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发布时间:2022-08-23 00:36:17

① 疯狗强尼插曲我的遗嘱.mp3 下载哪里有


② 有人知道电影《疯狗强尼》的主题曲是什么吗

it is my will when i die It is my will when I die)不要埋葬我,不要埋葬我,(Don't bury me , don't bury me) 割下我的老二放在酒里,(You cut my dick in alcohol) 然后交给我的妻子。(And call my wife and give it to her) 如果她哭的话就让她哭,(And when she cry , let her cry) 她想干什么就干什么。(When she roll let her rock) 她以为她是谁,(And what the fuck she think she is) 就让她对着我的老二吧。(She fucking around with my GI dick) 会有男人给她忠告,(Another man will counsel her ) 会有男人给她安慰。(Another man will comfort her) 请把我的帽子和步枪,(Take my rifle and my bonnet) 留给我的儿子,(Call my son and give it to him ) 让他学会保卫或去战斗,(Let him defend or let him fight) 为了他的祖国,为了他的同胞。(For his country ,for his people) 这就是我临终时的愿望...(And it is my will when i die...) (鸣枪~~)


③ 谁知道在疯狗强尼里面他小战友死后,蝴蝶所唱的那首歌名字


④ 电影疯狗强尼中的两支歌

it is my will when i die
It is my will when I die)不要埋葬我,不要埋葬我,(Don't bury me , don't bury me)
割下我的老二放在酒里,(You cut my dick in alcohol)
然后交给我的妻子。(And call my wife and give it to her)
如果她哭的话就让她哭,(And when she cry , let her cry)
她想干什么就干什么。(When she roll let her rock)
她以为她是谁,(And what the fuck she think she is)
就让她对着我的老二吧。(She fucking around with my GI dick)
会有男人给她忠告,(Another man will counsel her )
会有男人给她安慰。(Another man will comfort her)
请把我的帽子和步枪,(Take my rifle and my bonnet)
留给我的儿子,(Call my son and give it to him )
让他学会保卫或去战斗,(Let him defend or let him fight)
为了他的祖国,为了他的同胞。(For his country ,for his people)
这就是我临终时的愿望...(And it is my will when i die...)

⑤ 疯狗强尼里面蝴蝶唱的歌改编自哪首歌

<<疯狗强尼>>中电影插曲和片尾曲This is my will作词作曲者是General Never Die(红帽子将军)的扮演者RPG教主Joseph Duo

我的遗嘱 我死的时候
不要把我埋掉 不要把我埋掉
叫我妻子来 把它给她
如果她哭 就让她哭吧
叫我的儿子来 把它给他
让他保卫 或是战斗
为了他的国家 为了他的人民

⑥ 疯狗强尼插曲

It is my will what when I die 我希望当我死去时
Don't bury me,don't bury me, 不要埋葬我,不要埋葬我
You cut my dick in alcohol, 割下我的老二放在酒里
And call my wife and give it to her 然后交给我的妻子
And when she cry ,let her cry 如果她哭的话,就让她哭
When she roll,let her rock 她想干什么就干什么
And what the fuck she thinks she is 她以为她是谁
She fucking around with my GL dick 就让她对着我的老二吧
Another man will counsel her 会有男人给她忠告
Another man will confort her 会有男人给她安慰
Take my rifle and my bonnet 请把我的帽子和步枪
Call my son and give it to him 留给我的儿子
Let him defend or let him fight 让他学会保卫或去战斗
For his country,for his people 为了他的祖国和同胞
It's my will... 这是我的愿望

⑦ 疯狗强尼电影






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