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发布时间:2022-11-15 23:47:53



Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.

Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.

However,he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.

3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple—human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.






⑵ 英文影评怎么写 影评用英文怎么写




4、对电影的内容和情节做了一个概括之后,下一步就是对电影做出评论。这一步是从你个人的角度来评价电影中的人物和情节,并且对他们进行深刻的分析。 在分析的时候,要提供具体详细的实例和证据来证明你的观点。比如用电影中的实例加以佐证,描述电影的场景、演员的演技和拍摄角度等等。这些都可以作为支撑你观点的证据。你甚至可以引用电影中某句经典台词来支撑你的观点。除此之外,你也可以结合你找到的额外资料来支持你的观点,完善你的整体思路。通过以上的方式,你可以在有限的篇幅里面对电影做出细致全面的分析。在影评的结尾部分,再次总结你的这部电影的整体评价,有利于给你的读者留下深刻的印象。比如说“即使有几个演员发挥一般,这部电影还是很引人深思,勾人心弦。” 这就是一个好结尾。别忘了,在完成影评的草稿之后,还需要再仔细审核检查你的文章。注意检查语法、拼写、影片基本信息等细节。在文章内容方面,我们需要再次强调,影评不是对电影中每个场景的复述,不是对电影的总结,而是一篇反馈论文。写作时要求你需要使用批判性的思维,指出电影的优势和不足,对电影做出评价,并用充实的论据予以证明。

⑶ 影片评论英语翻译

影片评论 movie review 或者 review of the movie

⑷ 英文电影英语影评怎么写


⑸ 急求几篇英文电影的英文评论200词左右(包括:人物介绍,故事梗概,演员,导演和故事背景等)

《碟中碟3》 带中文翻译的。差不多两张吧。

Mission Impossible III

Today is Tuesday at special price on the world saw big run Chin film "discs, disc 3>, Yes, I will go after large cinemas view, not really wasted music division. As the scene Huopu, circumstances are very tortuous, to the last minute to know the truth behind the scenes. I think the original, the dialogue soon, no friends or choose Chinese version is good, many people fail to understand response after reading the contents of subtitles change too fast, coupled with the circumstances of imminent, so dizzying. But the $ 200 million investment that film quality is not high, do not know what the reasons are poor copies, or the Office of screening equipment is 9. There are trial and Shanghai lens, but it seems less that the Indian characteristics flu, feeling like Hong Kong films civilian areas, the construction of our country or the lack of features, unlike other films on to a local time, the region can enjoy life. Also as a large, and is action films, the camera is also a lack of broad scenes regret. I feel able to take the box office champion this summer, not necessarily as a preference to look at the market or not. One local not know how to achieve that attacks Bridge that, certainly not the latter is true, then unrealistic and the results so very true. The film was also no lack of ridiculous places, recommended watched index 4 Star








Maggie Q Philippe-Hoffman Type : action / adventure / horror Exhibition Date : July 20, 2006 (the Mainland) An export : Paramount Issue : China film distributor Finally decided to write the movie or the movie, although we had already seen for some time, as the introction of the Mainland summer stall last proced a big hot film 'discs, disc 3 "or indeed attracted the eyes of many people, although the deletion and also lagged behind because of the exhibition, and other factors, it is markedly lower than the biggest" da password "and" superman return " But the mood was very high audience, the time can be found in the presence of this. Well below or return. There is no doubt that recent discs, disc 3 is the best action films, both of the rhythm, the establishment or functioning of the above circumstances are upper-level. Done a real exciting, which is now the most valuable action films. Apprehensively in the film, or rather, the establishment of a skill, the rescue operation began first bomb raises nasal cavity for the last part of the film made her, how catches, carried out in some of the crime bosses very ingenious design, it is entirely possible to describe a dangerous phenomenon occur one after another. Special software has not been put in place is sound and crime bosses statements accident into a section of the intensity. In viewing time really let me breathing accelerated. and the circumstances are unconsciously to the audience to the director of carefully designed trap to the end of time will suddenly realize a truth in every section of the interface very tight, of the audience left without any breathing time in less than two hours to maintain the rapid progress in high among never cold market. As action films in particular dish, dish series, how to use high-tech tools and weapons is a great easy task, in this context includes the design is also very successful, with the exception of each episode will arise facial skin, also joined the nasal cavity bombs manual machine guns and other new varieties, and the task of documenting the items are unique and innovative. the ingenious use of these things can also hit high score. The film moves completely embodies the scene. Expensive. Went characteristics rescue operations, and final Jieqiu Shanghai Sunrise is fully embodies this, and this is the film most people praise. As more content to attract viewers laugh uproariously enough, but in a country with a fine tradition of the film series is too frivolous, Falling wires crashes to the series have been playing a game of 3 times, from the high-rise is not set, it is difficult to give a feeling of tension, Zeiwo husband found the movie true identity code, what is not new, After watching the film, you will find that this volume will be necessary to create some content and linked to chemical weapons + ----- civil strife. Fortunately film rhythm tight, some things because of the lack of time thinking and apprehensively played effect, and illustrated in the film for processing in the absence of good feelings seem disputable up frequently on the leading edge of the tears no convincing, no accumulation of feelings that the film did not move the local people, which is precisely the characteristic of the former two, Tom cruise entirely on their own tears for the figures pale, All of this has completely exposed the director substantial shareholders naked money purposes, after watching the film you will not be moved to any place, as a high-tech money and build the scenery, the lack of which had some resonance Lake moving and, for the people can not afford the emotional ups and downs, and this came two have done, and the introction of summer "da password" and "superman return" has done so not in a film really makes no precise words to describe it. From the performance of several actors or good, for films released between humorous play a catalytic role. Chinese actress Maggie Q and the "match point" Jonathan performance are very place, a new villain Section actor Philippe-Hoffman performance also demonstrated a certain skill, As for her Michelle-Campus Han and Georgia only completed vases. Finally talk about Shanghai scene, the domestic film version is the deletion of the (first cut of not leave traces progress), it is not possible to comment deletions are good or bad, just on the part of the film is to retain the integrity shown by the two levels of Shanghai, the bustling international metropolis and a long history style, As some people said to Shanghai in addition to several signs depicting no other buildings, even Shanghai locals are recognizable, is absolutely biased words, we do not know is a city landmark from the beginning? construction, but that recognizable only by their own lack of understanding of the city, the film in this regard is good. Kanye West to proce the final say in the song very well "impossible" with the cooperation with Mariah Carey had Twista, subtitles in the film rolling at the end of the broadcast to listen to the MP3 and better results than before. In the final analysis, disc, disc 3 is a brilliant film but without feeling, after what I have read and left no aftertaste, the film is not bad evidenced by the box office, as long as you follow the development of circumstances and not think about it too much away, you still will not speculate too much fun feel. As a film, was affixed with a sincere Jiaqian, leaving only the commercial value as a commodity, we can claim it bring us?
Maggie Q 菲利普-霍夫曼



高空绳索坠落到这一集已经玩了第3遍了,从高楼划下也不是首创,难以让人有紧张的感觉,贼窝里发现丈夫真实身份的戏码,早就不是什么新鲜事了,而看完电影你会发现本集是将第一集和第二集的内容连在了一起-----化学武器+内讧.好在影片的节奏紧凑,有一些老套的悬念由于没有时间思考而起到了效果,而片中对情感的处理由于没有好好的渲染显得令人难以信服而主角动不动就闪烁的泪光毫无说服力,没有了感情的积累使得影片没有打动人的地方,这恰恰是前两部的特色,TOM CRUISE完全就自己的眼泪换取了人物的苍白,这一切完全暴露了导演大量圈钱的赤裸裸的金钱目的,看完影片后你不会为任何一点感动的地方,就象一个用金钱和高科技打造的布景一样,缺乏原本竟该有的湖动和共鸣,呼唤不起人们情感上的起伏,这一点上前两部都作到了,而暑假引进的"达芬奇密码"和"超人归来"也作到了,这样一部让人无法投入的电影还真没有什么确切的词语形容它.
本片中的几位配角的表现还是不错的,不经意之间幽默的为影片起到了催化作用.华裔女星MAGGIE Q和来自"赛点"的JONATHAN的表现都十分到位,扮演反派的新科影帝菲利普-霍夫曼的表演也展示了一定的功力,至于女主角米歇尔-摩纳汉只能以及格分完成花瓶任务.
最后说说KANYE WEST制作的颇受好评的主题歌"IMPOSSIBLE"与同MARIAH CAREY有过合作的TWISTA合作,在影片结束后的字幕滚动时播出达到了比之前听MP3更好的效果.

⑹ 评论用英语怎么说







电影评论 film criticism ; critique de cinéma

党派评论 Partisan Review ; political criticism

湘江评论 The Shian Kian Weekly Review ; Xiangjiang Review

文艺评论 literary criticism ; Literature and Art Criticism ; Literary Review ; arcane criticism

评论者 reviewer ; Name ; Critic ; observer

每月评论 Monthly Review

时事评论 commentation ; commentary on current events ; Current affairs


1. It was just a passing comment, he didn't go on about it.


2. The diaries are a mixture of confession, work in progress and observation.


3. The charity says it wants a withdrawal of the comments.


4. The close-up photography and commentary are clear and unambiguous.


5. He was also for a time the art critic of "The Scotsman"


6. Mr Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment.


7. She has made outspoken remarks about the legalisation of cannabis in Britain.


8. On reflection, he says, he very much regrets the comments.


9. Mr Hicks is out of the country and so unavailable for comment.


10. The diaries are a mixture of confession and observation.


11. The review body has proced a truncated version of its annual report.


12. His abrasive wit and caustic comments were an interviewer's nightmare.


13. The author distanced himself from some of the comments in his book.


14. Stratford police refuse to comment on whether anyone has been arrested.


15. I feel the remark was inappropriate for such a serious issue.


⑺ 对电影的评论 英语

You’re a Beautiful Person
2007年08月29日 星期三 作者: 吴成波 美丽:一个真实的自己, 有欢乐,有痛苦,有欢笑也有哭泣。真实的美丽在关爱他人、热爱生活中得到绽放。这种美,并不是外在的,也不是精神上的,而是我们真实自我的全部。就是现在,我要告诉你:美丽是你!

You’re a Beautiful Person

Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith.I wish that I could tell every person that I meet that he or she is a beautiful person–and have them believe it. I wish I could look them in the eyes and tell them of their beauty and have them accept the words for what they truly are–the truth, plain and simple.
欢迎来到Faith轻松电台,我是Faith。我希望我能对遇到的每一个人说:”美丽是你”, 不管是他还是她, 并使他们相信这一点! 我希望我能真诚地注视着他们的眼睛, 告诉他们那些散发于他们内心的美丽, 并且让他们接受这些实实在在的美–真实,朴素而率直。

You and I both know that most people will deny their beauty, expressing what they feel is modesty or humility. It’s easier for us to be told that we’re talented or intelligent–our own beauty is something that we don’t want to face.

You could help me to convince people of their innate beauty. You could agree with me in an effort to reinforce the message. You could give a few specifics to illustrate just what we’re talking about when we say the person is beautiful. You could reassure the person that I’m not saying it to flatter or to try to win the person over or get something out of the person, but just trying to express in words the beauty I see when I look into that person’s eyes and see the human being there, the person who gets happy and hurt and who laughs and who cries.
你可以帮助我使人相信他们天生美丽。你可以和我一起努力巩固这一信念。你可以举几个特别的例子来说明我们所谈论的某个人美丽的概念。你可以使他们相信我并不是出于奉承,也不是试图从那人身上赢得什么,更不是想从他那里索取什么;而是用言语表达当我看着他的眼睛时所捕捉到的美丽:一个真实的自己, 有欢乐,有痛苦,有欢笑也有哭泣。

You can help me by reminding the person that beauty isn’t about comparing ourselves with others, but about the part of us that shines when we love others and love life. It’s not all physical and it’s not all spiritual, but a tender combination of all that we are.

This is Faith at Faith Radio Online-Simply to relax. Now, I’m telling you: You are a beautiful person!
这里是Faith主持的Faith轻松电台。现在,我要告诉你:美丽是你! (Resource: Faith Radio)

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⑻ 电影影评英语范文



During the summer vacation, I watched a lot of movies,such as , “Hilary and Jackie”, “Up(飞屋环游记)”, “The Shawshank Redemption [ri'dempʃən]” ,“ The Legend ['ledʒənd] of 1900”,“ The Truman Show”,“ He's Just Not That Into You” and so on.Now I will share my deepest feelings about some movies with you together and taste it.

First of all,the movie “Hilary and Jackie” translated “她比烟花寂寞”in Chinnese.The six words include the infinite ['infinət] deep profound. The film is divided into two sections, the first telling events from Hilary's point of view and the second from Jackie's. It opens with Hilary and Jackie as children being taught by their mother to dance and play musical instruments, the cello for Jackie and the flute for Hilary. Jackie does not take practicing seriously at first, but when she does, she becomes a virtuoso [,və:tju'əuzəu],

quickly rising to international prominence. Hilary, on the other hand, plays in a community orchestra ['ɔ:kistrə, -kes-] and marries Christopher

of composer Gerald克里斯多夫, the son 杰拉尔德Finzi. The film, though focused primarily on Jacqueline, is ultimately ['ʌltimətli] about the relationship between the two sisters and their dedication to one another; to help Jacqueline through a

nervous-breakdown, Hilary consents to Jacqueline having an affair with her husband.

The last quarter of the movie chronicles in detail the last fifteen years of Jacqueline's life, ring which she is diagnosed with multiple ['mʌltipl] sclerosis

[skliə'rəusis] and loses control of her nervous system, becomes paralyzed

['pærəlaizd], goes deaf and mute [mju:t], and finally dies. The film ends with Jacqueline's ghost standing on the beach where she used to play as a child, watching herself and her sister frolicking in the sand as little girls..

The second movie , I was going to say the “UP”

Up is definitely one of the better Pixar efforts. It's about the grandeur

['ɡrændʒə] and excitement of flight and adventure. The first ten minutes of the film about Carl and his life-long love Ellie are surprisingly touching. It's heartbreaking to see him lose his wife even at old age. With nothing left to do Carl heads for South America, but he's not alone. Russell, a Wilderness Explorer [ik'splɔ:rə] trying to earn his

['ænimeitid] films. Like other Pixar films Up is also very funny. Thankfully, it's sweet humour instead of the gross humour that's present in many of today's Hollywood films. In conclusion, Up is another daring, unusual and beautiful animated ['ænimeitid] film from Pixar that both children and alts will enjoy watching. I highly recommend it.

Finally,the “The Shawshank Redemption [ri'dempʃən]”.I don’t know how to express the feeling about this film. the movie is so great and Andy is a bloody

smart man! When I had finished watching the movie,I was excited and wanted to watch it again.Wheather the figures and details or the spirit that the music conveyed to.

I like Andy ,for his talent and his wisedom . And the most important thing that I like is his spirit—never giving up.



The movie talks about a love story of a man whose father decided to come out after his old wife dead. The protagonist was a little bit autistic because of his home environment. After he met a beautiful girl at a masquerade party and fall in love with her, his life became different and colorful. But it’s not easy to maintain this relationship e to both of them grew up in a disharmony family. At last, they learned how to love each other and solve the problems. I do believe that we all are beginners, there are many things that we aren’t good at, and we should face and try to deal with it, not just escape.


It’s a science fiction. The main character in the film is a man. And he writes letters for living, it’s a boring job as well as his life. As the story went on, the protagonist got an AI system that can talk as a real human by chance. Not long ago, he just broken with his girlfriend,but soon he found that AI is easier to get along with than real people. Surprisingly, he and “her” both feel like falling in love with each other, it makes him feel very happy. But good times don’t last long, they would quarrel, and it’s not easy to have an AI “girlfriend”. In the end, all of AI left people, in myopinion it’s because they love people. And they don’t want to hurt people. This is my favorite movie this year.


The Hitchhikes Guide to the Galaxy This movie is a classic science fiction comedy, adapted from a popular book with the same title written by Douglas Adams. In a peaceful morning, the protagonist was having breakfast, and at the moment, the construction team was going to force demolition of his home. Of course he was very angry, but his best friend who looks “nerves” came out suddenly and admitted he is an alien, then took him to a big space ship. After that, the aliens who own the space ship destroyed the earth. Thanks to his alien friend, as the last human being, he started aninterstellar journey full of excitement and fun.



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