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发布时间:2022-04-16 02:46:14

㈠ 求电影<我是传奇>的英文介绍!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robert Neville is a scientist who was unable to stop the spread of the terrible virus that was incurable and man-made. Immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City and perhaps the world. For three years, Neville has faithfully sent out daily radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. But he is not alone. Mutant victims of the plague -- The Infected -- lurk in the shadows... watching Neville's every move... waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But he knows he is outnumbered... and quickly running out of time. Written by Warner Bros. Pictures

It is the year 2012. In the ruins of New York city. Robert Neville who is a military scientist who is the lone survivor of a biochemical disease which was supposed to cure cancer 3 years previous. With only blood thirsty zombies as his neighbors and his trusty dog, Samantha, Robert is trying to discover a cure for this disease and to find out any other people who might have also survived. Written by John Wiggins

㈡ 纳尼亚传奇3 英文电影名


㈢ 什么传奇 电影 英语 英格兰


㈣ 用英语单词形容梅林传奇这部电影

amazing splendid

㈤ 跟热血传奇有关的电影

电影不知道 我看过有本电视剧

侣 萧--饰哼奇奇 高泓贤--饰哈 伦
舒 畅--饰桐 瑶 聂 远--饰刑 天
孔 琳--饰玛 萨 何政军--饰静安王
王宝强--饰哪 吒 瑛 子--饰小龙女
向 能--饰敖 丙 梁 超--饰重阳子
蒋 可--饰岳阳子 刘潇潇--饰太乙真人
王 岗--饰李 靖

㈥ 黑道传奇的电影简介


链接: https://pan..com/s/1yByMLwctu9qtsbrbn_zgVQ



㈦ 电影《我是传奇》的英文简介

If you are fan of Matheson's book prepare to be disappointed as the film entirely misses the point, especially when it comes to the title itself. Having said that, taken on it's own merits the film is not all that bad. The opening half hour is well constructed and the lingering shots of a deserted NYC are quite effective. Will Smith reigns in his usual on-screen persona to deliver a good performance as Robert Neville, although at times it does seem as though he's playing to an audience which is at odds with the permeating sense of isolation (problems with the script rather than Smith himself). Aside from it's deviation from the book, the film's most glaring problem are the dark seekers themselves. They are entirely rendered in by today's standards unconvincing cgi and therefore never quite achieve the feeling of menace we're supposed to feel. Real actors in make-up with perhaps a little cgi augmentation would've been far better. Also the attempt to create an antagonist for Neville falls a little flat, as he comes across as nothing more than a slighter smarter creature with a grudge. What does work though is Neville's relationship with his dog, Sam. Considering they spend the majority of their screen time together it was important it felt like they had a genuine bond and they do. Also Neville's flashbacks to a time shortly before the worst of the outbreak are well-implemented, never interrupting the pace of the narrative. Ultimately it's the last predictable half hour of the film that falls flat and undoes most of the good work. It's worth seeing but for all Richard Matheson fans it will be frustrating at best. In fact, for anyone who read Mark Protosevich's script that leaked online a few years back you'll probably wish they made that film instead.

In the very near future a doctor creates what appears to be a cancer vaccine. I genetically engineered virus that when injected into 10,000 cancer patients, cured every single one of them. The problem is, when you play God, you may find out you’re not as good at as you might think. The virus mutates into a plauge that pretty much wipes out the entire human race, killing the vast majority of the population almost instantly, while leaving some survivors…. but most of those survivors are turned into Vampire/Zombie/Rage Virus type beings who lose their humanity and kill every survivor left uneffected. Will Smith is the last human being in New York, and maybe the world, who is also a military geneticist (what great luck) who works tirelessly to not only survive in this new nightmare world, but also struggles to find a cure for the rest of those who are infected.

Immediately after watching I Am Legend I went to a bookshop and bought myself a of Richard Matheson’s classic novel. Greater praise hath no man. It’s quite different from the film, mind, but not in a bad way.
New York City, 2012. Robert Neville (Smith) gets up every morning. Does his exercises. Eats breakfast. Listens to music. Takes his dog Sam out for walks, and to pick up supplies. Goes to work. Plays a little golf. Sends out a broadcast on the radio. Nothing so unusual about any of this, I hear you think. Well, no. Except that Robert Neville is, as far as he knows, the only living human being on the planet. He and Sam are entirely alone, and have been for three years.

In 2009, a scientist called, ironically, Dr Krippen (Emma Thompson, in an uncredited cameo), announces that she has discovered the cure for cancer – a retrofitted virus that is initially hailed as a breakthrough in modern medicine. But it isn’t long before the virus has mutated into a deadly airborne form, killing millions of people. Neville, a military scientist, is part of the team working to find a vaccine, but as the pandemic spreads, the government orders Manhattan locked down, with only the uninfected allowed to evacuate.

Those who the virus didn’t kill, it changed…

And now Neville lives alone with Sam, surrounded by strange, primal creatures who dwell in darkness, only emerging at night to eat. But Neville is determined to find a cure. He knows he is immune to the virus, he just doesn’t know why. He has set up a lab in his basement, and is determined to find a cure, testing various strains and solutions of his blood on infected rats. And one day he has the breakthrough he has been hoping for, and can start testing on humans…

Will Smith might seem like an odd choice to play Robert Neville (in the novel, apart from anything else, he is blond and blue-eyed) but actually his performance is excellent and completely believable. It’s easy to forget that Smith is actually a fine actor, and that his range is not just limited to action films. That said, there is quite a lot of action in I Am Legend, escaping from the infected, hunting deer (and Smith has clearly been through a gruelling training regime – the man is buff) but its in the quiet moments that Smith really shines. His face is more drawn than usual, and he’s clearly fighting for his sanity everyday.

The design of the film is absolutely superb. Danny Boyle did it first, and I Am Legend surely owes him a debt, but the scenes of New York with grass growing up between the paving stones, the buildings rotting, herds of wild animals rampaging between the abandoned cars are incredibly impressive and the budget here stretches to helicopter shots which obviously Boyle’s did not. Neville harvests sweetcorn in Central Park and fishes for carp in a museum. But all the while he keeps an eye on the time, for darkness is coming.

Cleverly the infected are only revealed bit by bit. First just as howls and screams drifting across the city. When Neville is forced to venture into a building to save Sam, we see more, but only in flashes from his torch. Far, far more scary to only see them in bits, and this scene has some great jumpy moments. As usual, once we can see them properly, they’re less interesting, but by then the story has taken a new turn – Anna (Braga) and Ethan (Tahan), survivors, hear his broadcast and come to find him. Though he has been desperate for company, after three years of complete isolation Neville finds it hard to cope, but now he has something else to live for.

Like all the best science fiction, I Am Legend says a lot about the times we live in, from the dangers of genetic tampering to our fear of pandemic diseases, from scientific rationality to irrational, but very human faith. It’s a powerful and ultimately uplifting film, despite the weak last third, and a disappointingly cheesy ending; a superb central performance by Will Smith, and acting awards for an Alsatian called Abbey, who steals every scene she’s in.

Starring Will Smith, Alice Braga, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Willow Smith, and Charlie Tahan

Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable...and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City...and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by "the infected"--victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings that can only exist in the dark and that will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, the infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville's every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what the infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.

Starring Will Smith, Alice Braga, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Willow Smith, and Charlie Tahan

Robert Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not contain the terrible virus that was unstoppable, incurable...and manmade. Somehow immune, Neville is now the last human survivor in what is left of New York City...and maybe the world. But he is not alone. He is surrounded by "the infected"--victims of the plague who have mutated into carnivorous beings that can only exist in the dark and that will devour or infect anyone or anything in their path. For three years, Neville has spent his days scavenging for food and supplies and faithfully sending out radio messages, desperate to find any other survivors who might be out there. All the while, the infected lurk in the shadows, watching Neville's every move, waiting for him to make a fatal mistake. Perhaps mankind's last, best hope, Neville is driven by only one remaining mission: to find a way to reverse the effects of the virus using his own immune blood. But his blood is also what the infected hunt, and Neville knows he is outnumbered and quickly running out of time.

In I Am Legend, Will Smith, as a U.S. Army officer who may be the last man on earth, drives at top speeds through the concrete valleys of Manhattan, which have been deserted for so long that the cracks in the roads now sprout scruffy green weeds. For sheer eeriness, that effect — the metropolis as vacant lot — far outdoes the desolate Times Square of Vanilla Sky, and Smith is the perfect actor (maybe almost too perfect) to play a survivor who has no one to talk to but his dog and himself. Smith has always worn his self-sufficiency like a suit of armor, often treating costars as sounding boards; he brings that jaunty insularity to the abandoned canyons of a trashed Twilight Zone New York. Here, though, he also draws on the vulnerability he showed last year in The Pursuit of Happyness, suggesting a man whose sanity is beginning to fray.

Based on Richard Matheson's 1954 novel, I Am Legend is a spooky-hokey postapocalyptic thriller built around our fear of contagion (the premise is that a ''miracle'' cancer cure has wiped out the earth's population). It's a movie that might have fit snugly into the zeitgeist had it been made in the early '90s, or maybe 1971 — when, in fact, it was made as The Omega Man, a somber but colossally silly Charlton Heston thriller. Let's be honest: The peril of infectious disease, while quite real, is hardly the anxiety of the moment. In spirit, I Am Legend is caught in some abstractly doom-laden sci-fi past. For what it is, though, the film is well-done, a case of suspenseful competence trumping questionable relevance.

There's one scary sequence in which Smith follows his dog into a warehouse, but as soon as you see the prancing, gnashing, veiny mutant humanoids who have taken up refuge there, you think, ''Okay, it's a fake-demon CGI movie.'' And so it is, though at least it never becomes a soulless monster-hunt videogame like Resident Evil. Smith, who keeps the movie grounded, isn't just surviving — he's on a mission. In The Omega Man, Heston faced a cult of white-faced hippie mutants in sunglasses and medieval monks' robes. Sometimes, CGI really is an advance

㈧ 艾米莉:勃郎宁主演《传奇》这部电影中心思想是什么

传奇 Legend (2015)
导演: 布莱恩·海尔格兰德
编剧: 布莱恩·海尔格兰德
主演: 汤姆·哈迪 / 艾米莉·布朗宁 / 克里斯托弗·埃克莱斯顿/ 大卫·休里斯 / 科林·摩根 / 更多...
类型: 剧情 / 传记 / 犯罪
制片国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2015-09-09(英国)
片长: 131分钟
又名: 金牌黑帮(台) / 大时代(港)
Tom Hardy一人分饰两角出演伦敦黑帮史上最叱咤风云的克雷兄弟,雷金纳德(Reginald Kray)和罗纳德(Ronald Kray)。他们统治了上世纪五六十年代整个伦敦的东区,从持械抢劫到暴力袭击,从收保护费到走私军火,谋杀,可以说是无恶不作。黑白两道通吃的他们在商界、政界、娱乐界都广受欢迎。兄弟中的弟弟自称是双性恋,与许多政客有染……警方在1968年将两兄弟捉拿归案,最终判处终身监禁,结束了他们罪恶的黄金时代……

㈨ 用英文概括《纳尼亚传奇》电影

150!give me!
Narnia has been taken over for several generations by a foreign human people who have settled there, the Telmarine. Prince Caspian's father, the king, has been killed and the uncle is the usurper. (Can you say "Hamlet"?!). Caspian is on the lam. Lucy, Edmund, Peter, and Susan are summoned to help by the prince's horn as they are needed. Caspian is found hiding out underground with the Narnians whom the Telmarines thought were extinct.

Alliances were formed with talking animals and various creatures, even some dwarfs and minotaurs previously allied to the White Witch--all oppose the foreigners in Narnia. Various exploits and battles ensue.

Aslan shows up briefly later in the film. The White Witch even has a brief scene.

This film is much less allegorical than the first, with much less sibling discord among the four English youngsters--Peter, Edmund, Lucy and Susan. They are all far more self-assured. especially Edmund.

Action sequences are top notch, and it seems they used fewer digital "people" than Lord of the Rings, which was OK: if you saw a cavalryman in the distance it was a real man and horse.

Prince Caspian, interestingly, several times was a real screw-up, Peter and Edmund basically saved his throne for him. At least Aslan showed confidence in him.

What was oddest was that although this film was made in New Zealand (as usual!), Slovenia, and Poland, all the Telmarines looked and sounded Spanish! ??? They all had Spanish accents, and even Caspian, played by Ben Barnes (born in London) spoke with a Spanish accent. The Italian actor who played Miraz said that the director wanted such an accent from all Telmarines.



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