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『壹』 请问摩根.弗里曼所拍过的所有影片

摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman作品列表:(一共 118 个作品)
作为导演摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman的作品 (数量:1) 逮捕 Bopha! ------- (1993)

作为演员 摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman的作品 (数量:111) Wanted ------- (2008)
The Last Full Measure ------- (2007)
冒牌天神2 Evan Almighty ------- (2007)
The Feast of Love ------- (2007)
Gone, Baby, Gone ------- (2007)
The Bucket List ------- (2007)
12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2006)
Absolute Power: The Making of Edison Force ------- (2006)
魔鬼契约 The Contract ------- (2006)
10件或更少 10 Items or Less ------- (2006)
The Electric Company's Greatest Hits & Bits ------- (2006)
Noche de los Oscar, La ------- (2006)
God Gave Rock & Roll to You ------- (2006)
The 78th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2006)
幸运数字斯莱文/神鬼运转 Lucky Number Slevin ------- (2006)
George Clooney: An American Cinematheque Tribute ------- (2006)
Boffo! Tinseltown's Bombs and Blockbusters ------- (2006)
帝企鹅日记/企鹅进行曲/小企鹅大长征/企鹅的三月 Marche de l'empereur, La ------- (2005)
The Challenge of Freedom ------- (2005)
James Lipton Takes on Three ------- (2005)
埃迪森 Edison ------- (2005)
The 8th Shanghai International Film Festival ------- (2005)
Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope ------- (2005)
Born to Fight ------- (2005)
世界大战 War of the Worlds ------- (2005)
Out of Africa: Heroes and Icons ------- (2005)
Mississippi Rising ------- (2005)
命途多舛/生命未结 An Unfinished Life ------- (2005)
The Black Movie Awards ------- (2005)
Blues Divas ------- (2005)
蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 Batman Begins ------- (2005)
犬人丹尼/狼犬丹尼/猛兽出笼 Danny the Dog ------- (2005)
11th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2005)
Batman Begins ------- (2005)
Shelter from the Storm: A Concert for the Gulf Coast ------- (2005)
The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards ------- (2005)
第77届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 77th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2005)
华丽的荒土:月球漫步记 Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D ------- (2005)
"Decisions That Shook the World" ------- (2004)
竞选总统 The Hunting of the President ------- (2004)
夏威夷金钱游戏/大反弹 The Big Bounce ------- (2004)
A Remarkable Promise ------- (2004)
"Inside Dish with Rachael Ray" ------- (2004)
Genius: A Night for Ray Charles ------- (2004)
百万宝贝/百万美元宝贝 Million Dollar Baby ------- (2004)
Hope Springs Eternal: A Look Back at 'The Shawshank Redemption' ------- (2004)
"Freedom: A History of Us" ------- (2003)
Delta Blues Museum ------- (2003)
The 100 Greatest Movie Stars ------- (2003)
率性/乞赎的灵魂 Levity ------- (2003)
捉梦人/劫梦惊魂 Dreamcatcher ------- (2003)
冒牌天神/全能的布鲁斯 Bruce Almighty ------- (2003)
The Living Blues ------- (2003)
黑人重案组 Guilty by Association ------- (2003)
Declaration of Independence ------- (2003)
恐惧的总和 The Sum of All Fears ------- (2002)
All on Accounta Pullin' a Trigger ------- (2002)
"America Beyond the Color Line with Henry Louis Gates Jr." ------- (2002)
极度重罪 High Crimes ------- (2002)
The Making of 'Along Came a Spider' ------- (2001)
蛛丝马迹 Along Came a Spider ------- (2001)
第73届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2001)
Shawshank: The Redeeming Feature ------- (2001)
Essence Awards ------- (2001)
美国影史百部佳片 AFI's 100 Years, 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies ------- (2001)
"American Masters" Clint Eastwood: Out of the Shadows ------- (2000)
护士贝蒂 Nurse Betty ------- (2000)
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts ------- (2000)
"American Masters" Sidney Poitier: One Bright Light ------- (2000)
Acapulco Black Film Festival ------- (2000)
AFI's 100 Years, 100 Laughs: America's Funniest Movies ------- (2000)
疑云密布/嫌疑犯/惊爆2001/悬疑对战/ Under Suspicion ------- (2000)
AFI's 100 Years... 100 Stars ------- (1999)
"The Directors" ------- (1999)
The Making of 'Amistad' ------- (1999)
彗星撞地球/天地大冲撞/末日救未来/天摇地动 Deep Impact ------- (1998)
大雨成灾 Hard Rain ------- (1998)
惊唇劫 Kiss the Girls ------- (1997)
遥遥归乡路 The Long Way Home ------- (1997)
断锁怒潮/勇者无惧 Amistad ------- (1997)
凤舞红尘 Moll Flanders ------- (1996)
时空之旅 Cosmic Voyage ------- (1996)
连锁反应 Chain Reaction ------- (1996)
恐怖地带 Outbreak ------- (1995)
七宗罪/火线追缉令 Se7en ------- (1995)
世纪电影 A Century of Cinema ------- (1994)
肖申克的救赎/刺激1995/月黑高飞 The Shawshank Redemption ------- (1994)
"HBO First Look" ------- (1994)
第65届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 65th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1993)
西部小英雄 The Power of One ------- (1992)
不可饶恕/杀无赦/豪情盖天/不被饶恕的人 Unforgiven ------- (1992)
侠盗王子罗宾汉/大盗罗宾汉/奇云高士拿之侠盗罗宾汉 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves ------- (1991)
虚荣的篝火 The Bonfire of the Vanities ------- (1990)
铁腕校长 Lean on Me ------- (1989)
光荣/光荣战役 Glory ------- (1989)
为戴茜小姐开车/为苔丝小姐开车/山水喜相逢 Driving Miss Daisy ------- (1989)
黎明前恶煞横行 Johnny Handsome ------- (1989)
义勇先锋 Clean and Sober ------- (1988)
不义之财 Clinton and Nadine ------- (1988)
花街传奇 Street Smart ------- (1987)
死无葬身之地 Resting Place ------- (1986)
That Was Then... This Is Now ------- (1985)
恕难从命 Marie ------- (1985)
学店 Teachers ------- (1984)
父子情深 Harry & Son ------- (1984)
超级特务 Eyewitness ------- (1981)
黑狱风云 Brubaker ------- (1980)
Attica ------- (1980)
Where Were You When the Lights Went Out? ------- (1968)
典当商 The Pawnbroker ------- (1964)

作为编剧摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman的作品 (数量:0) ------- ()

作为制片人摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman的作品 (数量:6) 10件或更少 10 Items or Less ------- (2006)
率性/乞赎的灵魂 Levity ------- (2003)
蛛丝马迹 Along Came a Spider ------- (2001)
疑云密布/嫌疑犯/惊爆2001/悬疑对战/ Under Suspicion ------- (2000)
叛舰大行动 Mutiny ------- (1999)


『贰』 演肖申克救赎 的摩根·弗里曼还有哪些经典电影七宗罪

《逮捕》 Bopha! ------- (1993)
《赤焰战场》(Red)——(2010) 《初来乍盗》(The maiden Heist)-----(2009) 《成事在人》(Invictus)------- (2009) 《人性因子》(The Human Factor)------- (2009) 《亲密如贼》Thick as Thieves ------- (2009)《成事在人》海报《遗愿清单》The Bucket List ------- (2008) 《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》The Dark Knight ------- (2008) 《通缉犯》 Wanted ------- (2008) 《少女大盗》The Lonely Maiden ------- (2008) 《失踪宝贝》 Gone Baby Gone ------- (2007) 《爱的盛宴》Feast of Love ------- (2007) 《冒牌天神2》Evan Almighty ------- (2007) 《幸运数字斯莱文》Lucky Number Slevin ------- (2006) 《10件或更少》 10 Items or Less ------- (2006) 《死亡契约》The Contract ------- (2006) 《帝企鹅日记》Marche de l'empereur, La ------- (2005) 《蝙蝠侠诞生》 Batman Begins ------- (2005) 《世界大战》 War of the Worlds ------- (2005) 《华丽的荒土:月球漫步记》 Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D ------- (2005) 《罪恶之城埃迪森》 Edison ------- (2005) 《命途多舛/未竟一生》 An Unfinished Life ------- (2005) 《犬人丹尼》 Danny the Dog ------- (2005) 《竞选总统》 The Hunting of the President ------- (2004)《罪恶之城埃迪森》海报《威夷金钱游戏》The Big Bounce ------- (2004) 《黑人重案组》Guilty by Association ------- (2003) 《冒牌天神》 Bruce Almighty ------- (2003) 《乞赎的灵魂》 Levity ------- (2003) 《捉梦人》Dreamcatcher ------- (2003) 《恐惧的总和》 The Sum of All Fears ------- (2002) 《极度重罪》 High Crimes ------- (2002) 《惊天核爆》The Sum of All Fears-------(2002) 《蛛丝马迹》 Along Came a Spider ------- (2001) 《护士贝蒂》 Nurse Betty ------- (2000) 《疑云密布》 Under Suspicion ------- (2000) 《大雨成灾》 Hard Rain ------- (1998) 《天地大冲撞》 Deep Impact ------- (1998) 《遥遥归乡路》 The Long Way Home ------- (1997) 《断锁怒潮/勇者无惧》Amistad ------- (1997) 《惊唇劫》 Kiss the Girls ------- (1997) 《时空之旅》Cosmic Voyage ------- (1996) 《连锁反应》 Chain Reaction ------- (1996) 《凤舞红尘》 Moll Flanders ------- (1996) 《七宗罪》 Seven ------- (1995)《七宗罪》海报《恐怖地带》Outbreak ------- (1995) 《世纪电影》 A Century of Cinema ------- (1994) 《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption ------- (1994) 《不可饶恕》 Unforgiven ------- (1992) 《西部小英雄》 The Power of One ------- (1992) 《罗宾汉》 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves ------- (1991) 《虚荣的篝火》 The Bonfire of the Vanities ------- (1990) 《铁腕校长》 Lean on Me ------- (1989) 《黎明前恶煞横行》 Johnny Handsome ------- (1989) 《光荣战役》 Glory ------- (1989) 《为戴茜小姐开车》 Driving Miss Daisy ------- (1989) 《义勇先锋》 Clean and Sober ------- (1988) 《不义之财》 Clinton and Nadine ------- (1988) 《花街传奇》 Street Smart ------- (1987) 《死无葬身之地》 Resting Place ------- (1986) 《恕难从命》 Marie ------- (1985) 《学店》 Teachers ------- (1984) 《超级特务》 Eyewitness ------- (1981) 《黑狱风云》 Brubaker ------- (1980) 《谁说我不能驾驶彩虹》 Who Says I Can't Ride a Rainbow? ------- (1971) 《典当商》 The Pawnbroker ------- (1964)
《处女大盗/少女大盗》 The Lonely Maiden ------- (2008)《10件或更少》海报《10件或更少》 10 Items or Less ------- (2006) 《乞赎的灵魂》 Levity ------- (2003) 《蛛丝马迹》 Along Came a Spider ------- (2001) 《疑云密布》 Under Suspicion ------- (2000) 《叛舰大行动》 Mutiny ------- (1999)



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