A. 《香奈儿秘密情史》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源
链接: https://pan..com/s/1GiXZiaFt8omKtNSmkcjn0Q
B. 由奥黛丽·塔图主演,讲述可可·香奈儿的那本电影叫什么
C. 《可可香奈儿》的英语影评
The movie could be viewed as rewriting history for the Chanel company as it portrayed Coco's mistress life as love stories, left out her Nazi collaboration and her use of royal connections to avoid trial. The movie also left out possible comparisons between her and Mata Hari, (the famous spy of World War I who was also a dancer and courtesan to the rich). However, any such comparison to Mata Hari may be viewed favorably today as she was said by the Gestapo to be working for the British. [9]
There is also a film starring Audrey Tautou as the young Coco, titled Coco avant Chanel (Coco Before Chanel), which was released on 22 April 2009. Filming on the project began 15 September 2008. Audrey Tautou is the new spokeswoman of Chanel S.A
D. 求电影《可可香奈儿》《迪奥与我》《伊芙圣罗兰传》的网盘,谢谢!!!!
链接: https://pan..com/s/1tFH8XZBPpAHhNztDQd9BHw
E. 可可·香奈儿的电影剧情
Chanel品牌创办人Coco Chanel,原名 “Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ” ,中文名:加布里埃·可可·香奈儿,1883年出生于法国的Auvergne。香奈儿有一段很不愉快的童年。她的父亲是兜售杂货的小贩,母亲是个村妇。1883年香奈儿出世时,父母尚未正式结婚,她对自己是个私生女这件事始终耿耿于怀她六岁时母亲离世,父亲更丢下她和4个兄弟姐妹。自此,她由她的姨妈抚养成人,儿时入读修女院学校 (Convent School),并在那儿学得一手针线技巧。这残酷的事实,使她在以后的日子里,总要极力的掩饰那段悲惨的童年生活。之后她在修道院的收容所里,度过了暗淡的少女岁月。在她廿二岁那年,即1905年,她当上“咖啡厅歌手”(Cafe singer),并起了艺名 “Coco”,在不同的歌厅和咖啡厅卖唱维生。在这段歌女生涯中,Coco先后结交了两名老主顾,成为他们的情人知己,一名是英国工业家,另一名是富有的军官。结交达官贵人,令Coco有经济能力开设自己的店子。
1910年,Coco在巴黎开设了一家女装帽店子 (millinery shop),凭着非凡的针线技巧,缝制出一顶又一顶款式简洁耐看的帽子。她的两名知己为她介绍了不少名流客人。当时女士们已厌倦了花巧的饰边,所以 Chanel简洁的帽子对她们来说犹如甘泉一般清凉。短短一年内,生意节节上升,Coco把她的店子搬到气质更时尚 (fashionable)的Rue Cambon,至今这区仍是Chanel总部的根据地。做帽子绝不能满足Coco对时装事业的雄心,所以她进军高级订制服 (Haute Couture)的领域。1914年,Coco开设了两家时装店,影响后世深远的时装品牌Chanel宣告正式诞生。
CHANEL这个单词没有特殊的含义,只不过是这个品牌的创始人Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel的名字,Chanel也有几款香水会用Coco来命名,比如COCO小姐淡香水。
F. 电影 可可香奈儿 那句时尚在变 但风格永存 英文怎么说哦~
Changeful Fashion, Perpetual Style.读法的话,每个人说的都有差别,但是运用英文文法拆开还是能狠好掌握的。
G. 《香奈儿》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源
链接: https://pan..com/s/11iRpdD5_XPT0spJ8gGPz4Q
H. 求可可 香奈儿生平简介(英文版)+中文翻译
Gabrielle chanel, there was a very unhappy childhood. Her father is the vendors selling groceries, mother is a village. Chanel was born in 1883, his parents have not been formally marry, she is an illegitimate daughter to myself it always. Chanel mother died at the age of 12, and her father left five brothers and sisters, they have since vanished. The cruel fact, made her in the later days, always trying to hide the miserable childhood.
After her in the monastery's shelters, spent a dim teenage years. After 18 years of age to leave the monastery, the tortuous, she tried all sorts of different jobs, there is even a short period of singing career. It is said that this is her nickname CoCo Chanel.
25 years old, she met the first lover in life - the mulberry, make her fate. Mulberry is a noble descent, he makes in its heyday of chanel, but because of the social environment at that time, two people can't formally. But however chanel with this squeeze flow of society. Clever she soon with prince aristocrats, later after the introction of mulberry, chanel, met the most important men in her life, she Arthur Capel, her life beloved.
Capel from humble beginnings, as the child of a mistress, though with his own struggle, in business plan, and in the first world war when the valve plug treaty on political secretary, become humble celebrities, but because of his humble origin and think to take a noble family. Although he told chanel are genuine, but eventually abandoned the chanel, went to England and married the daughter of a jazz. It breaks the heart of a chanel. To compensate for chanel's guilt, Capel financed let she opened a millinery shop in Paris, this is the chanel the starting point of my career
之后她在修道院的收容所里,度过了暗淡的少女岁月。18岁离开修道院后,几经周折,她尝试过各种不同的工作,甚至有一小段歌唱生涯。据说这也是她的别名CoCo Chanel的由来。
25岁那年,她遇到了生命中的第一位情人---巴桑,使她的命运有了转机。巴桑是一位贵族的后裔,他令芳华正茂的香奈儿倾倒,但碍于当时的社会环境,两人无法正式结合。然而香奈儿却凭此开始挤身上流社会。聪明的她很快就周旋于王孙贵族之间,稍后经过巴桑的介绍,香奈儿邂逅了她一生中最重要的男人Arthur Capel----她此生的至爱。