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Julie & Julia is a 2009 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Nora Ephron starring Meryl Streep, Stanley Tucci, Amy Adams, and Chris Messina. The film contrasts the life of chef Julia Child in the early years of her culinary career with the life of young New Yorker Julie Powell, who aspires to cook all 524 recipes in Child's cookbook in 365 days, a challenge she described on her popular blog that would make her a published author.

Ephron's screenplay is adapted from two books: My Life in France, Child's autobiography written with Alex Prud'homme, and a memoir by Julie Powell documenting online her daily experiences cooking each of the 524 recipes in Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and she later began reworking that blog, The Julie/Julia Project。 Both of these books were written and published in the same time frame (2004–06). The film is the first major motion picture based on a blog。这是我最喜欢的一部电影之一,我在维基网络上找的资料,你根据那里的资料改一改,至于观点,你可以写坚持自己的兴趣和爱好这一方面,写兴趣是最好的老师什么的,给你个链接

Ⅱ 速求随便一部电影的简介 要用英文的 并写上自己为什么喜欢 也用英文 字数呢 要说两分钟的

简介:Father and two sisters as to the country, at home under a tree next to find that only the boy can see TOTORO. During this period there have been many incredible and interesting stories. One day, my sister and sister millet quarrel after they leave to find their own sick mother in hospital. The way they lost. Sister, looking for the case of no avail, had to resort to TOTORO. Kind Totoro trams, carrying my sister found a lost sister, and gentle TOTORO summoned riding on trams Totoro, sister to pick corn by hand to give a mother, I hope she get well soon. The original translation <neighbor's TOTORO>,
the domestic translation <action sequence>. <action sequence> This film is filled with children
coloring and warm affection, the success
of the audience into a magical fairy tale world. Is a
rare masterpiece. TOTORO can be said of Mr.
Miyazaki the most successful role in the pen,
it is also the endorsement of Studio Ghibli Hayao
Miyazaki image of Studio Ghibli every work has a
TOTORO the LOGO screen
<My Neighbor Totoro Introction>龙猫 。。
为什么喜欢。Fantastic colors, fairy-tale story, simple and honest chinchillas,
warm family, hard to forget memories,
your impression is not as difficult as I have forgotten?
Is not also want to meet such a cute animal?
Watch《 My Neighbor Totoro》, but I saw the dream. . .

Ⅲ 电影 哈利波特与火焰杯 中伏地魔出现时的那段独白,哪儿找得到文本

我能找到文本,但是我不知道你要的是哪段,是后来他把HARRY抓过去以后什么要他的血的时候说的话么?? 有个大概的内容么?

Ⅳ 眼睛和嘴巴被缝起来的人恐怖电影


After learning of an urban legend in which a demented serial killer named SMILEY can be summoned through the Internet, mentally fragile Ashley must decide whether she is losing her mind or becoming Smiley's next victim.

Ⅳ 千金保姆剧情介绍

千金保姆简单 剧情介绍和人物分析 贾乃亮、 张佑赫 南圭丽


《千金保姆》相关资讯:赵寰宇八面玲珑巧阴谋 张佑赫被赞最帅快递员


在《千金保姆》中,张佑赫与同样来自韩国的女演员南奎丽有大量对手戏,一个是阳光善良、肩负生活重担的穷小子,一个是娇蛮任性、强势霸道的富家千金,两人相遇必将为大家碰撞出更为激烈的火花。据了解,张佑赫与南奎丽在剧中的相遇颇具戏剧性,并且在相处中还会经常受到她的欺负,还如男版“杉菜”一样越挫越勇。 据工作人员透露,张佑赫在演送快递时还自创了一套快乐舞步,阳光帅气,动感十足。对此,他表示能让别人快乐自己也很满足,“每一份工作都是美丽的,我想,我们生活中会经常遇到快递员,如果笑容多一点,就会给别人带来一些快乐,这样自己也会很满足。所以在拍戏的时候,我会用心去体会这个角色,然后再加一些阳光的东西进去。”

《千金保姆》 剧情介绍英文版:

IT otaku Jiang Minliangs new big boss in the company, a childhood playmate Xue Jiabao appear after, began his nightmare. Xue Jiabao has a goddess face, the heart of the devil wears prada, killing hundreds of thousand. The o to the companys first day summoned him, content is - forced marriage. Jiang Minliang never have gore not from the heart, also do not garbos seventy-two forced marriage work, eventually reach a marriage contract. The male version of Cinderella happiness life hasnt started, the bride gerber has mysteriously disappeared in the bridal chamber. Chaos, he became acting chairman, involved in the company of all kinds of power struggle. Sensitive good searching for missing the bride, while the following various plot against meet recruit. On the other side, the handsome little express ankang home, his rival gerber from the sky, turning their savage little babysitter Garfield, no discord, no concord in gerber, ankang, two people also graally initiation goodwill... However, sensitive and encounter little babysitter Garfield, min finds himself falling in love with a good side and gerber like Garfield, side to find clues to missing wife gerber graally clear Ankang is a dream of young people, because a few years ago elder brother sister-in-law suffered an accident, he had to shoulder the responsibility of raising two nephews. For life, he became the express, but the wind in the running in the rain didnt influence his enthusiasm. Xue Jiabao, is a billionaire heir, not only has her beauty and wealth, but also the mind, but at the same time, she also has some problems: most easily of day of charming woman pamper, mean, and self-centered. Two pieces of each intersection of life under the coincidence collision together, ankang Xue Jiabao encounter a few times, whether its a misunderstanding or an accident, he was with. An accident let the gerber amnesia, coincidence of drama. Ankang get amnesia garbo home to let her do nanny, gerber to be tested a variety of life, more understand the true meaning of life, when she instauration memory, to have a new understanding of life. In the end, they have their harvest of life.



Ⅵ 需要沉默的羔羊的作品简介(英文),帮帮忙。

Author: Scudder-3 from Livonia, MI USA19 February 1999Sweeping all five major Academy Awards ("Oscars" for Best Movie, Director, Actor, Actress, Screenplay) is quite an accomplishment. Doing it nearly a year after a film was released is a miracle considering the notoriously short attention span of Oscar voters. It is a powerful example of how great a movie can be when superb writers, directors, actors, and others work at the top of their craft.`Silence of the Lambs' is the story of a young FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) who is summoned to help find one serial killer called `Buffalo Bill.' by interviewing another. Foster's performance is absolutely brilliant. While Anthony Hopkins receives most of the (well-deserved) praise for his chilling portrayal of incarcerated serial killer `Hannibal ‘the Cannibal' Lector', it is Foster's performance that holds the movie together. The fear she shows just behind her eyes makes Clarice's outward courage all the more interesting and vulnerable. This is the perfect way to play the part because it explains Lector's interest in Clarice. Her only bargaining chip in getting Lector's help is to let him `feed' on her innermost secrets and fears in exchange for his brilliant insights into the psychotic mind. The title of the movie comes from these exchanges and is very poignant.Director Jonathan Demme is masterful. There is one scene late in the movie that I will not spoil. It is one of the most simply brilliant scenes ever staged in a movie. I don't know if all the credit goes to Demme or the writers, but there is a moment in the film where the suspense builds beautifully to a what seems to be a common movie scene. However, through skillful timing of the direction, the audiences assumptions are used against them and when the truth is revealed (hint: it involves a doorbell) it is shocking and inced a collective gasp from the audience I saw it with at the theatre. It set the stage for an edge-of-your seat climax.Do not miss this movie.The movie is incredibly suspenseful and an absolute must see. 作者:scudder-3来自利沃尼亚,MI 19美国二月1999所有五大学院奖(奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片,导演,演员,演员,编剧)是一个很大的成就。做一部电影的发行近一年后,考虑奥斯卡的选民臭名昭著的注意力跨度短的奇迹。这是一个强有力的例子,多么伟大的电影可以当一流的作家,导演,演员,和其他人的工作在他们的船上。`的羔羊的沉默是一个年轻的联邦调查局见习克拉丽斯故事(朱迪福斯特)是谁召唤来帮助找到一个连环杀手“水牛比尔`采访其他。”。福斯特的表现绝对是辉煌的。而安东尼霍普金斯收到的大部分(应得的)他不寒而栗描绘被监禁的连环杀手`汉尼拔食人者讲师的称赞,这是福斯特性能认为一起看电影。害怕她是在她的眼睛里,使她向外的勇气更加有趣和容易。这是扮演这个角色的完美的方式,因为它解释了讲师的兴趣,克拉丽斯。她获得了讲师的帮助,唯一的筹码是让他在她内心深处的秘密`并且为他的精辟的见解精神心灵的交流恐惧的饲料。电影的片名来自这些交流是非常深刻的。导演乔纳森戴米是专横的。有一个场景在影片后期,我不会糟蹋。这是一个最简单的辉煌场面都上演一部电影。我不知道所有的一切归功于戴米或作家,但有一个时刻在这一悬念漂亮到什么似乎是一个常见的电影场景的电影。然而,通过巧妙的方向时,观众的假设是用来对付他们,当真相被揭露(提示:它包括门铃)这是令人震惊和诱发喘息从观众我看到它在剧院。它为你的座位的边缘设置的高潮阶段。不要错过这部电影。这部电影是非常紧张的,绝对要看。

Ⅶ 荒岛余生英文介绍,谢谢!


Cast Away is a 2000 drama film directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks as a FedEx employee stranded on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes in the South Pacific. The film depicts his successful attempts to survive on the island using remnants of his plane's cargo, as well as his eventual escape and return to society. Hanks was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the 73rd Academy Awards for his critically acclaimed performance.

In 1995, Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) is a time-obsessed systems analyst, who travels worldwide resolving proctivity problems at FedEx depots. He is in a long-term relationship with Kelly Frears (Helen Hunt), with whom he lives in Memphis, Tennessee. Although the couple wants to get married, Chuck's busy schele interferes with their relationship. A Christmas with relatives is interrupted by Chuck being summoned to resolve a problem in Malaysia.

Flying through a violent storm, his airplane crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Chuck is able to escape the sinking plane and is saved by an inflatable life-raft but in the process, loses the raft's emergency locator transmitter. He clings to the life-raft, loses consciousness, and floats all night before being washed up on an island.

After he awakens, he explores the island and soon discovers that it is uninhabited. Several FedEx packages from the crashed plane wash up on the shore, as well as the corpse of one of the pilots (whom he buries). He initially tries to signal for rescue and makes an escape attempt with the remnants of his life-raft, but he cannot pass the powerful surf. He searches for food, water, shelter, and opens the packages, finding a number of potentially useful items. He leaves one package, with a pair of wings painted on it, unopened.

During a first attempt to make fire, Chuck receives a deep wound to his hand. In anger he throws several objects, including a Wilson Sporting Goods volleyball from one of the packages. A short time later he draws a face in the bloody hand print on the ball, names it Wilson and begins talking to it.

Four years later Chuck is dramatically thinner, bearded, his hair is longer, and he is wearing a loincloth. He has become adept at spearing fish and making fires. He also has regular conversations and arguments with Wilson.

After a large section from a portable toilet washes up on the island, Chuck uses it as a sail in the construction of a raft. After spending some time building and stocking the raft and deciding when the weather conditions will be optimal (using an analemma he has created in his cave to monitor the time of year), he launches, using the sail to overcome the powerful surf. After some time on the ocean, a storm nearly tears his raft apart. The following day, "Wilson" falls from the raft and is lost, leaving Chuck overwhelmed by grief and loss. Later, he is found drifting by a passing cargo ship.

Upon returning to civilization, Chuck learns that he has long been given up for dead; his family and friends held a funeral, and Kelly has since married a colleague of Chuck's dentist (Dr. Spaulding) and has a daughter. After reuniting with Kelly, the pair profess their love for each other but, realizing a future together would be impossible e to her commitment to her family, they part. Kelly gives Chuck the keys to the car they once shared.

Chuck then travels out into the country to return the unopened FedEx package to its sender. The house at the address is empty, so he leaves the package at the door with a note saying that the package saved his life. He then departs and stops at a remote crossroads. A woman passing by in a pickup truck stops to explain where each road leads. As she drives away, Chuck notices the illustration on her truck is similar to the one on the parcel. Chuck is left looking down each road. The camera focuses on his face, as he looks toward the departing woman in the truck.

Ⅷ 《林中小屋》里面鬼怪都出自于哪些电影

Alien Beast - Generic reference to alien creatures. (ex. Alien). [Bet on by Bio-Med] 异形 电影:异形

Ancient Ones - Generic reference to god-like beings such as Titans and Lovecraftian Elder Things.远古天神类似泰坦

Angry Molesting Tree - Specific reference to The Evil Dead (source: Kristen Connolly). [Bet on by Wranglers] 电影:鬼玩人(1981)讲述五位青年去丛林小屋从一个老收音机中的咒语释放出了恶鬼(cabin in the woods有点影射此片)

Bloody Bride (Possibly Summoned by Wedding Dress) - Possible reference to The Bloody Bride of 13 Curves Road. [Bet on by Digital Analysis] 血新娘 可能由那件婚纱召唤触发 传说:60年前的纽约Onondonga的Cedarvale Road(13 Curves Road是后来人们给的昵称)发生过一场车祸,一对新婚的年轻夫妇在他们的新婚之夜驾车在此路行驶此后车子莫名失控撞入附近小溪,两人当场死亡.此后60年,人们声称经常能在此路上看到一个浑身是血的新娘在路肩走过或者从后视镜看见她坐在他们的后座上.

Clown - Generic reference to killer clowns (ex. It). [Bet on by Electric]小丑 电影:小丑回魂(1990)

Deadites - Specific reference to The Evil Dead franchise. [Bet on by Story Dept] 电影:鬼玩人

Demon - Generic demonic reference (ex. Night of the Demons).恶鬼 电影:恶灵之夜(1957)

Dismemberment Goblins - Seen on the betting board and listed on credits. 肢解哥布林

Doll Faces (Possibly summoned by matching doll face masks in basement)- Specific reference to The Strangers.面具杀手 由面具召唤触发 电影:陌生人(2008)

Dragonbat - Unique creation (ex. Graveyard Shift). (Source: Script)巨型蝙蝠 电影:林中小屋

Escaped Prisoners 越狱囚徒

Evil Surgeons - Generic reference to evil medical staff (ex. House on Haunted Hill) 外科医生 电影:猛鬼屋(1999)

Fat Zombie - Seemingly specific reference to Boomers from Left 4 Dead. 肥僵尸Boomer 会吐绿胆汁打爆了有绿烟的那位 游戏:求生之路

Giant - Generic fantasy reference (ex. Trolljegeren).巨人 电影:追击巨怪(2010)

Giant Cobra - Generic reference to Giant Monster/Eco-Terror films (ex. King Cobra). [Bet on by Internal Logistics] 巨蟒 电影:眼镜王蛇(1999)

Giant Spider - Generic reference to Giant Monster/Eco-Terror films (ex. Eight Legged Freaks).巨型蜘蛛 电影:八脚怪(2002)

Hell Lord aka Fornicus, Lord of Bondage and Pain (Summoned by Puzzle Orb) - Specific reference to Cenobites from Hellraiser. [Bet on by Sitterson] 地狱领主 头上有电锯刀片拿着球与女主在电梯中对视的那位 由那个球召唤触发 灵感来自电影:养鬼吃人(1987)

Japanese Floaty Girl (Kiko) - Generic reference to Japanese Yurei films (ex. The Grudge & The Ring.)日本女鬼Kiko 可能是贞子or伽椰子 电影:午夜凶铃&咒怨

Kevin - Seen on betting board. (Possible reference to Sin City).食人连环杀手Kevin 电影:罪恶之城(2005)

Killbot - Generic reference to Killer Machine/Robots films (ex. Hardware). 杀人机器or机器人 电影:霹雳战士龙(1990)

Kraken - Generic fantasy reference (ex. 20000 Leagues Under the Sea). 巨型章鱼 电影:海底两万里

Merman (Summoned by Conch) - Generic fantasy reference (ex. Creature from the Black Lagoon). [Bet on by Hadley] 鱼人or水怪 电影:黑湖妖谭(1954)

Mummy - Generic reference to mummies (ex. The Mummy). [Bet on by Psychologists] 木乃伊 电影:木乃伊

Mutants - Generic reference to mutants (ex. Wrong Turn). [Bet on by Demolition] 变态食人魔 电影:致命弯道(2003)

Patience Buckner - Specific reference to Alessa from Silent Hill. 寂静岭里的小女孩Alessa 电影:寂静岭(2006)

Reptilicus - Seen on betting board. Direct reference to Reptilicus.怪兽 类似奥特曼里的 电影:异形再变(1961)

Sasquatch / Wendigo / Yeti - Seen on betting board. (ex. Abominable).野人or温迪哥 电影:野人来袭(2006)

Scarecrow Folk - Generic reference to Killer Scarecrow subgenre (ex. Dark Night of the Scarecrow). [Bet on by Data Archives] 稻草人 电影:稻草人的黑夜(1981)

Sexy Witches - Seen on betting board (ex. The Craft). [Bet on by Archives] 性感女巫 电影:魔女游戏(1996)

Snowman - Seen on betting board (ex. Jack Frost). [Bet on by Communications] 雪人aka连环杀手Jack Frost 电影:白色杀机(1997)

Sugar Plum Fairy aka Ballerina Dentata (Summoned by Music Box) - Unique creation (source: Drew Goddard). 满脸牙齿的芭蕾女孩 由音乐盒召唤触发 电影:林中小屋

Twin Girls aka Grady's Daughters- Specific reference to The Shining.双胞胎女孩 电影:闪灵

Unicorn - Generic fantasy reference.独角兽

Vampires - Seen on betting board (ex. Vampires). [Bet on by Distribution]吸血鬼

Werewolf - Generic werewolf genre reference (ex. The Wolf Man). [Bet on by Finance] 狼人 电影:狼人

Witches - Generic witch genre reference (ex. Darkness Falls). [Bet on by Operations] 女巫 电影:暗夜鬼叫声(2003)

Wraiths - Generic ghost genre reference (ex. 13 Ghosts).幽灵 电影:十三猛鬼

Zombie Redneck Torture Family aka the Buckners (Summoned by Diary) - Mash-Up of Zombie, Torture, & Killer Family films. [Bet on by Maintainence & Ronald the Intern] 僵尸 由那本日记召唤触发 由很多混搭

Zombies - Generic Zombie genre reference (ex. Night of the Living Dead).僵尸 电影:活死人之夜(1968)

Ⅸ 用英文概括《纳尼亚传奇》电影

150!give me!
Narnia has been taken over for several generations by a foreign human people who have settled there, the Telmarine. Prince Caspian's father, the king, has been killed and the uncle is the usurper. (Can you say "Hamlet"?!). Caspian is on the lam. Lucy, Edmund, Peter, and Susan are summoned to help by the prince's horn as they are needed. Caspian is found hiding out underground with the Narnians whom the Telmarines thought were extinct.

Alliances were formed with talking animals and various creatures, even some dwarfs and minotaurs previously allied to the White Witch--all oppose the foreigners in Narnia. Various exploits and battles ensue.

Aslan shows up briefly later in the film. The White Witch even has a brief scene.

This film is much less allegorical than the first, with much less sibling discord among the four English youngsters--Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan. They are all far more self-assured. especially Edmund.

Action sequences are top notch, and it seems they used fewer digital "people" than Lord of the Rings, which was OK: if you saw a cavalryman in the distance it was a real man and horse.

Prince Caspian, interestingly, several times was a real screw-up, Peter and Edmund basically saved his throne for him. At least Aslan showed confidence in him.

What was oddest was that although this film was made in New Zealand (as usual!), Slovenia, and Poland, all the Telmarines looked and sounded Spanish! ??? They all had Spanish accents, and even Caspian, played by Ben Barnes (born in London) spoke with a Spanish accent. The Italian actor who played Miraz said that the director wanted such an accent from all Telmarines.

Ⅹ 谁能告诉我鬼泣的故事背景

````鬼泣是单机啊 ,大哥,只支持一个人玩啊。
鬼泣各代的时间顺序是3 1 4 2 ,这个顺序官方证实的。(以前还看过3,1,鬼泣动画版,4,2这个顺序但不知道是不是真的~)


鬼泣3剧情开始.但丁青年时,开了一个事务所,但还没取名.后来雅克汉姆(Arkham)替维吉尔送来了挑战书,来到了维吉尔召唤的恶魔塔.途中遇到一个少女蕾蒂(Lady),她是来找她父亲雅克汉姆寻仇的,后来雅克汉姆利用维吉尔抢去了但丁的项链(斯巴达用自己力量封印了魔界之门而形成的项链,两兄弟各一条)后来雅克汉姆利用两条项链打开了魔界之门,后来维吉尔发现被利用,与但丁联手搞残了光头佬.蕾蒂最后亲手给了他最后一击了.后来维吉尔因要索取但丁那条项链而发生争执,后因谈不和而在魔界决斗,最终但丁赢了.然后维吉尔坠入了魔界深处.但丁回到了人间后,看到了维吉尔这样的下场而流下眼泪,后来正式给事务所取了名字叫做恶魔也会哭(Devil May Cry)事务所.鬼泣3剧情结束

接着鬼泣1剧情.不知道几年后,魔帝为了想报仇,就做了一个和但丁的妈妈一样模样的恶魔-翠西(Trish).后来但丁被翠西骗来到了莱恩岛.在城堡里,遇到了黑骑士,后来黑骑士被打败后留下了一条和但丁一样的项链,这才发现这名黑骑士是他哥.后来翠西设计偷袭了但丁,但但丁后来救了她,她就爱上了但丁.后来魔帝利用翠西做人质,后来翠西因帮但丁挡下了一击后受了重伤,但丁就开始发狂去K魔帝,但后来被打残,翠西把她的力量借给了但丁,把魔帝搞掂了.后来把事物所的名改成了恶魔绝对不会哭(Devil Never Cry)事物所,翠西加入了事务所,然后但丁就与翠西.......(但丁原来有恋母僻)


鬼泣2剧情开始,不知道过了几年,但丁变得更老了.玛缇亚委托但丁阻止企业家阿留斯(Arius)收集圣物,意图开启魔界之门)并吩咐露西亚(Lusia) 一起帮托.后来露西亚发现自己是恶魔后,心变得好复杂.后来被阿里斯捉走了,但丁当然是要去救她啦,把收集到的那3件圣物丢给阿里斯,最后阿里斯被打圬后逃走了.但丁追击时,阿里斯已经开始仪式了,但丁为了阻止他把他杀了,但魔界之门还是开启了,但丁进去时挑战一个不沦不娄的最终BOSS.打完BOSS就结束了..



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