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发布时间:2022-12-06 15:24:58

1. 介绍几个关于电影的英文网站像豆瓣一样的


2. 用英语介绍一个人物及一部电影

介绍人物的:Liu Xiang, a Shanghai native, was born on July 13, 1983. In March, 1999, he entered the Shanghai track and field team and one year later, he was admitted to the National Youth Team. In 2002, he won the gold modals in the men’s 110m hurdles at the Asian Games and the Asian Championships. The next year, he took third in the 60m hurdles at the World Indoor Championships in England. In the August 27, 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Liu won the men’s 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, equaling the world record set and breaking the Olympic record. He impressed on me the spirit of self-improvement 动画片的很难找,给你一篇介绍《哈利波特》的吧!The series of Harry Potter movies is great! It was written by J.K.Rowling. A normal boy called Harry Potter suddenly found that he was a wizard, his parents were killed by Lord Voldemort when he was only 1 years old. Then he went to Hogwarts, a school which teach wizards and witches how to use magic, to study. At there, he learned many things, and made friends with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. When he was 15, he understood that he was the only person who can kill the Dark Lord, Voldemort. Then Harry started to prepare to kill him. His friends stayed with him to help him. After many difficulties, at the age of 17, they finally finished the task. The whole world was saved by Harry, and became peaceful again. I can not describe so much in this short passage, but, really, the books are worth watching. You can learn many things in it, for example, many kinds of love. Your feeling goes with the story, you will laugh, you will cry, and you can not forget it. So come to enjoy it~!

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4. 阿凡达中角色的英文介绍

Cast and characters

• Sam Worthington as Corporal Jake Sully, the film's protagonist, is a disabled Marine who becomes part of the Avatar Program. Cameron cast the Australian actor after searching the world for promising young actors, preferring relative unknowns to keep the budget down. Worthington, who was living in his car at the time, auditioned twice early in development, and he has signed on for possible sequels. Cameron felt that because Worthington had not done a major film, he was "game for anything", giving the character "a quality that is really real. He has that quality of being a guy you'd want to have a beer with, and he ultimately becomes a leader who transforms the world".
• Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine, a botanist and head of the Avatar Program. She mentors Jake Sully, and was an advocate of peaceful relations with the Na'vi, setting up a school to teach them English. Weaver dyed her hair red for the part. The character was named "Shipley" at one point, a reference to the character she played in Aliens which was directed by Cameron. Weaver said that Augustine reminded her of Cameron, being "very driven and very idealistic".
• Michelle Rodriguez as Trudy Chacón, a Marine fighter pilot assigned to support the Avatar Program. Cameron had wanted to work with Rodriguez since seeing her in Girlfight.
• Giovanni Ribisi as Parker Selfridge, the corporate administrator for the RDA mining operation and one of the film's primary antagonists.
• Joel David Moore as Norm Spellman, an anthropologist who studies plant and nature life as part of the Avatar Program. He arrives on Pandora at the same time as Jake Sully, and assumes control of an avatar.
• Stephen Lang as Colonel Miles Quaritch, a security contractor who heads the mining operation's security detail, and serves as the film's primary antagonist. Lang had unsuccessfully auditioned for a role in Cameron's Aliens (1986); the director remembered Lang and cast him in Avatar. Michael Biehn, who was in Aliens, read the script and watched some of the 3D footage with Cameron, but was ultimately not cast in the role.
• Dileep Rao as Dr. Max Patel, a scientist who works in the Avatar Program.
• Matt Gerald as Corporal Lyle Wainfleet, a security contractor working under Colonel Quaritch.
• Zoe Saldana as Neytiri, princess of the Omaticaya, the Na'vi clan central to the story, who is attracted to Jake because of his bravery. The character, like all the Na'vi, was created using performance capture, and is entirely computer generated. Saldana has also signed on for potential sequels.
• C. C. H. Pounder as Mo'at, the Omaticaya's spiritual leader, Neytiri's mother, and consort to clan leader Eytucan.
• Laz Alonso as Tsu'tey, heir to the chieftainship of the tribe, and Neytiri's betrothed, prior to the events of the film.
• Wes Studi as Eytucan, the Omaticaya's clan leader, husband of Mo'at and Neytiri's father.
• Peter Mensah as Akwey, leader of a plains clan of Na'vi.

5. 拜托各位电影达人们:有哪些权威的英文影评网站


IMDB 这个你应该知道http://www.imdb.com/







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