A. 音乐之声经典台词
I must dream of the things I am seeking
2.在往弥撒的路上跳华尔兹 在阶梯上吹口哨
She waltzes on her way to Mass And whistles on the stair
I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe.
4.也许我们该在她脖子上 挂个牛铃
We should've put a cowbell around her neck.
You have to live the life you were born to live.
I have confidence They'll put me to the test
The hills are aliveWith the sound of music
My heart wants to beat like the wings Of the birds that rise
9.这些墙并不是 建造来逃避问题的
These walls were not built to shut out problems.
10.盖尔总是相信 它的升起是为了特殊场合
Georg always believes in "rising to the occasion."
11.-人人都如此时我可以怎样? -有东西可以做的
- Can I help it if other people do? - You can help it.
12.你想要我们相信 只有奥地利有独特高尚的品德?
Would you have us believe that Austria holds a monopoly on virtue?
13.男女之间的爱也是神圣的 你是可以去爱的
The love of a man and a woman is holy. You have a great capacity to love.
14.但我已献缺拍身上帝 我伏戚羡要终生为上帝服务
But I pledged my life to God. I pledged my life to his service.
15. Reverend Mother always says when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else he opens a window.
B. 请问谁知道音乐之声的台词呀 越多越好 谢谢
1 玛利亚第一次见上校时两人关于玛利亚衣着的对话
Captain von Trapp: It's the dress. You'll have to put on another one before you meet the children.
Maria: But I don't have another one. When we entered the abbey our worldly(世俗的) clothes were given to the poor.
Captain von Trapp: What about this one?
Maria: The poor didn't want this one. (这句蛮搞笑的)
2 两人最严重的一次争吵
Captain von Trapp: I don't care to hear anything further from you about my children.
Maria: I am not finished yet, Captain.
Captain von Trapp: Oh, yes, you are, Captain. (上校一气之下喊错了名字)
3 这里的对白很幽默,玛利亚的吉他让上校唱起了歌,男爵夫人说应该把自己的口琴也带来
The Baroness: Why didn't you tell me?
Max: What?
The Baroness: To bring along my harmonica (口琴).
4 Max的回答很经典吧
Max: The Von Trapp Family Singers. Here your names: Leisl, Friedrich, Louisa, Brigitta, Kurt, Marta and Gretl.
Gretl: Why am I always last?
Max: Because you are the most important.
5 玛利亚的这句话让我铭记在心
Maria: Where the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.
音乐之声 Sound of Music(剧本下载,里面有很多对话哦:)
C. 《音乐之声》的经典台词有哪些
She waltzes on her way to Mass And whistles on the stair
I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Berthe.
We should've put a cowbell around her neck.
You have to live the life you were born to live.
| have confidence They'll put me to the test.
The hills are aliveWith the sound of music.
D. 求音乐之声的台词,英文加翻译!!!!!!!!!!
Captain: In the future, you're kind of to remember that certain rooms in this house which are not to be disturbed.
上校 :以后请你记住,这房子里有些房间是不能乱闯的。
在口语中kind of 通常可作副词,意思是“有一点儿,在某种程度上”。
如 :The film is not kind of interesting at all.
Maria: Yes, Captain, sir.
Captain: Why do you stare at me that way?
Maria: Well, you don't look at all like a sea Captain, sir.
Captain: I'm afraid you don't look very much like a governess. Turn around, please.
Maria: What?
Captain: Turn. Hat off. It's the dress. You have to put on another one before you meet the children.
one before you meet the children.
作为军人出身的特拉普上校,口中不时冒出几句带有命令口吻的话是不足为怪的,这正体现了他军人作风的一面。 如句中hat off 就是一例, 完整的句子应是take your hat off.
Maria: But I don't have another one. When we enter the abbey, our worldly【世俗的】 clothes are given to the poor.
Captain: What about this one?
Maria: The poor didn't want this one.
Captain: Hmm.
Maria: I would've made myself a new dress but there wasn't time, I can make my own clothes.
Captain: Well, I'll see you get some material. Today, if possible. Now, Fraulein... er...
see 本意是“看” 但在句中的意思是“注意,确保”相当于make sure that, 后面常接介词to
如 :See to it that you are ready on time!
Would you see to the arrangements for the next meeting?
Maria: Maria.
Captain: Fraulein Maria, I don't know how much the Mother has told you.
Maria: Not much.
Captain: You're the twelfth in a long line of governesses, who have come to look after my children since their mother died. I trust that you will be an improvement on the last one. She stayed only two hours.
in a long line 意思是一个长队, 可以看出教特拉普上校的孩子不是一件容易的事,然而这正与后来玛丽亚出色的表现形成鲜明的对照。
Maria: What's wrong with the children, sir?
Captain: There was nothing wrong with the children, only the governesses. They were completely unable to maintain discipline. Without it, the house can not be properly run. Please remember that, Fraulein.
Maria: Yes, sir.
Captain: Every morning you will drill【训练】 the children in their studies, I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays. Each afternoon they will march about the ground, breathing deeply. Bed-time is to be strictly observed. No exceptions【例外】.
Maria: Excuse me, sir. When do they play?
Captain: You'll see to that they conct themselves at all time with the utmost orderliness【秩序】and decorum【端庄】, I'm placing you in command.
Maria: Yes, sir.
conct oneself: 为人处事,表现
如 : Thanks for your advice, it really helps conct myself well in the new environment.
谢谢你的建议, 它对我在新的环境中如何立身处事有很大帮助。
Captain: Fraulein, I, I behaved badly. I apologize.
上校: 弗劳伦,我,我刚才表现粗鲁,我向你道歉。
Maria: No, I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults.
Captain: You were right. I don't know my children.
Maria: There's still time, Captain. They want so much to be close to you.
Captain: And you've brought the music back to the house. I'd forgotten. Fraulein, I, I want you to stay. I ask you to stay.
Maria: If I could be of any help.
Captain: You have already. More than you know.
上校:你已经帮了, 而且远远超出了你自己知道的。(特拉普上校逐渐对玛丽亚产生了爱意,在一个宁静的夜晚,他终于走向在夜色下徘徊的玛丽亚并道出了真爱。)
Captain: Hello, I, I thought I just might find you here.
上校: 你好, 我想, 也许在这儿能找到你.
Maria: (Maria stands up) Is there something you wanted?玛丽亚:有事吗?(玛丽亚站起身。)Captain: No, no, no, sit down please, please. Uh...may I ? (sitting down) You know I was, I was thinking, I was wondering two things. Why did you run away to the Abbey, and what was it that made you come back?
上校:不,不,不。请坐下,请。呃……我可以坐吗?(坐下)你知道吗,我一直在想,有两件事我不太懂,你为什么会跑回修道院。还有,又是什么促使你回来?Maria: Well, I had an obligation to fulfill and I, I came back to fulfill it.
Captain: Is that all?
Maria: And I missed the children.
Captain: Yes, only the children?
上校: 是吗? 仅仅想念孩子们?
Maria: No, yes! Isn't it right I should have missed them?
Captain: Yes, yes, of course. I was only hoping that perhaps you … perhaps you might…uh…
上校: 不是,当然不是,我只是希望或许你,或许你会……呃……
Maria: Yes?
玛丽亚: 什么?
Captain: Well …uh… nothing was the same when you were away. And it'll be all wrong again after you leave. And I just thought that perhaps you might… uh… change you mind.
上校:呃……你一走家里全都变了样,要是你再离开, 一切又会变糟。 我只是在想也许你会……呃……改变主意。
Maria: I'm sure the Baroness will be able to make things fine for you.
Captain: Maria, there isn't going to be any Baroness.
上校:玛丽亚, 不会有什么男爵夫人了。
Maria: There isn't ?
Captain: No.
上校: 是的。
Maria: I don't understand.
Captain: Well, we've …uh… called off our engagement, you see and... uh…
上校: 我们已经取消了婚约。而且……
call off: 取消,放弃
如:The match was called off because of the bad weather.
Maria: Oh, I'm sorry.
Captain: Yes … you are?
上校: 是吗……你感到遗憾?
Maria: You did?
Captain: Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else, can you?
Maria: Reverend Mother always says when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else he opens a window.
Captain: What else did the Reverend Mother say?
Maria: That you have to look for your life.
Captain: Is that why you came back? And have you found it, Maria?
Maria: I think I have. I know I have.
Captain: I love you.
E. 求以下电影的经典台词!急!
1,The Sound of Music《音乐之声》
The mountains are magnificent, really magnificent.
-I had them put up just for you. -Oh?
Even if it's to a height of feet. . .
. . .Georg always believes in "rising to the occasion. "掘指
Improve the jokes or I'll disinvite you.
You didn't invite me. I invited myself.
-Naturally. -You needed a chaperone. . .
. . .and I needed a place where the cuisine is superb. . .
. . .the wine cellar unexcelled. . .
. . .and the price perfect.
2,Home Alone《小鬼当家》
Kevin: Buzz! I'm going through all your private stuff! You better come out and pound me!
Kevin: Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish! You better come out and stop me!
Harry: (seeing Marv laugh) What's so funny? What's so funny? What are you laughing at? (Marv covers his mouth) You did it again, didn't you? You left the water running, didn't you? What's wrong with you? Why'd you do that? I told you not to do it.
Marv: Harry, it's our calling card.
Harry: Calling card.
Marv: All the great ones leave their mark. We're the Wet Bandits.
Johnny: (hears knock at door) Who is it?
Snakes: (Snakes comes in) It's me, Snakes. I got the stuff.
Johnny: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here!
3,High School Musical《歌皮散答燃慧舞青春》
I trust you all had splendid holidays.
Check the sign-up sheets in the lobby for new activities, Mr. Bolton.
Especially our winter musicale. We will have singles auditions...
- You OK? - Yeah.
...and pairs auditions for our two leads. - Pfft.
Mr. Danforth, this is a place of learning, not a hockey arena.
There is also a final sign-up for next week's scholastic decathlon competition.
Chem Club president Taylor McHessey can answer all of your questions about that.
Ah, the cell phone menace has returned to our crucible of learning.
- Is it your phone? - Sharpay and Ryan, cell phones.
- I will see you in detention. - Ahh!
4,Ice Age《冰河世纪》
First, I'll slice its hindquarters into sections.
- I'll put the white meat in one pile and... - Knock it off. I'm starving.
Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.
- I told you to knock it off. - Save your energy.
Mammoths don't go down easy.
There's only one way to do it.
First, you have to force it into a corner.
Cut off its retreat. And when you three have it trapped,
I'll go for the throat.
Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind.
- How much further? - Three miles.
I'm beat. We'll get there in the morning.
First, I'll slice its hindquarters into sections.
- I'll put the white meat in one pile and... - Knock it off. I'm starving.
Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.
- I told you to knock it off. - Save your energy.
Mammoths don't go down easy.
There's only one way to do it.
First, you have to force it into a corner.
Cut off its retreat. And when you three have it trapped,
I'll go for the throat.
Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind.
- How much further? - Three miles.
I'm beat. We'll get there in the morning.
First, I'll slice its hindquarters into sections.
- I'll put the white meat in one pile and... - Knock it off. I'm starving.
Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.
- I told you to knock it off. - Save your energy.
Mammoths don't go down easy.
There's only one way to do it.
First, you have to force it into a corner.
Cut off its retreat. And when you three have it trapped,
I'll go for the throat.
Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind.
- How much further? - Three miles.
I'm beat. We'll get there in the morning.
5,Finding Nemo《海底总动员》
D:Yeah.Here comes the big one.Come on! You gotta try this!
-M:Will you just stop it?
-D:Why? What"s wrong?
M:We"re in a whale,don"t you get it?
-M:A whale!
M:You had to ask for help!And now we"re stuck here!
D:Wow, a whale.You know I speak whale.
M:No, you"re insane!You can"t speak whale!I have to get out!I have to find my son!I have to tell him how old sea turtles are!
D是Dory M是Marlin
F. 《音乐之声》经典台词
一天的到来。 ..你将遇到相同的粘性末端。
- 邓布利多
- 我们需要处理的敌人超人的胆识,坚持一个朋友在自己的位置前,但也有很大的勇气。敌人我们需要超人的胆量的朋友面前坚持自己的立场,也需要很大的勇气。
- 邓布利多
4永远不要相信任何事情是能够思考 - 推动的,除非你看到它了西藏的头脑。从来不相信任何独立思考,除非你看到它隐藏在心灵的。
- 韦斯莱先生
- 邓布利多
- 邓布利多
- 该来的总是会来,我们会接受它,过去的总是会到我们这里来接受它。
- 海格
- 邓布利多
- 邓布利多
- 只有当这里的人都不再忠实是他(邓布利多),他会离开这所学校,只有当人们不再忠实于他(邓布利多),他将离开这个学校。
- 哈里
G. 音乐之声中英佳句
When lord closed a door, somewhere he opened a window.
My heart wants to sing every song it hears.
These walls are not built to shut out problems, you have to face them.
A dream that will need all the love you can give. everyday in your life, as long as you live.
Marrying someone when you're really in love with someone else, can you?
Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could. so somewhere in my wicked miserable past, there must been a moment of truth.
Some times I felt the world is coming to an end。And then you felt it was just the beginning?
1. C: Liesl! 上校:丽莎。
2. (Captain stands at the door, indicating Liesl to go away.) (这时上校出现在门口,示意丽莎出去。)
3. M: What is it? 玛:电报上说什么?
4. C: Berlin. They've offered me a commission in their navy. I've been requested to accept immediately and report to their naval base in Bremer haven tomorrow. 上校:柏林,让我去他们海军任职,要求我立即接受。到布莱梅海港——他们的海军基地去报到,明天就去。
5. M: I knew something like this would happen. I didn't think it would be so soon. 玛:我早知道会发生这种事,没想到会这么快。
6. C: To refuse them would be fatal at all of us. And joining them would be unthinkable. Get the children all together. Don't say anything that's going to make them worry. Just get them ready. We've got to get out of Austria, and this house, tonight. 上校:回拒他们会毁了我们全家。加入他们也不堪设想。把孩子们叫到一起,别说让他们不安的话。就让他们准备好,我们必须离开奥地利,离开这所房子,今天晚上就走。
7. (When darkness falls, Captain and Max pull the car out of the garage. Maria with the children follow them.) (夜幕降临,麦克斯与上校将车悄悄推出门外。玛丽亚带着孩子跟在后面。)[English]
8. Max: If not only strain my back, it breaks my heart when I think of a certain singing group that will not appear at the festival tonight. 麦克斯:想到今晚的音乐节上有一个演唱小组不参加演出,真让我伤心透了。
9. C: By the time you make the announcement we will be over the border. 上校:到你宣布的时候,我们该到了国界线。
10. Max: I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making. 麦克斯:希望你感激我此刻正在做出牺牲。
11. C: You have no choice. 上校:你别无选择。
12. Max: I know. That's why I'm making it. 麦克斯:我知道,这也是我为什么这么做的原因。
13. Bargitt Why doesn't father turn the motor on? 布:爸爸,为什么不把马达发动起来?
题号:1What was the children's father?c、captain题号:2How to address the head of a monastery?b、mother题号:3Which country got Austria under control?a、Germany题号:7Where did Maria,the Captain and the children plan to escape to?d、Switzerland题号:8There is a line in the film Shawshank redemption,"when the lord closes the door,somewhere he opens a ( )".d、window题号:9Where did the story happened in Sound of Music?a、Salzburg Austria题号:15How many children were there in Von Trapp's family?c、7题号:16What did Maria do in Von Trapp's family?b、governess题号:20Von Trapp agreed to cooperate with Germany army.1、错题号:22The children were unhappy and resentful of the governesses before Maria.2、对题号:24Maria became the children's mother at last.2、对。
Sound of Music is my favorite move, it told a moving story about World War II. Captain's family loved music with their heart and soul, which moved me deeply. The sweet and wonderful songs in the movie taught me that music is the common language of human beings, and it is borderless and endless. The song I love best is Edelweiss. It was played at the end of the film. Under the strict supervision by Germans, the atmosphere in the threat was stressed out, and the song by Caption's family is like a pure flower blooming in the dirty mud. It shows hope and spring to everyone.
/search?search=edelweiss&suffix=&mtv=0&id=10000000 下载地址 edelweiss edelweiss every morning you greet me small and white, clean and bright. you look happy to meet me blossom of snow may you bloom and grow bloom and grow forever edelweiss edelweiss bless my homeland forever. bloom and grow forever edelweiss edelweiss bless my homeland forever. 雪绒花 雪绒花 每天清晨迎接我 你洁白 又鲜艳 看见你我多快乐 我愿你永远开放 可爱的雪绒花 请为我故乡永远吐露芬芳 雪绒花 雪绒花 每天清晨迎接我 你洁白 又鲜艳 看见你我多快乐 我愿你永远开放 可爱的雪绒花 请为我故乡永远吐露芬芳 我愿你永远开放 可爱的雪绒花 请为我故乡永远吐露芬芳。
In 1930's Austria a young nun is finding it hard to adjust to her new life in the abbey. The Abbess decides that the best thing to do is to send the nun (called Maria) into the world to discover life. She is sent to the von Trapp family to work as a nanny for Captain v Trapp's 7 children. V Trapp is a widowed ex-naval capt who lost his job when Austria lost its coast after the Treaty of Versailles. He is a proud nationalist and is worried about the rise of the far right in neighbouring Germany and talk of a union. V Trapp runs his household like a ship because he knows no other way and is in deep grieving for his wife. When Maria arrives on the scene she is met with opposition from the children and is put-off by the captain's attitudes. In time however, she builds bonds with the entire family, especially Liesl, the eldest child, whom she guides into womanhood, filling the void of Liesl's absent mother. The captain is engaged to the Baroness, a woman whom the children dislike and with reason - she loves their father not them! Graally, however, over time Maria and the Captain fall in love, the Baroness realises this and fabricates a story to make Maria want to return to the abbey, but Maria has helped the v Trapps rediscover music, and through that, happiness. She returns to them and the Baroness finally accepts that Maria and the Captain are meant to be together. They marry, but on returning from their honeymoon are confronted with the awful new of the occupation of Austria. Capt v Trapp is summonned immediately to fight for the Nazi High Seas fleet, but he opposes the Nazis and will not conform, thus putting his beloved family in danger. The v Trapps decide to escape over the border to neutral Switzerland, but their plan is discovered and they are forced to escape in a very unconventional style.。
One of my all-time favorite movies. It might be on the sweet side, but sometimes that's just exactly what is needed. Anyway, there is Christopher Plummer as the captain to balance out all that sweetness. I always thought he had a great voice and terrific screen presence in this film.
Julie Andrews at her freshest and best。her singing is wonderful, the alps are wonderful, the songs are memorable, and the story line never gets boring.
Sound of Music The The Sound of Music, feature-film musical about a young religious novice working as a governess who brings music and happiness to a widower's large family, set in Austria ring World War II. Released in 1965 and based on real-life events, this box-office hit earned Academy Awards for best picture, best director, best film editing, best sound, and best musical score. (满意记得采纳吧,谢了~)。
H. 音乐之声英文佳句
When lord closed a door, somewhere he opened a window.
My heart wants to sing every song it hears.
These walls are not built to shut out problems, you have to face them.
A dream that will need all the love you can give. everyday in your life, as long as you live.
Marrying someone when you're really in love with someone else, can you?
Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could. so somewhere in my wicked miserable past, there must been a moment of truth.
Some times I felt the world is coming to an end。And then you felt it was just the beginning?
M: Yes. Well you see, the sky was soblue today and everything was so green and fragrant. I just had to be a part ofit! And you know those birds kept meeting me higher andhigher as though it wanted me to go right through the clouds with it.Reverend Mother: Child, suppose darkness had come and you were lost?M: Oh, Mother, I could never belost up there. That's my mountain, I was brought upon it. It was the mountain that led me to you.Reverend Mother: Oh?M: When I was a child, I would come downthe mountain and climb a tree and look over into your garden. I'd see thesisters at work and I would hear them sing on their way to Vespers, which brings me to another transgression, Reverend Mother. I was singing out there today without permission.Reverend other: Maria, it is only here in the abbey that we have rules aboutpostulant singing.M: I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am. And what's worse, I can't seem to stop saying things. Everything and anything I think andfeel.Reverend Mother: Some people would call that honesty.M: No, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother.You know how Sister Beth always makes me kiss the floor after we had adisagreement? Well lately I've taken to kissing the floor when I seeher coming just to save time.Reverend Mother: Maria, when you saw us over the abbey wall and longed to be oneof us, that didn't necessarily mean that you were prepared forthe way we live here, did it?M: No, Mother. But I pray and I try and I am learning. I reallyam.玛:是的!您看,今天的天空多么的湛蓝,一草一木都是那么的翠绿、芬芳。
嬷:孩子,要是天黑了,你迷路了怎么办呢? 玛:嬷嬷,在那儿我是不会迷路的。那是我的大山,我就是在那儿长大的。
正是大山把我引向您的。 嬷:哦? 玛:当我还是个小孩子的时候,常从山上下来,爬上一颗树,眺望您的花园。
嬷:玛丽亚,我们只是在修道院里才对见习者有唱歌的规定。 玛:不管在哪儿,我几乎都忍不住要唱歌。
嬷:一些人会说这就是诚实。 玛:嬷嬷,然而这太讨厌了。
您知道贝丝修女和我意见不同,她总叫我亲吻地板,以后只要看见她过来,我就会先亲吻地板,以省时间。嬷:玛丽亚,当你在修道院墙外看见我们,希望加入我们时,这并不就意味着你得准备着象我们这样生活,是吗? 玛:不,嬷嬷!我祈祷着,并且努力着,而且,我在学习,真的。
1. C: Liesl! 上校:丽莎。
2. (Captain stands at the door, indicating Liesl to go away.) (这时上校出现在门口,示意丽莎出去。)3. M: What is it? 玛:电报上说什么?4. C: Berlin. They've offered me a commission in their navy. I've been requested to accept immediately and report to their naval base in Bremer haven tomorrow. 上校:柏林,让我去他们海军任职,要求我立即接受。
到布莱梅海港——他们的海军基地去报到,明天就去。5. M: I knew something like this would happen. I didn't think it would be so soon. 玛:我早知道会发生这种事,没想到会这么快。
6. C: To refuse them would be fatal at all of us. And joining them would be unthinkable. Get the children all together. Don't say anything that's going to make them worry. Just get them ready. We've got to get out of Austria, and this house, tonight. 上校:回拒他们会毁了我们全家。加入他们也不堪设想。
7. (When darkness falls, Captain and Max pull the car out of the garage. Maria with the children follow them.) (夜幕降临,麦克斯与上校将车悄悄推出门外。玛丽亚带着孩子跟在后面。)
[English]8. Max: If not only strain my back, it breaks my heart when I think of a certain singing group that will not appear at the festival tonight. 麦克斯:想到今晚的音乐节上有一个演唱小组不参加演出,真让我伤心透了。9. C: By the time you make the announcement we will be over the border. 上校:到你宣布的时候,我们该到了国界线。
10. Max: I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making. 麦克斯:希望你感激我此刻正在做出牺牲。11. C: You have no choice. 上校:你别无选择。
12. Max: I know. That's why I'm making it. 麦克斯:我知道,这也是我为什么这么做的原因。13. Bargitt Why doesn't father turn the motor on? 布:爸爸,为什么不把马达发动起来?Maria: Oh, I'm sorry.玛丽亚:哦,很遗憾。
Captain: Yes … you are?上校: 是吗……你感到遗憾?Maria: You did? 玛丽亚:你真的取消了?Captain: Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else, can you?上校:是的,当你爱着别人时,你不可能和另外一个人结婚,你能做到吗?Maria: Reverend Mother always says when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else he opens a window.玛丽亚:院长嬷嬷总是这样说,当主关上一扇门时,他会在别处为你开启一扇窗。Captain: What else did the Reverend Mother say?上校:院长嬷嬷还说些什么?Maria: That you have to look for your life.玛丽亚:她还说必须寻找生命中值得的东西。
Captain: Is that why you came back? And have you found it, Maria?上校:这就是你回来的原因吗?你找到没有,玛丽亚?Maria: I think I have. I know I have.玛丽亚:我想我找到了。我知道我找到了。
Captain: I love you.。
《音乐之声》的英语介绍和翻译:"The Sound of Music" is an impressive musical that stands above other films of the genre because of interesting characters, top-notch direction, and a truly inspired screenplay. Julie Andrews (Oscar-nominated) stars as the young nun who leaves the convent to become the governess to a large family. She is instantly at odds with the children's father (Christopher Plummer), but they soon fall in love and get married. However, evil forces lurk overhead as the Nazis invade their homeland of Austria. Somewhat based on a true story, "The Sound of Music" is one of those rare musicals that works because there is a sense of fear and drama in the film's final act. This makes the film believable and none of the musical numbers take away from the story or the film's direction.“音乐之声“是一个令人印象深刻的音乐,站在上面的其他电影流派,因为有趣的人物,争创一流的方向,一个真正的启发剧本。
这使得电影的可信和音乐号码没有采取从故事远离或电影的方向。The story in the film is an adaptation of the real life story of Maria and the rest of the Van Trapp Family, who became a quite popular singing group in the ཤs and s. Their tale of meeting and marrying, of facing Nazi aggression ring the Anschluss or annexation of Austria by Hitler's Third Reich, was first published as an autobiography, then adapted by Rodgers and Hammerstein for a successful Broadway musical, and ultimately turned into the feature film. In the beginning Maria was applying to become a nun, but her irrepressible nature and predilection to burst into song at a moments notice made her Mother Abess decide perhaps she should try being a governess, and find out more about herself first. She is placed in charge of the seven Von Trapp children, whose mother has died and are being kept under some military boot camp existence by their father, who is a retired naval officer. The joyful Maria quickly changes things and brings music into the house and hearts of the children, and bringing life and love into the home. This is all under the umbrella of impending Nazi occupation, which is vocally and publicly opposed by Captain Von Trapp, played by Christopher Plummer. 影片中的故事,是适应现实生活中的故事玛丽亚和范·特拉普家庭,在40年代和50年代成为一个相当通俗唱法组的其余部分。
这是所有即将纳粹占领,这是冯特普上校克里斯托弗·普拉莫扮演,声援和公开反对伞下。《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music,港译:《音乐之声》),是一部改编自玛丽亚·冯·崔普(Maria von Trapp)的著作《崔普家庭演唱团》(The Story of the Trapp Family Singers)的戏剧作品,最初以音乐剧的形式于百老汇上演,之后被改编成电影。
《音乐之声》是由美国音乐剧的泰斗理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rodgers)和奥斯卡·汉默斯坦二世(Oscar Hammerstein II)根据玛丽亚·冯·特拉普(Maria Von Trapp)的自传:《冯·特拉普家的歌手们》(The Story of the Trapp Family Singers)改写而成的。《音乐之声》于1959年11月16日在百老汇的鲁德-方特恩剧院(Lunt-Fontanne Theatre)公演,成为50年代百老汇公演时间第二长的音乐剧。
C: Liesl! 上校:丽莎。
2. (Captain stands at the door, indicating Liesl to go away.) (这时上校出现在门口,示意丽莎出去。)3. M: What is it? 玛:电报上说什么?4. C: Berlin. They've offered me a commission in their navy. I've been requested to accept immediately and report to their naval base in Bremer haven tomorrow. 上校:柏林,让我去他们海军任职,要求我立即接受。
到布莱梅海港——他们的海军基地去报到,明天就去。5. M: I knew something like this would happen. I didn't think it would be so soon. 玛:我早知道会发生这种事,没想到会这么快。
6. C: To refuse them would be fatal at all of us. And joining them would be unthinkable. Get the children all together. Don't say anything that's going to make them worry. Just get them ready. We've got to get out of Austria, and this house, tonight. 上校:回拒他们会毁了我们全家。加入他们也不堪设想。
7. (When darkness falls, Captain and Max pull the car out of the garage. Maria with the children follow them.) (夜幕降临,麦克斯与上校将车悄悄推出门外。玛丽亚带着孩子跟在后面。)
[English]8. Max: If not only strain my back, it breaks my heart when I think of a certain singing group that will not appear at the festival tonight. 麦克斯:想到今晚的音乐节上有一个演唱小组不参加演出,真让我伤心透了。9. C: By the time you make the announcement we will be over the border. 上校:到你宣布的时候,我们该到了国界线。
10. Max: I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making. 麦克斯:希望你感激我此刻正在做出牺牲。11. C: You have no choice. 上校:你别无选择。
12. Max: I know. That's why I'm making it. 麦克斯:我知道,这也是我为什么这么做的原因。13. Bargitt Why doesn't father turn the motor on? 布:爸爸,为什么不把马达发动起来?Maria: Oh, I'm sorry.玛丽亚:哦,很遗憾。
Captain: Yes … you are?上校: 是吗……你感到遗憾?Maria: You did? 玛丽亚:你真的取消了?Captain: Yes. Well, you can't marry someone when you're in love with someone else, can you?上校:是的,当你爱着别人时,你不可能和另外一个人结婚,你能做到吗?Maria: Reverend Mother always says when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else he opens a window.玛丽亚:院长嬷嬷总是这样说,当主关上一扇门时,他会在别处为你开启一扇窗。Captain: What else did the Reverend Mother say?上校:院长嬷嬷还说些什么?Maria: That you have to look for your life.玛丽亚:她还说必须寻找生命中值得的东西。
Captain: Is that why you came back? And have you found it, Maria?上校:这就是你回来的原因吗?你找到没有,玛丽亚?Maria: I think I have. I know I have.玛丽亚:我想我找到了。我知道我找到了。
Captain: I love you.。
1) 英雄本色(1):吴宇森代表作。
2) 真实的谎言:阿诺演的最温情和幽默的电影。
3) 生死时速(1):充满动感,耳目一新!
4) 虎胆龙威系列:呵呵他怎么总是一身伤却不死啊!!!
5) 勇闯夺命岛(石破天惊)动作片颠峰作品!演员表演出色。
6) 刀锋战士(1、2):新式吸血鬼动作片,非常另类和华丽。
7) 神秘的黄玫瑰系列:呵呵因为看的时候年纪小,觉得比西部片还经典。
8) 复仇:也是罗马尼亚的老电影,这部影片的枪战让人百看不厌。
9) 三步杀人曲系列:干净利落的墨西哥风格枪战电影。
10) 第一滴血(1):有内涵有力度有故事,是史泰龙为数不多的好片。
Captain: In the future, you're kind of to remember that certain rooms in this house which are not to be disturbed.上校 :以后请你记住,这房子里有些房间是不能乱闯的。************************************************************* 额外成就 在口语中kind of 通常可作副词,意思是“有一点儿,在某种程度上”。
如 :The film is not kind of interesting at all.那部电影一点都不好看。************************************************************* Maria: Yes, Captain, sir.玛丽亚:是,上校,先生。
Captain: Why do you stare at me that way?上校:为什么这样盯着我?Maria: Well, you don't look at all like a sea Captain, sir.玛丽亚:先生,你看起来一点都不像海军上校。Captain: I'm afraid you don't look very much like a governess. Turn around, please.上校:恐怕你也不怎么像家庭教师。
请转过身去。Maria: What?玛丽亚:什么?Captain: Turn. Hat off. It's the dress. You have to put on another one before you meet the children.上校:转身,脱帽,是衣服不对劲。
在和孩子们见面之前,你得换套衣服。************************************************************* 额外成就 one before you meet the children.作为军人出身的特拉普上校,口中不时冒出几句带有命令口吻的话是不足为怪的,这正体现了他军人作风的一面。
如句中hat off 就是一例, 完整的句子应是take your hat off.************************************************************ Maria: But I don't have another one. When we enter the abbey, our worldly【世俗的】 clothes are given to the poor.玛丽亚:但是,我没有其他衣服。当我们进修道院时,就把平时穿的衣服都送给穷人了。
Captain: What about this one?上校:那这一件呢? Maria: The poor didn't want this one.玛丽亚:穷人不要这一套。Captain: Hmm.上校:嗯。
Maria: I would've made myself a new dress but there wasn't time, I can make my own clothes.玛丽亚:如果有时间来的话,我就自己做一套新衣服。我会给自己做衣服。
Captain: Well, I'll see you get some material. Today, if possible. Now, Fraulein。 er。
现在,弗劳伦……呃…… 额外成就 see 本意是“看” 但在句中的意思是“注意,确保”相当于make sure that, 后面常接介词to 如 :See to it that you are ready on time! 到时你千万要准备好!Would you see to the arrangements for the next meeting?你来安排下次的会议,好吗?Maria: Maria.玛丽亚:玛丽亚。Captain: Fraulein Maria, I don't know how much the Mother has told you.上校:弗劳伦·玛丽亚小姐,我不知道院长嬷嬷告诉了你多少情况。
Maria: Not much.玛丽亚:不是很多。Captain: You're the twelfth in a long line of governesses, who have come to look after my children since their mother died. I trust that you will be an improvement on the last one. She stayed only two hours.上校:自从孩子们的母亲去世以后,你是来照看他们的第十二位女家庭教师。
相信你比最后一位有进步,她只呆了两个小时。************************************************************* 额外成就 in a long line 意思是一个长队, 可以看出教特拉普上校的孩子不是一件容易的事,然而这正与后来玛丽亚出色的表现形成鲜明的对照。
************************************************************* Maria: What's wrong with the children, sir?玛丽亚:孩子们有什么不对劲吗,先生?Captain: There was nothing wrong with the children, only the governesses. They were completely unable to maintain discipline. Without it, the house can not be properly run. Please remember that, Fraulein.上校:孩子们很好,只怪家庭教师。她们完全不能维持纪律。
Maria: Yes, sir.玛丽亚:是的,先生。Captain: Every morning you will drill【训练】 the children in their studies, I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays. Each afternoon they will march about the ground, breathing deeply. Bed-time is to be strictly observed. No exceptions【例外】.上校:每天上午你得督促孩子做功课。
就寝时间必须严格遵守,不得例外。Maria: Excuse me, sir. When do they play?玛丽亚:对不起,先生,他们什么时候玩?Captain: You'll see to that they conct themselves at all time with the utmost orderliness【秩序】and decorum【端庄】, I'm placing you in command.上校:你得看着他们在任何时候都循规蹈矩。
这个就由你来决定。Maria: Yes, sir.玛丽亚:是的,先生。
******************************************************** 额外成就 conct oneself: 为人处事,表现 如 : Thanks for your advice, it really helps conct myself well in the new environment.谢谢你的建议, 它对我在新的环境中如何立身处事有很大帮助。**********。