1. 有没有人知道《梁祝》的英文版本,在收音机里听过一次,再也无缘再见了,要歌词和m3
英文名:Peter Ho
绰 号:皮蛋何
生 日:1975年9月13日
身 高:1.85米
体 重:70kg
血 型:O型
星 座:处女座
生 肖:兔
宗 教:基督教
排 行:老三
嗜 好:摄影、篮球、绘画、看电影、看漫画
专 长:摄影、绘画、打篮球、设计
最喜欢的音乐类型:Soft rock
最喜欢的异性类型:孝顺、不八卦 、有一手好厨艺
1999年Hey Lover- 广东专辑
2000年每次想起你- 国语EP
2003年亲爱的朋友- 国语EP
2007年好想对你说- 国语专辑
2007年我只在乎你- 国语EP
1994年 参与演出吴奇隆、杨采妮主演的《梁祝》
1999 年同吴奇隆、赵薇、李绮虹演出《缘,妙不可言》
2000 年同李嘉欣、方中信、范文芳等演出《月亮的秘密》
2001 年同郑伊健、陈小春等演出《古惑仔6胜者为王》
2000 年同仓田保昭演出《暗斗》
2002 年同织田裕二、卲兵演出《T.R.Y》
2003 年主演《密情追踪》
2003 年在日本参与演出《假面骑士555》
2004 年《鬼来电2》
2000年 中视电视剧 《 卧虎藏龙 》
2001年 中视电视剧《风云》
2001年 日本电视剧《Happiness》
2001年 内地电视剧《奇迹》
2002年 内地电视剧《玉观音》 合作演员:佟大为 孙俪 杜源
2002年 多利安电视剧《雪地里的星星》
2002年 电视剧《四大名捕》
2002年 电视剧《十八罗汉》
2003年 电视剧《情定爱琴海》
2003年 电视剧 《 一米阳光 》 合作演员:孙俪 于娜 印小天 迟帅
2003年 多利安电视剧 《原味的夏天》
2004年 电视剧《荆轲传奇 》
2004年 电视剧 《风云2 》
2004年 连续剧《秦王李世民》
2004年 电视剧《中华英雄》
2005年 电视剧《中华小当家》
2005年 电视剧《后天美女 》
2005年 电视剧《夜半歌声》
2005年 电视剧《断肠剑》
2005年 多利安电视剧《乒乓》
2005年 电视剧《风中战士》
2005年 电视剧《白屋之恋》
2005年 电视剧《陆小凤》
2005年 电视剧《天桥的童话》
2006年 电视剧《少年杨家将》
2006年 电视剧《精武飞鸿》
2007年 电视剧《梁山伯与祝英台》
2007年 电视剧《上海潮》(由于女主角怀孕而停拍)
2007年 电视剧《醉长安》
2008年 电视剧《上海潮》复拍
2008年 电视剧《新三国演义》
2. 100分,急!求原版梁祝英语话剧
参考资料: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/TTJ-SitDkGM/
回答者: maoyiaiyuting - 试用期 二级 2009-10-15 21:06
检举 A long time ago, Liang shanbo met Zhu yingtai. On the way to the institute, they helped each other, so they became good friends. As an old saying goes: ‘A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.’
祝英台:I’m so happy to be your brother shanbo . Study well and make progress every day.
梁山伯:Yeah yingtai.. Good good study, day day up!
四九:Wa! I am becoming crazy about Mr. Zhu. How nice he is.
吟心: Nice??? No !! Handsome!
Liang shanbo and Zhu yingtai studied in the institute together and lived together. Graally Zhu yingtai was attracted to Liang shanbo, but Liang shanbo didn’t know. However Ma wencai loved Zhu yingtai very much. Therefore, Zhu yingtai deliberately closed to Ma wencai and wanted to catch shanbo’s attention.
黄老师:Confucius said: study with the regular review. Happily.
学生:Confucius said: study with the regular review. Happily.
黄老师:Confucius said: There are friends coming from distance. Happily.
学生:Confucius said: There are friends coming from distance. Happily.
黄老师:Confucius said: Know is know。unknown is unknown。It’s wise
学生:Confucius said: Know is know。unknown is unknown。It’s wise.
黄老师:(看看梁祝,正襟危坐,以为马在欺骗他)You’re telling lies. Bad boy, go out to stand in the corner for an hour!
Love comes when you least expect them to. Day by day, Liang Shanbo discovered that he had fallen in love with Zhu Yingtai. Tossing and turning, he couldn’t sleep at nights, with the puzzle that whether he was a gay.
梁:God! What can I do now? Please help me! Please forgive me! Because I find that I have fallen in love with Zhu Yingtai! (两眼看着天空,无力地转过身,看到了英台,目瞪口呆)
祝:(又害怕,又惊喜,靠近梁,梁后退)Shanbo,are you kidding ?You said you love me?!
梁:(转过身,挣扎着要不要告诉祝,最后鼓起勇气,深呼吸)I’m sure I love you!(神情款款)
梁:What’s wrong with you? Did I scare you?
祝:No! I’m very happy indeed, because I love you too. And the most important is I’m a girl.
梁:That’s impossible! I have lived with you for such a long time. Why don’t I recognize that you’re a girl?
祝:I’m truly a girl! And I disguised myself as a man.
After Liang shanbo having bared his heart to her and succeeded, he decided to visit yingtai’s parents, for making a proposal.
梁山伯:(提着一篮水果上门)Mother-in-law Father-in-law. I’m Liangshanbo. I love your daughter ,I want to marry her!I’m assured that I will take good care of her, although I’m not wealthy.
祝英台母亲:Oh no no no ! She doesn’t want to marry you. I can’t promise anything.(从头扫到尾,不屑地看着梁)
祝英台父亲:You are like a toad trying to swallow a swan!(指着梁的鼻子骂道)
马文才:(带着两个手下,大摇大摆地进门)Mother-in-law Father-in-law. I’m Mawencai. I love your daughter, too. I want to marry her! Look! This is my apartment(仆人一号) and that is my car(仆人二号). I can give yingtai more happiness than Liangshanbo.
祝英台母亲:Oh yeah, that’s good ! My daughter is willing to marry you. (双眼发光)
祝父:Wow, this is my son-in-law!
四九:No !!!Stop! Don’t fight with each other!
吟心:Why not ask Mrs. Huang to have a judge?
梁马:(停下来)OK! Let’s go!
师母:What are you doing, guys?
梁:Ma Wencai wants to separate Yingtai from me.
马:I love Yingtai, too. So why can’t I marry her?
师母:Ok you can decide the winner by Stone Scissors Cloth. There are three matches, and then who win the two of those will marry Zhuyingtai.
师母:Oh yeah Liangshanbo win
马文才:Why ?? Why not I win the match???
师母:Ok go on.
学生同声说:Look! Let’s guess who will win the match!(交头接耳)
师母:Wa Liangshanbo win the match ,Liangshanbo will win Zhu yingtai !!
马文才:(大哭)Why? Why? Why did I choose stone?
祝英台:If I were to fall in love.
It would have to be with you.
Your eyes, your smile
The way you laugh.
The things you say and do.
Take me to the places.
My heart never knew
So, if I were to fall in love.
It would have to be with you.
梁山伯:Two star crossed lovers in perfect harmony.
Just give me a chance and you will agree.
I was meant for you.
And you were meant for me.
With all the people’s blessing, Liang shanbo married Zhu yingtai. After that moment, they lived happily and sweetly.
回答者: liuchaoliullll - 高级弟子 三级 2009-10-15 23:22
检举 手机的故事
3. 谁能告诉我动画片的梁山伯与祝英台叫什么名字啊我只知道是刘若英和吴宗宪配音的.急啊
直接搜索 动画版《梁山伯与祝英台》片名:梁山伯与祝英台/梁祝
英文:The Butterfly Lovers
编剧:蔡明钦 邓亚宴
4. 英语课本剧《梁祝》
The Butterfly Lovers
第一幕 佳人倩影
英台:「Good morning teacher I’m 祝英台 ,the master祝’s daughter. I have been yearning to study for a long time. And I have been eager to enter this school since I was a child. Could you give me a chance?」走到教室门口 向老师说
老师:「What? You are a girl. Don’t you know that it is not the place for a woman to study? A woman has no talent other then to marry and bear children. You just go home and find a man without concern to marry. Woman, your name is ‘loser’ 」不屑状 拿扇子敲英台头
英台:「 Where there is a will there is a way, you know?哼」跺脚+生气的走掉
After coming home, she feels so angry and discontented. She takes a can of spray paint, sneaks into the school and is dying to… that’s right, she spray paints the wall, until the can runs out of paint. She stops painting and feels tired. As she readies to home, she drops her handkerchief to the floor but doesn’t realize this.
山伯:「Oh, what a gorgeous babe!」山伯路过学校,与英台擦肩而过,吃惊的说。且看到地上有那位姑娘掉的手帕,便顺手捡起来。「Hope I could return the handkerchief to her next time when I meet her」
第二幕 拜访 启程
The next morning the teacher entered the classroom and found out that the wall had been destroyed and was in a mess. He was so shocked and angry! After checking his surveillance camera, he knows it was that rough girl, 英台, with whom he had an awkward interaction the last morning. The teacher went to 祝家 immediately…
老师:「Master祝,please take your daughter in your hand. I know she truly likes painting, but she cannot take my classroom as a canvas!! She actually took advantage of darkness of the night and left the room in a mess. Making up for your daughter’s fault is your responsibility.」歇斯底里状 比手画脚的快杀人样
祝父:「Oh my god!! That stupid girl! What good things she did! I just want to kill her now! Sorry, teacher, I’ll punish her. Please don’t make what happened widely known and I will pay for the damages.」
祝父(大叫):「英台,Come out of that damn room right now and come in to the living room. I said ‘now’; not tomorrow, not next year, NOW!」英台困惑地走出来
祝父骂:「What’s wrong with you? Are you out of your mind? You actually caused a lot of trouble at the school! You have lost the face of the 祝 family.」羞愧地摸额头摇头
英台:「That wasn’t my original intention. The fuddy-ddy didn’t give me the admission to the school. Papa, you’ve always rapped me over the knuckles and nagged on my head since I was a child, and...and you don’t even know how much of my favorite paint I had to waste because of that…square headed teacher. If he and you still forbid me from entering school then… I’m not sure if I will be able to stop my hands from opening the other cans of paint.」
英台威胁 祝父惊吓状,发抖地一语不发。祝母跑进
祝母:「Honey, calm down. Keep your cool and let her go.」扶祝父手痛哭状 英台得意貌
祝父:「All right, just do what you want. When you reach the age of maturity, I will let you leave this house. And then you will know what the real world is really like.」无奈貌
第三幕 初遇
银心对英台说:「Miss, before we go, shall we camouflage ourselves?」
英台答应〈点头样〉:『Good idea!!』
On their way to the school, 英台 and 银心 suddenly knock into the car of 山伯 and 四九.
英台向山伯理论:「Is the road yours? How dare you be so absent-minded when driving!」
山伯见到英台吓到,心想:「He?she?英台? Is it the same person? How similar they are! Is it possible that they belong to the same family?」看傻了眼
银心说:「Because your servant is so handsome, just forget what happened and let’s call it a truce.」对四九抛媚眼,娇羞地跟英台骑走,二人频频回头….
第四幕:注册 马文才
英台 and 银心 eventually arrived at the school. The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, the birds are singing…all in all it’s a perfect day! The line is already so long, so they fall into rank right away. Close to them in the same line is an arrogant student whose name is马文才!
马说:「Get away! This is my place, you good- for- nothing punks」嚣张样,伸手一推,竟碰到英台的胸部!
英台大叫:「阿~~~」马惊吓,尴尬的收手,跑到队伍最后纳闷著英台的性别 英台想追过去大骂
银心抓住她说:「Remember, you are a man now, avoid showing your true self.」
此时仆人跑近,拿著早餐说:「Your Manto master!」尊敬样呈上
马摸摸自己的胸部又摸摸馒头,恍然大悟貌,原来阿~~~「oh she is a girl!」
又转过头去骂仆人:「You stupid pig! Eating Manto in an English play. Go and get me a burger and French Fries.」打仆人一巴掌
山伯 enters and slowly joins the line. He falls into the latest rank, but he doesn’t see 英台.
第五幕 中文课 好感
On the class, 马文才 and 梁山伯 argue to sit next to 英台. Their annoying behavior is noticed by the teacher. The teacher decides to prohibit this.
老师说:「Good boy!Sit down here!」叫马文才坐到讲桌旁
老师开始上课:「ok guys, what class is this….. 」
大家齐声喊:「Chinese !」
老师:「对 是国文课.so no English in my class from now」用外
老师:「好 先来复习上次的课 大家有没有问题?」
马:「teacher, I have a question…」话还没说完 被老师打了一大
马:「ok ok , I’m sorry」一脸急样 马上又被老师打
马:「ㄜ……. I , I, I 要去尿尿」
老师尴尬 本来手已经举起准备要打马 又放下收到背后 装没
事 说:「快去快回」
马文才急忙走 班上同学窃笑 银心对英台说:「he is always like
a fool.」两人嘻嘻笑 四九偷听他们说话 不小心笑太大声 结果
老师:「四九 你在做什麼 给我上来带著同学念」四九上台慌张
样 比手画脚要山伯提示他 山伯拿出毛笔和纸 不急不徐写了
四九恍然大悟点点头 接著开始念:「人之初」全班:「人之初 性
本善」 山伯手拿出小牌子 上面写『就是强』英台崇拜的眼神
闪亮亮 看到出神 又被老师发现
叫起来问说:「英台 你在做什麼?」英台还没回过神
英台说:「山伯好帅喔!」全班尖叫 起簟�?
马文才正好尿回来 高兴说:「OH, I’m so popular!!」老师又大打
老师说:「No English in my class!!」全班发现老师出错
全班齐声:「ㄏㄛˊ~~~~~」老师惊 张嘴 崩溃(孟克的呐喊)
第六幕 彩虹旗
这天晚上,山伯对四九说:「Do you feel 英台 looks like the girl
who lost handkerchief that day?」
四九说:「Yeah! I agree. 英台is a really beautiful...mmm… boy!」
山伯说:「During these days, the way we get along with each other
brings up a strong affection between us. It’s not only friendship, but…」
四九接:「Falling in love with him?」
山伯开始心中小恶魔与小天使的战争:「Oh, am I really a gay? What should I do?」
小天使说:「no, it’s just an illusion!」
小恶魔:「really? Are you sure it’s just an illusion? Don’t deceive
your self as well as others .」
小天使:「no no no, you think you have feelings of love for him but actually you don’t. You just feel he’s like your family. That’s all. There’s no other feelings.」
小恶魔:「Is it possible that you have butterflies in your
stomach when you see him?」山伯一副做坏事被发现的样子
小天使:「Oh, my god! You really do have feelings for him. Do you want to move to San Francisco?」
小恶魔:「Yes, you should have gone there a long time ago. That is the place where men like you should go.」
观众席里面的埋伏同学 举起【彩虹旗】挥阿挥的
小恶魔将山伯拉到舞台最前面说:「Look, the rainbow flags are
waiting for you.」
当小天使又要去说服山伯的时候 被小恶魔打了一拳
第七幕 春夏秋冬
As time goes by, they become more and more closer. 山伯knows that he can’t control his emotion any more! He has to release his desire to hold her and express his love from the deepest part of his heart. They fall in love, and give each other company through spring, summer, autumn, and winter…
山伯&英台野外散步,山伯摘了花,对英台说:「See, the flowers
are beautiful. How about we take a bunch of them for teacher’s
英台吃醋:「why not for me?」娇嗔状
山伯问:「You also like the things which girls like?」
英台山伯下台换夏装 银心四九高兴蹦蹦跳跳出场 场景不变
四九说:「see, the flowers are beautiful.」
银心说:「yeah, they’re beautiful」
四九摘花送银心 银心哈啾:「don’t you know I’m allergic of
flowers? Crazy fool!」
笑骂状 下场
Summer…….(追逐游戏,互餵冰棒)夏景出 山伯英台出场 山
山伯说:「7-11’s ice cream. Buy one, get one free! Let’s try it」
英台说:「You are so greedy. One is enough」把另一支丢到地上 两人张
口大吃冰棒 边走边吃 下台 银心四九接后面上台
四九看到地上的冰棒超兴奋 先冲去捡起来 藏在背后 对银心
说:「Hey,银心, surprise!!」
银心惊喜:「an ice cream!!」张口 四九餵他吃
银心吃了 说:「oh, pepper flavor!!」疑惑:「new flavor??」
四九:「yeah, buy one get one free. I have just eaten one.」
两个人欢喜走掉 途中银心还是疑惑的吃著 英台山伯秋装出
英台问山伯说:「Is fall coming?」
英台:「山伯,you are so…intelligent」崇拜样
骑脚踏车卖番薯的老爹出现 叫卖:「swee~~t potato~~~」
两人买番薯 英台怕烫:「oh, too hot!!」 掉番薯
山伯:「that’s ok. I’ll buy another one.」
山伯买来之后 拨成一半 吹吹 给英台吃
山伯:「Be careful. It’s hot.」
英台:「oh 山伯,you’re so sweet!!」
两人边走边吃走下台 四九银心接上
四九先走近地上烤番薯 拿起 窃笑:「wow, it’s still warm.」
转身拿给银心吃 银心高兴吃一口 觉得怪 问:「it tastes
strange….pepper flavor again??」四九尴尬的笑著快走掉
银心追问:「hey, what’s wrong with the sweet potato? wait……」
两人异口同声说:「it’s cold….」羞
山伯说:「time goes so fast. We’ve been getting along from spring to winter….」
看到英台冷到不行 就把围巾拿下 给他围
山伯问:「What’s wrong? If there is something worrying you, just tell. You can share your unhappiness and worries with me.」担心貌
英台说:「In fact, ring these days my mother has repeatedly asked me to return home. It seems to be an emergency, but I’m reluctant to give up my studies.」愁云惨淡貌
山伯说:「Since it’s so, you should go home!But before you leave, I have something important to tell you…」
英台说:「sure, go ahead!」期待状
山伯深呼吸完说:「Two years ago, before you showed up in my life, the owner of this handkerchief, she made my heart skip a beat and ever since that time I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I fell in love with her at first sight. But since I met you, the handkerchief has had no meaning in my life.」丢手帕
英台说:「No! I will not allow you to throw away my handkerchief!」娇羞
山伯一脸惊愕的说:「It’s you? you?? You are that girl! Unexpectedly, it turns out that you’re the one who makes my heart love and miss so much, all day long!」滮H相拥而泣……[银心,四
英台又支支吾吾:「Today, I’ll be leaving for home and I’ll be away from you for some time. But I keep my heart in your hand for safe keeping. The boat is going to leave.」
银心在远方的船上喊道:「Miss, the boat is ready to sail away. Hurry up!」
英台紧握山伯手:「Remember I will wait for you. you keep the
handkerchief as a reminder that I am always with you ……」
英台走向船 挥别山伯 不断喊道:「Come to my home and ask my father if you could marry me. Keep this in mind. When you show up, I will be your bride ……」 四人互相
第八幕 归乡 坏消息
As 英台and 银心 come home, they see there are lots of gifts in their house. And they think it must have been given by 山伯.
银心兴奋说:「Wow~ Look! So many presents over here 山伯is
so thoughtful. The presents have arrived even before his proposal.」英台娇羞状
马说:「Surprise!! Glad to see me? 」耍帅状
英台:「Well… Who …. Who ….who are you ?」想假装不认
马:「Ha! Ha! Ha! …Don’t pretend you don’t know me. I know you recognize me and I know you are a girl.」奸笑
英台:「I would rather die than marry you. Marry you? You must be dreaming!
Actually, the father of马文才 has been waiting for a long time. 英台 walks to her parents. All the lovesickness has turned into sorrowful tears- tears that’s fall down like a heavy. They hold each other closely, and then talk with all smiles.
马爸:「Let’s get down to some serious business …」场面尴尬……..
祝爸:「My sweet heart! You have seen those gifts in front of the door. The wedding has already been decided, ok? 」
英台:「Never! Why should you make the decision for my own
marriage? I can’t accept marrying such a disgusting guy. Moreover, I already love someone else. And he will be coming here soon to propose.」
祝爸:「I’m your farther. My word is my command. There’s nothing to negotiate. We have no money and no power, and even no influence. 哎…obey my order this time! He will give you happiness 」
英台:「No! Tell me, what is your definition of happiness? Living and fighting day and night, hour after hour, with a man I don’t love. Apart from that, I have already told you, very clearly, that I have found the one who brings me pure happiness!!」
马文才和马爸大笑:「Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! ………」
山伯 and 四九suddenly enter the house with a small gift. Looking at the numerous gifts of马文才, he begins to feel weak and his confidence is deflated. 马文才secretly begins to beat him. He beats him to death but no one knows about this.
马爸说:「What’s happiness? You say love is happiness. Can love buy you milk and bread? My son is a titanic bread and has more milk than a thousand cows! It's a pity if you don’t take it.…. and he looks so handsome, just like me!」祝家傻眼 呕吐…
马爸提醒祝爸:「Three days later, we’ll come and my son will marry英台!Look after your daughter, and don’t forget your future is controlled by my hand.」狂笑貌
第九幕 真相 心碎
On the last night before the wedding, 英台 did not hear from 山伯. She was so sad and thought that maybe he already forgot her. Her mother was so worried about her and afraid that she would probably do something stupid. So she walked into 英台’s bedroom, planning to talk with her, heart to heart.
祝母:「My baby, it’s impossible for everyone to marry the right person. There’s always a victim in love. Although you and山伯like each other, he couldn’t give you any bliss.」
英台:「No!!He promised he’d come to marry me and he’ll do it. I
guess something has obstructed him.」
祝母:「Oh my dear, calm down and listen to me. He really can’t come here anymore. He has already died!」场面顿时凝住…英台昏倒。
祝母呼喊…「英台~~~~~~~Wake up! Wake up!Baby!」
银心冲进房,说:「Wake up miss!You’re not alone! We all love you so much~」
英台慢慢苏醒问祝母:「Where’s山伯’s graveyard?Maybe…he wants me to stay with him…」虚状,眼神呆滞向远方
第十幕 蝴蝶恋人
英台要求轿夫:「just follow 四九.」
英台对四九说:「四九 take me to meet山伯. I’m so pretty today, and all dressed-up. He’ll be so surprised to see me again…」哀伤状
四九说:「Miss, we’re coming closer, you go there by yourself. and we
stay here and wait for you」
英台:「山伯,do you like my dressing today? It’s all for you. I spent lots
of time dressing up. Please don’t feel unpleasant, ok?」微笑 眼眶含泪
英台盯著那只蝴蝶,手指著蝴蝶说:「山伯 look. a butterfly~」依旧含泪,灯光聚集英台,山伯从暗处走向英台,为英台拭泪,英台似乎感受到山伯,视线慢慢转向山伯,山伯提起英台的手,两人缓缓走掉。
2006-11-7 08:04 PM #1
5. 急求梁山伯与祝英台的英文版简介,要通俗点的。我要向留学生介绍这个故事,万分感谢!
The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (Butterfly Lovers) is based upon a historical legend known to every Chinese.It was in the feudal China, when love as young people's own choice was considered to be devious from the norm of the society.
However, two young people fell in love, and in a very dramatic way.Having been close friends at school,the young man, Liang Shanbo would never imagine that his pal Zhu Yingtai should turn out to be a fair lady when they were back home after finishing their school.
As a matter of fact, in those days, the sphere of activity of women was none other than their homes.In order to receive ecation as man did, the girl had disguised herself as a boy.During the three years of study,she fell in love with Liang Shanbo,who was unaware of her real identity.
At departing, Zhu invited Liang to visit “his” family,and told him “ he ” would ask parents to marry “his” sister to Liang.But since Liang was short of money, he delayed the visit.
Councilor Zhu betrothed Zhu Yingtai to childe Ma.Two years later, Liang Shanbo went to visit Zhu.Only then did he realize that the “sister” was actually Zhu Yingtai herself.
Liang was in deep remorse.He fell ill and failed to recover.He succumbed to the disease soon.
On the day of wedding ,childe Ma sent a flower boat to Zhu's home to bring her lover.
When the flower boat for the bride passed Liang’s tomb,there came a fresh gale,which caused the wave to surge so that the boat could not go any further,informed that Liang’s tomb was on the shore,Zhu ran there and knelt down in front of the tomb waiting bitterly.
Suddenly the skies fell and the earth cracked.Liang’s tomb split open.Seizing this opportunity, Zhu jumped into the tomb,and soon the tomb closed, burying Zhu inside.
Then the rain passed off, and the sky cleared up; the wind abated, and waves calmed down.
A couple of butterflies danced gracefully among the wild flowers.
6. 求1994版徐克拍摄的梁祝,杨采妮和吴奇隆主演,要粤语版,有英文字幕
7. 急求(梁祝)英语话剧台词!
Liang shanbo and Zhu yingtai studied in the institute together and lived together. Graally Zhu yingtai was attracted to Liang shanbo, but Liang shanbo didn’t know. However Ma wencai loved Zhu yingtai very much. Therefore, Zhu yingtai deliberately closed to Ma wencai and wanted to catch shanbo’s attention.
黄老师:Confucius said: study with the regular review. Happily.
学生:Confucius said: study with the regular review. Happily.
黄老师:Confucius said: There are friends coming from distance. Happily.
学生:Confucius said: There are friends coming from distance. Happily.
黄老师:Confucius said: Know is know。unknown is unknown。It’s wise
学生:Confucius said: Know is know。unknown is unknown。It’s wise.
黄老师:(看看梁祝,正襟危坐,以为马在欺骗他)You’re telling lies. Bad boy, go out to stand in the corner for an hour!
Love comes when you least expect them to. Day by day, Liang Shanbo discovered that he had fallen in love with Zhu Yingtai. Tossing and turning, he couldn’t sleep at nights, with the puzzle that whether he was a gay.
梁:God! What can I do now? Please help me! Please forgive me! Because I find that I have fallen in love with Zhu Yingtai! (两眼看着天空,无力地转过身,看到了英台,目瞪口呆)
祝:(又害怕,又惊喜,靠近梁,梁后退)Shanbo,are you kidding ?You said you love me?!
梁:(转过身,挣扎着要不要告诉祝,最后鼓起勇气,深呼吸)I’m sure I love you!(神情款款)
梁:What’s wrong with you? Did I scare you?
祝:No! I’m very happy indeed, because I love you too. And the most important is I’m a girl.
梁:That’s impossible! I have lived with you for such a long time. Why don’t I recognize that you’re a girl?
祝:I’m truly a girl! And I disguised myself as a man.
After Liang shanbo having bared his heart to her and succeeded, he decided to visit yingtai’s parents, for making a proposal.
梁山伯:(提着一篮水果上门)Mother-in-law Father-in-law. I’m Liangshanbo. I love your daughter ,I want to marry her!I’m assured that I will take good care of her, although I’m not wealthy.
祝英台母亲:Oh no no no ! She doesn’t want to marry you. I can’t promise anything.(从头扫到尾,不屑地看着梁)
祝英台父亲:You are like a toad trying to swallow a swan!(指着梁的鼻子骂道)
马文才:(带着两个手下,大摇大摆地进门)Mother-in-law Father-in-law. I’m Mawencai. I love your daughter, too. I want to marry her! Look! This is my apartment(仆人一号) and that is my car(仆人二号). I can give yingtai more happiness than Liangshanbo.
祝英台母亲:Oh yeah, that’s good ! My daughter is willing to marry you. (双眼发光)
祝父:Wow, this is my son-in-law!
四九:No !!!Stop! Don’t fight with each other!
吟心:Why not ask Mrs. Huang to have a judge?
梁马:(停下来)OK! Let’s go!
师母:What are you doing, guys?
梁:Ma Wencai wants to separate Yingtai from me.
马:I love Yingtai, too. So why can’t I marry her?
师母:Ok you can decide the winner by Stone Scissors Cloth. There are three matches, and then who win the two of those will marry Zhuyingtai.
师母:Oh yeah Liangshanbo win
马文才:Why ?? Why not I win the match???
师母:Ok go on.
学生同声说:Look! Let’s guess who will win the match!(交头接耳)
师母:Wa Liangshanbo win the match ,Liangshanbo will win Zhu yingtai !!
马文才:(大哭)Why? Why? Why did I choose stone?
祝英台:If I were to fall in love.
It would have to be with you.
Your eyes, your smile
The way you laugh.
The things you say and do.
Take me to the places.
My heart never knew
So, if I were to fall in love.
It would have to be with you.
梁山伯:Two star crossed lovers in perfect harmony.
Just give me a chance and you will agree.
I was meant for you.
And you were meant for me.
With all the people’s blessing, Liang shanbo married Zhu yingtai. After that moment, they lived happily and sweetly.