , all my love , my heart ishere.F Your heart ? Don't make me laugh,stop fooling yourself .This is not love .It is only memories and obsession.M Ohhhhhh汤唯start: Please, don't look at me like that . Why have you changed so?M This is how I always look at you.F No , that's not true. Your eyes,they were always so warm.M I can't rememberF Try to remember.M I can only remember that I can notforgive you.F I’m not asking for yourforgiveness.I want your love.M Ha .You are so shameless.F Yes, I am . But you make me thisway. You told me to come back.M I said nothing.F But you did.ur eyes, ur caress ,theyall called me back to you. something’s do not have to be spoken.M (sigh).. (sigh) I have to go. Yourhappiness is in ur hands nowF You can never be so cruel….. 真的去听了几遍,当做dictation了 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzc0MjYxOTg4.html 这个是游乐场对白片段视频。BTW 这部电影我很喜欢,这是里面我最喜欢的一个片段。</p>
❷ 求电影《晚秋》的英文简介
A young woman waits in an empty diner outside a lonely bus stop. Pie and a cup of coffee. She touches neither. Every sound of footsteps, she turns. She smiles. "Hi. It's been a long time."
Man chu opens with Anna staggering down a suburban street, bloodied, face bruised, clothes torn. We learn that she has killed her abusive husband. Seven years later, serving out the sentence for her crime, Anna is given two days' compassionate leave to attend her mother's funeral in Seattle, tied to prison by a cell phone that rings periodically and which she must answer, giving her location.
As Anna's bus pulls out of a station, Hoon, a young dandy and rent boy, jumps aboard. He doesn't have enough money to pay for his ticket and asks to borrow money from Anna. He is Korean, Anna is Chinese – he seems to assume a bond? Deciding whether to give a stranger 30 bucks.
Thus two unlikely misfits meet and fall in love, despite all odds.
Man chu, a remake of a 1966 Korean film of the same name, is ravishingly filmed with a RED camera transferred to D-Cinema Cinemascope, featuring deeply affecting lead performances by the Chinese actress Tang Wei and South Korean actor Hyun Bin and strong supporting performances, including two white dancers who silently act out a beautifully composed break-up scene choreographed by Dayna Hanson and bbed by Anna and Hoon in a brilliant sequence filmed in a derelict amusement park.
Anna and Hoon speak to each other in English, when Anna decides to speak at all. (Tang Wei achieves the lion's share of her unforgettable performance in silence.) In one emotionally devastating scene, Anna tells Hoon her story step by step in Chinese. He interprets by her face and responds to each sentence "Hao" (good) or "Huai" (bad). Though it is evident he does not understand, his responses reveal deep empathy, which Anna recognizes in an extended sequence of acting without words – one among many in this profoundly actorly film.
One slow dissolve on Anna's beautiful face is destined for the annals of film history, I think.
❸ 晚秋电影讲的故事含义是什么
我是最近才看晚秋的。前面有些跳过,而且总感觉电影有些情节没交代清。但我的理解是安娜是一个放不下初恋又错杀丈夫的一个苦命女子 勋是一个以往都靠女人过活的人 两人在安娜短期释放回家参加母亲葬礼的大巴车上相遇 产生了一段缠绵的情愫。这让两个本来人生灰暗的人 一下子生活有了光彩。但美好都是短暂的。勋陪安娜在回去监狱满刑的大巴车途中 他俩约定等安娜刑满在此地相遇 勋曾服务过的客人玉子突然被杀了 勋被冤枉入狱 但这也是安娜在大巴上一觉之前的事了。安娜2年后刑满释放 回到此地 最后安娜对往昔回忆 以一句对勋的独白 嗨 好久不见。
❹ 晚秋高清完整版电影
《 晚秋》网络网盘高清资源免费在线观看;
❺ 《晚秋》电影删减了什么
❻ 晚秋这部电影怎样
❼ 电影晚秋有几个版本
导演 金泰勇
主演 玄彬 汤唯 金俊成
上映时间 2012 3 23
❽ 晚秋这部电影主要讲的是什么
在监狱服刑的安娜(汤唯Wei Tang 饰),因母亲过世获得三天假期,七年来首次踏上归家之路,并于长途汽车上邂逅了勋(玄彬 Bin Hyeon 饰)。不够车钱的勋用手表做抵押借了安娜的钱,约定到西雅图再见。一个是弑夫假释的女犯,一个是专门“吃软饭”的情场骗子,两个陌生人就这样在邂逅中渐生情愫,在短短三天内谈了一场浪漫恋爱。在Anna回监狱的路上因大雾中途停车,而此时勋被玉子的丈夫绑来告知爱着自己的玉子死了,凶手是他,警察正在来的路上。勋与安娜约定与约定2年后还在这个地方相见,安娜却不知道勋也将要被警察带走。两年后,安娜刑期满,再回到相约地点却再也等不来勋。