① 《美丽心灵》的英文名和简介(要短的)
独与天地精神往来,而不敖倪于万物。不谴是非,以与世俗处。” ——《庄子 天下篇》
今天刚刚看完《美丽心灵》(《Beautiful Mind》)。
翻译外国影片的名字绝对是件令人苦恼的事情:就比如此片,美丽心灵就远没有表达出影片中"Beautiful Mind"所代表的涵义。Mind不应该单单被译为心灵、精神,更有大脑、智力的意思。"Beautiful Mind"——“完美的头脑”。
“I've always believed in numbers and the equations and logics that lead to reason.”
这可真妙,在我看来,人人都该像Nash 一样,譬如画家有的画笔、作曲有曲调音符、演奏家有乐器、书法家有笔墨、诗人有文字、数学家有函数方程、农人靠稼耕、匠人有手艺、哲学家靠冥思,就像人人都有属于自己的、了解探知世界的一套语言似的,不需要讲出来,自己慢慢放在心里收散聚合、体会涵泳。渐渐就体悟到自然、人性、艺术的真实不虚,你能感到无限在你掌上,永恒在霎那间被收藏。
这是学者了不起的本领,Nash 在普林斯顿求学时不就已经有了“迂远繁琐之讥”了么?Nash 贴满房间的草稿、普林斯顿图书馆玻璃上的数学方程不就是“深湛幽渺之思”么?
“科学的唯一目的是人类思想的荣耀,而且应该知道,在这个观点下,数的问题与关于宇宙体系的问题具有同等价值。 ”
② 《美丽心灵》的英文评论
I wasn't actually planning on going to see "A Beautiful Mind" in the first place, but as it was, I was convinced by the friend that accompanied me that it was truly something to see. And now, after seeing it, I thank her for that. Instead of spending two and a half hours watching George Clooney and Matt Damon rob casinos or Kevin Spacey and Julianne Moore dealing with their problems in New Foundland, I found myself pulled into another kind of story, a powerful, emotional story of how one man learned to battle his own demons and dazzle the world.
"A Beautiful Mind", based on the novel by Sylvia Nasar, is the story of John Forbes Nash Jr., the genius mathematician, whose life suddenly takes a turn for the worse when he is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. After fierce battles with his inner self, he overcomes this and returns to win the Nobel Prize in 1994 for his brakethrough game theory in economics that he had been working on ring his years in Princeton University in the 1950s.
John Nash, portrayed very well by the versatile and brilliant Russell Crowe, is a partly shy, yet ironic and sometimes even arrogant, gifted young student studying in Princeton University in the late 1940s. He dedicates his time to numbers and equations, set on to solving every problem at hand, rather than mingling with co-students on the football field or in the pub.
Nash is later on introced to Sylvia (played by the lovely Jennifer Connely), a physics student attending his classes. She helps Nash to open up and eventually discover love.
Enter William Parcher (played by Ed Harris), a shadowy and mysterious agent working for the Department of Defense. Parcher, after realizing Nash's ability to see mathematical and geometrical patterns everywhere, approaches Nash with a mission that involves national security.
Now, amidst his work and relationship, Nash is suddenly thrown into a whirlwind of emotions and disbeliefs as he is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. And this is the part where "A Beautiful Mind" truly shines: in portraying the disorder from Nash's own point of view. In a powerful and emotional way, it shows the viewer how difficult an illness like this can be to not only face, but overcome, something that people today may not always realize.
Before seeing this movie, I must admit that I was a bit afraid that casting such a well-known actor as Russell Crowe as the main character would ruin the image of John Nash, forcing the viewer to see Crowe, rather than Nash. This is a common problem when dealing with famous actors, but to my surprise, it didn't much bother me much. And the same goes for Ed Harris.
As a movie, "A Beautiful Mind" is absolutely great (It is so much more, but I cannot find the words to praise it enough, so I will simply go with "great" =). Not only does it have a strong point and an importaint message to the viewer, but it delivers it in a touching and sensitive, partly even humourous kind of way, with the help of powerful actors, a great screenplay and even a few special effects to boost it up. So for anyone whose grown tired of the consant pointless action-movies out there, and instead want to immerse themselves into a character-driven story that might actually bring a tear to your eyes, I sincerily recommend "A Beautiful Mind".
③ 美丽心灵这部电影主要是讲什么
2、电影英文名为 ABeautifulMind,是由朗·霍华德执导,罗素·克劳、詹妮弗·康纳利等主演的一部电影。影片于2001年12月13日在美国上映。
④ 介绍《美丽心灵》的英文短文50字
范文:The handsome and eccentric mathematician John Nash (Russell Crowe) published his game theory when he was a graate student. His 26 page paper had a far-reaching impact in the fields of economy, military and so on.
He began to enjoy international reputation. But Nash's outstanding intuition was troubled by schizophrenia, which greatly changed his brilliant process of marching to the highest academic level.
⑤ 求美丽心灵的英文影评
⑥ 用英文介绍自己喜欢的电影和理由,简单易懂(100词左右)就〈美丽心灵〉
I like the seven pounds "this movie, actor because their driving carelessly also his wife and leave the personal loss of life、、
including the lover. For a sin, the donated property and organs, saved seven people's life
After watching movies I have been such a question: "if you can get someone else's heart or a normal match the words, affectionate Tim would not give his life?", seriousness and Tim guilt, he may only be released in soul the moment to let the heart toward heaven, it comfortably in the continuation of life is actually a kind of means. Westerners redemption complex is very thick, always give a person a kind of great epic buskined feeling, life often at that moment the particularly great highlights
恩 模仿的 不知道翻译怎么样、、
⑦ 有没有美丽心灵的英文简介呀 最好是长一点的
A biopic of the meteoric rise of John Forbes Nash Jr., a math prodigy able to solve problems that baffled the greatest of minds. And how he overcame years of suffering through schizophrenia to win the Nobel Prize. Written by Anonymous
From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experienced it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over his tragedy, and finally - late in life - received the Nobel Prize. Written by Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures
At Princeton University, John Nash struggles to make a worthwhile contribution to serve as his legacy to the world of mathematics. He finally makes a revolutionary breakthrough that will eventually earn him the Nobel Prize. After graate school he turns to teaching, becoming romantically involved with his student Alicia. Meanwhile the government asks his help with breaking Soviet codes, which soon gets him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot. Nash grows more and more paranoid until a discovery that turns his entire world upside down. Now it is only with Alicia's help that he will be able to recover his mental strength and regain his status as the great mathematician we know him as today. Written by rmlohner
John Nash goes through a myriad of highs and lows from his time as a Mathematics student in graate school at Princeton in the late 1940's to his Nobel Prize win for Economics in 1994. A brilliant but somewhat arrogant and antisocial man, Nash preferred to spend his time with his thoughts, which were primarily of seeing mathematical formula associated with everyday occurrences, than with people. Two people he did make a connection with were Charles, his roommate at Princeton, and Alicia Larde, one of his students when he was teaching at M.I.T. in the early 1950's. He and Alicia eventually marry. As time goes on, Nash lives more and more within himself which causes major problems in his life. But Alicia stands by her husband to his redemption to the Nobel Prize win. Nash learns that his graate school colleagues, with whom he had a cordial but somewhat distant relationship, are closer friends than he imagined, although in his later life he really does miss Charles' company more than anything despite knowing that spending time with Charles is not in his or anyone's best interest.Written by Huggo
⑧ 求电影《美丽心灵》的英文影评
At Princeton University, John Nash struggles to make a worthwhile contribution to serve as his legacy to the world of mathematics. He finally makes a revolutionary breakthrough that will eventually earn him the Nobel Prize. After graate school he turns to teaching, becoming romantically involved with his student Alicia. Meanwhile the government asks his help with breaking Soviet codes, which soon gets him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot. Nash grows more and more paranoid until a discovery that turns his entire world upside down. Now it is only with Alicia's help that he will be able to recover his mental strength and regain his status as the great mathematician we know him as today.
⑨ 英文电影《美丽心灵》简介要详细的
《美丽心灵》是一部关于一个真实天才的极富人性的剧情片。故事的原型是数学家小约翰-福布斯-纳什(Jr.John Forbes Nash)。英俊而又十分古怪的纳什早年就作出了惊人的数学发现,开始享有国际声誉。但纳什出众的直觉受到了精神分裂症的困扰,使他向学术上最高层次进军的辉煌历程发生了巨大改变。面对这个曾经击毁了许多人的挑战,纳什在深爱着的妻子艾丽西亚(Alicia)的相助下,毫不畏惧,顽强抗争。经过了几十年的艰难努力,他终于战胜了这个不幸,并于1994年获得诺贝尔奖。这是一个真人真事的传奇故事,今天纳什继续在他的领域中耕耘着。
1947年小约翰-福布斯-纳什(罗素-克洛饰,Russell Crowe)进入普林斯顿大学学习并研究数学。这个"神秘的来自西弗吉尼亚的天才"并没有上预备班的经历,也没有遗产或富足的亲戚资助他进入“常春藤盟校”(Ivy League)----但普林斯顿最具声誉的奖学金证明他确实属于普林斯顿这个团队。
普林斯顿的数学系竞争十分激烈,纳什的一些同学也十分乐于看到纳什的失败。但是,他们仍然十分容忍他,有意无意地怂恿他当个伟人。一个晚上他与一些同学在当地洒吧娱乐,当时他们对一个热情的金发碧眼女人的反应引发了他的灵感。当纳什观察着这些竞争对手时,常常在他脑海里酝酿的想法突然变得清晰起来。他随之撰写出了关于博奕论的论文----“竞争中的数学”----大胆地将现代经济之父亚当-斯密(Adam Smith)的理论作出了不同的解释。这个已经被人们接受了150年的思想突然变得陈旧过时了,纳什的生活也从此发生了改变。
纳什后来获得了在麻省理工学院(MIT)进行研究和教学的工作,这可是一个众人觊觎的工作,但是他对这些并不满意。科学曾为美国在第二次世界大战中的获胜发挥了巨大的作用。现在,冷战盛行,纳什渴望在这场新的冲突中发挥自己的优势。他的愿望得到了实现,神秘兮兮的威廉-帕彻(William Parcher,埃德-哈里斯饰,Ed Harris)招募他参加一个绝密的任务,破解敌人的密码。
纳什在麻省理工学院工作的同时,全身心地投入到这个耗神的工作中。在这里,纳什受到了一种全新的挑战,但是这次的挑战却是来自光彩照人的艾丽西亚-拉迪(Alicia Larde,珍妮弗-康奈利饰,Jennifer Connelly),一个物理系学生,她向纳什引入了一个从来没有认真考虑过的观念----爱情。