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发布时间:2022-09-06 05:30:25

㈠ 谁帮忙写份英文电影赏析课的感想,不要某部电影的,300个单词左右

The Impressive Features of Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is one of the most charming films of recent times. Though it is a comedy, it isn’t only for fun. Its humour and symbols are quite complicated. From the film audiences can see Gump’s life philosophies, American social problems and national characteristics.

The use of symbols and motifs in this film are very excellent. My favourite symbol is the feather, which had drifted for a long time finally it landed beside Gump’s feet, and he picked it up. The motif of the feather represents Gump’s willingness to be blown around by the winds of fate and history. And I think the box of chocolates that Gump intends to give Jenney is known by everybody who loves films. Gump says that his mother always told him, “Life is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you are going to get.” The chocolates just represent life. Since the chocolates remind Gump of his mother and they are a gift for Jenny, they also represent his love of these two women. Maybe because of the meaning of the chocolates many film fans would like to choose the words said by Gump’s mother as their motto.

Through the contrast of Gump and Jenny we can see two different kinds of life styles. These are the two kinds of Americans life styles. Like many Americans, Gump is the optimistic side but he gets his fortune without know his harm to others. Like the other Americans, Jenny’s life is a mess she lives with drugs abuse and caught AIDS. Through Gump’s experiences audiences can learn about some social problems in America, such as segregation, Vietnam. Gump always can be the center of many great events of recent American history.

Gump has a charming character. Though he affected by mental disability he is a credible person. His innocent made him loved by audiences. When Lieutenant Dan loses his legs and said “I was Lieutenant Dan.” Gump said “You still Lieutenant Dan.” He always has powers and passions to face every new day. To Bubba and Lieutenant Dan, he gives them his real friendship. For Jenny, he pays his deep love.

Winston Groom give us a good story, Robert Zemeckis give us a good film. I love this film, because of its humour and its deep meaning. Forrest Gump is a memorable comedy, it is far more complicated than I have analyzed. Since it is complicated the critics are divided. This film has proced a series of culture about “Gump”, such as “Gumpish” “Gumpnized”. The writer and the editor can be teachers to the audiences to a degree. This film can let people think more about the life styles of themselves. It made me treasure love and the beauties in my life. After all it is a great film for me to appreciate.

㈡ 英文影视赏析大学选修课难吗


㈢ 评价《英语电影赏析》这门课程

通过对英文电影的分析与欣赏,让学生能够身入其境地了解电影中各种人物的对话,了解各国的风土人情、特有的文化背景、历史与现状、科学技术的发展、地理地貌等特点。 本课程借助现代媒体手段,充分利用各种可能的途径,获得各种特点的素材和资料,在课堂上和学生一起分析其中所用语言和其使用的环境,

㈣ 英文影视赏析作业!!!急!!!


㈤ 英语电影赏析 期末试卷


㈥ 英语电影赏析

F1: The Horse Whisperer
F2: The Ghost
F3: Sound of Music
F4: One-Runaway Bride
F5: Jane Eyre
F6: Roman Holliday
F7: Gone with the Wind
F8: The Shawshank Redemption
Ⅰ. Questions
In this section, there are 16 questions about the 8 films listed above; you are to choose 8 of them to answer in complete sentences. (48%)

1. Make a brief introction about Tom Booker in F1?
Answer:The story is about after girl named Geris who was 14 years old and her favourite horse were both injured,the girl’s heart was badly hurt,then she was not willing to speak any more.Her mother,Annie, knew that her destiny was contacted with the horse tightly.So she tried every method to find someone who could communicate with horses,and finally ,she succeeded,the man lived in Montana called Tom.With the help of Tom ,Geris regained her confidence of life,while Tom and Annie experienced a love that couldn’t be coalescent.

2. F1 is a simple plot line but conveys a heart-felt message, what is it?
Answer: Each of them takes their own paths but make it through some trying times, emerging stronger than when they began.

3. Who killed Sam and Why in F2?
Answer:He was robbed when come back from a play

4. To whom did Oda Mae make out the money and Why in F2?
Answer:To Carl for he didn't want he get the money.

5. Why does Captain Von Trap treat his children like in an army in F3?
Answer:Because his children had no mother,he hope all his children to be great .

6. Why do they sing in the Festival in F3?
Answer:They sang the "The Sound of Music” for Mary was leaving.

7 What decision had Ike made in order to find out the truth in F4?
Answer:He wanted to write a subject based on the woman’s story and lampooned it.

8. Why did Maggie change her mind to cooperate with Ike in F4?
Answer:Because she felt discomfitured with the subject he wrote when she was ready to marry to her forth husband.

9. Why is Jane so determined to leave Mr. Rochester in F5?
Answer:Because she found that Robert had already married.

10. How do the dialogues between Jane and Mr. Rochester display Jane’s character in F5?
Answer:The way she showed love is equal for each other and not other else,so the dialogue was flat but touching.

11. Why did Princess Ann run out of the palace she lived in Rome in F6?
Answer:Because she couldn’t bear the loneness in her palace.

12. Why did Joe Bradley pretend not to recognize Princess Ann at first in F6?
Answer:Because he wanted to catch the opportunity and made a lot of money.

13. What is the historical setting of the story in F7?
Answer:Before the war happened the south and the north. in 1861.

14. What is the love between Scarlett and Rhett like in F7? (Or why does Rhett never say “I love you” to Scarlett though he loves her so much?)
Answer:They love each other deeply that beyond words could express.

15. In the beginning of the F8, Andy was accused of murdering his cheating wife and his lover, and was sent to Shawshank Penitentiary. Was he the real murderer?
Answer:No ,he wasn’t.

16. What are the messages the story tries to convey to the audience in F8?
Answer:It tries to convey us the message that we should always remember freedom,friendship and hope.Never give up ,just head for what we stick..Let hope fill our heart all the time.

Ⅱ Write a review about one of the eight films you have watched in the class in about 300 words.(52%)

Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul
Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:
We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.
We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.
We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.
We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…
When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.

Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. But as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.
In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person’s GREat virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.
Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.

㈦ 英语电影赏析期末怎么考试啊,平时有什么作

English Film Appreciation

Appreciating Cinema

作 者: (英)林恩(Lynn,A.) 著
出 版 社: 外语教学与研究
出版时间: 2005-10-1 字 数: 版 次: 1 页 数: 467 印刷时间: 2005/10/01 开 本: 印 次: 纸 张: 胶版纸 I S B N : 包 装: 平装 所属分类: 图书 >> 外语 >> 英语读物

㈧ 英语电影赏析问答及翻译

翻译:1 In order to earn a large amount of money,he decided to write an exclusive about "Runaway Pricess"


3 为什么麦琪在她的婚礼上逃跑了?(逃跑新娘)

㈨ 如何通过看原版外国电影学英语

说到看原版外文电影,很多人第一反应是,涌进电影院去看目前被炒得火热的大片,这实际上是一种误解。现在的大片往往制作时注重追求视觉等感官刺激,而忽视语言的锤炼。看这样的影片,看的是热闹。 看电影学外语四步曲 第一步:硬着头皮看电影。在看一部新电影之前,千万不要看剧本,看不懂也要硬着头皮上,至少能对情节有所了解。 第二步:边看电影边研读剧本。不要以为考完了托福、GRE等就可以应付一切阅读。实际上,电影中的有些对话看起来很费劲,里面充斥着习惯用法和美国人独有的思维方式,要多看多听,才能适应它。 第三步:反复精听。争取听懂每一个单词,可以采取听写的方法。 第四步:背诵。一开始可以用中文思考美国人的逻辑思维,边思考边背诵,大约坚持10天左右。之后可以大体上用英文思考,把美国人的逻辑慢慢变为自己的了。背诵时重视模仿。 很偶然,在一次考试后我看了一盘原文的《黑衣人》VCD,里面有大量的非常诙谐的英文对白,这让我在笑得前仰后合之余突然对英语产生了很大的兴趣。由于电影里运用了大量的美国本土俚语,为此我还专门买了一本俚语词典。也是巧合,那段时间我接着看了好几部欧美的喜剧片,台词中那种对英语异常熟练的驾驭,不断涌现的轻松幽默的谈吐以及演员精湛的演出,让我对英语的兴趣大幅度提升。从这以后我保留了看原文电影的习惯;所以我的绝招就是看电影学英语。 这种方法最大的好处就是锻炼听力。这种电影听力不像听磁带那样干巴巴的,你可以通过事件发展的逻辑推理,感觉到台词的意思,或者可以多看几遍电影,熟知内容后对台词自然就有感觉了。 在词汇学习上,你可以将词汇的用法做详尽的分析,挖掘词语的深层含义,对词汇有一个全方位的认识,而不仅仅停留在"就词论词"上。例如《阿甘正传》中,阿甘在表达自己极爱吃巧克力时说,自己可以吃下"一百五十万块巧克力",I could eat a bout a million and a half of these. "million"一词在本句中是大量的意思,而并非说阿甘有过人之处,通过对"million"用法的分析,我对美国人的日常用语中用夸张的语气表示数量多的用法,有了一个更直观的了解。 另外,电影是文化的传播者,无论是故事的叙述,情节的发展以及人物关系的变迁都有着很多和中式思维不太相同的地方,而这些通过语言表达出来的文化差异,却不能仅仅用语言分析透彻,这就需要我们对西方文化,尤其是美国文化的一些特点加以了解,在了解的基础上再逐点分析,不断地加以总结,用心体会东西方价值观念的不同,以及由此产生的思维方式的差异,通过对西方历史文化等方面的综合理解,将语言上升到真正意义上的交流,让英语"活"起来。 当然,学外语也不能把精力全放到看电影上,这只能是一种学习的辅助方法。更重要的还是要你自己下工夫努力学习,这里所强调的不过就是在学习里加上一些快乐和兴趣,毕竟让学习很快乐是一件幸福的事。 通过电影能够掌握常用的口语句型,更重要的是学生可以通过电影情节非常容易的理解这种句型的适用语境,以至于有的人认为看好几部电影就能够学好英语口语了。然而,大部分学员在通过电影学习英语过程中有很大的随意性和盲目性,更多的时候是在看电影而不是在学习。作为北文英语学校英文电影赏析课的设计者和主要操作者,本人对此有一些看法,希望能够对广大学员有所帮助。 利用英文电影学习英语应该从硬件设施,电影选择,以及看片方法等多个方面加以注意。 首先,看英文电影最好做好物质准备。最好能够利用DVD影碟机或者电脑的DVD光驱。这一点尤其重要,因为DVD具有能够轻易调入调出字幕,中英文字幕随意切换的优点,这一点是VCD或者RM格式所难以达到的。绝大多数学员在看电影的过程中都离不开字幕的帮助。如果条件上不具备大家可以上网下载一些电影的DVD drip,另外再去一些字幕网站寻找这个电影的中英文字幕文件就是了。 适当的英文电影的选择可以说决定了学习效果的好坏,对于初级学员,建议大家选择电影的时候以题材轻松、内容简单、画面对语言说明作用强为原则。这样有助于大家通过电影的画面情节猜出语言的含义,避免学习中因听不懂、看不懂而去寻求字典等其他手段帮助而导致的疲劳现象。推荐电影:Sound of Music, Finding Nemo, Lion King, Beauty and Beast 等等 中级水平的学员除了学习语言本身外,更要提高对英语文化背景知识的了解。因此选择一些历史题材的影片进行学习非常重要。推荐电影:Forest Gump, Heaven Earth, Troy, Patriot, Brave Heart, Gone With the Wind 等等。 对自己的水平比较有信心的同学可以选择Sex and the City, Friends 等等时下比较流行的肥皂剧,通过剧情学习一些比较地道的口语表达,让自己的英语显得更加的地道。 但是,电影看得精彩,语言却经常是个障碍。自然生活对话的语速,在美国电影中还有大量的本土俚语,都是会令人沮丧的因素。如何将那些对话听得明白呢?如何理解那些经常出现的俚语呢?如何意会英语中不同于中文的幽默呢? 首先看英文原版的电影能够锻炼听力,从而提高英语的听力水平,应该是大家都承认的。所以从基础来讲,你必须有一定的单词量,尤其是对英语中千变万化的词组要尽可能的学习和了解。因为在日常生活中,你会发现英国人最喜欢用的大多是词组的灵活搭配,从而来体现细腻的神情或动作描写。那么这在看电影的时候,就已经起了相当大的作用。 那么是否要很大的词汇量和词组量才能看懂电影呢?答案是否定的。雅思的词汇量可能大家都知道,而只要具备雅思的词汇量,就已经足够能看懂电影了。另外一些小的技巧也值得一提: 1.看电影前一定先看懂它的介绍,并且对其情节有一定的掌握。对介绍中的生词和词组预先查字典了解中文的涵义。 2.看电影时,抓住关键字词。这一点很重要,经常在为一句台词没听懂而发愁时,你可能又错过了一句能帮助你理解上一句台词含义的句子。所以,如果你的词汇量不是很大,记住,对理解电影起重要作用的是出现在影片中的:人名,地名,形容人或事件的形容词,动词或短语等。 3.如果是系列电影的话,如指环王,哈利波特,看电影前先看他们的小说也会大大帮助对电影的理解。当然这里的小说是指英文原版的。 那么,看懂电影够了吗?答案还是否定的。我们从电影中要得到的可能除了娱乐放松外,还有真正的想过把瘾-让电影感染你。很多好的电影通过画面和音乐就做到这一点了,但是力求上进的你,不是想把文字在台词中的如何运用也了解一下吗?如果是的话,这就是看电影时语言给我们的最大挑战了。不过不用担心的是,你已经有相当的词汇量,对俚语也有些基础,看电影时的信心也和以前不同了。用最基本的方法,让自己有一个质的飞跃。是什么呢?笔记。对,这可能是让本文读者有些失望,这么老的方法!但是很管用。好记性不如烂笔头。当你把经常错过的,听不懂的,常用的语言句子词组写在本本上,经过十来部电影后,你会马上体会到这个方法会带给你得巨大收获。 在语言环境中耳濡目染,才能真正“活学”,掌握语音、词汇、句型、思维和文化;在语言环境中入乡随俗,也才能真正“活用”,达到理解和表达、交流和沟通。但是中国人在跟电影学英语时,多数人走入只看不听,或只听不看;只泛不精,或只精不泛的误区,以致看了一些英文电影,但是听和说却没有本质的提高。 但是学好英语,又必须从听说入手。因为学习英语听说可以使英语不再是望而生畏、死气沉沉的学问,而成为妙趣横生、鲜活灵动的实践。但是学习听说不等于“习得听说”,美籍华人的英语好是因为具备了“习得听说”的必要条件:英语环境。但是我们没有条件,可以创造条件,比如看美国电影和情景喜剧,有意识地给自己营造出一种国外的英语环境强迫自己用耳朵接受英语,同时开口说英文,就能在轻松、愉快的氛围中“习得听说”。 英语听说包括语音、语调节奏、用词、句式、思维和文化六部分。首先,对于任何一门语言,语音是基础,它不仅包括单词的发音,还包括真实交际中词汇、习语的连读、失爆、弱化、浊化、重音、缩读等许多音变形式。至于语调节奏,则是地道流利表达英语的润滑剂,没有接触过地道的老外,没有和他们有过面对面的交谈,是很难感受到语调节奏在表达思想中的巨大作用和强大震撼力的。语言是文化的载体,用词和句式的正确与否直接体现了对异国文化了解的程度。可以说,达到前三者就达到了与美国人的形似,若是又学会了美国人的思维和文化,能够用美国文化思维则可达到神似的效果。这就是立体英语教育模式,电影则是最好的媒介。



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