导航:首页 > 电影人物 > 他下周打算去看电影用英语怎么说


发布时间:2023-06-04 18:00:31

A. 他计划去看电影,请用英语翻译

He plans to go to the movies

B. 下一周,我们会去看电影怎么用英文

Next week, we'll go to the movies.

C. 明天他打算看电影怎么说用英语

He is going to go to the cinema tomorrow.

D. 下周末他们打算做什么 他们打算看电影。 英语怎么写!

What are they going to do this Sunday?

Does they plan to watch the moves?yes.they does.

不知道你满不满意 望采纳 谢谢

E. 下周我要和朋友去看电影怎么翻译

翻译成英语:I want to go to the movies with my friends next week。

F. 我们下周将去看电影和参观博物馆用英语怎么说注意时态

We are going to see a film and visit the museum next week.

G. 我打算下周一看电影用英语怎么说六年级上册三单元

I'm going to the movies next Friday.
I plan to see a movie next Friday.

H. 他下个周末打算看电影,怎么翻译。

He plans to/is going to see a moive next weeken.

打算做某事:be going to do sth
plan to so sth

看电影:see a moive
下周末:next weekend

I. 这个周未他打算读书和看电影用英语怎么说

He is going to read books and watch a film this weekend.


J. 他下周日要看电影,英文变一般疑问句

He is going to see a film next Sunday.
Is he going to see a film next Sunday?



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