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发布时间:2022-08-02 13:59:09

『壹』 急求电影≤弱点≥英文观后感 字数不限 最后不要太长+点语法错误

The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Goodfellas, were transcendent movies. The Blind Side (TBS) is not, which is why it is not a great movie. But in terms of its themes, it is a serious, well-made movie.

The main point, IMO, is that there is a disconnect between the Christianity Americans profess and the Christianity that they practice. Michael Oher went to a Christian Academy. But he wasn't admitted because he was a child in need, he was admitted because they thought he might be a good football player. He was consistently viewed as an outsider, befriended by no one. Were the Touhys the only people who saw that he was in need, or were they the only ones to act on their Christian faith? And if the faith of others is so shallow, what does that say about the state of Christianity today? TBS doesn't beat you over the head with this, but it is there. You often see statements of Christian faith ("in God, all things are possible") juxtaposed with examples of how people fall short of those ideals. Bullock's character is a right-wing, gun-toting, fundamentalist Christian. That such a person would take a 300-pound black kid into her home only shows how deep HER Christian faith is.

Another theme in TBS is how much of the plight of the black underclass is a result of their own behavior as opposed to the plight they find themselves in. TBS told you _a lot_ about Oher, but it did it through exposition, not dialogue. You saw his mother, you saw his background. You saw the thugs in the 'hood and you saw how utterly different he was from them and you knew, somehow, that that difference in character was why he was where he was, and why they were where they were.

Race, class, faith – all in a Hollywood movie about a football player. And the script makes sense and the performances ring true. I was glad I saw TBS and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

『贰』 求电影“弱点”英文影评

This movie is inspired by a true story about no one from a slum area and then became a professional football player, after he was adopted by a rich good American family.

I think blind side is a good movie. The story line is very inspiring, because the movie told one way how to be a good Christian family when you live at United states (because there were many dialogue that mention about Christianity). And the journey of the poor boy Michael Oher, who at the first did not know the Tuohys and then became a part of The Tuohys and protector for the youngest member of the tuohy, S.J. Tuohy.

The screenplay was very good, you can see many parts of their life. From the first time when The Tuohys met Michael until he got to the university. And there are real footage and pictures from the real character too, and they really helped me to knew the real persons behind the story.

I wasn't very surprised when Sandra Bullock got an Oscar for her performance as Leigh Anne Tuohy, because she had done a great job by acting as a kind rich mother. Especially her accent, it was very convincing.

Don't worry just because that this is a drama movie so you have to cry all along. I think this movie is fun to watch. Even when I watched it with my family, everybody laugh because a few hilarious parts. So, if you like drama and sport movies, I think this is just for you and you must watch it.

『叁』 如何评价《弱点》这部电影

你好,《弱点》这部电影讲述:一个智障儿童在一位很有爱心的成功女士的帮助下 茁壮成长并成为优秀的橄榄球运动员的故事!是一部励志片,谢谢。

『肆』 电影弱点深度解析







『伍』 弱点观后感 英语50词 翻译


This movie is based on Michael lewis's works weakness(The game process)and is the adaptation of the film, which also has a name“protect you”, I think, whether it is named“weakness”or“protect you”, it is a film which contains warmth.

I think a good movie is not in its content and profound, but it can relate to the content of the people, let a person feel warm and most essential things of the society.

Even if you do something with a purpose to at the beginning, but when you get what touches your heart is, you will be desperate to pay, you will be happy from the deep heart, and touched by themselves at the same time. How many times the life can be touched by himself?




『陆』 弱点英语观后感一百单词左右高中

噢 对了,我目前上的ABC天丅口语的老师和我们说过 如果想征服英语应该是不费力地;必然具有恰当的研习环境和实习口语对象 这取决于外教资质 纯正欧美口音才是最好,保持天天口语练习,一对一加强化教学才会有.好.的学习成效;课程结束后同样要重复温习录音文档 把所学知识融会贯通~然后要是真的没有练习对象的状况下 那么就上可可或爱思获取课外教材研习,多问多听很快的口语能力会提高起来 学习效益是绝对达成目标的..弱点是Weaknesses.观后感是impressions of after reading

『柒』 电影《弱点》的英语观后感,200-300字

Yesterday saw (weaknesses), in fact earlier before I went to see it, but the thunderbolt examined next, see evaluation say subtitle translator is very bad we haven't seen. Yesterday finally finished watching the movie, also didn't think translation have what problem, it seems that comment is not credible. The truth is very moving, although the witcher nothing big fluctuations, but is such a movie to real, to touching. In Sandra took Oscar later did I know her name, then in thunderbolt recommend that saw written oscar-winning film, starring Sandra, I click go to see it, but behold got oolong, Adam. Thornton le mistaken as Sandra. Brock, but the film also is very good-looking, there are also about football, with the name, the last of the yard. Seeing so many foreign movies, weakness was the first to let me see will want to cry. In the streets, evening see mike in laundry overnight, and when brock let her brought home the scene really is very moving. Remember early days David asked my favorite thing to do what it is and I was not think out, now I can tell him, I like watching movies. Watching movies can make us feel different life, not the same person, different life. In the reality doesn't happen or appear thing also perhaps people can we by movie to satisfy - it's a movie can bring a person.

『捌』 电影弱点观后感

你好!参考下吧 望采纳








『玖』 快速求:电影【弱点】或【阿甘正传】或【贫民窟的百万富翁】各1500字英文观后感


还有一篇经典的 http://wenku..com/view/7c73d45f312b3169a451a4a3.html



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