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发布时间:2022-09-12 04:38:01

❶ 乔布斯电影观后感





❷ 《乔布斯》电影观后感英文版200字














❸ 求乔布斯传观后感,要用英文写的

Steve Jobs a tour of the great practice of the heart, he used the perfect interpretation of the life energy to the heart-day tour of the essence - the pursuit of freedom to meet the needs of the people! He used wisdom, science and technology, and a lifetime of effort to create the apple, so that people jumped on the free use of technology a big step. And he has done the basic idea has always been based on his "life is not already naked, no reason not to listen to the call of the heart."


❹ 求一篇乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲的英文观后感,大概1分钟左右的演讲时间,不要复制网上的

Steve Jobs a tour of the great practice of the heart, he used the perfect interpretation of the life energy to the heart-day tour of the essence - the pursuit of freedom to meet the needs of the people! He used wisdom, science and technology, and a lifetime of effort to create the apple, so that people jumped on the free use of technology a big step. And he has done the basic idea has always been based on his "life is not already naked, no reason not to listen to the call of the heart."乔布斯一位心游的伟大实践者,他用毕生的精力完美诠释了心天游的精髓——满足人心追求自由的需要!他用智慧、科技以及一生的心血创造了苹果,使人们在使用科技的自由上跃升了一大步。而他的所作所为基本基于他一贯的思想“人生不带来,死不带去,没理由不听从内心的召唤。”

❺ 史蒂夫乔布斯传读后感(不要网上抄的)急





❻ 乔布斯电影英文观后感



❼ 乔布斯电影读后感

[乔布斯传读后感]史蒂夫·乔布斯是一个伟大的人,他推动了整个电子产品界的发展,为人类作出了重大的贡献,乔布斯传读后感。 1955年他出生了,可是他的亲生父母遗弃了他,保罗·乔布斯夫妇领养了他。他在父亲保罗·乔布斯的影响下,有了追求完美这种奇特的性格。这种性格使他失败过,但更让他成功了。 乔布斯的性格很奇怪,而且一旦他有什么想要达到的事他就不会善罢甘休——他读大学时由于不想上自己不喜欢的课,退了学,却又与学校商量,让他可以上自己喜欢的课。这种做法,是一般人难以想象的,更无法做到。 青年时期,他乔布斯热衷于电子产品。遇到史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克后,他们就成了好朋友。沃兹尼亚克对电子产业有惊人的天赋,于是他们便一起创办了苹果电脑公司。沃兹和史蒂夫一起制造出了appleI和appleII。沃兹尼亚克精通电脑,而乔布斯以他那种追求完美的精神为产品锦上添花——设计外壳、进行演讲,读后感《乔布斯传读后感》。appleII发布之后,苹果公司便强大起来。可是,在1985年乔布斯由于他的特立独行不得不离开了苹果。在离开苹果后的12年里,他又创办了NeXT电脑公司和皮斯克电影公司。可以说塞翁失马,因祸得福,乔布斯的皮斯克电影公司和迪士尼公司合作,制作了许多部精彩的动画电影,如《玩具总动员》、《海底总动员》。但是,1997年苹果已经濒临破产了,乔布斯决定回到苹果并拯救它。在他的慧眼识人、辛勤工作下,苹果又推出了IMac电脑,使苹果起死回生。之后,乔布斯更是制造出了Ipod、Iphone、Ipad这些优秀的产品。然而之后他被查出了癌症。可即使癌症附身,他依然在工作。直到2011年10月5日,乔布斯逝世了。 乔布斯拥有非凡的创造力和想象力。苹果公司的“非同凡想”广告中有这么一句,“那些疯狂到以为自己能改变世界的人,才能真正改变世界。”这是乔布斯的写照。在他的眼中,产品不是“天才”就是“狗屎”。但有些好点子,一开始被乔布斯称为“狗屎”,在乔布斯思考两三天后又被他称为了“杰作”。他拥有炙热的激情去完成每一件被他认为伟大的事情,即使耗费数不尽的金钱。 但他也不是真正完美。他也有缺点。他有很强的控制欲,总是跨级管理其他方面的情况。在他认为正确的事情上,他会竭尽全力去说服别人同意他,他的“扭曲现实力场”总会使人不得不同意。也是因为这样,他才被苹果开除。他追求完美的性格也会导致一些问题:NeXT公司一开始生产电脑时,他要求每个部件都用他满意的材料,这导致了价格的昂贵以及后来的失败。 但总的来看,乔布斯还是一个伟大的人,他用他的创意改变了世界,用他的热情感染了世界。〔乔布斯传读后感〕随文赠言:【这世上的一切都借希望而完成,农夫不会剥下一粒玉米,如果他不曾希望它长成种粒;单身汉不会娶妻,如果他不曾希望有孩子;商人也不会去工作,如果他不曾希望因此而有收益。】

❽ 乔布斯传读后感

Spent some time reading in winter vacation <<Steve? Jobs spreads >>. Is the author of this book American writer Walter? Isaacson, he hopes this book can be a book about innovating too. The fact is like this formally too. The author has visited the VIPs of every stages of Jobs' life, from different Jobs in the eyes of people of exposition with objective visual angle, the multidimension has shown Jobs' life.
Someone says , three apples have changed the world , the first enticement Eve, the second has broken and woken up Newton, but the third is in controlling of Jobs. Apple, world technological sign word of trend, whole world fascinated brand for it. But make it have a of today and brilliant one, whose name is only Jobs. Have Jobs only too, inspiration innovated to let reflect at the procts; There is only Jobs too, has a remakable marketing ability , so long as he gets a thorough understanding of a thing, can introce to ordinary people and hear in a simplest way ; On only Jobs too , could run quickly with the great prosperity of the undertaking in the dream of pursueing . His miracle can be plicated by nobody, nobody can surmount .
Talk about Jobs, you will think of that naturally and are bitten mouthful apple sign off, certainly you will like iPod , iPhone and iPad that he brings too, perhaps you will envy his success and wealth too, but we should study the way that Jobs passed by even more, consider the key point that he succeeds.
Go the same way level road of,in people eyes he perfect. And his initiative spirit with perfect pursuit and world firm resolution of change, moved and shaken by common people. Nowadays" U.S.A. is looking for and keeping one's own innovative advantage , the whole world is all making great efforts to build digital era economy creativly now, Jobs has become creativity , imagination and ultimate sign innovated continuously. He knows very well that the best way to create value in the 21st century is to conbine the creativity and science and technology together. "
Treasure it instantly . "If the last day when you regarded each whole day as the life, then, you are sure to think this is correct one day. "egard the last weather of life as as us one whole day, we will treasure every second past every in life further, treasure us favourites, treasure this world bring our everything bright. We no longer say that " wait for tomorrow. ",we no longer say:" Wait for it the next time. " . In order to realize the hope of a lifetime, in order to pursue perfect life, we no longer wait, we will take action immediately, leave the world many one strength to the limit on us; Leave one more resource for our descendants ; The person letting us kiss most experiences that time heat warm happiness because there is our care. " treasuring it instantly", Jobs and his group has accomplished .
Pursue the result. There are some such persons at our side: When appear in question, will find out various kinds of reasons to excuse oneself, they fail finally. There are some such persons at our side: Thoughtful and careful ring the process of doing things, defy the difficulty, unremitting, keeping improving, they have succeeded finally.
Jobs is a great practitioner who heart swam, the marrow that it swims that he annotates the heart perfectly with the energy of a lifetime - -Meet the need that the heart pursues freedom! He has created apples with intelligence , science and technology and energies of all one's life, makes people rise to a great step in using the freedom of science and technology. His behavior does not " bring in life on the basis of his consistent thought basically, stubbornly refuse to take, there is no calling that reason does not accept heart . "Jobs' bits are all wealth, we can learn a lot on one's body from him, life's joys and sorrows life road intersperse, have them might is it come down right away nonsensical to live. The most low ebb , the highest peak are all what people will go through , but the person with the idea will reform the goal, adjust the step , it is ready to set out; The mediocre person will stop the step , is satisfied with the current situation . He says: "You want to stay in remaining years by selling the syrup, or want a chance to change the world? " . Quite right, depend on you.

❾ 用50-80字一篇关于乔布斯my idol的英语作文

一篇关于乔布斯my idol的英语作文:

My idol is not a superstar who always shines under the magnesium lamp, nor a person who works hard for money and fame. He never gives up in the face of embarrassment.

When his employees were driven out of the company he founded, he still maintained a positive attitude and dared to challenge difficulties.

Later, he founded Pixar, a well-known film factory. The man with a legendary life, he is jobs.


❿ 乔布斯传读后感300词英文

Steve Jobs is the former chief executive officer and cofounder of Apple. Also, people consider him as one of the most brilliant and successful entrepreneur in the past decades. Apple achieves a series success under his wise leading, which makes people curious about knowing his secret and everything. Apple and their procts including Iphone and Ipad have changed peoples’ attitude toward electronic devices. Moreover, they change the way of our routine life, more and more people are regarding Apple procts as one part of their life. Apple achieves a series success under his leading, which arise people’s curiosity to his everything. What drive them different and change the world. One of the significant elements is Innovation and creation. Employers in apple are indeed the people who think differently with others so that their procts are revolutionary and perfect in current time. Steve Jobs shows us seven principles of innovation in his book The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. In this essay, I will explain and take some examples for each of them.



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