导航:首页 > 电影人物 > 去电影院问路英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-06-17 23:17:38

Ⅰ 如何用英语问路和指路

1.请问如何前往…… Excuse me, How do I get to the... 请问如何前往……? How do I get to the airport 请问如何前往机场? How do I get to the bus station 请问如何前往公车站? 2.请问附近…… Excuse me, Is there ...near by 请问附近有没有……? Is there a baker near by 请问附近有没有面包店? Is there a bank near by 请问附近有没有银行? Is there a bar near by 请问附近有没有酒吧? 3.Excuse me.Is there a bank here 打扰以下,这里有银行吗 Where's the bank 银行在哪里 Could you tell me the way to the bank 您可以告诉我到银行的路线吗 How can i get to the park 到公园怎么走

Ⅱ 你不知道去电影院的路怎么走用英语问

Excuse me, do you know how to get to the cinema?

Ⅲ 英语对话问去电影院的方向

Excuse me ,could you tell me the way to the cinema?
Excuse me ,could you tell me how to get to the cinema?
Excuse me could you tell me where is the cinema?

Ⅳ 用英语问路的几种问法

1、Excuse me 打扰一下
例:Excuse me? Where is the nearest souvenir shop?
2、Which way to…? 那个是去…的路?
例:Sorry to bother you, but which way to Main Street?
3、Can you help me find…?你能帮助我找到…吗?
例:Excuse me? Can you help me find Hotel Pennsylvania? This is my first time in the city.

4、May I ask…? 我可以问一下…?
例:May I ask where the Marriott hotel is?
5、Could you please…? 你可以…?
在这个表达后面你可以使用动词“show,” “point,” “help”等等。
例:Could you please point me in the direction of the main square?
6、I am (I’m) lost. 我迷路了。
Excuse me? I’m lost. Could you please help me find 5th Avenue?

Ⅳ 去电影院用英语怎么说

在一些固定的短语中,the起很大的作用的,一般的情况,无the代表抽象的含义,有的话一般为具体例如go to cinema就是去看电影,go to the cinema就是去电影院还有,例如at table就是吃饭(坐在桌子旁吃饭),而at the table就是在桌子旁还有,例如go to church就是去做礼拜(西方人的习俗),而go to the church就是去教堂呵呵,希望回答对您有所帮助~~~

Ⅵ 表示问路的英语句子是什么

  1. Excuse me,can you tell me the way to……?

  2. Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to……?

  3. Where is ……?

  4. How can I get to ……?

  5. Do you know the way to ……?

  6. I wonder where …… is.

  7. I wonder the way to…….

Ⅶ 你能告诉我去电影院的路吗英语怎么说

Could you please tell me the way to the cinema ?

Ⅷ meimei和kate去看电影,却找不到电影院的路,怎样用英语问路

Excuse me. How can we get to the cinema?
Excuse me. Which is the way to the cinema?
Excuse me. Is there a cinema near here?
Excuse me. Can you tell us the way to the cinema?

Ⅸ 英语单词你想问电影院怎么走三种方式




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