导航:首页 > 电影人物 > 良心电影英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-08-11 01:39:21

1. 电影良心的剧情

《良心》这部篇子讲述了吉林省延吉市朝鲜族一个家庭的故事,电影的一开头向我们讲述了延吉市发身在银行的一起抢劫案,当时值班人员白花子为了保护国家财产而不惜牺牲了自己的生命,她的三个好姐妹,也纷纷受了重伤。当白花子的丈夫得知了这个消息后,恍恍忽忽中的了病,最后病死,只留下了一个年仅2岁的女儿—金红莲。最终,白花子的好姐妹—崔福顺毅然决定收养小红莲。1990年,白花子的塑像耸立在广场中央,可小红莲却哭着说:“我不要石头妈妈,我要会陪我说话的妈妈。”无论怎么劝也没有用, 崔福顺抱着小红莲说:“长大了你就会明白的。”而杀死白花子的姜寿东也被判处死刑。后来,各大媒体纷纷登出有关小红莲一“家”的故事,短短几天的工夫小红莲一“家”就收到了来自全国个地方的捐款,北京电视台的焦点访谈也播出了一系列的篇子。在这8万多元的捐款中,有两位好心人(“金穗”和“白云”)在支票信中写到:我每月捐送你们20元人民币。小红莲认真的把这写支票贴在墙上。一次,崔福顺在电视上得知了“金穗”的真名叫张培名,因一起车祸而去世了,“金穗”是找到了,可“白云”又是谁呢?后来,小红莲长大了,她和“妈妈”一起去了遥远的新疆,去寻找“白云”,在新疆,终于找到了“白云”,她姓陈,耳东陈。是她和张培名在这风风雨雨的三年多的时间里从为间断过对小红莲的捐助,小红莲和她的“妈妈”还有“白云”,三人抱在一起。最终,以完美的结局结束了电影。

2. 做人要对得起良心,用英语怎么说

Human should be worthy of conscience.

3. 失去良知,没有良心,失去良知用英语怎么说最合适



4. 良心的英语翻译 良心用英语怎么说

conscience 英[ˈkɒnʃəns] 美[ˈkɑ:nʃəns]
n. 良心; 道德心;
[例句]I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter

5. 良心 英语单词怎么说


6. 谁看过电影《良心》帮我总结下《良心》的主要内容,大概一两百字吧,高分悬赏!!!

主演:谢兰 姜武

7. 凭良心说 英语怎么说

To be honest, ...
honestly, .....

8. 求一篇英语口语介绍,介绍一部看过的电影,任何一部,内容积极向上就行,加上自己感受,用口语表达2分钟左


Kung Fu Panda is an American animated comedy film released in 2008. After its release it is welcomed by most alts and children and receives very positive and favorable reviews. I think the film is trying to tell us that if you have a dream and hold on to it, you will be successful one day.

The movie is about a lazy, fat and clumsy panda called Po. He helps his goose father in his family noodle shop every day. And his father expects him to take over the shop and tell him the secret ingredient of making noodle soup. However, Po is fanatic of Chinese Kung Fu and is always dreaming to become a Kung Fu fighter.

Everyone is surprised to find the result but they have to accept the reality. Eventually Shifu takes sage advice from Oogway and begins to teach Po martial arts. Po is carefully prepared to fight. But is Tai Lung defeated in the end by the panda? I urge you to find out the result on your own.

In my opinion, the most impressive part of the movie is the sacred Dragon Scroll and the secret ingredient of making noodle soup. When Po is ready to open the sacred Dragon Scroll, which promises great power to its possessor, he finds nothing but blank. He was in despair and everyone is shocked and desperate. So Shifu has to order his students to lead the villagers to safety while he stays to delay Tai Lung for as long as he can. Then Po meets his father on the way back, and unexpectedly his father tells him the secret ingredient of the family's noodle soup: nothing. He explains that things become special when people believe they are. I think this is the theme of the movie. Once you hold a firm belief, you can get what you want.

On the whole, the movie is funny and entertaining. Its theme of “believe in yourself” is loved by the parents. And for alts there are some wonderful actions and sceneries. If you have not watched the Kung Fu Panda, I sincerely recommend you to watch it and enjoy the enthusiastic and funny Panda.



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