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发布时间:2022-09-03 17:01:44

㈠ 有什么关于动物的英语电影(搞笑),或者动漫电影


㈡ 一部欧美电影 是关于动物的好像是发生农场的故事记得有只猪 还有只鸭子整天上屋顶打鸣 挺搞笑的


这不电影还有续集叫pig in the city 中文名小猪进城,,,

㈢ 关于动物的电影英文名


㈣ 有哪些关于动物的英文电影不要关于狗和猫的,真动物和动画的都可以,越多越好,好的有加分!

首推狮子王(不老的神话) 丛林大反攻 马达加斯加1.2.3 里约大冒险 篱笆墙外 冰河世纪1.2.3 别惹蚂蚁 驯龙记 疯狂原始人 金刚(赞真人版美女与野兽) 飞天巨桃历险记 纪录片 帝企鹅日记 蓝色海洋 微观世界 一时只能想起来这些了如果都看过再问我要

㈤ 关于“动物”的英文电影

前些日子看了一部关于动物的英文电影,名叫《Animals are beautiful people》,译成中文是《可爱的动物》,挺好看的,也很有意思,建议大家看看

㈥ 谁能介绍一部关于动物的英语电影

With a relatively small budget for an animated film of only $60 million the people at Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios have done an incredible job.

They have combined state-of-the-art digital animation, the perfectly cast voice talents of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo and Dennis Leary (among many others) to create a highly entertaining, family film with a strong message about cooperation, friendship and caring for your fellow herd members. And how sometimes it takes many different creatures to make up a herd.

While watching this film I got a strong political message about getting along with the people that share your space -- maybe it should be required viewing for all world leaders!

David Newman -- yet another member of the Newman family of Hollywood composers -- provides a superb score that is not intrusive yet serves to move the action along and, at times, is positively toe tapping.

The overall look of the film is incredible; an intensely coloured, strangely believable fantasyland of snow, geysers, mud, rocks and ice. The indivial characters were delightfully believable too, with the facial expressions of Ray Romano's ‘Manfred' being a particular treat.

The entire sequence with the DoDos will leave no doubt as to where the expression `Dumb as a DoDo comes from.'

This is a good family film that keeps the things that could alarm or frighten children pretty much sanitized -- but real nonetheless.

It would be a great movie to see in the theater and to buy for home.

㈦ 那是一部关于动物的电影的英语句子

that is a movie about animals

㈧ 和动物有关的电影,例如:冰河时代 的电影有哪些要是英文的




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