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发布时间:2024-09-18 10:13:13

㈠ 小鬼当家1电影读后感(英语6句话

When you can't be a poppet, just to be smart. If you are brave enough, even when you are only ten, you can have destory the bad guy. No matter how naughty a boy is, he is still the apple of their parents' eyes. They will love him and keep caring for him until the end of their lives. Alts make mistakes too. If you are not clever enough, there is not a chance for you, it is hard even to be a bad guy.

㈡ 英语作文 写一部自己喜爱的电影 描写人物形象,对这部电影的评价

I love this movie: HBO's 'Clear History'
From the moment I saw HBO's 30-second teaser, I had a feeling I'd like Clear History.
As you may recall, our first peek at the movie really only included two things: Chicago's 1970 hit 25 or 6 to 4and a bearded, almost unrecognizable Larry David:

That was really all I needed to pique my interest, and, as it turns out, the movie is, indeed, something to sing about.
Clear History tells the story of a marketing executive (Larry David) who has the worst luck ever when he leaves a car company right before it could've made him a billionaire. David's character isn't a far cry from the one he plays on Curb Your Enthusiasm, in terms of his temperament and tendency to get the bad end of a deal:

The movie's stellar cast includes Jon Hamm, J.B. Smoove, Danny McBride, Kate Hudson, Amy Ryan and Bill Hader, though the standout is Michael Keaton, who has been off our radar for way too long.
I don't want to give too much away, but here's a scene from the beginning of the film, when David's character tells his boss (Hamm) that his new electric car model is terrible. (He also claims to be "the brains behind Edible Arrangements.")

Clear History is a perfect little movie that makes the wait for another season of Curb Your Enthusiasm all the more painful. Every actor is at the top of his/her game (even Hudson, who has had a string of terrible movie roles), and David offers a few poignant moments on top of the singalong Chicago soundtrack.
Clear History airs Saturday on HBO at 9 p.m. ET. I give it my highest recommendation.

㈢ 小鬼当家1的主角演的,演的一个很坏的小孩


㈣ 小鬼当家1英文简介

Is a big family in the slice the most young member Kevin, the family who be him fly to Paris spend joyfully a Christmas, but he is left by chance to stay alone at in home, but more complicated BE, Kevin's house unfortunate became the target of a rightness of thiefs' bandits, impish Kevin resisted these two bandits hard, doing not hesitate to turn over for a day, 覆 ground, cause connect field the incitement ask for to smile of condition.

㈤ 小鬼当家1中 印象最深的英文句子

Mom: Stop! What’s the matter with you? Kevin: He started it! He ate my pizza on purpose! He knows I hate sausages and olives...



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