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发布时间:2022-09-27 17:03:35

⑴ 莫斯科国际电影节在什么时间举行,主要目的是什么,主要活动项目有哪些,有哪些奖项




⑵ 求范文,,,要求如下。英语作文

Dear Peter:
I'm lihua .Our school next month to host a lecture on American film festival.I'd like invite you to this lecture and starred in order for the students.
The aim of the lecture is to understand somewhat of American movies.So you can introce American film history.For example:In1893 T.A electric film lens and creat the tumbrils studio is regarded as the beinning of Amercan history.and after American film appeared dishini animation and reached its peak.
Finally told you,and the lecture will last about an hour and a half.
Welcome to China!thank you.

⑶ 英语介绍戛纳电影节

Cannes International Film Festival, also translated as Cannes International Film Festival, was founded in 1946 and is the most influential and top international film festival in the world today.


With the Venice International Film Festival and the Berlin International Film Festival, they are also known as the three major international film festivals in Europe and the three major international film festivals in the world. The highest prize is the "Golden Palm Award".


The Cannes International Film Festival is held in mid-May every year for about 12 days. In addition to film competitions, market exhibitions are also held at the same time.


The Festival is divided into six moles: "Formal Competition", "Two Weeks for Directors", "One Watch", "Movie Critics Week", "New Appearance of French Films" and "Outside Market Exhibition".


Since its inception, the Cannes International Film Festival has always adhered to its original intention of promoting the development of the festival, revitalizing the world film instry, and providing the international stage for world filmmakers.


In addition to insisting on the original intention of the festival, the festival is also ready to accept new conceptual ideas.


In the past few decades, film festivals have been developing on the basis of their core values. They are committed to discovering new entrants in the film instry and creating a platform for communication and creation for film festivals.


⑷ 帮忙写两篇英语作文,高手进(高分)

Dear sir ,
i'm li Hua,a boy of sixteen,presently a senior student in Guangming Middle School. I'm writing to apply for the environmental voluntary work.
I'm a language lover and my oral English is pretty good, I also love different kinds of sports, including football and swimming. I love reading books in spare my time, particularly books concerned with environment protection.
As for my personality, I have a patient, friendly and extrovert temperament and I'm very ready to volunteer in protecting the environment.

looking forward to your reply
假定你是李华,你所在的学校拟在下个月举办美国电影节(American Film Festival)请你根据以下要点给你在美国的朋友Peter写一封信 ,邀请人啊给学生们做一次讲座 。信的内容包括:
(1)讲座的目的 : 使学生对美国电影有所了解
(2)讲座内容 : 简要介绍美国电影(制作)业的历史
(3)讲座时间 : 1小时30分钟
注意:(1)可以适当增加细节 (2)词数 100左右

Dear Peter,
How are you doing these days? An American Film Festival is going to be held in my school next mounth and I am writing for your help.
Can you possibaly give us a lecture on American films in order that the students can get better understanding of them? The lecture can include the history of the making of American films. It won't be long, one and a half minute will be fine.
I'm looking for your reply.
best wishes,
Li Hua

⑸ 设立亚洲电影节的目的以及意义是什么



⑹ 关于法国戛纳电影节的英语介绍




The Cannes Film Festival (French: Festival de Cannes) is an international film exhibition and film award that was first held by France in 1939 in Cannes, the southern city of the country, revived after World War II and expanded in the same place. It is one of the most influential film festivals in the world.

It is called the Five World Film Festivals together with the Berlin Film Festival in Germany, the Venice Film Festival in Italy, the Toronto International Film Festival in Canada and the Caroville Film Festival in Czech Republic. It is also called the Four World Art Film Festivals with the Berlin Film Festival, the Venice Film Festival and the Moscow Film Festival in Russia.

Cannes Film Festival is held in mid-May every year for about 12 days. It usually opens on Wednesday and closes on Sunday every other week. In addition to film competitions, market exhibitions are also held at the same time.

⑺ 急求:大段的英文翻译 关于嘎纳电影节

The world's largest and most important film festival one. In 1939, France to Italy and France against the then regime controlled by the Venice International Film Festival, decided to set up France's international film festival. The outbreak of the Second World War so that the preparatory work come to a halt. After the end of World War II, on September 20, 1946 in the southern French resort of Cannes, the first film festival. Since inception, with the exception of 1948, 1950 closure, and in 1968 stopped off, held annually, for a period of about two weeks. In 1951, in time to fight for as early as the Venice International Film Festival, has been postponed to May held.
In the 1980s, generally every year dozens of countries and regions participated, showing hundreds of films. The number of participants up to tens of thousands of people. Film Festival is the main purpose of evaluation of the rest of the world have artistic value of outstanding films, among the countries to encourage cultural exchanges and cooperation, and promote the exhibition of films in cinemas for more commercial film distribution.
Main activities of the project are: ① held various film competitions and awards; ② held outside or special, such as "commented week," "director Specials," "prospects for the French film"; ③ creation of the international film market , showroom film; ④ organized retrospective.
The film will decide the Palme d'Or (best feature film) Award, Jury Award, best male, female, Best Director, Best Screenplay and the Special Jury Award and other awards.
China by virtue of the fifth-generation directors Chen Kaige film "Farewell My Concubine" was 1993 Cannes International Film Festival Golden Palm Award; Jiang Wen's "Guizi coming" was 2000 Cannes International Film Festival Jury Award

⑻ 电影节英文解释

Academy of Motion Pictrue Arts and Scisences
Berlin International Film Festival
Shanghai International Film Festival
Cannes International Film Festival
Montreal World Film Festival
New York Film Festival
Sydney Film Festival
Stockholm International Film Festival
Taiwan Golden Horse Film Festival
Chicago International Film Festival

⑼ 英语翻译

If you were Lihua , your school would hold American film festival next month, invite him to have a lecture.
Purpose: Let students know something about American film
Contents:Introce the histroy of American filmdom,
time:about one hour and a half

⑽ 关于柏林电影节

• 戛纳国际电影节:不仅是世界规模最大的电影盛会之一,也是欧洲最大的电影市场之一。 1946 年 9 月 20 日,法国政府在国际旅游胜地戛纳举办了第一届国际电影节,由法国艺术行动协会组织,后改由法国工业部和商业部共同组织。以后除 1948 年和 1950 年因财政困难而停办,1968年因“五月风暴”影响未能举办外,每年 5 月举办一次,为时 2 周。举办电影节的主要目的是鼓励各国间的文化交流与合作,评价世界各地的优秀影片。 电影节期间,每天平均要放映三四十部故事片,这些影片分为比赛节目和非比赛节目两种。授予最佳影片的大奖,叫“金棕榈奖”(初名“金鸭奖”)。此外,设最佳导演奖、最佳男女演员奖、最佳摄影、最佳音乐等奖,还有评委特别奖、最佳娱乐奖、最佳剧本奖、特别国际奖。

• 威尼斯国际电影节:1932 年,贝尼托•墨索里尼在意大利水城威尼斯创办了世界上第一个国际电影节。它的目的是为了促进电影工作者的交往和合作,为发展电影贸易提供方便,后来人们称威尼斯国际电影节为“国际电影节之父”。这个电影节除评选和奖励优秀影片外,还放映大量观摩影片,其中包括在其他电影节上得过奖或未入选的影片,举行各种讨论会、纪念活动,开办电影市场等。这个电影节的特色是每次都有一个主题。 威尼斯电影节在 1934 年举办第二届之后每年举行一次(二次大战期间停办 7 年),大都在当年八九月间,为期两周。 二次大战前的奖项主要有:最佳影片奖、最佳导演奖、最佳男演员奖、最佳女演员奖、最佳外国片奖,最佳意大利电影奖、特别奖。 1946 年增加了圣马克金狮奖、圣马克银狮奖。
柏林国际电影节是欧洲最有影响的综合性国际电影节之一。创始人是阿尔弗莱德•鲍尔。这个电影节自1951年在西柏林创办以来,每年一次,为期两周。目的是通过放映来自世界各地的优秀影片,促进全世界国际电影工作者的交往,并为发行影片提供机会。电影节主要内容是合作故事片及短片的评比,同时举行故事片、长纪录录片、短片、动画片观摩展。每次放映的各类影片有二三百部,有时高达五百部。同时一种类型的影片,每个国家和地区提供一部。在会外放映的影片,每种也不得超过八部。电影节期间,还为电影工作者举办专场演出,举行电影座谈会,举办青年电影论坛,或为某个国家和地区举办有代表性的影片回顾展,以探讨电影的新倾向、新流派。另外还设有国际电影市场,进行电影交易。 柏林电影节原在六七月间举行,自1978年起,为了和法国戛纳电影节竞争,提前至二三月间举行。它的主要奖项有金熊奖、银熊奖、国际评委会奖、评委会特别奖、纪念奖等,分别授予最佳故事片、短片、导演和男女演员等。 最初柏林影展为观众票选,1957年起才改为现今的评审制度。标榜世界和平与友爱精神是该影展成立宗旨。柏林影展另一特色便是拔擢新导演,特别是处女作,并设奖项鼓励,许多名导演便于此影展崭露头角。
“奥斯卡”这个名称的来历说法不一,较为可信的是, 1931 年,电影艺术与科学学院图书馆的女管理员玛格丽特•赫里奇在仔细端详了金像奖座之后,惊呼道:“啊!他看上去真像我的叔叔奥斯卡!”隔壁的新闻记者听后写道:“艺术与科学院的工作人员深情地称呼他们的金塑像为奥斯卡。”从此,这一别名不胫而走。



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