A. 老人与海60字英文读后感,速求!!!!!!!
"Vessel crossed the end of the world, into the unknown sea, hanging on the side of the bow while wind and rain erosion-stricken still incomparably beautiful flag, banner, brandishing a Yunlong general words glittering - beyond the limit "This is the author of Hemingway's evaluation of his work" The Old Man and the Sea ".
Life itself is an endless pursuit. It's a long road, difficult and full of bumpy, but as long as their indomitable courage and self-confidence to a heart to meet the challenge, he will always be a real winner!
B. 求一篇 老人与海 的英文读后感 50字
范文:The Old Man and the Sea is the most classic and concernful novel of Hemmingway's. Its compendious expression and exciting fighting narrative attracts numerous readers.
The author repeatedly emphasized his customary key thoughts in the story: despairing courage, struggling on both physically and psychologically, and the hero's brave, glory and noble character.
C. 求《老人与海》的英文评价
背景和评价 都在这
Background and publication
Most people maintain that the years following Hemingway's publication of For Whom the Bell Tolls in 1940 until 1952 were the bleakest in his literary career. The novel Across the River and Into the Trees (1950) was almost unanimously disparaged by critics as self-parody. Evidently his participation as an Allied correspondent in World War II did not yield fruits equivalent to those wrought of his experiences in World War I (A Farewell to Arms, 1929) or the Spanish Civil War (For Whom the Bell Tolls).
Hemingway had initially planned to use Santiago's story, which became The Old Man and the Sea, as part of a random intimacy between mother and son and also the fact of relationships that cover most of the book relate to the Bible, which he referred to as "The Sea Book." (He also referred to the Bible as the "Sea of Knowledge" and other such things.) Some aspects of it did appear in the posthumously published Islands in the Stream. Positive feedback he received for On the Blue Water (Esquire, April 1936) led him to rewrite it as an independent work. The book is a novella because it has no chapters or parts and is slightly longer than a short story.
The novella first appeared, in its 26,500-word entirety, as part of the September 1, 1952 edition of Life magazine. 5.3 million copies of that issue were sold within two days. The majority of concurrent criticism was positive, although some dissenting criticism has since emerged. The title was misprinted on the cover of an early edition as The Old Men and the Sea.
Literary significance and criticism
The Old Man and the Sea served to reinvigorate Hemingway's literary reputation and prompted a reexamination of his entire body of work. The novella was initially received with much popularity; it restored many readers' confidence in Hemingway's capability as an author. Its publisher, Scribner's, on an early st jacket, called the novella a "new classic," and many critics favorably compared it with such works as William Faulkner's "The Bear" and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick.
Following such acclaim, however, a school of critics emerged that interpreted the novella as a disappointing minor work. For example, critic Philip Young provided an admiring review in 1952, just following The Old Man and the Sea's publication, in which he stated that it was the book "in which Hemingway said the finest single thing he ever had to say as well as he could ever hope to say it." However, in 1966, Young claimed that the "failed novel" too often "went way out." These self-contradictory views show that critical reaction ranged from adoration of the book's mythical, pseudo-religious intonations to flippant dismissal as pure fakery. The latter is founded in the notion that Hemingway, once a devoted student of realism, failed in his depiction of Santiago as a supernatural, clairvoyant impossibility.
Joseph Waldmeir's essay entitled "Confiteor Hominem: Ernest Hemingway's Religion of Man" is one of the most famed favorable critical readings of the novella—and one which has defined analytical considerations since. Perhaps the most memorable claim therein is Waldmeir's answer to the rhetorical question,
Just what is the book's message?
The answer assumes a third level on which The Old Man and the Sea must be read—as a sort of allegorical commentary on all his previous work, by means of which it may be established that the religious overtones of The Old Man and the Sea are not peculiar to that book among Hemingway's works, and that Hemingway has finally taken the decisive step in elevating what might be called his philosophy of Manhood to the level of a religion.
As of 2006, the current cover for the Charles Scribner's Sons edition of the novellaWaldmeir was one of the most prominent critics to wholly consider the function of the novella's Christian imagery, made most evident through Santiago's blatant reference to the crucifixion following his sighting of the sharks that reads:
Ay, he said aloud. There is no translation for this word and perhaps it is just a noise such as a man might make, involuntarily, feeling the nail go through his hands and into the wood.
Waldmeir's analysis of this line, supplemented with other instances of similar symbolism, caused him to claim that The Old Man and the Sea was a seminal work in raising Hemingway's "philosophy of Manhood" to a religious level.This hallmark criticism stands as one of the most rable, positive treatments of the novella.
On the other hand, one of the most outspoken critics of The Old Man and the Sea is Robert P. Weeks. His 1962 piece "Fakery in The Old Man and the Sea" presents his claim that the novella is a weak and unexpected divergence from the typical, realistic Hemingway (referring to the rest of Hemingway's body of work as "earlier glories"). In juxtaposing this novella against Hemingway's previous works, Weeks explains that
The difference, however, in the effectiveness with which Hemingway employs this characteristic device in his best work and in The Old Man and the Sea is illuminating. The work of fiction in which Hemingway devoted the most attention to natural objects, The Old Man and the Sea, is pieced out with an extraordinary quantity of fakery, extraordinary because one would expect to find no inexactness, no romanticizing of natural objects in a writer who loathed W.H. Hudson, could not read Thoreau, deplored Melville's rhetoric in Moby Dick, and who was himself criticized by other writers, notably Faulkner, for his devotion to the facts and his unwillingness to "invent."
D. 老人与海英文版的内容提要和观后感(英文的),好的加分50
The Old Man and the Sea tells the frustrated experience that the old fisherman fishes in the course. The theme is deep, and it is a song of praise of heroism. “But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated” has been the classic saying and the old man also has been the most typical and the most representative of the Hemingway’s “tough guy”. When Hemingway talked about the successful factors later, the little boy was mentioned in the same breath with the old man.
This paper starts with the details and it is divided into two main parts to discuss the indispensable roles of the little boy in the novel. It is him who helps to perform the theme of “grace under pressure”: ring 40 days, the old man with the little boy went to fish but without taking a fish, when his situation was getting worse step by step, the little boy’s leaving was the heavy pressure that achieved the extreme stern for certain. However , it was so “heavy pressure” that his manner was graceful when the old man faced afterwards defeat and his optimistic, generous life attitude was worthy tasting by people carefully; it is him who plays the role of leading, inspiring to the readers, and increasing the appeal of the work, enriching the content of the work: although the little boy appears only at the beginning and the ending in the novel, there is nothing in his inner state but the old man, so his attitude and emotions towards the old man affects the readers’ emotions for the old man quietly and graally. And it is unavoidable that his inner feeling leads and impacts the readers’ emotions.
Key words: roles; the little boy; the old man; grace under pressure。
本文拟从有关细节入手, 分析 讨论小男孩在《老人与海》中所起的微妙且不可或缺的作用:是他帮助表现了“重压下的优雅风度”这一主题:在老人84天没有捕到鱼,处境一步步恶化的厄运中,小男孩的离去无疑让老人的“重压”达到了极度严峻的地步,然而正是由于如此的“重压”,老人后来面对失败时的态度才可谓“优雅”,所表现的大度、乐观的人生态度才值得人们仔细地品味;是他对读者发挥着一定的牵引、打动和启发作用,从而增强了作品的感染力,丰富了作品的内涵:孩子虽然只出现在小说的首尾两处,但是孩子的内心世界里别无他物,只有老人,他对老人的态度和感情潜移默化地左右着读者对老人的感受,他的内心情感无可避免地要牵动 影响 着读者的情绪。
the Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a GREat part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.
I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.
Pride and Prejudice is a chefdoeuvre.
My first impression of this story was from screen.
It's long long ago, maybe before I can read english books. I don't remember which movie edition I had seen. But I was impressed by the music, the scenery and the costume. I was very favor of a section of music in its balls. It's pretty brisk, liked a wonderful song of a bird. Regarding to the characters, I liked Elizabeth, the heroine,though I didn't think she's beautiful. But she's smart. However, I didn't pay much attention to the plot. I thought it's so long that it made me impatient and bored. By now, I haven't read the whole story in English or its Chinese version, either. I owe it to my prejudice.
In fact, I didn't understand the story at that time. I didn't know why it called Pride and Prejudice. Of course someone was pride, but I didn't find where' s the prejudice. I thought it's normal, the way people treated each other in that. I considered prejudice would be very disgusting. But to the movie everthing was OK in my minds, except its length. Now, I think I have understood more about it. I'm a prejudiced person so I can't find where's wrong. I merely like to do the things I like. Everytime I meet somebody or something,my thinking about he or it all depends on my foregone experience and my mood of the time.
E. 老人与海英文的读后感 100字 翻译
Lions represent courage, strength, is a symbol of the king,Elderly people often dream of a lion on the desire for elderly to live like a lion in the strong,will not be defeated.The spirit of the elderly will never be defeated, because the elderly have the courage to face difficulties, failure and even death,.even if failure comes, we should hold do not give up, admit defeat, not the spirit back to face failure. Although no less than old Marlins, but the old man in spirit has won, he was determined to enre any suffering beyond the limits.
Even if destroyed, nor can it be conquered! Life itself is a kind of endless pursuit. It's way long, difficult and full of obstacles, but if he tenaciously to a brave heart to meet the challenges of self-confidence, will always be a real winner!
F. 求老人与海的英文读后感
桑提亚哥(Santiago)是个可怜的老头——看上去似乎是的。海明威(Hemingway)以自己精炼的语言塑造了这个形象,可以说,海明威并没有给予老人成功,却赋予老人在压力下优雅而坚韧的形象。 老渔夫在海上一无所获地漂流了84天后钓到了一条巨大无比的马林鱼(marlin),这是一条比他的渔船还长2英尺的鱼,是在拖着渔船整整两天两夜之后才被刺死的。老人的命运似乎并不成功,他又遭遇了鲨鱼,经过殊死的搏斗,马林鱼只剩下一副骨架。 骨骼是精神的支柱,海明威看似没有让老人桑提亚哥成功,却以光秃秃的骨骼奏出了老人生命的硬度。 “我和你奉陪到死”——这个硬汉面对挑战如是说。暗喻他自身的英雄主义所在,还有他趋向坚韧的力量。故事的头尾,都出现了名叫明诺林(Manolin)的男孩——他希望继承老人的事业。何止捕鱼的事业要被传承,这副铮铮铁骨又何尝不为我们所崇敬、所供奉、所学习呢。在老人的故事里为什么有这个孩子的出现?年轻,象征着力量和希望,即便是老人,他的内心同样是年轻的。文中多次描写到狮子,阿非利加海滩上,狮子在笑闹嬉戏,它们浮现在老人的梦中,一直在老人的心中,同样揭示了老人永远不会老的意志。 海明威的这部小说荣获了诺贝尔文学奖和普利策奖。这个骨头里留有几百块弹片的硬汉作家,恰当地写出了生命的强度,告诉我们怎么去面对生、老、病、死,告诉我们心该有多宽,如海一般。老人是孤独的,他是在理想的道路上前行的旅人,但他又是不孤独的,因为他的意志是那样的坚强。 不妨将鲨鱼看作打击,吃掉你的成功和幸福。但正如那孩子说的:“它没有打败你,它没有。” ("He didn't beat you. Not the fish.") 一个真正的强者,只能被摧毁而不能被击败 ("A man can be destroyed but not defeated") 永不言败,这就是《老人与海》告诉我们的。 Santiago (Santiago) is a poor old man - seems to be yes. Hemingway (Hemingway) refining the language of their own to shape the image, it can be said that Hemingway did not successfully be given to the elderly, has been given under the pressure of the elderly in the image of elegance and fortitude. Nothing to老渔夫drifting at sea 84 days later caught a tremendous Marlins (marlin), this is a fishing boat than his two feet longer the fish is towing vessels in two days and two nights after the full was stabbed to death of. The fate of the elderly did not seem to succeed, he encountered the shark, after a desperate struggle, leaving only a skeleton Marlins. Bones are the pillars of the spirit, Hemingway seems to Santiago did not let the success of the elderly, but to the bare bones of the elderly to play the hardness of life. "I fight you to death" - a tough challenge says. Implied heroism of his own lies, as well as the strength of his tenacious trend. End to end the story, there are plications of名叫明fangchinoline (Manolin) boy - he hopes to inherit the cause of the elderly. Far more than to be the cause of fishing heritage, this pair of铁骨clank and so we respect not the worship, the study does. The story of the elderly why the emergence of this child? Young, a symbol of strength and hope, even the elderly, his heart is young. Text description to a number of times, lions, africa beach, the Lions play in笑闹, they emerge in the old dream has always been the hearts of the elderly, reveals the same old people will never be old. Hemingway's novel won the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Pulitzer Prize. The bones in hundreds of pieces of shrapnel left the tough guy writer, the proper strength to write his life, tell us how to deal with birth, old age, sickness and death, tells us how wide the heart, such as the sea in general. The elderly are lonely, he was approached in an ideal road trip travelers, but he is not lonely, because his will is so strong. Sharks may be seen as a blow to eat your success and happiness. But as the child said: "It does not beat you, it does not." ( "He didn't beat you. Not the fish.") A truly powerful, can only be destroyed can not be beat ( "A man can be destroyed but not defeated") Solely, which is "Old Man and the Sea" tells us.
G. 电影《老人与海》和《伟大前程》英文影评,200词左右。两部电影分开写。要影评,不要简介!要影评!
The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most enring works
and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation.It
played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the
1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in
the literary world.Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers.Besides
The Old Man And the Sea,I have read some of his other works,such as The
Sun Also Rises,A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro.But The
Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.
H. 老人与海英语简介(200字左右)及体会(500字左右) 用英语写,最好有翻译
The Old Man and the Sea 英文简介 The Old Man and the Sea, is a story of friendship between a young boy and an aging fisherman tormented by hunger and weeks of ill luck. Santiago, a once strong, proud ...
I. 老人与海英语读后感
On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fisherman's will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malin's fish which exceeds several times of one's own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet. Because big Malin fish fishlike smell of wound attract odd herds of shark vie for the food again later, but the old man is still unwilling to give up like this, stress the tight encirclement finally , take the large fish back to fishing port , let other fishmen admire it endlessly. The old fisherman thinks that as I read ": It is really too close from here to coast, perhaps there are bigger fish in the farther place ……" When,admire very much because this old fisherman in the persons, because play not for some fishing he already at this moment I, but he is not satisfied with the existing state of affairs , but advance towards greater goal. Seeing us again, meet some little difficulties at ordinary times , all of us complain bitterly. We are the future of the motherland, should be as ambitious as this old man, go to pursue well , greater goal. Read as me " big Malin fish is it enclose light fishing boat move about , is it get mast to twine cable fast to begin, old man right hand hold steel fork high , jump out in a flash , affording to try one's best above water in it, a sound of wail has finished the life of the loud fish, it floats on the surface of water silently ……"When,the I one heart is too fall like pieces of stone not big. I admire that kind of fearing of the old man at all , unremitting spirit very much, though know rival's strength is very strong , but he has not shrunk back at all , meets the difficulty. Just because there is this kind of spirit, the old fisherman has obtained the victory of the trial of strength of this life and death. We should study the old fisherman's spirit too in life, do the thing and is not afraid of the difficulty , could achieve success . Read big blood offensive smell of fish smell one shark , fall over each other to visit to vie for the food, left hand of old man pull a muscle just, he can only use right hand, can weapon attacked to used for defend oneself with stick , mouth of swordfish that catch everything, and has driven away this herd of shark finally. But big meat of fish take into big half already, but old man criticize one's own left hand " when the work this when have a rest " humorously also, I am subed by old man's optimistic spirit too. In life, some losses are unavoidable, we should treat the optimistic attitude , can't worry about petty gain or loss . Finally, the novel sees with a teenager that old fisherman has 18 feet of big long Malin's fish totally in the tolerance , the ones that have described this fish are enormous again, prove that old fisherman's difficulty overcome is big, than ordinary. Old fisherman's spirit that makes great efforts to struggle fearless of danger and difficulty that the novel has been extolled, we should be like him too, can' t be satisfied with the current situation , should be positive upwards, it should be unremitting to do anything, it must not give up halfway to meeting difficulty should meet the difficulty. Only in this way, we could obtain greater success and victory .