导航:首页 > 电影人物 > 我和我的妈妈去看电影用英语怎么说


发布时间:2023-07-12 03:40:06

㈠ 周未我要和爸爸妈妈起去电影院看电影。这句话用英语怎么翻绎

I will/am going to a/the cinema to see a movie/film with my parents at the weekend.

㈡ 我经常和妈妈去看电影。(英文翻译) I ___ go to ___ ___ ___ my mother.

i usually go to watch movies with my mother

㈢ 请速回答 今天晚上我要和爸爸妈妈去看电影的英语翻译(一般将来时)

My parents and I are going to watch movie tonight.
My parents and I will see a film tonoght.
My parents and I are going to cinema tonight.

㈣ 今天晚上我要和爸爸妈妈去看电影的英语翻译

I am(was) going to see a film with my parents!一般现在时用am 过去时 用was

㈤ 英语这个周末我打算去电影院和妈妈一起去看电影

This weekend I plan to see a film together with my mother.

㈥ 英语翻译 我和我的父母每个月都去看电影,我们一家人都很喜欢看。

My parents and I go to see a film every month,my family all like seeing films

㈦ 昨天我跟妈妈去看电影 翻译

I went to see a film with my mother.

㈧ 我和父母一起去看电影英语

I went to the cinema with my parents。

㈨ 我打算和我的父母一起去看电影英语

I'm going to the cinema with my parents.

㈩ 我的妈妈和我一起看电影 用英语怎么说

My mum watched the film with me.

祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)



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