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发布时间:2022-08-30 21:46:30

A. 美国电影《情人节》的片尾曲叫什么

美国电影《情人节》的片尾曲为“Today Was a Fairytale”。

歌曲: Today Was A Fairytale
歌手: Taylor Swift
专辑: 《Valentine'S Day..》

Today was a fairytale, you were the prince.
I used to be a damsel in distress.
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six.
Today was a fairytale.

Today was a fairytale.

Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress,
You wore a dark grey T-shirt.
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess.
Today was a fairytale.

Time slows down
Whenever you're around.

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me.
Fell in love when I saw you standing there.
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale.
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale.

Today was a fairytale,
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet.
Every move you make, everything you say is right.
Today was a fairytale.

Today was a fairytale,
All that I could say is now it's gettin so much clearer.
Nothin' made sense till the time I saw your face.
Today was a fairy tale.

Time slows down
Whenever you're around, yeah

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me.
Fell in love when I saw you standing there.
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale.
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale.

Time slows down
Whenever you're around.
I can feel my heart-
It's beating in my chest.
Did you feel it?
I can't put this down.

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me.
Fell in love when I saw you standing there.
It must have been the way…

Can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me.
Fell in love when I saw you standing there.
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale.
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale.

Ohh ohh yeaah
Ohh oh
Today was a fairytale

B. 关于情人节的歌曲

1《One Sweet Day》 演唱者:Mariah Carey & Boyz2Men

这是所有合唱歌曲中在排行榜上成绩最辉煌的一首,凭借着对唱双方公认的音乐实力和如日中天的气势,歌凭人红的《One Sweet Day》在“Billboard”单曲榜上令人难以置信的蝉联16周冠军,不过令人大跌眼镜的是,凭借本首歌曲入围Grammy6项大奖的Mariah Carey在当年的版奖励上空手而回,这是她梳得最不甘心得一次!

2《The Boy is Mine》 演唱者:Brandy & Monica

两位16岁的少女,一首轻快活泼的歌曲,在1998年的Billboard上面竟然蝉联了13 周冠军的宝座,委实让人对Brandy和Monica两位R&B的天才少女刮目相看,这首歌曲也是目前为止美国公告牌上女子合唱单曲冠军舒姆周树的纪录保持着,已经远远超过了当年Barbra Streisand与Donna Summer合作的那首风靡一时的舞曲No More Tears(enough is enough),Brandy和Monica还在41Grammy伤勇夺最佳R&B合唱奖。

3《Tell him》 演唱者:Celion Dion & Barbra Streisand

1997年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,Barbra Streisand导演的电影《The Mirror has Two Faces》没有获得最佳导演奖,她一气之下拒绝上台与男歌手Bryan Adams演唱或最佳电影歌曲提名的I Finally Found Someone,主办方只好请来Celion Dion代唱这一个事件可以说是两大天后能够合作《tell him》的一个契机,歌曲精彩程度当然不用 说了,这首歌曲曾经上过英国单曲榜的第七,并且获得41Grammy的最佳流行合唱提名。

4《the Prayer》 演唱者:Celion Dion & Andrea Bocelli

这是流行和美声之间的一次完美结合,有一句乐评这样说:当这个世界上两把最高贵的男女声相遇的时候,我要说的只能是:对不起,杀死你!的确,Andrea Bocelli的超凡脱俗和Celion Dion的雍容典贵确实相映成辉,美妙歌声不知道迷倒乐多少听众,令多少人心中燃起了一盏明灯,这首歌曲还没有公开发行时得到了奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲提名,虽然最终输给了《when you believe》,但是在当年的金球奖不是获得了奖项。

5《Time to Say Goodbye》

1996年11月,德国拳王Henre Maske邀请Sarah Brightman和Andrea Bocelli为他的告别赛演唱,结果Maske意外的在最后一场比赛中失败,当这首伤感的旋律缓缓响起在比赛结束的时候,全场观众无不动容,大家在为时运不及的拳王深深黯然神伤的时候也沉醉于歌曲动人的意境和圣洁的歌声,歌曲发行成为单曲,在德国卖出300万张 ,成为德国历史最畅销的单曲,位居多国排行榜的前列,全球销量高达1000万。

6《Scream》 演唱者:Michael Jackson& Janet Jackson


7《I want spend my lifetime loving you》 演唱者: Tina Arena & Marc Anthony

这首歌曲光我在版面就回答了不下5次,可见给广大影迷歌迷的感受之深前不久刚刚来北京的tina实力毋庸置疑,mac兼职是我最爱的拉丁歌手看过电影《The mask of zorro》的人肯定印象最深刻的就是这首充满了异国浪漫情调的主题曲,这首歌曲时配乐大师James Horner与搭档Will Jennings在《My heart will go on》之后的再次精彩合作,两位天王天后的演绎堪称完美。

8《Could I have this kiss forever》 演唱者:Whitney Houston & Enrique Iglesias

这首歌曲简直是我个人最喜欢的对唱,堪称20世纪末的最佳男女对唱情歌,之一都不用,Diane Warren词曲,David Foster制作,流行天后Whitney Houston和拉丁天王Enrique Iglesias激情肆意,末期十足的演唱,无一不令人心醉神迷,尤其是这首歌曲的mv,拍摄得美轮美奂,火热煽情的场面将歌曲的内涵演绎得淋漓尽致。

9《Don’t know much & all my life》 演唱者:Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstadt

这两首对唱都是放在Linda Ronstadt的经典专辑《Crying like a rainstorm》里面,都是两位老将对唱,都是1989年 美国成人抒情歌曲排行榜的多周冠军,都是Grammy最佳流行合唱的得主,分别是31和32,都是在录音室后第一次便通过了,可以看见两位歌手的演唱功力和默契,Linda Ronstadt现在有时候还出现在乡村歌坛,Aaron的天上地下独一无二的那个鼻音浓重,喉音怪异的嗓子真的太可惜太难忘了。

10《Endless Love》 演唱者:Lionel Richie & Diana Ross

这是美国1981年经典的爱情同名电影的主题曲,电影已经被人们忘记得干干净净,但是折寿经典的情歌还是一直传唱到今天,成为流行音乐历史上不朽的丰碑,这首歌曲由lionel richie创作,旋律异常优美,两位巨星不可替代的本色嗓音配合得天衣无缝,单曲一经推出,在公告牌单曲榜上盘踞冠军长达9个星期之久,并切实当年Oscar最佳电影歌曲奖项。

11《When you believe》 演唱者:Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston

这首歌曲我们已经熟悉得不能够再熟悉了,大气磅礴然而又婉转悠扬的旋律以及两大 宿怨颇深的天后的珠联璧合的演唱完全可以用完美来形容,也是可以考验喜欢唱歌的女性朋友试音的曲目,能够唱出一半的风韵,那么朋友建议赶紧走歌坛这个路子八记得当年我知道这两位天后合作,惊讶得不醒了,佩服金钱和魔力,佩服斯皮尔伯格的人格魅力,虽然局限于抒情流行的曲风,没有能够在公告牌上去得好成绩,但在美国以外的其他国家得到了热烈的反应,无数个国家的排行榜冠军充分证明了这点,Oscar的最佳电歌曲反而知识经典程度的一个小小点缀巴勒。

12《I’m your angel》 演唱者:Celion Dion & R.Kelly

流行天后与R&B天王的合作能带来的惊艳的作品,1998年一经推出便占据公告牌榜首6个星期之久,是当年圣诞期间欧美乐坛的最大两点,这首歌曲本来是乖乖的R.Kelly献给母亲的,写完了出来觉得更加适合男女对唱,并且条件反射的想到了对唱女王Celion Dion,认为她肯定是最佳人选,事实证明,他当时的选择是多么的明智!

13《Nobody wants to be lonely》 演唱者:Ricky Martin & Christina Aguilera

拉丁音乐界最出色的两位帅哥美女的合作擦出了惊人的火花,这首歌曲在2001年推出的时候,马上登上了全球无数国家的排行榜前列,得到了44Grammy的最佳流行合唱提名,其实在这之前两位大明星互相仰慕已久,互相希望合作,无奈都是忙碌异常,缘檩一面,2001年Billboard音乐大奖颁奖典礼上现场表演的Ricky Martin与领取最佳女歌手的Christina终于见面了,两人工商合作,终于有了这首精彩绝伦的对唱作品。

14《I’ll be missing you》 演唱者:Puff Daddy,Faith Evans & 112

Puff Daddy为了纪念朋友Notorious B.I.G的死亡而创作的一首歌曲大家为什么对这首歌曲这么熟稔,很重要就是副歌部分取材的经典名曲the Police的《Every breath you take》,歌曲一经推出马上轰动,一方面是歌曲本身的精彩美丽,另一方面在于歌曲由B.I.G的遗孀Faith Evans的献声,1997年的美国公告牌这首歌曲在冠军位置停留了11个星期!同时也是英国单曲榜的6周冠军,美国国内现在红得发紫的r&b美声组合112也因此一举成名。

15《The girl is mine》演唱者:Michael Jackson& Paul Mccartney

这首歌曲是MJ的著名专辑《Thriller》里面的一首,另外一首是Paul的专辑《Pipes of peace》的《say say say》,后者的成绩更好,6周冠军但是留下传世之作的还是那首更加受歌迷欢迎的前者,轻松诙谐的演唱时MJ音乐中很别致的佳作。

16《No me ames》 演唱者:Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony

Jennifer Lopez一鸣惊人的第一张专辑《on the 6》中唯一的一首对唱歌曲,就是这首和拉丁天王Marc Anthony深情对唱的《no me ames》,折寿歌曲曾经在美国公告牌的拉丁榜蝉联7周冠军,将世界上最美丽的女人的音乐才华显露无遗,而Marc Anthony的人气也凭借这首歌曲水涨船高,甚至在这个时候曾经超越了ricky martin。

17《A whole new world》 演唱者:Peabo Bryson & Ina Belle


C. 适合七夕情人节的歌曲有哪些

《我爱你不问归期》《甜甜咸咸》《一笑倾城》《告白气球》《 独家记忆》《 想见你》


《我爱你不问归期》是在抖音上火得一首歌,由白小白演唱。《我爱你不问归期》是由林华勇和周洁颖作词,林华勇作曲,白小白演唱的歌曲,发行于2020年4月17日。 收录于同名专辑《我爱你不问归期》中。

作为电视剧《想见你》的片尾曲,该歌曲和电视剧主题切合,歌名及歌词与剧中内容呼应,让很多人都有熟悉的感觉,并为戏剧画龙点睛 。该歌曲凭借清新唯美的曲风和贴合剧情的歌词,很好的诠释了李子维和黄雨萱的爱情故事,表达了即使对时空无能为力却又还在坚持守候的爱情哲学,正如歌词所写的一样,无论物换星移,爱情谜底依然是“想见你想见你想见你” 。歌曲以钢琴与木吉他的抒情旋律,揉和说唱RAP桥段,让歌曲增添了不同于传统band sound的层次感 。


D. 今年的电影《情人节》中的插曲

Leighton Meester的《Somebody To Love》

Paris France to Michigan
London town and through Berlin
I can’t believe this place I’m in
Everywhere and back again
Porcelain and China Dolls
Give me one and I’ve seen them all
Got my back against the wall
Wonder where I’ll be tomorrow?

But wait, now how long could this take?
It’s hard to find a man,
When you’re gone before he wakes.
They say it’s hard to achieve
But can’t a girl believe?

Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know you’re out there
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

Baby girl, there you at
Looking at me like a putty cat
Wondering where that thing is at
Wondering where your ring is at
Nobody ever did it quite like this
Nobody ever did it quite like you
Do your hair, I bought you shoes
We can hit the town like superstars do
You lookin’ for love? Then let me show you love
Give me the key to your heart
I can give you what you want
When you’re waiting for love
And you’re lookin’ for someone
I’mma turn this gossip girl into a woman

Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know you’re out there (I know you’re out there)
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know you’re out there
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

Je t'adore, Je t'adore (I love you, I love you)
Make a move, do the thing
Turn around, strike a pose
Je t'adore, Je t'adore (I love you, I love you)
Make a move, do the thing
Turn around, strike a pose
Ooh, I like it
Ooh, I need it
Ooh, I want it
Hey Hey

I know it’s hard to achieve
But can’t a girl believe?

Is there somebody (Is there somebody?)
who still believes in love? (Who still believes?)
I know you’re out there (I know you’re out there)
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

Is there somebody who still believes in love? (who still believes)
I know you’re out there (who still believes)
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

(You say hello, I say goodbye) x2
Somebody to love

Paris France to Michigan
London town and through Berlin
I can’t believe this place I’m in
Everywhere and back again
Porcelain and China Dolls
Give me one and I’ve seen them all
Got my back against the wall
Wonder where I’ll be tomorrow?

But wait, now how long could this take?
It’s hard to find a man,
When you’re gone before he wakes.
They say it’s hard to achieve
But can’t a girl believe?

Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know you’re out there
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

Baby girl, there you at
Looking at me like a putty cat
Wondering where that thing is at
Wondering where your ring is at
Nobody ever did it quite like this
Nobody ever did it quite like you
Do your hair, I bought you shoes
We can hit the town like superstars do
You lookin’ for love? Then let me show you love
Give me the key to your heart
I can give you what you want
When you’re waiting for love
And you’re lookin’ for someone
I’mma turn this gossip girl into a woman

Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know you’re out there (I know you’re out there)
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

Is there somebody who still believes in love?
I know you’re out there
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

Je t'adore, Je t'adore (I love you, I love you)
Make a move, do the thing
Turn around, strike a pose
Je t'adore, Je t'adore (I love you, I love you)
Make a move, do the thing
Turn around, strike a pose
Ooh, I like it
Ooh, I need it
Ooh, I want it
Hey Hey

I know it’s hard to achieve
But can’t a girl believe?

Is there somebody (Is there somebody?)
who still believes in love? (Who still believes?)
I know you’re out there (I know you’re out there)
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

Is there somebody who still believes in love? (who still believes)
I know you’re out there (who still believes)
There’s got to be somebody
I search around the world
But I can’t seem to find
Somebody to love

(You say hello, I say goodbye) x2
Somebody to love

E. 《情人节》电影所有背景音乐


F. 美国电影《情人节》中歌曲

应该是《stay here forever》
歌手 jewel


G. 美国电影《情人节》 里的音乐

01. The Proposal / Trying To Tell Her
02. The Makeup / First Kiss
03. Apartment Dwelling / Hollywood Loft
04. Arrival / Airport / Catching Julia / Gotta Stop Them
05. Flower Shop Talk / To The Restaurant / The Realization / Mi Familia
06. Light Conversation / Chivalrous Gestures / He's Married / Forget Me Not
07. Liz Leaves / Having Sex / I Have No Life
08. Julia Sees The Light / Edgar & Estelle / Young Love / First Time
09. She Said No / Don't Go / I Like Her
10. My Life's A Mess / This Is Awkward
11. Ride Home / Guys Talk
12. Mom's Home / Soccer Practice / Bike Ride
13. Reed and Julia
14. Valentine's Day
15. Every Time You Smiled (performed by Carina Round)

H. 电影《情人节》出现的音乐

北美的浪漫爱情喜剧片《情人节》(Valentine’s Day)可谓是众星云集,不仅请来了茱莉亚-罗伯茨(Julia Roberts)、安妮-海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)、杰西卡-奥尔芭(Jessica Alba)、詹妮弗-加纳(Jennifer Garner)、毕列-谷巴(Bradley Copper)、泰勒-洛特纳(Taylor Lautner)等好莱坞大牌明星,就连刚刚获得格莱美4项乡村音乐奖项的泰勒-斯威芙特(Taylor Swift)也在阵容之内。

《情人节》由《风月俏佳人》(Pretty Woman)、《落跑新娘》(Runaway Bride)的导演加里-马歇尔(Garry Marshall)执导。日前,制片方发行了电影原声带,不仅请来了演而优则唱的“绯闻女孩”莉顿-梅斯特(Leighton Meester)、艾米-怀恩豪斯(Amy Winehouse)、乔斯-斯通(Joss Stone)以及魔力红5乐队(Maroon 5)献声,乡村音乐小天后泰勒-斯威芙特(Taylor Swift)更是演唱了电影中的2首插曲,包括专辑主打歌《Today Was A Fairytale》。预计电影原声碟将于2月9日在各大唱片行上架。



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