『壹』 美国特种兵搞笑类的电影,一个很傻缺的主角。大概应该是80或者90年代的。
本片的剧本由吉姆·亚伯拉罕和帕特·普罗夫特合作完成,故事中把和现实世界中的知名人物和事件大大地嘲弄了一番,其中包括伊拉克的总统萨达姆和《第一滴血》中的兰博,种种出人意料的情节每每令观众笑痛肚子。最难得的是憨豆先生的扮演者罗温·艾金森(Rowan Atkinson)居然在此片中客串。
『贰』 80年代美国喜剧 特工
英文名称:Get Smart
导演:Norman Abbott
Don Adamse
演员:Don Adams
Barbara Feldon
In 1965 the cold war was made a little warmer and a lot funnier e in part to the efforts of an inept, underpaid, overzealous spy: Maxwell Smart, Agent 86. The hit comedy series 'Get Smart' is the creation of comic geniuses Buck Henry and Mel Brooks. Henry teamed with Brooks to create what has undoubtedly become one of the finest parody/satires of all time. The project seemed headed for success from the start: ABC had green lighted it based on the strength of the concept, and they had an actor already under contract to play Smart. Brooks was approached to write the pilot. As he was looking for a way to finance his new movie The Procers, he agreed. Deemed "not funny", the initial script was rejected by ABC. Undaunted, the proction team shopped the script around and NBC accepted it with one minor change. They wanted Don Adams in the title role. And so, an unlikely legend was born.
Set in Washington, D.C., the show features Agent 86 (Maxwell Smart), his boss (The Chief), Smart'晌友s partner and later wife (Agent 99) and a host of other agents both good and evil. Perhaps one of the most important elements of the show is the gadgetry created to help Smart in his quest to keep the free world free. On this show, anything including the kitchen sink can be a phone, a tape recorder, a camera or weapon. Looking for an Agent? Check under your seat cushion. Want a weapon? Try your finger-gun. Need to make a phone call? Open up that bologna sandwich. The show was painted in the broadest of strokes and played every moment for its own delightful reality.
In order to give the agents of CONTROL, a series of worthy opponents, KAOS was created. Smart and 99 battled the likes of Mr. Big, The Claw, and Siegfried.
On the home front, Max and 99 had a relationship that developed as the show ran and eventually they married. 99 soon gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl) and the Smart family (and the show) began to experience some growing pains.
Get Smart ran from 1965 through 1970 on both NBC and CBS. For one month in 1995 FOX attempted to bring the series back with some changes; Max as the Chief, 99 as a Congresswoman, and the Smart twins were now inexplicably only one child. Despite the lack of success experienced by the sequel, Get Smart remains a favorite by agents and civilians alike. (TV Land)
NBC September 18, 1965 - September 20, 1969
CBS September 26, 1969 - September 11, 1970
Broadcast History
Sep 1965 - Sep 1968, NBC Sat 8:30-9:00
Sep 1968 - Sep 1969, NBC Sat 8:00-8:30
Sep 1969 - Feb/Apr - Sep 1970, CBS Fri 7:30-8:00
138 Episodes On Film
1 Episode in Black And White; 137 Episodes In Color
该片在1965年-1970年在电视台播出,1989年又顺时推出了《新糊涂侦探》,95年又推出了《糊涂侦探再度出击》;1980年克里夫.唐纳导演的电影版86号《The Nude Bomb》。这些都是由男主角唐.亚当斯主演,更值得一提的是同在国内被人熟知的动画连续剧《神探加杰特》"Inspector Gadget" (1983) [TV-Series 1983-1986]中的加杰特也是由亚当斯配音,后来亚当斯多次为加杰特配音并演出过一个电视版--The Amazing Adventures of Inspector Gadget(1986),就连99年马修布罗德里克主演的电影版本《G型特工》,亚当斯也为其中一个角色配音。
糊涂侦探(Get Smart)的主演,麦克斯韦·史马特(Maxwell·Smart)的扮演者Don Adams(1923-2005)先生于2005年9月25日去世了,享年82岁。
Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 cast_max.jpg Don Adams (2005-09-25去世)
Agent 99 cast_99.jpg Barbara Feldon
The Chief (Thaddeus) cast_chief.jpg Edward Platt(1974年因心脏病去世)
Agent 13 cast_13.jpg Dave Ketchum
Larabee cast_larabee.jpg Robert Karvelas(1992年去世)
Agent 44 cast_44.jpg Victor French(1989年因肺癌去世) & Al Molinaro
Ludwig von Siegfried a.k.a. Conrad Siegfried cast_sieg.jpg Bernie Kopell
Shtarker cast_shtarker.jpg King Moody (2002年去世)
Hymie cast_hymie.jpg Dick Gautier
Admiral Harold Harmon Hargrade cast_admiral.jpg William Schallert
Fang Agent K-13 cast_fang.jpg Red (应该死了吧……狗能活那么长吗?残念……)
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/...?ltl=1110794674,征集了万人的签名后交给了发行公司,终于在2006年底,《Get Smart》的DVD版本由Time Life公司开始正式发售。
Time Life has announced that it is exclusively selling all 138 episodes of Get Smart in one large collection. The collection consists of 25 DVDs and contains over nine hours of bonus material. The DVD collection is set to ship on January 7, 2007. Time Life has said that the DVDs will not appear in stores until Fall 2007.
Release Date: November 13, 2006
Pre-Order Begins: September 15, 2006
List Price: 9.96
Collection includes:
* 25 DVDs in special collectors packaging
* 5 eight-page booklets with liner notes written by actor Dave Ketchum (Agent 13) and Alan Spencer, creator of the TV comedy series "Sledge Hammer!" and contributor to the feature film "Get Smart Again"
* All 138 Original unedited episodes (1965-70) with new introctions by Barbara Feldon
* 9 Audio commentaries with Barbara Feldon, Mel Brooks, James Caan, Don Rickles, Buck Henry, Leonard Stern, Bernie Kopell, and Bill Dana
* 5 On-camera interviews with Barbara Feldon, Buck Henry, Bruce Bilson, Bernie Kopell, and Leonard Stern
* 5 Featurettes: "The Secret History of Get Smart," "Barbara Feldon: Real Model to Role Model," "Spooks, Spies, Gadgets and Gizmos," "Code Words and Catch Phrases," and "The Fans of Get Smart" Never-Before-Seen Bloopers!
* 2003 Museum of Television & Radio Get Smart Reunion seminar featuring Don Adams, Barbara Feldon, Bernie Kopell, Leonard Stern and Bruce Bilson
* Don Adams' 75th Birthday Roast at the Playboy Mansion
* Footage from Don Adams' 2005 memorial service with tributes from Barbara Feldon, Don Rickles and many others
* 5 Fun interactive features: CONTROL Entrance Exam, Max's Apartment, The Chief's Office, Agent 99's Purse, Max's Sunbeam Tiger
* Footage from all 7 EMMY® award wins and acceptance speeches
* 1964 "Top Brass" hair care TV commercial that won Barbara Feldon the Agent 99 role
* 1964 Clip from Don Adams' guest-starring appearance on "The Bill Dana Show" - the Maxwell Smart character is born!
* Clips from Don Adams' three guest-starring appearances on "The Andy Williams Show"
* Behind-the-Scenes footage, Get Smart promotional spots and much, much more!
鞋子电话(Shoe Phone)
隔音罩(cone of silence)
『叁』 求一部 国外80年代的喜剧电影 其中有迫降桥段,高空中飞机的窗破了,有个角色堵住窗口,迫降后结成冰。
热带丛林历险记 (1982)
编剧:Manfred Purzer
主演:Charles Comyn/Baldwyn Dakile/Alexander Grill/Jenny Jürgens/Zoli Marki/更多...
『肆』 80年代美国幽默搞笑恐怖电影 有一小孩特别倒霉的那个
『伍』 80年代的喜剧电影
『陆』 寻找一部80年代引进的外国喜剧电影
『柒』 各位推荐一些80年代后国外的经典电影,谢谢
《诺丁山》,《冒牌天神》,《世界末日》,007系列(皮尔斯布鲁斯南的),指环王三部曲,《海上钢琴师》,《这个杀手不太冷》,《勇敢的心》,《怒火救援》 ,天使爱美丽,美丽心灵,心灵捕手,天气预报员,后天,<mission impossible>,50次初恋,美丽人生,美国往事,辛得勒的名单,拯救大兵瑞恩,兵临城下,真实的谎言,<fight club>,剪刀手爱德华, 风语者,终结者,罗拉快跑 ,傲慢与偏见,叛将风云,木乃伊,刀锋战士,疯狂农庄,荒岛余生,虎口脱险,达芬奇密码,七宗罪 ,王牌对王牌 ,龙骑士,低俗小说 ,锅盖头 ,老大靠边站,教父 1,2,3,死亡诗社,Tristan and Isolde ,16号街区 ,盗火线 ,猜火车 ,the truman show ,变形金刚,阿甘正传,肖申克的救赎,燃情岁月,杀人三部曲 ,闻香识女人 ,谍影重重 ,夜访吸血鬼 ,虎胆龙威1,2,3,4,,生化危机
『捌』 求一步经典外国搞笑侦探电影,是老电影,我小时候看的,大概是上个世纪80年代或者90年代初的外国电影
白头神探剧情简介 影片改编自一部短命的、拿警察片开玩笑的电视剧集《特警队》(Police Squad),尼尔森颠覆自己以前的形象,扮演白头神探,解开一起英国女王访问洛杉矶时谋杀女王的阴谋。