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发布时间:2024-11-11 17:39:05

A. 求一部任意电影的英文简介,读起来在5分钟以内的!急!!!

《雪花秘扇》吧 英文版Lily is the daughter of a humble farmer, and to her family she is just another expensive mouth to feed. Then the local matchmaker delivers startling news: if Lily's feet are bound properly, they will be flawless.In nineteenth-century China, where a woman's eligibility is judged by the shape and size of her feet, this is extraordinary good luck. Lily now has the povcer to make a good marriage and change the fortunes of her family. To prepare for her new life, she must undergo the agonies of footbinding, learn nu shu, the famed secret women's writing, and make a very special friend, Snow Flower. But a bitter reversal of fortune is about to change everything.
再说一个《四十岁老处男》英文版Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) has gone 40 years without "doing it." Now his pals are making it their mission to help him score... fast! Can he survive their hilariously bad advice? Will he land in the arms of the way-too-experienced or the way-too-drunk? Or can he find true love where he least expects - from a gorgeous grandmother (Catherine Keener)? When it comes to sex, there's only one sure thing - The 40-Year-Old Virgin. The outrageous comedy hit is now the DVD that makes the pleasure last forever! 中文版安迪(史蒂夫��卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)40岁了,有着高薪厚职的他过着平静的日子.然而,当他有一次和他的狐朋狗党聊天时无意中透露了自己还是处男的时候,麻烦来了.他的朋友们最急于的是如何介绍一个女孩给安迪好让他尽快摆脱处男身.
安迪遇上了带着三个孩子的单亲妈妈翠西(凯瑟琳��基纳 Catherine Keener 饰),两人很快堕入爱河,安迪这次能否摆脱处男身?


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