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发布时间:2023-07-21 15:54:29

『壹』 英语作文:写一部电影或一首歌的感想

Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.

More do not want to repeat the story, because it really well. Look at the process, appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh, the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go. This film has done very authentic, a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling, no matter which story or convey the moods, whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern, such as, for example ok



申明:是我 ,搜到的

I have to be honest… when I started reading this book about a woman getting out of prison and entering society again, I really didn’t want to read it. Then when I read about what this woman tried to do; I thought this book might go into really dark places, I was afraid to continue. But, I have to say that since Maureen Lang has such an endearing insight into the heart of the matter, I kept reading. This story went in a direction I never expected it to go; it became quite eye opening which made me want to finish the story and so will you.

I applaud Maureen for not being afraid to talk about the elephant in the room. Nobody wants to discuss much less think about special needs children and what is involved in their care day-in and day-out. I loved her take on how a special needs child affect the immediate, extended family, and everyone they meet. It’s eye opening stuff.

The author shares what it would be like for a prisoner trying to fit back into in a very small town – a town who doesn’t forget why you went to prison in the first place. Dilly reaches out to another woman in a similar situation she was in years ago. This is what she says, “I know what Carla did was wrong. I hate what she did. But the punishment has already begun, even before she’s sentenced. And she’s still human; I know she feels all the hatred people like that guy have. I just wanted her to know not everybody has forgotten she’s still a person with feelings.” Wow! The author has a great insight into God’s love for us and how we should love one another.

This was a deeply moving book .At the same time, the author lets us see and feel how life could be in a small town; and what all goes into running a farm. It’s quite fascinating. This was the first book I’ve read by Maureen Lang it definitely won’t be the last

『贰』 音乐之声观后感100字英语

范文:In the sound of music, Julie Andrews's loud and beautiful voice, like a valley warbler, blends well with the vast and magnificent natural landscape of the Alps, and has also become a memory label that impressed the audience at the beginning.

As a film adapted from a musical, most of the episodes in the film exude a strong sense of drama. Between the ups and downs of the melody, the audience can experience a dynamic beauty caused by emotional changes.





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