导航:首页 > 电影人物 > 我朋友邀请我去看电影用英语怎么说


发布时间:2023-01-26 13:22:38


My friend invited me to go to the movies tonight, because I have a headache for several days, so I politely declined

⑵ 我想邀请我的朋友星期天和我一起看电影英文

Mom, can I invite my friends to share the fruit with me? 希望能帮到你, 如有疑问,可追问~

⑶ 英语作文 用对话的形式邀请你的朋友去看电影,50词就可以了

Hi,Tom.Are you busy tomorrow?
No.today I can finish my homework..what about you?
I can,too.Would you like to see a film with me tomorrow?
I’d like to.When is it?
It is at 8:00a.m.I’ll meet you at the gate of the cinema.
OK.See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.

⑷ 怎样用英语邀请朋友参加看电影活动并说对他有帮助

Hi, can you spare your time this Sunday? 你好,这个周日你有时间吗?
I‘'d like to invite you to watch movie. 我想邀请你去看电影
This movie is very popular. 这个电影很热门的。
Trust me, it is deserved to go. 相信我,它很值得去看。
And there will be a discount this Sunday. 而且这周日还会有折扣。
The price will be 50% off. 会打5折哦!
Let's go? 我们去吧?

⑸ 用英语邀请别人去看电影字数200

去看电影 [简明汉英词典]
go to see a movie
go to the movies
went to the movies
LiLei and Tom go to see a movie.
或者LiLei and Tom go to the movies.
1. 去看电影
go to see a film

收藏 | 出自>实用交际英语
2. 去看电影
Going to the Movies

收藏 | 出自>哈利英语-脱口秀(八年级适用)
3. 去看电影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>初级追分片语525
4. 去看电影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>新起点小学英语(四年级上学期适用)
5. 去看电影,
Going to the movies,

收藏 | 出自>新起点小学英语(五年级上学期适用)
6. 去看电影,
Going to the movies,

收藏 | 出自>新起点小学英语(五年级上学期适用)
7. 去看电影
go to the movies

收藏 | 出自>新世纪小学英语第9册 (五年级第一学期适用)
8. 去看电影

收藏 | 出自>交友900句典
9. 去看电影
go to a movie

收藏 | 出自>英语听力达标 七年级上册 与人教新目标同步
10. 去不去看电影?
What about going to the theater?

收藏 | 出自>疯狂英语-句型手册900句(2)
11. 我去看电影了。
I went to see a movie.

收藏 | 出自>生活英语天天说-描绘与说明篇
12. 要去看电影吗?
Would you like to go to the movies?

收藏 | 出自>生活英语天天说-日常生活篇
13. 去看电影如何?
How about going to a movie?

收藏 | 出自>生活英语天天说-日常生活篇
14. 我们去看电影。
Let's go to the movies.

收藏 | 出自>小学英语第6册(五年级下学期适用)
15. 我们去看电影。
Let's go to the movies.

收藏 | 出自>小学英语第6册(四年级下学期适用)
16. 去看电影如何?
How about going to the movies?

收藏 | 出自>休闲英语会话
17. 我要去看电影。
I'm going to catch a movie.

收藏 | 出自>生活美语抢“鲜”说
18. 我去看电影。
I'm going to the cinema.

收藏 | 出自>初二英语口语
19. 去看电影好吗?
Would you like to go to the cinema?

收藏 | 出自>哈利英语-脱口秀(七年级适用)
20. 去看电影吗?
Will you go and see a film?

收藏 | 出自>哈利英语-脱口秀(九年级适用)

⑹ 英语作文邀请同学去看电影100词带翻译


This weekend I invited three students to go to the movies together. There are many new movies released recently. We are going to take a bus to the cinema at the weekend.

When we get to the cinema, we will go to the front desk to buy movie tickets. Our plan is to go to the restaurant after watching the movie and go shopping after dinner. This is our preliminary plan. We will revise it according to the actual situation.

It must be a happy weekend.



⑺ 昨天我的朋友jack邀请我去看电影.我非常激动翻译

翻译:My friend Jack invited me to go to the cinema yesterday.I was very excited.


⑻ 他邀请我跟他一起去看电影用英语怎么说

He invited me to go to cinema with him.

⑼ 明天没有时间,用英语怎么说 实际上是朋友邀请我去吃饭,我想约他周日下午去看电影,怎么说比较好

I am busy and not available,could you change to another day,how about to see a movie on Sunday afternoon?



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