导航:首页 > 电影人物 > 看喜剧电影好处英语怎么说


发布时间:2023-03-17 21:16:15

『壹』 看喜剧片会让我开心英语

It makes me rejoice to see a comedy film
I feel happy when I see a comedy film

『贰』 帮忙翻译成英语 我喜欢看喜剧电影,因为它能让我开怀大笑,让我忘掉不开心的事情。我不喜欢看恐怖片,因为

I like watching comedies ,because they can make me laugh and happy ,make me
forget unhappy things. I don't like thrillers ,because they can't make me sleep.
I like cartoons ,too. because they make me feel happy

『叁』 去看喜剧片是多么让人放松的事情啊! 怎么用英语说

What a relaxing thing it is to see a comedy !


『肆』 喜剧片会让我们感觉更开心英语短语


Comedy makes us feel happier

『伍』 我喜欢看喜剧片,因为它是有趣的。 英语

I like watching comedies, because they are interesting.


『陆』 喜剧电影英语怎么说

问题一:喜剧片的英语怎么说? 还有恐怖片等 喜剧片edy
恐怖片horror film 。horror movie
悬疑片suspense film。Thrill。Mystery
动作片action movie。actioner。action film
科幻片science fiction film。science fiction movi户。fi film
剧情片feature film。story film。Drama
青春片youth film
家庭片Family films
文艺片literary film。lterary flm。literacy film
罪案片Crime movie
武侠片sword *** en film。soword *** enfilm。Martial Arts
爱情片affectional film
战争片war movie

问题二:喜剧的英文怎么说 edy我们高一有学过funny movie会不会是中国式的英文

问题三:喜剧片用英语怎么说? 喜剧片edy

问题四:看一部喜剧片用英语怎么说? Watches a edy movie

问题五:电影有多少种类型?用英语怎么表达? 电影类型(Film Genres) 喜剧片 edy 惊悚片 thriller 冒险片 adventure film 爱情片 romance film 纪录片documentary恐怖片 horror film 动作片 action movie *** 片 crime & gangster film 科幻片 science fiction film 音乐剧 musical film史诗片 epics/historical film叙事片 Narrative movie战争片 war movie *** ethical movie 卡通片 cartoon预告片 Trailer 歌舞片 musical film西部片 western movie

问题六:喜剧片是我最喜欢的电影用英语怎么说 The edy film is the one that I like best/The edy film is my favourate one.

问题七:我喜欢看喜剧电影和一些纪录片 用英语怎么说 我喜欢看喜剧电影和一些纪录片
I like watching edy movies and documentaries.

『柒』 看喜剧的好处英语作文3个谢谢

It can make us relax totally

『捌』 求英语简答,关于喜欢喜剧电影的原因,最好能正常语速说1分钟那么长,

I like comedy movies because it's a great way to relax with your friends and it's also very entertaining. We always have some thing to do and a lot of problems to solve in our busy lives. Wouldn't it be a good idea to give yourself a little time once in a while to laugh out loud with your friends? It's extremely entertaining too. Comedy movies are based on funny things that happen to real life events. Comedy actors are really appealing also. When you watch a comedy movie, you'll probably forget all the sad things that've ever happened to you because the actors are extradinarily funny enough to make you laugh. That's why I love comedy movies.

『玖』 我喜欢看电影,由其是喜剧片,它让人感到快乐.用英文翻译下来怎么说.

I am fond of watching movies,especially comedies,which delight people.
I like to watch movies,especially comedies,because it makes people joyful.

『拾』 “看喜剧片”用英语怎么说

see the comedy films



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